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((Y/N)'s POV)

Ms. Caine slept with me last night in my room since she wanted to cuddle as a mom and son do, but when I woke up this morning she was gone. I just got out of bed to walk around my room and enjoy some of the fancy things I have in here like my computer. I didn't really know how to work it at first, but I learned fast since it was so easy after 10 minutes of trying and I tried to look for stuff to do on here. I tried looking for free games to put on here, but my someone knocked on my door before they came in and I saw it was Mai and Kioko.


Mai-*Gasp* You're awake now! ~

Kioko-Hi there! ~

They both came over to me and Mai picked me up and hugged me tightly for a bit then gave me to Kioko who just held me like a baby.

Kioko-Did you miss hanging with us yesterday?

Mai-We just had so much fun, but how about we have some time with just the 3 of us? You're gonna love it! ~



She just spun around with me a bit before Mai looked at my computer to see what games I was looking at.

Mai-Ugh, barely any of these games are good and you're on the app store... Let's get you a Steam account to get some good games on here.

Kioko-Like he's gonna be on the computer that much with us here. I wanna take this little guy out to a karaoke place around here. He'll be so adorable singing with us! ~

Mai-I wouldn't mind keeping him in my lap while he played some games... Maybe toy with him a little by dragging a finger up his back.

(Y/N)-H-H-How is that bad?

Mai-... *Giggles* I'll show you. ~

Kioko flipped me in her arms then pulled up my shirt to show my back then I felt Mai poke me with her nail a little then slowly dragged it up my back. It did not hurt at all, but it made me shiver and tingle.

Kioko-Oh. My. God. He's so sensitive! It's adorable! ~

Mai-This is addicting. ~

Just then she did it again on my spine and Kioko was right behind her and I could only shake until I wiggled out of Kioko's arms, but she caught me in time to slowly put me down... On my bed, with my shirt, off and my back turned to them.


Mai-Awwww, but this is sooo cute. ~

Kioko-What do we get if we stop? ~

(Alesha's POV)

We were all getting ready for breakfast and Chang already had 3 snacks that were in his bags to 'hold himself over. I didn't know one person could eat so much. Just as I got up to go get my little brother for breakfast I saw Mai and Kioko coming out with him.


Mai-Hey, we got your little bro for you.

Kioko-You don't mind if we hold him for a bit, do you?

Alesha-... Why don't we let him choose?

I tried to see nice and I know he'll want us more than 2 brand new girls, but when we looked at him and Kinsley looked ready to pounce them to take (Y/N) the moment he says the word, but I was closer... I'll get him first. Suddenly Mai scratched his chin with one finger and he blushed... for them.

(Y/N)-I-I'll stay w-w-with Mai and K-Kioko.

Clover/Alesha/Kinsley-... What?

Mai-Awww. Look's like someone loves pandas! ~

Kioko-It'll just be until after breakfast. We'll give him right back.

They sat at the table and I guess lots of people freak out when they see pandas... It's not like they are the ones who took him out of a crappy home and gave him nothing, but love since he got here and didn't even get mad when he face-planted into my boobs yesterday... I'm not angry... I'm not angry... Just wondering what they did to him. They had to do something.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Mai was holding me and we were sitting next to Kinsley then she put her lion tail in my lap. Mai gave me kisses until Ms. Caine came out with the chefs that had the food under lids then she sat at the end of the table then looked at me.


Zoe-Good morning honey. Why aren't you with your sisters?

Kioko-We're just holding him for breakfast, Ms. Caine. After my sister and I were gonna go to a club to sing some karaoke. The others can come too... Even this little guy.


Kinsley hit me with her tail a little and gave me a look... I guess I don't 'have' to sing, so maybe. During Breakfast, Chang was eating really fast, and by the time someone finished their plate, he already had 3. Yuna didn't look too happy with him. By the time I was done with breakfast Kinsley took me with her to get me to change to go with them.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

We were ready to go, but Ms. Caine was talking to us while Alesha was holding me like a baby. I never saw her act like this.

Ms. Caine-I don't want your brother alone, even for a second no matter what happens, don't stay out too long, Mrs. Rohan and I want some time with my boy before they leave tomorrow morning-.

Alesha-Mom, we get. We're gonna watch him and he'll just be in a private karaoke room with us.

Ms. Caine-I'm serious. If he comes back with so much as a bruise, you all will be in so much trouble.

Clover-We won't let (Y/N) get hurt. I'll hold him the entire way to the private room.

Alesha-Um, 'we' will hold him.

Clover-Oh, of course.

Ms. Caine gave me some more kisses before the girls got in the limo with me before the driver started to leave the house. I felt so nervous, but the girls said I didn't have to sing, so I think I should be fine.

