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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to being in my bed and the light shining on my face and I stretched a little before something hit me... How did I get in my bed after I fell asleep on the couch last night watching T.V.? I thought about the dream last night of how a new looking Nicole Waterson was in my house and brought me to bed to sleep with me. Maybe I was sleepwalking last night or just don't remember coming in here last night. Just when I started to relax, I heard crying coming out from the hall, so I went to check it out and felt scared again.

(Y/N)'s mind-I know I'm awake now. That was just a dream last night.

(Nicole's POV)

I could not stop crying when I woke up early this morning after waking up 2 different times. I couldn't sleep... Which meant this was real and what happened to my family and home, happened. My boys, my little girl, my husband... I don't know how to get back or if I even can get back. Soon (Y/N) walked by the bathroom I was in splashing my face with cold water, his jaw dropped at the sight of me for a bit before he held out his arm. He wants to do the thing where someone pinches him to check if he's awake... I was not in the mood for this.

Nicole-You. Are not. Dreaming.

I walked up to him and pinched his arm a little and he pulled back to rub it while I sat on the edge of the tub to bury my face in my hands.

(Y/N)-*Breathing fast* AAAHHHH!!!

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

(Dan's POV)

I just finished making my breakfast for the morning and I plan to start out this weekend by relaxing since this is will be my only day to relax for the week before I have to do errands tomorrow then go back to work. The moment I sat down I heard pounding at my door, so I went to go answer it to only see my neighbor's son clearly scared. I'm sure it's nothing, but I do not want to babysit today more than I have to.


Dan-Slow down!... Now talk like a normal person.

(Y/N)-A cartoon person came to life in my house! It's Nicole Waterson from The Amazing World of Gumball! I thought she was just a dream at first, but she's real!

Dan-Can you go play this game with your friends?

(Y/N)-I'm serious! You can come see right now! Nicole Waterson is in my house!

Dan-Yeah, and I got Fred Flintstone in my backyard. Now, I just made some breakfast and-.

(Y/N)-But what about the living cartoon in my house?!

Dan-*Sigh*... Is anything on fire?


Dan-Is she breaking or stealing anything?

(Y/N)-I don't think so.

Dan-Is she hurting you?


Dan-Then we're done. Go play with your friends.


*Door slam*

((Y/N)'s POV)

He didn't even listen to me and slammed the door in my face. I tried running to my closest friend's house next, but when I got there there was no cars and nobody answered the door. They was not home and my other friend is a lot of blocks away, but I have to make sure nothing bad happens at my home... I can get my phone that I left at home to send a message and I can send them a picture of her!

(Y/N)-They can't deny a picture and everyone will have to believe me!

I ran home as fast as I could then got my phone before I looked for Nicole, but... she was curled up against the sink in the bathroom.


She's been like that since I left, but I quietly took the picture without her knowing then sent it to my friends. I stood and they quickly replied on the group chat with...

(F/N)'s #1 text-Where did you learn to draw like that?!

(F/N)'s #2 text-You should've drew on our projects board that one time!

(Y/N)'s text-I didn't draw this! This all real! Come over and see it if you don't believe me!

(F/N)'s #1 text-I'm going to my uncles for a family reunion for the weekend. Can't come to just see you lie.

(F/N)'s #2 text-My mom is making us deep clean the house before we shampoo the carpets and she said no friends over until the carpet is clean and dry tomorrow. Besides, it's clearly photoshop.

(Y/N)'s text-NO IT'S NOT!!!

Now my own friends won't even believe me when I gave them proof! Suddenly I noticed that Nicole is looking at me and her eyes looked kind of pink like she was crying a lot.

(Y/N)-Um... H-Hi. Are you ok?

She didn't answer me and rested her chin on her knees. I felt bad for her again and even more this time since I knew she's really there... somehow. Since nobody believes me and she just looks so sad... Maybe a hug would help.

(Nicole's POV)

This is all just too much for me to handle and that's saying something because of all the stuff I've been through, but at least I had my family to go home too after... As chaotic as it... was. Suddenly (Y/N) surprised hugged me from my side and when I looked into his (E/C) eyes, I saw how concerned he looked for me... It warmed my heart a little then his stomach growled and I'm pretty hungry too.

Nicole-I'm taking you didn't eat anything too.

(Y/N)-Here, get up.

He helped me up a little and we left to bathroom to go to the kitchen and get something to eat, but all he did was put sausage and bacon in an air fryer for us to eat then I looked in the fridge to see there were a lot of things you need to prep and actually cook which is weird since his dad isn't home a lot from what he told me.  He got eggs out and I can't a kid his age use the stove, plus this kitchen was a little messy.

Nicole-Hey, maybe I should cook with the stove.

(Y/N)-By I do it all the time. I only had to call the fire men twice before and my dad just says to be more careful, so I am.

Nicole-... Let me cook the eggs. Just go wait in the living and watch a cartoon or something.

He left the kitchen and I could not believe his dad would say something like that and let a 6-year-old work a stove and who knows what else. Even Richard would take care of dinner even if it was just snacks or ordering food.

