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(Zoe's POV)

While I woke up earlier, I saw Alesha took (Y/N) from the pile to hog him to herself and I should've seen this coming that one of my daughters would try to pull this. Regardless I was getting ready to head to word and see if anything needs to be changed today or what games we can replace to make room for new slot machines. I was thinking about brining my daughters with me to help them gain a bit more experience in running the casino and just put my son in the Kid Zone or something for a while but decided against it to let them take this time to bond.  However, at breakfast and my girls and son were up to come have some French toast my son said something that I think I could read in between the lines of.

(Y/N)-Um... Ms.-. I-I mean mom... Do you think I c-can go to the Kid Zone at the c-casino today?

It was clear he was hoping he would see his old father there... Who am I kidding? He probably knows he'll be there for sure since his addiction to gambling is not just going to stop because he got his debt cleared along with getting $60,000.

Zoe-Sweetie, would you rather spend the day here with your big sisters? I'm only going to be gone for 4 hours.


Zoe-... *Sigh* Alright, but only if you say my name correctly this time. You know what I mean.

(Y/N)-... Mama... C-Can I go to the Kid Zone today?

Zoe-Yes, you may. Would you 3 like to come with us? I would like you to watch over your brother.

Kinsely-We can just be in the room above the Kid Zone, right?

Zoe-Yes, but I want one of you to go in and get him a $100 card for games. I will not have him stuck in there with nothing to do anymore.

Coral-I'll go in and stay in there with him.

Alesha-I'll relax in the room with Kinsely.

With all that settled we all finished our breakfast and we had to get (Y/N) to understand that he does not need a lunch bag to go in the Kid Zone because even if he does get hungry or thirsty, we have snack bars and vending machines over there.


((Y/N)'s POV)

Coral was holding my hand and the wolf man at the gate greeted her like she was a princess as we walked through. We got a card for games, but fore we played she made me look up to a window inside the Kid Zone and we saw Alesha and Kinsely waving at us with their fingers, so I waved back a little.


I wanted to stay at the games where I could look at the gate to see if I could see my dad come by. After a few games of air hockey Coral took me to play the VR game I like, but I don't if my dad would come by, but I know he has to be here. He always comes here today unless he got sick.

(Y/N)'s mind-Dad, where are you?

(Zoe's POV)

I had 3 choices on what slot machines to replace and I was trying to save the less used machine because I could make more off it if I could relocate it to a better area on the floor. While I was in the middle of this decision my intercom went off, so I listened carefully.

Speaker-Excuse me madam, but there is (D/N) (L/N) here and needs to discuss a matter that's urgent.

This caught me by surprise that he wants to talk again so soon, but curiosity got the better of me.

Zoe-Send him in.

I waited for a bit before my door opened and I saw none other than the man that sold his son to me and he had a sheepish smile on his face, so I have a feeling we are not going to see eye to eye here. if it's giving him more money or anything else, he can already forget it.


(D/N)-Good morning Ms. Caine.

Zoe-Good morning. I understand you have something urgent to say.

(D/N)-Um, y-yeah... I need to cancel that contract between us.


(D/N)-I just feel bad and i'm sure my son had a hard time last night too. I can still cancel the contract anytime I want, right?

Zoe-As long as you can meet the requirements to cancel it. Allow me to pull it up. Let me see... Ok since you didn't read it last time, i'll go through it for you.

(D/N)-Oh, ok... So is it like a job I need to do?

Zoe-No, you simply need to pay for everything up front in one big payment.

He seemed shocked and speechless, but he doesn't know the half of what was coming his way and we both know he'll never make this much in his lifetime or the next. He thinks he can just change his mind in the blink of an eye? I bet the reason he wants his son back is because he already wasted most of the money at the very least and with child to his name, the state won't help him nearly as much... I'll crush his hopes of the easy way out.

Zoe-Ok, let's see... You'll be taking your debt back with the interest added since the payment has passed, I will need the $60k back, the cancelation fee will be added as well and finally my daughters and I will need compensation for having our newest member to the family taken from us so soon. We added up the numbers before and that's going to lead to the total of... $2,013,924.96.

His jaw dropped when I said this and I think he was waiting for me to say I was just kidding, but I wasn't.

(D/N)-H-H-... How do you expect me to get that kind of money?!

Zoe-I gave you $60k. Surely you must've invested some of it.

