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(Mitsuri's POV)

I wanted to make a good first impression since the poor little guys is going to be scared and sad when I meet him, so I brought treats. Shinobu brought up good points that bringing him home will do more harm than good for others until those demons are dealt with. When I made it to the Butterfly Mansion I smelled the new perfume smell a little as I walked down the hall before I heard Shinobu in the medical ward helping her other patients like that boy who traveled with a demon. I remembered the room she spoke of that was different than the room where the others were and that didn't leave a whole lot of places. After only one failed guess, my second try lead me to a room where I heard a bit of crying. It filled my heart with sorrow before I opened the door to see the room was full of sunlight and should resemble happiness, but a sight of a crying child just wanting to go home made it heartbreaking.


His face was buried in his blanket, so he didn't notice me, but that's when I suddenly felt my sadness for him really start to ache. My legs even acted on their own a little to walk to him.

Mitsuri's mind-Poor baby. My heart feels shattered now that I can cry right now with you. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I could not stop crying ever since I woke up to Nezuko being taken out of the room, Shinobu opening the curtains to fill the room with sunlight, so she could not come back in, then told me I could not go back home until those demons were killed. I just wanted my mommy and to be in my room. I felt someone poke my leg a little and I thought it was Shinobu after she came back from helping the others, but when I looked I saw someone else and they had little box with them.


She had tears in her eyes a little for some reason. She wiped my tears a little and I couldn't talk because I was still crying so much until she got me some water to drink.

???-Poor thing. Please don't cry. ~

I took sips of the water at first until I could finally stop crying then looked at her. Her eyes looked so soft and kind like Tanjro's, but there was something else in them. It's the look of something when they see a cute puppy or small animal you can keep as a pet and cuddle. She had a small box on her lap and she put it on my bed and opened the box and a little bit of steam came out which made the things in the box look even more delicious.


???-I thought you might need something to cope with the bad news... My name is Mitsuri Kanrogi. You must be (Y/N), right?

I just nodded my head at her and she gave off a bright smile before she rubbed my head as she grabbed a chopstick to stab one of the balls covered in syrup then held it to me. It was about to drip on the bed, so I quickly took the bite then slowly grabbed the chopstick with my finger and thumb. This tasted so good with a fluffy and inside, but crispy and sugary on the outside. I got the next bite by myself and she smiled while watching me eat.

Mitsuri-Awww, you look much cuter with a smile. ~

(Y/N)-A-Are you here to take me home?

The sudden change of look said it all and I know it was a stupid question to ask. She sat on the side of my bed and used one arm to pull me into a hug. She was soft and warm considering I felt a bit of muscle and her hands were a little rough. Must be from that sword, but how often did she use it?

(Shinobu's POV)

I just got done with examining the boys and gave them a green light for rehabilitation training as well as telling Tanjiro the situation with (Y/N) saying for the good of him and many others. He spoke his mind against it, but the is not a chance I was going to let him leave me. The thought still made me sick to my stomach. I got some lunch for him since he's not here to train, but when I opened the door, Mitsuri had him on her lap in his bed to my surprise... I didn't like it.


Shinobu-Hello Mitsuri. Fancy for you to drop by unannounced. What brings you here?

Mitsuri-I just came to see the boy. Isn't he the cutest! He just makes my heart race! ~

Shinobu-... I'm happy to hear that.

I'm an expert at putting on fake smiles. Inside, fury and rage is all I felt when I saw her holding him when it should be me... HE'S IN MY MANSION AND UNDER MY CARE!!!

(Mitsuri's POV)

I could hold this soft and squishy little boy all day, and even had thought about taking him back to my manor with me. Shinobu came over and put the food she had on the table next to the bed before she ripped the boy away from me... This broke my heart and even made it stop for a moment.

Shinobu-I'm sorry, but i'm afraid he needs to rest and not thrown in front of more new people. He's clearly stressed out still.

Mitsuri-I can help. I got him to stop crying earlier.

Shinobu-And you've been a big help, but I have treatments that should help him relax until it's time for him to... return home.