Nicole's mind-He leaves his son home alone more than half the time of his life, makes him cook for himself when he showed that he can't be trusted home alone at his age... Is it even illegal in this world to leave a child alone for this long?! You can't just have neighbor do check-ups and it'll be ok!

The food was not going to be as good like how he is doing it, so I took out the food from the air fryer he had and put it on the stove to cook instead.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I'm trying to pick an episode of Danny Phantom to get my mind off things a little, but for some reason the menu looked glitchy now. I picked an episode, but all it showed was static on the screen. I guess this thing broke when Nicole got here... She must've come from the T.V. and changed a little somehow, like magic. I tried to fix this thing, but now the remote won't work.



Nicole-(Y/N), breakfast is done.

Maybe that was just the bacon that popped.

(No POV)

(Y/N) went to go eat with Nicole at the dinning room table and meanwhile at the T.V. the USB got hotter and hotter until electricity came out of it, but Nicole and (Y/N) could not hear it over their talking and it was 2 rooms over. The power in the USB got more out of control until the static screen started to glow and a figure was pulled through the T.V. the same way Nicole was and when the power turned off...


(???'s POV)

I started to slowly wake up, but my head hurt so much and I felt so dizzy that i couldn't even get onto my hands and feet. I did smell something in the air and even if it was good, it made my stomach sick.


I took my mask off to help me breath then looked around to see I was in a weird looking house, and by weird I mean... I don't know how to describe it. I saw my hand just fine. I started off with a crawl to the hallway to look around until I finally felt like I was gonna get sick and saw a bathroom. I made it to the toilet just in time to get sick in it a few times before I felt so much better. I didn't feel as dizzy anymore and with my stomach problems solved I focused on what this place was. It looked so weird and different from me and clearly not my house or even work. When I walked past the mirror, I saw I looked a little different now.


This could be the work of ghosts, but last thing I remember was... My lab then everything started to fall like blocks... I tried to... check on the upstairs to see a ghost boy carrying my daughter Jazz as most of the world was disappearing then... I fell through the ground to a place that looked like T.V. static, and I felt... tingly until I saw my hand getting blurry then... then... I was here.

Maddie-Where am I?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Nicole is actually really nice and it's kind of cool to have a living cartoon around when you get used to it a little, but then I thought about a movie dad showed me once called E.T.. It was about an alien that wants to go home and the government tries to catch him to do... experiments on him.

(Y/N)'s mind-What happens when they find out about Nicole?... They'll hurt her and she didn't do anything wrong!

Now I was kind of happy that nobody listened to me, but I have to keep her hidden here. I thought this was a big house and we have 5 rooms in this place. My room, my dad's room that Nicole can have, and 3 guest rooms. There was also the basement where she can make it into something she likes with help from my allowance. Suddenly...

???-Danny!... Jazz!... Jack!

Nicole and I looked to where the voice came from before I got up and tried to go check it out, but Nicole just picked me up and put me behind her. When we peaked behind the wall we saw a woman and she got surprised by us then reached into her little pocket thing and only pulled out what looked like a radar before she put it away then got into a bit of a fighting stance with cartoon sounds.


???-Who are you?! What have you done with my family?!

No way... She's from Danny Phantom.

(Y/N)-Maddie Fenton!

She looked confused from that accidently slipped out of me and Nicole looked at me too like she was thinking of something.

Maddie-How do you know my name you ghost!


Maddie ran to us like she was about to attack us and that made Nicole angry and easily stop her attack which made since because I saw her destroy cars with only her hands. She slammed Maddie to the ground very hard and it knocked her out.

(Nicole's POV)

He said her name like he knew her too and come to think of it, he never told me about how he knew my name when we first met. After I dragged this woman to the living room and used towels as rope to tie her wrists and ankles together, (Y/N) tried to get her on the couch and wake her. I just went to get a cup of water then splashed it in her face which woke her up.

Maddie-*Cough* *cough**cough* Huh?

She tried to break free then found (Y/N) was by her side and screamed a little.

Maddie-Let me go! Where's my family?!

Nicole-Calm down... They're not here and we didn't do anything to them.


(Y/N)-Um... Maddie. I'm (Y/N) and this is Nicole and she came here the same way you did. Maybe if you calm down a tiny bit we can untie you and talk.

Maddie-I'll never trust a ghost!

(Y/N)-We're not ghosts. Look, I can touch you.

He just poked her arm and she was still skeptical when he suddenly untied her wrists and finally managed to break her ankles free. If she tries anything to hurt us, I'll show her how nasty I can be... Then treat her wounds to 'maybe' inflict them again. As for him...

Nicole-Hey (Y/N). You knew my name and like you do hers... How do you know all of this?

(Y/N)-Oh, here. Let's see if this works.

(Maddie's POV)

I watched at this boy grabbed a remote and scrolled through shows and went to one called "Danny Phantom". The sounds very close to my son's name and when he played an episode... I saw my home, normal me, my husband, my son, and daughter then at the near beginning of the 'show' something played and it made my head spin.

