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(Yuna's POV)

Last night after we got home, I took my new baby to bed with me and slept with him like he was a toy for me to cuddle. I have not slept that good in so long or woke up so happy. No doubt my family was home and I had to my baby presentable for his sisters, so he was in the bathroom with me and this bath was big enough to be a small pool with massage jets. After I washed him with a shower head as he sat on a stool I got to work on myself before I soaked in the bath while cuddling. When it was time to get out I looked into his eyes and cheeks to see how nervous he was taking a bath with me. If we are going to be mother and son then he'll need to get used to bathing with me because he will be doing this a lot since he will be sleeping in my room. My husband tried to come in earlier since my door was locked and he wanted something, but I ignored him.

Yuna-We're gonna go surprise your sisters. They'll be so happy to see you again! ~ *whisper*

She picked me up and held me like I was a baby before she took me out of her room and into the hall of her big house. She peaked around the corner then said something I did not understand.

Yuna-ああ、女の子. 私はアメリカからのお土産を持っています. ~


That sounded like Mai, so I guess they know another language then soon both Mai and Kioko came around the corner and looked happy to see me.



They ran over to us and started to coo me with Yuna then Kioko took me into her arms.

Mai-Where are the others? They sure came quick.

Kioko-Something happen?

Yuna-Ummm... ゾーイは、彼女が彼の年老いた恐ろしい父親に対処している間、彼を見るために彼を私にくれました.

Mai and Kioko just looked at each other before they took me around the house and it had sliding doors, but other than that, it was the same kind of house Ms. Caine has. The table was short too with pillows by it instead of chairs. Mai took me from her sister then Chang walked in with some chefs already eating food until he saw me.



Yuna-Speak in a way he can understand, or focus on your food.

He only shrugged his shoulders before the chefs passed out plates and some of this food looked weird and they didn't give us spoons, or forks, or anything except for two sticks.


Mai told me that these are called chopsticks and they when my plate came with chopsticks she tried to teach me. My first try failed, second the food fell out of the sticks, and the third time I tried to use both hands only for the food to fall off again.

Mai-Here, like this.

She got one of the small rice balls and held it to me, so I took the bite since this time... I really could not feed myself.

Mai-Woah there. Don't try to eat the rice in one bite. ~ *giggles*

She kissed my head and tried to teach me more about how to use chopsticks, but I hated it and just wanted to give up. I tried to ask for a fork, but Yuna said they didn't have any, so Mai just fed me.

Yuna-So girls, (Y/N) will be here for a while, and he will be sleeping in my room.

Kioko-Why not with me?!

Mai-Or me?!

Yuna-Now calm down. I'm heading to work after breakfast and you two are going to watch him... Take him to our vacation home and show him the game room. He'll love it.

Chang-I'll go with you to the main casino.

Yuna-Why? Just stay home.

Chang-I'm going.

Yuna-*Sigh* Just stay out of the meeting.

(Servant's POV)

Nobody would dare enter the madam's room or her daughters since they were furious about what the Rohan family did with their newest family member. Last person that went to check on Coral who was supposed to be the most sweet and gentle of the daughters, got yelled at while she was crying and having a melt down to the point she punched a hole in her door trying to hit them. I'm about to try to comfort their mother, but it took me a bit to muster the courage to open the door. When I did, she was standing at her window with her claws out then she looked at me with fury in her eyes.



Servant-*Gulp* W-We informed the police of the kidnapping... Madam Caine.


Servant-Th-They need to contact the police where Mrs. Rohan is and they said they... Um...


Servant-A w-warrant.

Zoe-... How long?

She sounded calm and looked collected, but I know she was as far as you could get from that in her situation.

Servant-I-I don't know.

Zoe-Then how about this... My plane getting ready for Japan.

Servant-Madam, with all due respect we think that is not idea for you to travel to Japan.

Zoe-Who's we? Why is is not a good idea for me to go get 'my' son.

She walked up to me slowly and I saw it in her eyes... I'm her prey and if I make a run for it or move in a way she doesn't like, she'll snap.

Servant-A-A few servants and I just thought you would do something that gets you in trouble e-e-even though you have every right to have your son with you.

She stood still and looked at me in the eyes before she walked to my side and broke eye contact with me. With the room beind dead silent it made it eerie then she put her hand on my shoulder.

Zoe-I want that ticket to Japan, I want my plane ready, and I don't want to hear what you all think... Say yes.





(Zoe's POV)

I walked out of my room and I will get my papers and expect my ticket to be ready for me, but first, i'm gonna check on my daughters. Kinsley didn't post much today other than her new little brother being kidnapped which got her fans reacting, and her door was locked since she wanted to be alone. I went to Coral's room and saw a hole in her while and she was crying in bed.