In truth, I highly doubted that since he was not very smart.

(D/N)-You... You tricked me!

Zoe-Tricked you?... You didn't read the contract after I asked you if you wanted to. You only asked if it would relieve you of your debt to me. You signed both papers all on your own.

(D/N)-You think you can get away with this?! I want my son back or else!

Zoe-Now, now (D/N), we don't want security to get involved, do we?

(D/N)-Th-Those bears don't scare me!

Zoe-Oh, it won't be them. They just went on vacation with family. I could get Martha and Dixie in here though.

When I said their names, his fear disappeared because they were both women then he walked up to me like he could threaten me. In reality, I can take him myself, but I wouldn't dirty my claws with the likes of him, so I just pressed a button under my desk to call the girls in.

(D/N)-I'm taking my son back and i'll fight those adoption papers! If you try to stop me, i'll make sure you regret it.

He was walking back to the door, but just then it opened, and Martha walked in.


Martha-You rang madam?

Zoe-Yes. This man is trying to break our contract and kidnap my son. I want him out of my office and nowhere near the Kid Zone

She looked at (D/N) and he looked like he was getting cocky because she was female. I hate people who judge on things like gender and race.

(D/N)-You wanna fucking try and stop me?! I'll throw down! I don't give a fuck who you are!

Martha-I'm just here to make sure Dixie doesn't lose control.

(D/N)-I don't give a fuck about her neither! You all better stay out of my way!

We both tried not to laugh at him, thinking he could take us all on, but i just need my head of security for that.


Speaking of whom.


When his hand reached the doorknob the walls were pushed open to reveal Dixie's secret bigger door, so she could fit inside. He froze in terror from the fact that he could only make it to her thighs, but that was the least of his problems.


Dixie-Good morning, madam.

She quickly spotted (D/N) and picked him up by the back of his shirt.

Dixie-Am I throwing him out?

I explained everything to here of how he's not allowed to come into my office with the money he will owe to cancel the contracts, nor is he allowed near my son or the Kid Zone. He's still allowed on the gambling floors as long as he doesn't cause trouble, but if he does then he will be banned. Just then, (D/N)'s attitude switched.

(D/N)-W-Wait! Can we just work something else out?!

Zoe-... Like what and why would I? Just so you can claim a child to get food stamps and aid from the state?

He seemed flushed that I found out his plan, but it was not hard to guess... Just to make sure he doesn't cause a scene in public to save us both the embarrassment.

Zoe-Dixie, be a dear and bring Coral and adopted son to my personal break room. My other daughters will be there as well. My son's name is (Y/N). The guard at the gate should be able to point him out.

Dixie-Yes madam.

(D/N)-You can't just-!


That made him shut up as he was being carried out like he was a kitten being held by the nap of their neck.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Coral was going to the bathroom right now, so I was just playing pinball when I started to hear little thudding sounds that I think were getting louder over the noise before I heard it right behind me. I turned to see 2 ladies standing right behind me and one of there was huge and it made me scared before the other girl bent down to me.


???-Calm down. My name is Martha and this is Dixie. We're here to take you to your mommy's breakroom for the day... Where's Coral?

(Y/N)-Um... B-Bathroom.

Martha-Ok... Dixie, carrying him back.

The rhino lady bent down and scooped me up with one hand for me to sit on before she held me close and stroked my back.

Dixie-*Chuckles* You're like a tiny plushie. ~

I blushed a little when she said that and soon we made it to where the workers are only allowed to be and to a room where I saw Alesha and Kinsely, so Dixie put me down and left.


They both looked worried for me and Alesha picked me up and took me to the couch in here with her. They did more than talk to me like a baby, they treated me like one and I have no idea what's going on, but I think Coral will be the same when she gets here.

((D/N)'s POV)

I was kicked out of that bitch's office and onto the gambling floor. I looked at how much money I had and if I play my cards right, I can make the money and then some. I gotta do this fast before I lose benefits with the state, so I bought as many chips as I could with all the money I had left.

(D/N)'s mind-Alright, game on you filthy fuzzy bitch!

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

I had a full house in a game of Texas Holdem, so I went all in with my $6k worth of chips. I had this in the back until...

Man-Read them and wheep! Royal Flush!

(D/N)-... No.


Epic the Orca

Rereading this on on here. Such a good one.


More please and thank you