I remember when our machine failed, but it turns out it just wasn't on... The 'show' came back and for the whole thing I saw the time we went to see Vlad before the reunion. Vlad was a ghost just like my son and... I hunted him a few times to try and trap him in the ghost zone or even had thoughts of destroying him.

Maddie's mind-Why didn't Danny tell me about any of this?!

I sat on the couch with my jaw hanging open before when I saw everything I didn't know be thrown right in my face. Ember, the school's old counselor, Vlad, my son, and so many more turned out to be ghosts or how many ghosts were close by. Not only that...

Maddie's mind-My marriage, my children, my career, my life... Was it all a lie?

Nicole-Where's my show?! Put it on!

(Y/N)-Um... On second thought, maybe this wasn't a good idea.

Nicole-Put it on!


((Y/N)'s POV)

I put on The Amazing World of Gumball for Nicole, but Maddie didn't look too good after watching 5 episodes of her show. Now Nicole was acting the way while Maddie held her head and grabbed her own hair... This was a horrible idea and my neighbor might've been angry while yelling this at me, but "You make the mess, you clean it up".

(Y/N)-Maddie... I-It's alright.

She started to breath faster, so I just gave her a hug and she finally looked at me.

(Y/N)-Hey, it's ok... I mean... Um...

Maddie-Thanks, but... I think I need to lie down alone somewhere.

(Y/N)-You can use my dad's room since he's not here a lot... It's the last door down the hall or you can grab one of the guest bedrooms.

Maddie-Thank you sweetie.

She just left the room and Nicole looked awful and heartbroken as she touched the screen while it showed Gumball, Darwin, Anais, and Richard with her as a family.

(Y/N)'s mind-This is just sad. What can I do to make this better?... I got it!

(Timeskip To Night)

(Nicole's POV)

Earlier today when I skipped to where my show had its last episode, it explained what happened to us... We were cancelled. After that I watched the news and Maddie did so too in the dad's room for us to see how different this world is and what it could mean if we are discovered. I couldn't eat anymore even now, but (Y/N) pulled us both to the office of this place where there's a computer. He said he had something that was going to cheer us up, but how can you be happy when you life was a lie until it got cancelled.

Maddie-So what's the surprise that's gonna cheer us up?

(Y/N)-Before I tell you... I'm sorry for showing you your... shows. I didn't think it would make you feel sad like that, and I have no idea how to get you back or if you can, so I came up with the next best thing. I used 2 spare frames in the basement for this.

He opened a drawer in the desk and pulled out 2 picture frames and what they were brought tears to my eyes and Maddie's.


(Y/N)-Sorry if the artist name and stuff is there. I didn't know how to take it off... Do you like it?

(No POV)

He gave them their photos before he decided to give them both one last hug before he to go take a shower. They both looked at him as he left the room and left the dumbfounded about how sweet and wholesome the moment was.

Nicole/Maddie's minds-(Y/N)?

((Y/N)'s POV)

When I got out of the shower I went to my room to get dressed into some pajamas and had an hour before bed, so I went to the living room to watch some other cartoons, but before I could pick a show, Maddie and Nicole came in.


(Y/N)-Oh, hey... Are you feeling better?

Maddie-That was very sweet of you.

(Y/N)-Well, I mean... I did-.

Nicole-No. You didn't mean it and you did your best to fix things.

They sat on both my sides on the couch and smushed me in the middle of them and did things like rub my head pulled me on their laps... It felt good that I made them feel better and cuddling like this was nice too. I didn't get to watch a cartoon on the USB because they kept on holding me and taking me from each other before my alarm on my went off and said it's time for bed.

Nicole-Come on, I'll tuck you in and-.

Maddie-Actually, I would love to have some company tonight after such a long day.

Nicole-Well his bed is too small for 3.

(Y/N)-Well... this couch folds into a bed, it's just not as comfy.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

They were both in my dad's sweat pant he never uses and some lose fitting t-shirts and they turned into cartoons  when they put them on, but their old clothes stayed cartoons even when they were taken off. We tried a normal pair of socks and when Maddie took them off they turned back to normal... It was cool to watch. Right now we were sleeping on the foldable bed and I have to admit that cuddling made it comfy and i was being held from both sides... I liked being held. Guess I never knew that since dad wasn't around a lot to go fishing for his job.

(Y/N)-Goodnight Nicole. Goodnight Maddie.

Maddie/Nicole-Goodnight (Y/N). ~

They both kissed my head before we all went to sleep.

(No POV)

Maddie and Nicole stayed up a while longer to watch (Y/N) sleep and adore the sweetheart that gave them such a heart warming gift they put in the guest rooms they took over. After they feel asleep Maddie rolled over in her sleep and the remote was under her butt and it her the 'OK' button which selected a show and brought the screen to static. While the 3 sleep the T.V. got brough as someone was coming through then when the T.V. went back to the Menu and got dark...


A dark figure was past out from exhaustion after waking up for a brief moment and stayed on the ground. Meanwhile on the screen it showed the last thing selected was... Dexter's Laboratory.


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