The way she said that last part made me feel a little skeptical until it hit me that she's kicking me out... Away from (Y/N). Master would not want us fighting, and I just wish to help. I tried negotiating with her, but she was insistent and would not budge which made me as furious as I would be when facing a demon that's in the middle of killing for sport... If she did not want to share... I'll find a way to take him for myself then.

Mitsuri-I see... You have your mind made up in caring for him then?


Mitsuri-Well then... I'll be on my way.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Mitsuri left like she said she would, but there was a look in her eyes that told me she was super angry just like Shinobu is. I don't know id I should try to calm them down by telling them they are angry because if they can kill demons then I don't think making them mad at me is a good idea. Holding me seems to calm them down a little, but anyone could see they were fighting over me. Shinobu put me on the bed and already looked happy... Mostly happy before she got a dumpling and held it to me.

Shinobu-Say ahhh. ~

(Y/N)-I can feed myself. Can I just see the chop-?

Just then her eyes showed me something dark like she was super angry again. For a moment, I think I saw something dark come off her.

Shinobu-Say... Ah.


She feed me the dumpling then instantly became happy again, but she can easily get angry angry... I'll just let her feed me this once.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

Shinobu is giving me a message right now and it did feel nice, but it didn't make me feel better about not going home until they find those demons that are after me. By the time the massage came to an end, I felt so much lighter, like I could jump and touch the ceiling. Now she took me outside where I could here Tanjiro training in a dojo by himself thanks to his screaming. We got to a part of the mansion where there were a lot of butterflies flying around. She sat on a bench and had me on her lap then I thought of something.



(Y/N)-Who's looking for the demons that are after me?

Shinobu-Well, demons only come out at night which i'm sure you noticed. They are no doubt coming for you as we speak and since you said there was no numbers in there eyes they should be very easy to deal with.

(Y/N)-But what if we go looking in dark places during the day and-.

Shinobu-I know you just wanna go home and I wish to help you, but that could take longer and be really dangerous to bring you along. You'll be safe here and they will come looking for you here. Demons can just smell their prey when close enough. They just have to poke their heads out while near by and it'll be over..

She says it like it's so easy, but if that's true then why not send me home right now if they think I'm here or at least small my scent.

(Y/N)'s mind-She's a good person. I could see it in her eyes. She just wants to help... She just thinks I'm cute... I should keep checking her eyes.

Soon a girl walked up to and her eyes... they were almost completely blank with nothing in them.


(Timeskip 45 Minutes)

(No POV)

Mitsuri is in a private meeting with the master to offer a plan to quickly slay the demons and bring (Y/N) home by sending out Shinobu the insect Hashira with a pheromone to help draw the weak demons to here mansion. Meanwhile (Y/N) will be safe in her manor to be sure a child with no training gets caught up in a fight, even if it is a slaughter for the demons.

Mitsuri-This plan will ensure the child's safety and after, I will personally bring him home.

Master-I see... It is in out interests to make sure this child return home safely. And this will lure out demons?

Mitsuri-Just hungry lower ranks and if these demons are in hiding while on their way here, they will most likely be starving.

Master-Then I suppose there is no room for question. I'll grant the child be transferred to your manor affective immediately. I want him settled in a little to try and be a little familiar there.

Mitsuri-I will personally see he feels well at ease before bed time.

(Kanako's POV)

I noticed Shinobu had a new smell on her that must be a new perfume that was strong at first, so when I came back from a mission, it drew me to her. Now i'm hearing that there is a small child here from the mountain those spider demons were at. I did fail to track and slay them, but they have reason to believe they will come looking for him. My sights were on the boy now and it's hard to look away from him. I never really had this feeling ever since nothing matters to me. Every time he spoke or made so much as a sound it was so captivating... I just went to my room and fought the erg to go back, but now I couldn't get him out of my head.

Kanako's mind-This doesn't make any sense. What do I do?... Coin... I have to flip the coin.

I decided if it was heads then I will go out there and speak to the little boy and tails, I will stay in my room until the next meal time. When I flipped the coin...

Kanako's mind-Tails. I stay in my room.

I just had to lay down in bed to rest and calm down for while. Nothing is precious to me in this world so soon at least. Nothing matters because it can't be allowed too.

Kanako's mind-If that's true... Then why am I feeling this way?


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