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((Y/N)'s POV)

Shinobu and Kanako were still with me in the garden while we watched Tanjiro and his friends train. They looked like they were working hard and I could see Tanjiro is a bit faster than both of them. The loud one with the boar mask looked stronger than them though when he pulled up 3 boulders with some rope and that boy that screamed earlier  was really close to both of them. Shinobu wanted Kanako to go out there, but she only flipped a coin and stayed next to us. When I coughed only a little from a little tickle in my throat Shinobu turned me around on her lap to face her, and her eyes looked like she was really worried.

Shinobu-Oh my, are you thirsty?

(Y/N)-I little... I can go back to my room to get some water.

Shinobu-I can take you to your room. It must be getting hot out for you.

It is getting a little hot out. Shinobu brought me inside and I noticed Kanako following us then realized something... Has she ever looked away from me since we were outside? We got inside to only see Mitsuri talking with some of the workers that help here.


When the workers pointed over to us, Mitsuri turned and looked really happy before she walked over to us. Shinobu held me closer and behind her fake smile, I noticed she looked nervous.

Shinobu-Mitsuri, back so soon?

Mitsuri-I just had a private meeting with the master and come to carryout orders from the Master.

Shinobu... Oh? What are these orders?

Mitsuri-The demons are going to try and be lured here, but to someone with no training at all, that is very dangerous even if it is a slim chance they will even lay eyes on him. He's going to secretly be transferred to my mansion for his own safety. I'm sure you understand.

Shinobu held me tighter and her nervous eyes turned to rage... Not very different from when we first met, but still a little scary. Mitsuri also had a look in her eyes, but her smile looked real as she reached out for me to take me... Shinobu would not let go of me.

Shinobu-I'm sorry, but I just find it a little hard to believe the Master changed his mind so quickly.

Mitsuri-Why don't we go see his girls? They were there.

Shinobu-Sounds lovely... Kanako, do you mind making sure nobody goes into (Y/N)'s room.

(Kanako's POV)

Shinobu gave me (Y/N) to take to his room while she left with Mitsuri. I just took him to his bed and he got some of the water by him. There was a toy in here that he just took and got on the floor to play. I still can't look away and still didn't know what to do about these feelings. Part of me wants to hold him, but these things never mattered to me before. Why do they matter to me now...

Kanako's mind-I'll flip a coin again. Heads means hold him... And... tails... Maybe one more time. i'll do tails for yes this time.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was trying to play, but was still a little sad that I couldn't go home to my mom. Kanako started flipping a coin over and over again, and at first I thought she was just doing it to pass time... Then I noticed she is getting more angry with every flip and checking the coins. It got to the point where she showed her teeth, she showed she is clearly mad, and her hand shook a lot until it stopped. She looked at me trying to hide her anger again, but I could see it in her eyes... She is 'furious' over this coin game.

Kanako-Heads... Or... Tails?

(Y/N)-Um... Tails.

She flipped the coin and I got up to see the coin when she caught it... It landed on heads. I'm scared to look into her eyes, but she just stood up and I moved 3 beds down from her.

(Y/N)-Um, K-Kanako... It's just a game.

Her hair covered her eyes when she looked down at the coin, and suddenly bent the coin with 2 fingers then threw it at the wall faster than an arrow and it even went completely through the wall. I froze in place when she looked at me with anger in her eyes as she tried to hide it behind a smile then walked over to me. I still could not move then she picked me up to carry me back to my bed, but this time sat down to put me in her lap.

(Y/N)'s mind-How strong is she?... Is she mad about losing or something else?... Please don't be made at me.

She started to pet my head and cuddled me then I saw the anger in her eyes going away slowly at first then quickly, like a raging river took it away.

(Y/N)-Are you ok?... C-Can I go g-?

Kanako-Stay still, please.

Her anger came back for a second then went back down. She cuddled me even more by laying with me on my bed. Everything was fine until the door opened to see another worker came in and showed a bent coin in their hands when I turned away from Kanako.

Worker-My lady, I found your coin stuck in a rock outside and noticed the holes in the walls. Is everything alright?

Kanako turned me back to her and pulled my face into her chest, so now I could not see her.

Kanako-Nobody else is allowed in here right now... Please leave.

Worker-... U-Um *gulp* wh-what about your coin?