Kinsley-I've been to this club before and they have costumes! I even know they have lots of cute ones (Y/N)'s sizes!


Mai-*Gasp* Do they have a little police costume?!

Coral-I think that comes with an inflatable baton.

They talked about more costumes for me to wear until they moved on to themselves and this just got a whole lot worse when they said.

Mai/Kinsley-Let's take group selfies!

(Y/N)'s mind-Oh no.

(Zoe's POV)

I had time to myself while Yuna and Chang went to the guest room and put a do not disturb sign on the door, so I left the couple alone. I took out some wine to enjoy on the balcony, but on my way back up I passed the guest room and tried to ignore moaning sounds, but I heard something else that pulled my attention.

Chang-Would you calm down?

Yuna-No! Did you not see yourself earlier at the dinner table?! You stuffed yourself like you were a pig that was an insult to pigs!

Chang-The food was divine! What was I supposed to do?!

Yuna-Actually chew it instead of inhaling it! You had 3 snacks before breakfast and now you want to go ask for more already?!

Chang-You know what! I have a feeling this is about not having sex when we got here!

Yuna-RRRUUUUAAAGGGHHH!!! あなたは耐え難い馬鹿です !何週間もセックスしてないのに、何ヶ月もセックスをやめさせてくれなかった!私は自分の小指から、あなたがチンコと呼ぶぐったりした麺で私に与えることができるよりも多くの満足を得ることができます!私たちが離婚しなかった唯一の理由は、社会が私たちを一緒に愛しているからです!彼らが真実を知っていれば、彼らはあなたを太った、役に立たない、大人の子供と見なすでしょう!ゾーイの新しい息子まで批判したのはお前だ-!

Chang-Stop it! You know I hate it when you switch languages like that!


I just got out of there to go outside and suddenly I lost my taste for wine after hearing all that and I don't even know what she said. I know she speaks Japanese, but I sure as hell don't. Soon the door opened behind me and I saw Yuna in a much better mood.


Zoe-Hey... Are you ok?

Yuna-I'm fine. Just killing time until the girls come back. Why do you ask?

Zoe-Nothing... My misuse will be in, in 5 minutes. She's the best I could find. How about massages?

Yuna-*Sigh*... That sounds amazing.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

(Yuna's POV)

I constantly need massages no thanks to my husband or I would just be completely miserable all the time. Zoe was getting a nice stone massage while the misuse was working on the knots in me. Mine at home keeps telling me that it's because of stress and I know that. It comes from my husband not being a lover and it drives my hormones crazy to where it's agony. I'm going to be going back home tomorrow to focus on my casino. It's my husband's too, but he never bothers to do anything good with it. I even had to stop him from almost recklessly giving out a loan of 4 million.

Yuna-Can you focus on my lower back some more?

Misuse-Ma'am, what made these knots so tight? Have you been doing any heavy lifting lately?

Yuna-You could say that. My other misuse says it's just stress... Lots of it.

Misuse-If I may. I know a friend that deals with stress too, to where it made her constantly irritated and even some of her fur came off. Then she found something new that gave her joy away from work and even switched jobs. It's all about changes. Good ones.

Yuna's mind-Something new that makes me happy.

I do miss when the girls were tiny, but I also wanted a son of my own, but my husband soon made me lose that dream.

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

A smile curved onto my face and my heart felt at ease to where I could really relax for a moment then my back popped 5 times.

Yuna's mind-So good... So cute. ~

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

Yuna's mind-So annoying.

I started to think about my life back at home with my family. I love my daughters, but they do like to go out partying at places I approve of, so I can relax there... My husband on the other hand is so lazy and neglectful. He is more lucky than anyone winning a jackpot that he was born a panda and can live off that... I need to change something, but he will never agree to a divorce peacefully... I can't go back to that life though.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were almost back to the house and Coral was holding me while Kioko played with my cheeks that were still just so red. They dressed me up as so many things, sang songs to me, and treated me like a baby or toy the whole time we were there. Mai took me from Coral and nuzzled me into her chest, belly, and neck.

Mai-You're just so tiny and cute I can't help it! I just want to put you in a bag and carry you around town to show people! ~

Alesha-Hey, if anyone gets to do that. It's going to be his sisters.

Mai-We're practically family! That makes Kioko and I his sisters too.

Kinsley-Well, we had him first and I bet my fans will think it's adorable... I SHOULD MAKE THAT A VIDEO!!!

(Y/N)-N-N-No. *whisper*

Nobody heard me over their talking then we pulled up to see Ms. Caine and Rohan the second we got out of the car.


Ms. Caine-*Gasp* Girls! Why is his face so red?!

Alesha-*Snicker* Take a look at these.

