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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all ready for bed and Rachnera is carrying me to her room since she won the tournament. I didn't even know she was so good at video games because in the last room with Miia she destroyed her with a 40 to nothing in tennis even after Miia did so good in the other games. Just as we reached the ladder to go up to her room...


We turned to see Miia is super angry and the others poked there heads into the hallway while Miia slithered to us holding a tiny piece of paper.




Rachnera-Whatever do you mean?

Miia-I found a bit tape left on the controller you were using! I thought about our match and when I checked the trash, I found this cheat code!

Rachnera-How are you sure that I used it? It could've been anybody.

Miia-I looked up this cheat code called 'Phantom ball'! It makes the balls go through your opponents racket in the game whenever used!... I knew I hit those balls!

The others looked at Rachnera and it was weird that Rachnera got a perfect score all the sudden against Miia. She only turned her head before Miia came over and took me from her.

Miia-Nice try! He's mine for the night!

The others watched as Miia took me to her room and when we got in she went from mad to being really happy. We spun around for a bit before she put me in her bed then got in too, but before we could sleep, she got a call and I saw Doppel's name on her phone before she picked it up.


Doppel-Hey, are you alone right now? *muffled*

Miia-I'm about to sleep with my son. He's with me.

Doppel-Take this somewhere private. *muffled*

Miia-Wait here sweetie. Mommy will be right back. ~

She kissed my head before she left her room, but stood outside the door. I couldn't hear what she and Doppel were saying on the phone anymore then soon she came back in.

(Y/N)-What did Doppel want?

Miia-Oh, she... just wanted to know if she and the girls can come by tomorrow. We just have to get up a little early. Ms. Smith will be here and we'll go somewhere to meet them and... go get you something nice.

(Y/N)-Ok... Can we get donuts?


(Miia's POV)

(Y/N) closed his eyes to go to sleep and I can't believe Ms. Smith forgot to tell us (Y/N) is having a doctors appointment tomorrow. The others are being called too and from what Doppel told me, (Y/N)'s file at the orphanage he was afraid of the doctors, mainly needles. A lot of kids are like that, so tomorrow we just need to get him to the doctors because he is due for 2 shots and a check-up.

Miia's mind-Poor baby. We'll make it up to you after.

I just closed my eyes and went to sleep while holding my baby close and had an alarm set for 6am since his appoint is at 8 and we might want to get there a little early to avoid making a scene.

(Timeskip To 7am)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were gonna meet the girls when they get off work somewhere and Miia helped me get ready since we were going somewhere important. I never woke up at 6 before, so I'm still kind of tired. We all heard a knock at the door and I went to answer it myself since I'm closest to the door then I saw Ms. Smith and she had a brief case with her.


Ms. Smith-Hi sweetie. Ready to go to a few places today? ~


Ms. Smith-Here, I'm gonna get a cup of coffee before we go.

She came in and I followed her to the living room where I got on the couch with the others. I got bored and played with one of my toys out here behind the couch when Ms. Smith came into the living room.

Ms. Smith-I'll finish this cup and we'll go. We should have plenty of time.

Papi-How long are we gonna be there?

Ms. Smith-It's just a quick visit then we'll be back here in no time.

Papi-But when you go to the doctor, they make you wait soooo long.

(Y/N)'s mind-... Doctor?

(No POV)


Papi only looked confused as much as Suu while the others looked mad that their cover was blown.


Centorea-You weren't supposed to say that!

Papi-Why not?

Ms. Smith-It's in his file! Wait, who called and told you?!

Papi-You did and you sounded a little dizzy last night.

Ms. Smith remembered she had a 'bit' of a drink last night and thought she at least had to do one call. Her face went a little pale when the others looked at her then Centorea held the bridge of her nose between her fingers while closing her eyes.

Centorea-*Sigh*... Sweetie, we promise we wouldn't take you anywhere where you would hurt. It's just a quick visit and you'll get a tr-.

