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(Tiffany's POV)

Chucky did this to me... He didn't change after 10 years, and he was never going to change. Right now he was sitting up on a shelf while I read one of his books he pointed out to me. If he thinks I'm keeping him around after I fix this, he is dead wrong. I remember calling the cops on his sorry ass that got him killed at the toy store in the first place, or at least I thought so. His smug ass was looking at me while I flipped through the pages trying to find a way to clean this mess... Finding out how to kill him again would be nice too.

Chucky-Face it, Tiff. You need me, otherwise, you're stuck like this for good.

Tiffany-I don't need you. I'll just look it up myself.

Chucky-Oh, go ahead. Chapter 6, page 217.

I went to the page and found something in it about "The Heart of Damballa".

Tiffany-The Heart of Damballa... What's that?

Chucky-An Amulet! We need it to transfer our souls into human bodies.

Tiffany-Ok, where is it?

Chucky-I was wearing it around my neck the night those bastards gunned me down. It was buried with my corpse in Hackensack, New Jersey.

I smiled inside a bit when he mentioned being shot and still had no idea it was because of me after neglecting me.

Tiffany-Alright, let's go.

Chucky-Sure, I'll stir and you can work the pedals. WE'RE DOLLS YOU DOPE!!!

I played it in my head and it did not turn out so well. I tried to think of a few ways to get there without causing attention, but...


Chucky-Ayyyeee... Shut up!

Tiffany-You shut up!... YOU'RE THE REASON THAT I'M LIKE THIS!!!

Chucky-Am I?! You put me in a fucking playpen then teased me with a fucking marriage with that a fucking hunk of plastic wearing that wedding dress!


Chucky-*Gasp*... YOU FUCKING SLUT!!!

He jumped off the shelf to fight me, but I knew about a harpoon gun I got when I killed a fisherman who spilled beer on me at a bar. I quickly went for it only to find that I was too small to hold and load it fast enough, but I got the spear part I needed.


I turned around and impaled the piece of shit in the chest and he looked at me in shock before he smiled.

Chucky-Hehehehehe... Have fun being a doll... doll.

Tiffany-Fuck you.

I ripped the spear out and let him fall to the ground before I thought of a way to get to Hackensack.

(Timeskip 3 Days)

((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 6

I just got off the computer for online school and then left my room to go see my dad, but I heard he was in his office. Maid has the week off, so I had to try not to make a mess, but we still had the chef to make food and clean dishes... He just doesn't like anyone in the kitchen he works in. He even had doors put up with locks on them while he was in there that only he and my dad have keys to. I decided to go out and play in the woods next to our neighborhood. Sometimes I try to catch an animal since only rabbits, deer, and birds are out there. Home gets boring a lot, I don't have any friends since not a lot of kids are in my neighborhood, and they are not my age.

(Y/N)'s mind-I wish... I just had a friend.

(Tiffany's POV)

I managed to make it to the grave site, but it was already refilled and the equipment was gone. I bet they put the heart in a pawn shop or something. I'll check there first and if it's not there then it'll be at the police station here. When I made it to the only pawnshop in the nearest town by going through back alleys I managed to pick the lock through the back door.

Tiffany's mind-This lock is so old and easy to pick... They really need to beef up security.

Better for me because I snuck in and there were a few people in the front, but the back was empty. The piles of junk back here were beyond belief for such a small shop, but only one had jewelry. The heart had to be in that pile, but it wasn't.

Tiffany's mind-No! It's not here!

Just then I heard someone coming back here, so I just sat down and acted like a doll then some fat ugly man picked me up.

Man-Jack! We have a system back here you know!... Huh, you look in good shape... Maybe worth a couple of bucks.


He just put me down to write on a tag and then stuck it on me before he took me up front and put me on a shelf. Looks like I'll be here at least until closing then I'll check the police station next.

((D/N)'s POV)

All this detective work is really getting to me and some of my co-workers keep telling me to spend more time with my son. I don't have much time for that and besides... I invest in some very good stocks and make good money there to buy him things like toys and games, so he's not bored. I'm out for a drive right now to clear my head then I decided that maybe the pawn shop has something for my hobby of collecting antique weapons to add to my study. I pulled up and went inside and the people here know me.

Jack-Hey (D/N). The weapons case is the same as you left it before.

(D/N)-Just got a good chunk of cash. Let me see that 1915 vintage pistol.

Jack-Alright... Anything interesting at work happen? Heard that the serial killer's grave got dug up just to confirm he's dead.

(D/N)-Charles Lee Ray. They got some medal or something off him and trying to see if it was stolen or linked to some cult.

Jack-Sounds cool.

We got back to the topic of the weapon then I examined it. It looked amazing on the outside, but you get rifling, it was rusted in there, so that should bring the price down. Not like I would use it for shooting, it'll just be on display in a case. After discussing it over with Jack and a few other workers here, I got the pistol to go down 8% in price. I was about to leave, but I noticed a doll that looked in good condition and my son did like toys.


