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((Y/N)'s POV)

Coral is giving me a massage and has been since we woke up from our nap. This felt nice, but she stopped when we were called for dinner this morning. Ms. Caine wasn't here and they said she went to work early to deal with some stuff, at work or something. During Dinner Kinsley kept on trying from Coral, but Coral kept me on her lap to feed me which made Alesha look at us too. I did feel comfortable on Coral's lap, but the looks of the others were giving me a bad feeling. the second breakfast was over Kinsley finally took me from her sister by force and held me on her side.

Kinsley-Haven't you hogged him enough?! I get him for dessert!

Coral-Be gentle with him!

Alesha-Let me see him!

Kinsley-Screw both of you! You got to cuddle and sleep with him alone! It's my turn now!

She just walked off with me to her room before she took me into her bathroom. I think I knew what she was planning. She wanted to give me a bath as Ms. Caine did.

(Y/N)-U-Um... Kinsley.


(Y/N)-I-I can give my-myself a bath.

Kinsley-You let mom give you a bath. Why can't your big sister?... Are you ashamed or embarrassed?

(Y/N)-N-N-No!... I can just do it myself.

Kinsley-Mom told me you did it wrong by yourself last time and dirt and oil was just pouring out of your hair. It even made the water turn light brown... You don't know how to give yourself a bath.

The way she said it made me lower my head and scared to say anything else. She turned the water on and took her shirt off before she looked at me, but she stopped there.

Kinsley-You saw a girl in a bathing suit, right? It's the same thing. Now come on.

I had a hard time getting my clothes off with her looking and I guess she didn't want to want. She came over and took my clothes off herself before she put me in the warm water then turned on the shower head with a hose to spray me until I was soaked.

(Y/N)'s mind-I miss giving myself a bath.

(Zoe's POV)

This is the thing 'I' get when 'they' want to come over to discuss business with me and my business. They will be here late at night since they flew in and I wanted to make everything nice when they do. Not only will I be meeting with an important business partner and her family, but we also got along too. By the time everything was set I looked to see the light on my desk was flashing. It was the signal. For my final moments before they walk through those doors I sent a text to the girls in a group chat that will possibly have visitors in the morning then I told the staff that was scheduled tomorrow as well, so they know to prepare.

Speaker-Madam, Mrs. and Mr. Rohan are here and will like to see you.

Zoe-Send them in.

I sat at my desk then right on que, the couple came in and looked happy to be here.


Zoe-Yuna and Chang. It's been far too long.

Yuna-It's good to see you too.

Chang-Place looks amazing.

I got up and we all shook hands and went to my breakroom and she looked into the Kid Zone to see only a few children while we waited for drinks.

Yuna-How are the girls?

Zoe-There fine. I even have some great news.

Yuna-What is it?

Zoe-I just adopted a new son and they should be getting him ready for bed now.

Yuna-*Gasp* Congratulations! How old is he?!


Chang-How did you pick him out?

Zoe-Let's save that story for another time. Where are your daughters?

Chang-They turned in after the flight from japan. We dropped them off at the hotel since we didn't want to drop by your place unannounced. We're just here to do a few business proposals.

We discussed a few ordeals and talks about trades, and a possibility of merging our casinos, but it was hard to find common ground there. We did agree on a few trades for games to draw in more people with new content in slot machines that they eat up. After we spoke about personal stuff until it was getting close to midnight and decided to call it a night.

Zoe-Feel free to come over tomorrow and join us for breakfast. My son is still trying to adjust from his old life, so try not to pressure him too much.

Yuna-Awww. *Yawn* Well, we'll see you in the morning.

(Yuna's POV)

My husband and I left the casino and we were somewhat alone in our limo aside from our driver, I could drop the act for the public. I'm still made at my husband from last night. It is so hard to get him in the mood and even harder for me to finish, and I tried everything. From porn to strip teases and those don't always work. Last night he wouldn't get in the mood and has been that way for a little over a month, so I had to resort to pleasuring myself which was not as good. Now I'm too tired to have sex tonight, so it's gonna be another night of no sex.

Yuna-Try not to wake up the girls when we get to the hotel room.

Chang-You think they serve dumpling at the hotel.

Yuna-You can go check and eat and sleep on the couch tonight.

Chang-Are you 'still' mad? Not my fault I can't satisfy you high sex drive?

I just took a deep breath since yelling is just going to be pointless. We made it to the hotel and I took the elevator to the floor of our room alone. I got to the room and saw an empty room in there that I closed and locked to keep my husband out and away from me.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Kinsley made me cuddle her last night while she only had her underwear on and when I woke up this morning, she was in the middle of getting dressed. After she carried out of her room in my pajamas and it smelled really good out here. Ms. Caine walked down the hall and looked like she was up for a bit now and took me from Kinsley to cover my face in kisses.


