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((Y/N)'s POV)

Cinder is brushing my hair a little and I just had a very scary my life life. Some crazy man with a scorpion tail came by earlier and when I tried to hide behind Emerald this only made him look at me. Cinder only had to tell him I was Salem's adopted son and he backed off saying he knew it, but still tried to scare me. That was only 5 minutes ago, and now I'm really scared to leave the room for anything with him out there. When Cinder finished brushing my hair she just put me on a seat.

Cinder-Calm down. He knows better than to touch you when Salem gives the word.

I know everyone here is a bad guy and I want to run away, but there is nothing, but Grimm outside as far as I can see. I just curled up into a ball and put my face in my knees. Cinder and Emerald just got on my sides and I wish I just had aura and a super power like my sisters, so I can fight the bad guys and Grimm and get out of here.

Emerald-Hey, you wanna see something cool? Look around.

I did look around and saw I was in my room, or at least it looked like it. I know she can make you see things that are not there and hear things too. Cinder just stood up with me in her arms and decided to turn and bounce me.

Cinder-*Shhhhh* You're just gonna have to get used to it. How about a nice bubble bath to play in? ~

Emerald-I bet you love bubbles. It can even look like your bathroom. ~

(Y/N)-*Hmph* No!

Cinder-Don't be difficult. Come on. They were about to take me to the bathroom for the bath, but just then the door opened and I saw a man with a mustache that looked like it was from a cartoon come in.


Cinder-What is it?

???-Her grace demanded her 'son' be with her in her quarters at once. She sent me to deliver the message.

Cinder-... Fine.

He had a mean smile on his face before he left us then Cinder told Emerald to 'stay here' then took me with her to go give me to Salem. I didn't want to go to her though.

(Y/N)-Pl-Please! I-I'll stay with you! I'll cuddle, i'll be good, i'll do whatever you want!

She only held me tighter while walking down the hall until something popped up in front of us. It was red and black, so I wonder if it was Salem, but someone else came out of it and they were wearing a mask.


They quickly charged at Cinder with a red sword before she put it away then drew out a blue sword, and Cinder blasted fire at her. The new lady hit the flames to make them disappear then hit Cinder's legs, and the aura protected her legs, but ice from the sword trapped her when it broke off.

(Cinder's POV)

My hands were fold, and now I couldn't move. Grimm should be alerted about this woman being here though, but that didn't stop her from ripping him from my hands. I couldn't attack her without putting (Y/N) at risk then she kicked me in my chin which didn't hurt much since my aura was still up, but I did feel dizzy.


When I still couldn't move she kicked me in my stomach and because of my frozen in place footing and dizziness I fell back on the floor. My sight sight was Grimm rushing down the halls to her, but she ran in the portal with (Y/N) and it disappeared before they could go in after her. Fire was raging off my hands and eyes when I finally broke free and recovered from that surprise attack in a moment where I could not fight at my fullest for (Y/N)'s protection... Fire erupted in the hall that killed all the Grimm here when...


((Y/N)'s POV)

The lady that got me out of the that evil place is holding me super tight until her portal closed. Her masked made her look like a grimm, but I knew since she saved me, she mist be a huntress or a very good person. I looked around to see we were in a tent then noticed another woman on a bed before the lady that saved me took her mask off.


I guess these ladies like camping a lot then I heard noises outside that sounded like fighting, and that make the lady in black hair and red eyes like mine a little mad.

???-Vernal, go get them to knock it off. I'll take care of the kid.

Vernal left the tent while looking at me with mean eyes. The lady in black hair bent down to me and put her weapon against her bed in the tent.

???-Hey there. Did those people and monsters hurt and scare you? ~

(Y/N)-Yeah... They took me from my family and home. Can you help me? I live in patch and my sisters are Ruby and Yang.

???-Yang?... You Xiao Long and Ruby Rose?

(Y/N)-Yeah!... Wait. How did you know?

???-*Chuckles* Have a seat at my table. I even got some cookies.

I looked at the table and saw the plate of cookies and already took 2 while she sat on the other side of the table.

???-Let me introduce myself. My name is Raven Branwen.

(Y/N)-Branwen?... I have an uncle with that last name.

Raven-That would be my brother, Qrow.

(Y/N)-*Gasp* Are you my auntie?!

Raven-*Chuckles* Close. I'm Yang's mom.

