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((Y/N)'s POV)

Dexter's mom had me on her lap for a while until I thought it would be a good idea to go back inside before someone comes by, like the mailman or my mean neighbor I told her about. She didn't like him already and I don't really like him that much either, but he watches me and helps me when I need it, so that has to count for something. When we got inside I wanted to go to my room to play with my toys, but then I saw Nicole with an ice pack, heading to my dad's room.


(Y/N)-What happened? Is Maddie hurt?!

Nicole-Um... Yes.

Just then the door to my dad's room opened and I saw Maddie come out, and she looked perfectly fine.


Nicole was lying to me and I wondered what Maddie was doing in my dad's room, so I ran to go see and they both tried to stop me however, i got to the door and opened it. I looked to see someone else in my dad's bed and when I got a closer look Maddie quickly picked me up, but I saw who it was... Drew Saturday.


(Y/N)-When did she get here?

The others came in and Maddie finally put me down since I already saw her and they told me she got here while Dexter's mom and I were outside. She even had her fire sword, but Maddie put it in her room. Nicole put the ice pack on Drew's head and I wanted to wait by her side for when she wakes up, but then I saw her legs and wrists were tied.

(Y/N)-Hey, let her go!

Nicole-Those are for our safety. She had a sword.

(Y/N)-Drew's a hunter that fights monsters and bad guys. She won't hurt us when she learns we won't hurt her. She will if she wakes up to being tied up!

I did my best to untie her while the others watched and I finished just in time because Drew is waking up now.

(Drew's POV)

My head felt a little fuzzy after that last mission, but the last thing I remember was an earthquake then... portals or something with T.V. static in it started to appear and I fell through while trying to get back to the ship with my husband and son during a simple and safe observation of some cryptids. Maybe one could cause illusions or something... I don't know. I opened my eyes and saw everything looked so weird. I didn't know how to describe it.

???-Hey, are you ok?

I turned to see a boy with (H/L) (H/C) hair that looks like the texture of this place, 2 women, and a cryptid cat woman... wearing clothes?


This looked really bad, so I flipped out of the bed quickly to get a better look around and got ready for anything, but the little boy held his hands up.

???-Wait, it's ok! We don't want to hurt you!

Drew-Where's my family?!

???-Um, that's a little hard to say. It's a long story... You're Drew Saturday, right?

How did this kid know my name? He just walked around the bed to slowly come up to me while the others just stood there then he took my hand.

(Y/N)-My name is (Y/N) and these are others that came here like you.

???-I'm Nicole Waterson.

???-Maddie Fenton.

???-Everyone just calls me 'Mom'.

(Y/N)-... Would you like something to drink?

(Timeskip 15 Minutes)

(Y/N) made us lemonade while the others tried to explain what happened to them which sounded almost exactly what happened to me and that I looked different in the mirror now. His dad is also not here a lot and with no mom he's home alone with only his neighbor to check on him through phone or by coming by which he has not done yet. This is a lot to take in, but I know my son and husband are in danger. I can't just sit here and do nothing, but at the same time, I don't know what else I can do. None of them know how they got here or so I'm told.

Drew-(Y/N), do you remember anything before Nicole first got here? Anything at all?

(Y/N)-Well... there was a storm, but we get a few of those around here.

Drew-Anything about the storm that you saw?

(Y/N)-No. I closed the curtains like my dad tells me to and went to sleep with the T.V. on.

Drew-Show me.

I had him take me to his living room and the T.V. was the first thing I checked since they all popped up in front of it and found me by it. It's obvious I came though it, but when I tried to grab the remote (Y/N) quickly grabbed it.

(Y/N)-Maybe I can control the T.V., just for a little bit.


(Y/N)-Because... Um...

Drew-Let me see it kid. I promise I won't go into anything private.

He looked worried, but gave me the remote and I turned on the T.V. and it showed what looked like shows and movies and I knew that because there were descriptions and ratings. I noticed one that stood out that had my family on it, so I clicked on it and the others let me, but (Y/N) had a look that showed he got even more worried.

Drew-What is this?

(Y/N)-It's um... your cartoon.

Drew-... Excuse me?

(Y/N)-Just, please don't watch it.

Like that was going to happen. I clicked on the first episode and I remember this stuff happening like how Argost got the cur stone, him discovering my son had powers, and everything else down to the last detail. By the time the 'episode' ended with a song and credits I turned (Y/N) to see him looking at me with sad (E/C) eyes then looked at the others.

Drew-You didn't tell me about this! You just said we came out of a T.V.!

Maddie-We did. We just thought it would be better if you found out yourself.

Nicole-We didn't think you would believe it until you saw it.

Mom-I'm still very new to this.

Drew-What else did this show get?! Did it get video of people in the shower?!

(Y/N)-No!... I mean, sort of... There's a curtain with a shadow sometimes.