Ms. Caine-Morning my little baby boy.~ Kinsley, can you go get your sisters up? The Rohan family will be here soon. I'll take care of your brother.

She took me to my room while Kinsley went to get the others up. I got a quick bath and a change of clothes and from the way I was dressed... Even I had to admit I looked cute which made me blush hard in the mirror.

Ms. Caine-Don't you just look adorable. Yuna and her family will just eat you up! ~

I didn't want to ask then soon we heard a doorbell ring and Ms. Caine carried me out of my room and to the front room where I saw a family of panda bears.


I felt really nervous since I was dressed like this and about to meet new people. All I could do is curl up in Ms. Caine's arm and hide part of my face in her. When the panda family looked at us I blushed harder.

Ms. Caine-Good morning everyone! This is my new son I told you about! His name is (Y/N).

???-A human? You adopted a human?

The lady that must be his wife elbowed him a little before she came up bent over a little close to me. I hid my face a little more then looked at her again.

???-Please forgive my husband. I'm Yuna Rohan. That's my husband Chang, the girl chewing on bamboo is my eldest daughter Kioko and my other daughter it Mai.

(Y/N)-U-Um... H-H-Hi. *whisper*

Yuna-Awww, he's adorable.~

The others girls came over and my body acted on its own when it curled up a little me then Ms. Caine turned me away.

Ms. Caine-We should go sit down for breakfast. I had my chefs make some dishes from your home.

Mai-Can I hold him for a little bit, Zoe?

Ms. Caine-Let's see how he feels after breakfast.


(Yuna's POV)

Breakfast ended a while ago and my daughters were in the backyard for Zoe's daughters and new son. He did look adorable as I said, but I couldn't get into a good mood thanks to a certain lazy someone still camping out by the kitchen. If he ate me out even half as much as he over eats, I would be a much happier woman, but here I am having a 3rd glass of wine. Soon Zoe came in holding her son and his cheeks looked like they were on fire as she laughed.


Yuna-What happened to him?

Zoe-All of our daughters doted on him too much and when he fell back and accidently planted his face in Alesha's chest, he got overwhelmed... He just needs time with his mama. ~

She sat next to me and turned on some music in here then put her son between us. We spoke for a bit before I finally addressed him giving me puppy eyes of some kind.

Yuna-You can talk too. We don't bite.

(Y/N)-O-Oh, um... Sorry. I-I-I just never s-saw pandas before.

Yuna-We are pretty rare. What do you think of us so far?

(Y/N)-Um... Y-You're p-p-pretty and nice... Mai kept on tickling my neck though.

Yuna-Oh... Why's that?

Zoe-Did she like the sound of your laughter?... Come to think of it. ~

Zoe gave his neck a little rub and he quickly shut his neck and pulled away while giggling. the sound of his laughter... It was just so cute! ~

(Y/N)-*Giggles* Eep!

Yuna-Uh-oh. Did we just find out you're ticklish? ~


He was quick to deny it and protected his neck, but I got his foot a little and he pulled away while erupting in laughter. Zoe and I both smiled and I put my wine glass down and we both started to tickle him everywhere we could and he had a lot of places. We kept on going until my daughters came in.


Mai-Mom, we're gonna go out for a little with Alesha and the others.

Kioko-Coral, wants to bring him with us.

Zoe-I think i'm gonna hog my son a little. He's still a little flustered from the accident with Alesha.

They looked disappoint, but leaned over the couch to give (Y/N) some kisses and cooed him as they slowly left the room. Next Zoe got up from the couch and left her son with me.

Zoe-I'll be right back. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and we'll watch a movie with him when I get back.

It's just (Y/N) and I now and he looked nervous, but I pulled him onto my lap and rest his head in my arm. I caught him staring at my big hands I got from my dad and put it up to him then gave him a look that gave him permission to touch my hands. All he did was play with my fingers until I gave him a surprise poke on the nose that made him blush. I held him out in front of me and just admired how small he was compared to me. He would be lucky if he reached past my knees. Past him was my wine glass that still had some wine in it... But I think I had enough for the day, so I just laid on the couch and put him on my chest to where his nose met mine and his feet dangled in the air from laying over my huge boobs... I don't see how staying a night or two could hurt.

Yuna's mind-Awwww. How come she gets a cutie like you?! ~

Chang-Honey! You think our chefs at home could make a few things from here?! You gotta try these snacks they make! *echo*

Yuna's mind-And I get an idiot like him.

I just ignored my husband and continued to coo this little guy. It's odd. I had been in a bad mood from not having sex withing having to work tirelessly jumping through hoops for it in so long, but now... I'm finally in a good mood.


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