Zoe-Hey sweetie, i'm gonna go get your little brother and Yuna and... We're gonna have a talk.

Coral-*Sniffle* *whimper* I-I wanna go.

Zoe-No sweetie. Your mother is gonna take care of this, but I have a few jobs for you and your sisters. I need you to make an online shopping order for a couple of things to help keep your little brother secure.

Coral-O-Ok. *whimper*

Zoe-Honey. ~

I hugged her for a while before I went to go see Alesha sitting alone outside by the pool, and when I went up to her, she looked mad.


Zoe-Hey sweetie, I'm gonna head out to get your brother. I'm giving you and your sisters a job to make a list online for one of our staff to go get. Make sure it's things to help keep your brother close to us at all times.

Alesha-Like child leashes and stuff?

Zoe-Exactly. I only want the best quality, so make sure Kinsley if there with you. I don't want 'anything' cheap or poorly made.

Alesha just got up and headed inside to go get started already then I went in to get my papers and the staff just printed my ticket.

((D/N)'s POV)

Ok, so getting a gun when you have no money, not enough aid, and possibly going to be forced to do small jobs if my luck doesn't turn at the casino. Last time, I managed to earn $25 washing windows for strangers then got it doubled at the casino, but then lost $30, so I only have $20 left. I didn't feel lucky, so I left for the day and with this I can't even get a cheap airsoft pistol that looks real.

(D/N)'s mind-Ok, wash more windows, double it at the casino, pull out when I lose money, and get an airsoft gun... How hard can it be?

(Yuna's POV)

I just arrived at work and the client I am seeing today prefers to speak English, so I just let my husband follow me upstairs while holding my hand for the crowd. I put on a fake smile and waved until we made it to the back then made it clear for him not to touch me right me. I made it to the office and the client and I spoke terms on a loan to my casino. He owes the casino 152,000 yen which was bad, but he wanted to give me something in exchange I forgive this.

Client-I came to you personally to give you some information. It's something you're really gonna wanna know. You just need to forgive this debt and I promise, after I tell you everything, I will not set foot back in here again.

Yuna-What can you possibly know?

Client-First... If it's worth it, do we have deal?

He held out his hand and I can always say no if it's something small. I took his hand and shook on it then he took out his phone to show me pictures... My husband is with a leopard woman and getting handsy with her while she looked uncomfortable.

Yuna-... What?

Client-There's more.

(Timeskip After 47 Pictures)

(Chang's POV)

My wife called me up to the office for something important and just when I was getting my game on with the cute slim bunny at the snack bar. I had to go finish this quick. I got up to the office and when I did, I saw my wife and the client in here, but she looked super pissed at me.


Yuna-SIT!!! DOWN!!!

Chang-Um... We're speaking English?

Yuna-SIT DOWN!!!

I quickly got in a chair then she turned her computer to me to show some of the girls I hooked up with this month.

Yuna-You can leave now?

Client-Is my debt forgiven?

Yuna-YES!!! GET OUT!!!

The would guy quickly ran out of the office and my wife slammed her hand on the desk to make everything shake and I was trying to think of something to say.

Yuna-I knew you were too inactive in sex! Turns out it was just with me, right?!


Yuna-You think I don't see their bodies then mine?! How they look slimmer and shorter than us!

Chang-I can expla-!

Yuna-No you can't! I've been struggling to stay loyal in this marriage while you were out having fun!... SAY IT!!!



Chang-I... I... Fine... I like woman smaller than me. This was only an arranged marriage and I thought... you might... do the same.

Yuna-*Growl* You wanna hear something?


Yuna-I'm, pregnant again, and have been for almost 2 months! I know it's yours because unlike you, I don't whore myself out.

Chang-Why didn't you tell me?

Yuna-How did you not notice?! I stay loyal to you when all you cared about was the food and money you use to get other woman! Some don't even want you while I've been trying!

Chang-Well... Cat's out of the bag... Name anything you want?

She only looked at the desk and she held her belly before she sat down.

Yuna-What I want?... I want you gone.

Chang-I... I can go get the divorce papers.

She remained silent and I just slowly left the room earning one final glare from her before the doors closed. I just need to get the divorce. I saved up plently to keep a good life style and land someone else anyway.

(No POV)

When Chang left, Yuna went on her phone she kept secret in her desk that looked cheap and old, but it worked to make texts. She started by sending a picture of her 'husband' and called a favor to a shady partner.

Yuna's text-Finally calling in that favor... I want him gone.

???-It's been how many years? Lol... Fine though... After this we're even.


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