They all turned to see (Y/N) was gone, but no doors were opened from what they heard. (Y/N) still had to be in the house and they had to leave in at least 10 minutes to get to the appointment on time. The hunt for (Y/N) was on.

((Y/N)'s POV)

There is no way I'm going to the doctor after what happened last time when they poked me with those sharp needles and it hurt then I heard they can do things like cut you skull open to see your brain, or cut an arm or leg off forever. They said I don't have to worry about that, but just the needles alone hurt. I hate it. I was hiding under Papi's bed since they will check under mine first.

(Y/N)'s mind-I just have to hide long enough to miss the appointment.

I heard them all looking for me then I saw the door open and Lala and Papi's feet coming closer. I stayed as quiet as I could, but Lala looked under the bed and found me then grabbed my arm.


Lala-Got him.


(Ms. Smith's POV)

I heard the poor thing screaming upstairs begging not to go to the doctors, but he needs these shots to stay healthy, and if we let him have his way, that'll cause countless problems. Still, I know this is partly my fault for calling Papi while drunk last night since I know she can't keep a secret in the small chance she will actually remember. When they came down stairs I focused on (Y/N) since he was already crying, and we weren't even there yet.


Centorea was holding him to try and calm him down while we went out to the limo where he tried to make a run for it, but Centorea did not let him go.


We made it to the hospital and poor guy finally stopped crying, but he was still scared. I just went up to the desk first to show our papers in the case I had to be seen immediately as well as his medical history, but only one mom can head back with him. Centorea and Rachnera are too big to be in a small room with him, Miia's coil will have the same problem, Papi and Suu really do care, but they might interfere, Mero might enjoy it too much since she daydreamed with a smile on there way here, so that only leaves...

(Lala's POV)

Centorea gave me (Y/N) and he held on to me tightly when we were heading to the room for his shots and check up. The nurse already met us there to get the check up started, and he did it while he sat on my lap. The nurse could already see how scared he was about his shots during the exam.

Nurse-Hey, it'll be alright. I'm sure your mommy would never let anything bad hurt you. It's just gonna be 2 little pinches like not wearing green on St. Patrick's day then you can have a lollipop after.

Lala-... Just... close your eyes and turn into me. This will help with living longer and death will have to wait longer... much longer.

When the check up was over the nurse left and we waited for a bit before the doctor came in and he already turned into me. I just rubbed his head before I rolled up his sleeve.

Doctor-Hey little man. I hear you're getting a lollipop after this and maybe something else.


Lala-Um, he's shy, so let's just get this over with for him please.

I dropped my usual voice and just wanted my son to stop crying into me then the doctor got a pad of gauze out to wipe his arm which made my baby tense. The needle came next and poked him in his arm.


Lala-It's ok. Just a little pinch. Only one more. ~

The doctor threw away the first needle then came with the second needle, so I kissed my baby's head and closed my eyes too...

Doctor-It's done. Now regarding his check up, we wanted to know how active is he? Any stiff or sore muscles lately?


Doctor-Good. It's just during your reflex test, one side went down a bit slower than the other, so you might wanna stretch that out with a physicist or a chiropractor. That or a trainer at a gym somewhere can show you stretches. Other than that, you're in good health. You also have another shot due next month.

He didn't seem too happy about that, but I just got my bay out of here then went back to my dark self when we made it out to the lobby to only see Centorea out here.


Lala-Where are the others?

Centorea-The nurse told us the results and we thought it would be best to get a gym membership to make sure he stretches properly and keep our weight in check.

Just then (Y/N) kissed my cheek and rested his head on my shoulder before I walked up to Centorea to give him back, but he wouldn't let go.

Centorea-Sweetie, do you want be to hold you? ~

(Y/N)-No... I want Lala.

This caught me by surprise and made me blush which ruined my dark and mysterious look. She smiled at us, so I only walked away with him to not look at her.

Lala's mind-I'm dark and mysterious! My baby should feel nervous and curious and me!... Wait! Baby?!

(No POV)

(Y/N)'s mind-So soft and warm... Maybe she can hold me until we get home.


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