Kanako-... Keep. It.

You could hear how mad she was, like she didn't hide it good in her voice anymore. The worker quickly apologized before leaving then she let me out of her chest to breathe, and I saw her face looked really happy, but her eyes were closed until she opened them for me to see... She is mostly happy.


She gave my head a little kiss before she moved on my cheeks, I wanted to stop her, but I don't think doing anything to make her mad is a good idea. She finished off with poking my nose then held me close again. Maybe someone else could come in to at least calm her down or give her someone to talk to.

(Y/N)-U-Um Kanako?

She only gave me look, like she's waiting for me to go on.

(Y/N)-Maybe we could go get something to it or talk with someone else... How about that trainer girl here?




(Y/N)-You didn't let me finish.

She just pulled me back into her chest again, and I tired to push away from her as hard as I could, but she would not budge at all. After a bit she hit the back of my neck and I passed out.

(Kanako's POV)

I didn't like it when he struggled, I didn't the coin to tell me to make him stop. I just have to have him to myself, and when I accepted that, everything was so much more clear to me. Now that he's out cold for a while I just tucked him into bed and decided that I wanted to nap with him.

Kanako's mind-This matters to me... I don't need the coin to tell me that.

(Mitsuri's POV)

The master's little girls not only told her that what I said was true, but her crow came to give her a mission to scout the area since the demons might very well be drawing closer to his scent. Now I can go back to the Butterfly Mansion alone to get (Y/N). I ran there as fast as I could until I got to the manor and even heard saw a crow came here relay the message and even some core members were there to greet me by bowing to me.

Core member-Good evening. We apologize you had to come back for a 2nd time to follow orders.

Mitsuri-It's alright. I'll just be taking the child with me now. I know which room he is in, so if you could please excuse me.

They let me pass and I went straight to the room to see Kanako and (Y/N) sleeping. He looked adorable, but... I only loved the thought of him cuddling with me instead of seeing him sleep with Kanako.


I walked up to them to see Kanako had her arms wrapped around him. I shouldn't wake them up and I could easily get him out of here without waking her up at least. I could even take him from her while she's awake without her realizing it until I walk away from her with him. This was easier, so it didn't even take a second to slip him out of bed while they were both still sleeping.

Mitsuri's mind-Let's get you to my room. You'll love it there. ~

I walked out of the room with him and left the Butterfly Mansion while making sure everyone was quiet as I walked by with him. (Y/N) looked so peaceful that my heart was overflowing with the erg to adore him while the thought of someone disturbing him by waking him up filled my heart with sorrow, but mostly rage. While we were on the trail to my Mansion, I thought about how it would be night soon enough and that means it will be bath time for him. I have a lovely bath house and felt comfortable with him bathing with me later when he wakes up.

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to see I was in a new room and Kanako is not here with me. There is only one bed in here then i got out of it to try and leave the room to look around. Just as I touched the door, it opened and I saw Mitsuri. She looked so happy to see me.


Mitsuri-*Gasp* You're awake!

She picked me up to spun and swing me around until she put me on her side.

(Y/N)-Where am I?

Mitsuri-You're in my mansion now. This is my room where you'll be staying for now on until those demons are dealt with.

She took me out into the hallway then took me to a certain room and said something that reminded me of Ms. Tamayo and what she did.

Mitsuri-Bath time!

She finally put me down to get my clothes off before she opened the door to a steaming big bath house. It didn't stop there... She started to take her clothes off too, so I closed my eyes to not look, but it was too late... Curse my amazing for seeing every tiny detail!

(Shinobu's POV)

I did find low ranking demons out here that weren't the ones I was looking for, but I could still vent out my anger all the same. Four in total and my special poison made them scream in agony while I broke their limbs and ripped off their skin as they slowly died from my poison.

Demon-Pl-... ease...k-kill me.

Shinobu-Now, now, demon. I'm sure humans asked you to do the opposite, so maybe being the target of misplaced anger will give your victims a bit of closure.

Demon-... Th-There's... 2 m-... ore d-d-demons... Spiders.

Shinobu-Spider demons... from the mountain?... Where are they? ~

Just then he slammed his skull into my blade to give him the final dose to kill him, but I didn't care.

Shinobu's mind-I will find you, but I won't kill you...I'll just make you wish you would die.


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