This is all so much to take in, but now I was wondering if she was my aunt, mom, or stepmom. How come dad or uncle Qrow never talked about Raven if she was family? She wanted me to tell her what happened to me and I told her what happened at minigolf, but she wanted to know more. I almost cried at some parts, but held it in. I got to what happened with Sienna, but she stopped me there.

Raven-Maybe that's enough on story telling. How about what you like? What did you and your sisters like to do?

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* Well... We like to play games, go out for picnics or let me watch them train, piggyback rides, swimming, sports, movies, we cook sometimes, but i'm only allowed to stir or pour things that are not boiling, and we love cuddling. Ruby has my favorite size, but sometimes Yang is more comfy.

She looked a little confused on that last part, but brushed it off before she got up to walk over to me.

Raven-Well, I'm glad you're in a better mood. I got some news for you know... Did you ever have a mom before?

(Y/N)-... No.

Raven-Yes... You're looking at her.


Raven-That's right. Yang is my daughter, so that makes you my son, right?

I didn't know what to think at first, but then I thought about other kids with their moms and always wanted a mommy too. My sisters were nice and... I guess they did everything a mom did for me... and most of the things that dad did, but... she saved me and is family.


I got up and hugged her leg then she picked me up to hug me.

(No POV)

Raven kept (Y/N) in the tent to play with him without him being nervous from her intimidating tribe looking at him. They started out playing small games, and (Y/N) wanted to know more about his 'mommy's' weapon. He thought it was cool since a switchable dust sword as he described it is a pretty cool weapon. After a while of playing Raven laid on her bed with her son while he asked questions.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I asked my mommy questions about Yang and Ruby when they were little, but she didn't know much since she was out here for a long time. I asked her about daddy and she said he was nice, but also an dummy when they were in school. I still had more questions from when I saw kids with their moms.

(Y/N)-So if you or dad were to tell me to do something and they were different, who do I listen to?


(Y/N)-But what if-.

Raven-You listen to me.

(Y/N)-I didn't finish.

Raven-It doesn't matter. You listen to me.

(Y/N)-What if daddy doesn't like it?

Raven-Then daddy can learn the term of 'sleeping on the couch'. You will listen to your mommy more than anyone. Ok?

(Y/N)-Yes... When can we go to dad's in Patch. We can be a family again.

Raven-We'll talk about that later... Now, I remember you like cuddling with girls, but hate pillows. Why?

(Y/N)-Pillows just don't feel the seem. Girls have a heartbeat you can listen to, they're warm, they smell nice, they hold you back, and their chests make really good pillows because of all of this.

Raven-Really?... Well, what if your mommy can make it even better?


Raven-Get comfy. Make sure it's on your belly.

I just did what she said and got on top of her and before I could fluff her boobs, she already took her shirt and bra off. This make them harder to keep in place, but she was a good size. She rubbed her nipple until it got pointing then took my head to pull me on that one boob.

(Y/N)-What are you doing?

Raven-Open and suck on it for a bit.

When I opened my mouth she pulled me in until I rested on her boob with her nipple in my mouth. I sucked on her nipple like she said, but nothing was happening... That's until I tasted something then let go to look and see milk coming out of her... I tasted a little sweet.

(Y/N)-Wow! Ruby and Yang never let me do this.

Raven-They can't. Only a mom can.

I went back to drinking some more of her milk then thought about Blake's mom and wondered what she tasted like. My new mommy started to pet my head while I drank and it made me only want to rest my eyes. I don't want to take a nap right now.

(Raven's POV)

I could tell he liked my milk since he kept on going as I stroked his head which was sleeping putting him to sleep. I decided he needed a bath before he takes a nap, so I got up with him and put his head on my shoulder before I took 2 towels and some soap to head out to a lake.


Raven's mind-How cute. ~

(Vernal's POV)

I never saw Raven act like this since she told me that she left her team and daughter to fight for her tribe, but now she wants to adopt a son. A small boy that was not even 10-years-old... Something was going on, but I can't bring this up front to her since last time I tried, I don't think she even knew the exact answer from only meeting the kid once in bird form, so there had to be no talking between them. Just then I saw Raven leave through the back of her tent with bath stuff and the little boy looked half asleep over her shoulder while she carried him off into the woods.


They look so much alike, but she told me that she only had a daughter that is currently in one of the huntsman academy... Or was since Beacon recently fell... What is with this kid? I can't sneak around Raven thanks to her semblance, so she will know I'm tailing her... I have to wait for the kid to be alone.

Vernal's mind-I don't know what she sees in you kid or if you did something you're going to regret, but we're going to have a little chat later.


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