This made me feel sick to my stomach before I put on another episode of this show of my family. So far no bathroom scenes, but this show is meant for kids which means no nudity. It didn't take away the shock that my whole life is just a show and after the fourth episode, I couldn't take it anymore and got off. Some of the stuff my son even did behind my back that the show just showed me made my heart pound on its rib cage.

(Y/N)-... Drew... Your breathing kind of hard.

I didn't even notice until he brought it up which even surprised me. I went on life threatening mission then slept like a baby at night, but a mere 'cartoon' of my life and my family's life is what took a toll on me. (Y/N) tried to comfort me by sitting my side and hugged my arm, but I didn't have time for this. Cartoon or no cartoon, that's my family and if I can get out then so can they.

Drew-How do we pull out more people?

(Y/N)-I don't know... Maybe it's one person from each show?

Drew-There has to be something to get my family here or do something!

I just started by looking in the menu. My son and husband can't be stuck wherever they are while I'm here! When nothing worked I just went back to the shows and clicked on one called "Robotboy" then started an episode. That's when the screen turned what in front of all of us... No, not white... I went up to the T.V. and stuck my hand inside it only for it to get a little glitchy and could not move before I pulled out then the glitches went away.

Drew-It's a portal.

(Y/N)-What did you just do?

I looked out into the portal without going in and the others came by my side to look only to see people in other weird textures covered in pixels before something was coming right for us. Slowly a pile of glitches came through the T.V. only to show a woman falling to the floor then the T.V. went back to the episodes.


Nicole-(Y/N), who is this?

(Y/N)-I don't know. I didn't watch this show.

I checked for a pulse while others were still in shock and disbelief from what we just saw, and I was still in disbelief. This woman was out cold, but she had a pulse. In fact, she was already coming to.

Drew-Give her some room!

They all backed up and 'Mom' picked up (Y/N) to hold him close and even took extra steps back. She is lucky I'm used to intense moments or I would be a wreck right now, unable to help anyone. This woman got to her hands and knees, and even then she almost fell over, but I caught her.

Drew-Hey, take it easy... Do you know your name and what hurts?

I checked her for any injuries, only to see nothing while she was collecting herself.

???-I'm *grunt* Debbie Turnbull. Everything looks fuzzy. I can't see.

Drew-Come on, you need to lay down. Someone get her some water!

(Mom's POV)

I couldn't believe what I just saw and that it was the thing that happened to me. This belongs in a horror movie and I could not be in here right now to go to a guest bedroom that was not taken to get away from that scene. My breathing got faster until (Y/N) wrapped himself around me to try and get me to calm down.

(Y/N)-C-Calm down.

Mom-What happened out there?! Do T.V.'s do that here?!

(Y/N)-No, but... I-I-... I don't know, but you're ok.

I just held him tighter for security and took deep breaths until I calmed down and laid down with him. This just felt so good to cuddle him... I kissed his head and I tried to picture my son, but that made me think about what he did to me... It felt better to just look at (Y/N)'s (H/C) hair while his head was against me. Our talk outside was nice too. I'm still not used to all this, but then again, I think the others before me are still getting used to this too.

(Maddie's POV)

This woman could finally see again, but that only lead her to panic and faint on the couch. Drew searched herself before she pulled out smelling salt, but was getting things ready for when we wake her back up. (Y/N) was in the back with Mom, which is for the best since I guess she's not as stable as us and maybe around Mom's level.

Drew-Ok... Here it goes.

It was clear she only wants to get home, not that we can blame her, but so far we only saw what she saw. It's not like Debbie is gonna know anything. She broke open the smelling salts and this made Debbie wake up again. She slowly sat up and I got up closer to her to try and block out the world for her as much as I could.

Debbie-Who are you?! What have you done with my son?! He was holding my hand last! Where is he?!

Maddie-Wow, slow down... Listen, we're just as scared as confused as you. We all want to go home, so we're in the same boat here... We know what happened and are trying to find a way to fix it.

She looked like she was calming down... then suddenly tried to make a break for it to the door, but the lock was still flipped and kept her from leaving. Nicole just grabbed her and she started kicking and screaming.


Nicole-CALM!!! DOWN!!!

Just then a door swung open and (Y/N) came out her running to see what was happening and Debbie freaked out more when she saw him.

(Debbie's POV)

My mind is racing faster than my heart tight now, so I couldn't think straight, it's hard to breathe, but all I know is my son Tommy is in trouble. He was with me when an earthquake hit then our world started to fall apart with holes full of static until there was nothing left and we fell until a robot saved us... until we were covered by glitches and blacked out. A boy that matched this weird world tried to come up to me while the cat lady held me still then the kid hugged my legs.

???-Please, don't be scared! We only wanna help!... I won't hurt you.

He looked at me with soft (E/C) eyes and it took a while for me to gain control of my breathing again then he took my hand. I didn't know how cold I was until his warm hand grabbed mine then he tugged on me a little.