She showed the moms the pictures from the photo booth first and some of them were just 2 of the girls kissing both both my cheeks at the same time. Ms. Caine calmed down before she took me from Coral.

Ms. Caine-Next time, tone it down on the teasing. We're going to have him until Yuna and her family leave in the morning. You girls wanna give him kisses goodbye for now.

Mai-Mom! Can you share him some more?!

Yuna-I think it's your turn to share young lady.

Ms. Caine and Yuna took me inside with them while the girls looked at the pictures some more. We soon went to the backyard and they had music playing out there and Ms. Caine had me lie down on top of her to relax as she rubbed my back in a way that actually felt nice.

Ms. Caine-Awwww. Did you miss mama? Say mama again.~

Yuna looked at us in surprise and Ms. Caine will get mad if I don't call her what she wants... It can't be as bad than what I just came from.

(Y/N)-Y-Y-yes mama.

Yuna-*Gasp* *squeal*.

Ms. Caine-Isn't it adorable. He called me that first while I was giving him a bath on his first day here before he met his sisters... Mrs. Rohan and I have a fun day planned, but first, let's get some food in you. I know someone who might love some chocolate cake with vanilla frosting, topped with chocolate sprinkles. ~

(Timeskip To Night)

(Yuna's POV)

This day was the best day in my life. I forgot how good it felt to take care of an actual child, and I got to help feed him, we taught him to do little dances with us, played games of catch, relaxed to just dote on him, and the best part was... HE FELL ASLEEP ON ME AGAIN!!!


My heart rate jumped up as I just wanted to hug him tightly, but I didn't want to wake him up. Zoe went to go get a blanket to swaddle him in to take him to bed. When she came back and slowly took him from me, I just wanted him back.


Zoe-I'm gonna put him to bed in my room. Mind opening the wine to end the night while I'm gone? *whisper*

She walked off with him and my mind flooded back to my life at home with my husband... alone... neglected... I can't. That needs to change! This stress is killing me!... Zoe is a good friend to me, but... she has no idea how bad my husband is!

Yuna's mind-She has it easy over here compared to me!

I thought of something and quickly went into my purse to grab roofies that I have for my husband to knock him out when I had enough of his shit for a day. I opened the wine to pour 2 glasses, but dropped 2 pills in her glass.

Yuna-... Sorry Zoe.

(Zoe's POV)

I put my baby in my bed to sleep with me later after I have a few drinks with Yuna. When I made it back to the lounge I saw her waiting for me, holding her glass with mine still on the table. I sat down then picked it up before I thought of a toast.

Zoe-To another nice visit and until next time we meet.

Yuna-To a better life.

We clanked our glasses together before we even drank our cups while talking about men. Mainly my man problem I have right now.

Zoe-Oh my god, you should meet his old dad. I basically over half a million for his son while giving him an extra $60k and he blows through it in not even 4 days. then he comes to me begging for (Y/N) back to get help from state.

Yuna-Ugh, I know a thing or two about pathetic men honey. I need (y/N) to help me cope.

Zoe-*Chuckles* Well good luck finding a catch like my little baby boy. Hard to come by good kids like that, that just need a good home.

Yuna-Well... I have someone in mind.

Zoe-Huh? You looking to adopt?


Zoe-Who's the lucky child?

Yuna-You'll see.

We kept on drinking, but after I made it to my 3rd glass, I felt drowsy. I was even about to fall over, but Yuna caught me. She carried me over her shoulder before she walked off with me to take me to bed.

Yuna-Don't worry. I got you... I also called for a ride to the airport just now and had your staff get our things ready. We'll be out of here in a bit. I have 2 private planes coming and I will be flying back alone... My girls are going to be so happy with the surprise I'm getting for them.

We made it to my room and she put me in bed next to my baby while being careful not to wake him up.

Yuna-You might be mad at me when you wake up, but please understand... I need this a lot more than you think. I just can't stand my husband... I'm sorry.

Zoe-What... are you... talking about?

She just smiled at me before my eyes finally closed and I instantly fell asleep.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Mai's POV)

Dad was kind of mad that mom left a little ahead of us in a different car and will be on a different plane than us, but she texted Kioko and I saying she has a surprise when we get home. We tried to ask her, but she wouldn't reply to us, and she always blocks dad unless she wants to talk to him.

Mai's mind-What did she get?

(Yuna's POV)

We made it to the airport and got on the plane while I kept (Y/n) asleep by using ear muffs to cancel out sound for him. Holding him felt so nice and I have my staff making a smaller bed for him in my room. Thankfully, I don't share a room with my husband, so I can easily lock him out to make sure he doesn't wake up my baby and my daughter's new little brother.

Yuna's mind-You're going to love Japan... The second you wake up, i'm just going to spoil and pamper you until you drop! ~


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