(D/N)-That's an interesting design.

Jack-Someone found it in the back, but nobody knows how it got there. Looks like one of those good guy dolls someone just decorated or something.

The price said $35 and my son could get another toy to play with and it does look cool for a kid's toy.

(D/N)-I'll take the pistol and the doll.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I got home a while ago and just played on my Nintendo Switch then I heard the door open downstairs. I continued playing then my dad came in wearing his work clothes and smiled at me.

(D/N)-Hey buddy. I got something for you downstairs.

(Y/N)-What is it?

(D/N)-It's a new toy and I think a special girl you might meet one day will like it.

(Y/N)-Dad. Gross.

(D/N)-Let's see how long you say that. Now come see your new toy.

He left and I just wanted to finish this boss fight before I went to see it, but I wonder what dad got me since I didn't tell him anything. He mostly gets the wrong thing on his own.

(Tiffany's POV)

What luck do I have?! Not only do I know where the heart is now, but know someone with access to it while I have the perfect nearby cover. I hope Chucky is watching from hell that I'm doing just fine without him again and that he can go suck himself off all he wants now. I was in a box the dad put me in and waited for this kid to open it because it was getting stuffy in here. The brat won't know what hit them after I don't need them anymore.

(D/N)-About time? What kept you?

???-I wanted to beat the boss in Zelda.

(D/N)-(Y/N), how many times have you beaten that game?

???-Not the Breath of the Wild.

(D/N)-Just open the box.

It's showtime. Soon the box opened and I was expecting to see some average kid since the dad wasn't much to look at for me, but instead... they were cute. They had (H/L) (H/C) hair, sparkling (E/C) eyes, a cute button nose, and (S/C) skin that looked so smooth. They weren't just cute... They were adorable.

(Y/N)-A doll?

(D/N)-Got it at the... toy store on the way to the pawn shop. You bring a girl over they might like it and be all over you.

(Y/N)-Nobody here is my age.



(D/N)-Nothing. Go put it in your room. I'm gonna be in my office doing work and will come out when dinner is ready.

I thought Chucky was a piece of shit... Actually, this guy and Chucky are on the same shitty level, just from different worlds. (Y/N) took me to his room and I was surprised a cop could afford a place this nice unless he was doing something else on the side. The kid's room was almost as big as my trailer and even had his own bathroom, but I saw the dad's bedroom on the way here and it was bigger. I was placed on a chair while he opened his toy chest and for some reason, I saw a lock on it that said 'grounded'... I guess his toys get locked up when he gets in trouble. The chest almost looked full. He looked at me a few times before seeing I would not fit, so he closed it and then closed his door.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I went back to playing my game on my Nintendo Switch after I hooked it up to my T.V. then tried to level up a bit before I went on the next mission. During the game, I heard something and looked at the doll when I saw it could talk.

Doll-With this ring, I will be wed.

I wonder if the toy was on a timer and I didn't want it to go off in the middle of the night. I got up to go take the batteries out, but when I knelt in front of the toy and was about to grab it...

Doll-Hey their cutie pie. ~

She sounded different this time and the time was way off or something.


I snapped my fingers in front of the doll... then it grabbed my hand with both its arms.

Doll-I'm talking to you.


I fell back and backed away a little when she just got up by herself to get off the chair and walked over to me. I was so confused that before I knew it, she was rubbing my cheek a little.

Doll-Don't be scared, little guy. I'm not gonna hurt you. ~

(Y/N)-Who are you?

Doll-My name is Tiffany.

(Y/N)-What kind of doll are you?

Tiffany-Me?...I'm a special kind of doll. Only one of me, Sweetie, so you just hit the jackpot.

I got up and she just looked up at me before she walked up to my bed and crawled on then took her shoes off.

Tiffany-Ahhh, traveling in a van for days alone can really take it out of a girl. So what's this game?

(Y/N)-It's called Zelda Breath of the Wild. A game where you are an adventurer named Link and you save Princess Zelda.

Tiffany-Sounds fun... You like princesses? ~


Tiffany-*Giggles* I'm only teasing.

(Tiffany's POV)

This kid just got even cuter when his cheeks blushed so hard and he got all defensive. He just got back on his bed with me to play his game and I didn't bother watching the game but cuddled next to him. Given he was taller than me now, I thought about Chucky and how he always took me for granted...

Tiffany's mind-Chucky, if you're watching this right now... Feel free to let this piss you off as much as possible.

Tiffany-Hey (Y/N), I'm gonna take a bath right now, and after, how about we watch a movie and cuddle?

(Y/N)-You take baths?

Tiffany-I'm special, remember?

I just gave him a kiss on the cheek before I went to the bathroom and turned on the water and even with this plastic body... The warm water felt so good after days without having a bath or shower.

Tiffany's mind-There's no harm in enjoying myself a little before getting the heart... I'll toy with the kid a bit longer and see where it goes.



More of this please

Aiden Cassidy

This is definitely interesting and I would enjoy seeing more