???-Nicole, let her go. I think something to eat will calm her down then I'll take her with me back to Dexter's mom.

That child innocence did seem reassuring that I could settle a little, but not nearly enough to like it her. The cat lady let me go and the others only watched until we got to the kitchen and he got me a few cookies from a package. They weren't homemade, but they were something that helped me calm down a little more. Next he took me to the back room where I saw another woman that didn't look like she was from here.


???-My name is (Y/N). The cat lady was Nicole, the lady in Blue was Maddie, orange was Drew, and this is a lady that likes to go by 'Mom'. They're scared too and want to go home, and 'Mom' just got her today, like you and Drew.

He pulled me gently to the bed in here and this room and 2 twin sized beds. I still didn't like how everything looked.

Debbie-I think I'm gonna get sick.

(Y/N)-Oh, I'll be right back Dexter's mom! Sorry!

He took me out of the room and led me to the bathroom and I actually did get sick in the toilet. When I was done, I flushed then went to wash my face and look at myself in the mirror.


I looked different, like I was just a little smoother. He hugged me again and took me back to the room we were in and I heard the others in the front room talking about something. When we go in he tried to have me fit in the bed with 'Mom' and it didn't work until we moved the second bed over here. He backed up into her while holding me.

Debbie-Where's my son? What happened to me?

(Y/N)-It's... a long story.

(Drew's POV)

That kid knew how to calm that lady down. I was trying to figure things out to get us all home, but for now, nobody is picking any new shows even if it opens the portal for a short time. I was searching every option the T.V. and T.V. remote had, but no channel or setting was working.

Drew-There has to be something! We can't just be stuck here!

Maddie-Did you try 'source' to go to a different channel?

Drew-You saw me do that!

Nothing was working and it only got harder to hold back my tears when I knew we were running out of options, and the ones we did have were not going to work since I think the volume button will only work the volume.

Drew's mind-I can't fell apart now... I can't... Zak.

After I ran through everything I could think of, I did them again until I went back to my show to try and play an episode and get the portal to open then closed it to click on it again,

Nicole-Drew, it's not working!

Drew-Maybe it rarely works! You have a family to get back too! We can't stay here!

Nicole took the remote from me and I may not have my fire sword, but I know how to fight hand to hand just fine.

Drew-Give me that remote.

Nicole-What you're doing is not working!... There has to be another way and I think we all just saw that only one person can come out of one show!

Drew-Then what do you suggest we do?!

Nicole-We calm down and actually think of something! You don't think I miss my kids and husband, my home?!

Tears were coming out of her eyes now too when more were coming out of mine. I just wiped then and turned since she was right. Only portal we can open is from a new show, so I just sat down to collect myself.

(Debbie's POV)

This boy is a real sweetheart because he was just trying to make two women he doesn't even know feel better and trying to tell us we can still get home after we heard the fighting out there. 'Mom' was adoring him while I stayed close to hold him against me. Soon he got up to stretch a little before he crawled right back into bed and sat between us.

(Y/N)-I never saw your show, but I know whoever your with must be really lucky to have someone as nice and pretty as you. Both of you.

Mom-Awwww, you're the sweetest thing. Come here. ~

He has no idea how true that is for me. My husband can be a real blockhead that favors Donnie over Tommy a lot while I give my boys the same amount of love. We both gave him some kisses and I saw his cheeks turn pink a little.

(Y/N)-... Wait... I never saw your show... *Gasp* That's it!

He just had an idea and was really excited and tried to pull us both out of bed.

(Y/N)-Come on, come on! This is gonna work and you can get back home today!

(Nicole's POV)

We all heard (Y/N) and I didn't want to get my hopes high since a kid came up with an idea, but when he came out here pulling on Debbie and Mom he looked really happy.


(Y/N)-Guys, I know who can help! Let me see the remote!

I gave him the remote I took from Drew and all of us looked hopeful while he searched the shows then stopped on one. He stepped out of the way for us all to see and even pointed at it like he was presenting it... It was kind of cute.


Maddie-The Fairly Oddparents?

(Y/N)-It's about a kid named Timmy Turner that has magical fairies! If we can get a fairy to come through the portal then they can use magic to open it and even fix your worlds! It'll be like nothing happened!

That... actually sounds like a good plan. Everyone else looked like they were on board and Drew even stood up.

Drew-Click on it!

He did what she said with a smile then the screen lit up like it did before and he had his fingers crossed while we all leaned in to get a closer look at who comes out.

(Y/N)-Jorgen, Jorgen, Jorgen. *whisper*

It took a bit of waiting, but we saw glitches heading for the screen and when they came through, we saw someone very small hit the ground. The screen returned to normal and we all looked to see it was a real fairy with wings and pink hair laying on the floor unconscious.


Nicole's mind-Is this it?... Are we going home?... What about (Y/N)?


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