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((Y/N)'s POV)

Today was pretty fun if you ignore the people taking pictures of us and stuff like that. I was still out learning how to swim with Mero, and she said I was doing a good job with swimming. I was kinking my feet while holding her hands to stay above the water and the waves were weak this far out. Sometimes she would let go but stay close to me to make me move my arms and I would make it a little far before I start to go under the waves a little. She would even tell me more about mermaids and mermen and her home, but it was mostly fairytales that have endings were someone dies or some kind of love that cannot be returned. Soon Papi came out here by flying over us then stopped flying to do a...



I held on to Mero to rest a little while Papi swam around us.

Papi-Hey, I need (Y/N)!

Mero-What for?

Papi-Rachnera wants to do a thing where we bury him and leave his bed out of the sand... I have no idea why though.

Mero-I think you mean you leave his head out of the sand.

Papi-Ohhhh... I don't get it. When do we bring his bed out here?

(Haley's POV)

I saw two of the so-called mothers out in the water with the boy and I think the press seeing a shark attack with the child out there would turn the press and at least most of the public on them for not thinking about such dangers. I have a scuba diver out there about to play sounds, but just then I saw the fish lady give the child to the bird before they started to swim back to shore then the fish lady went under water.

Haley's mind-Where is she going?

(Man's POV)

I could barely hear these sounds, but I should get out of here before the sharks show up. Just as I was about to leave, I saw the mermaid mother appear right in front of me with a look of confusion.


Mero-Um, excuse me sir, but are you sure you want to play those sounds this time of year? I think dolphins are gonna get the wrong idea... Not saying that some of my people don't have the same interests from special comics and such. I just never met someone willing to do it in real life.

What was she talking about? And these are sounds for sharks... right? I could talk underwater like her then she just looked around like she was looking for something before she turned away.

Mero-Next time, try not to do this so close to public or by my son again. It's very inappropriate and I will be reporting this to authorities if you do this again. Also, that suit won't be very flattering.

She left me and I was confused on to what she meant, but I knew the plan was a bust and my boss won't be happy to hear it. I was just about to leave before I saw 3 dolphins swim up to me and I thought I saw something under them. They were circling around me, so I turned off the sounds, so they might go away, but one just laid on my back and I felt something poking my butt...

Man's mind-Oh no.

(No POV)

The man soon started to scream after his suit was penetrated along with something else. This made him scream even when nobody would hear him. The only sound he made was bubbles going up to the surface.

(Haley's POV)

The child was back on the beach, so the shark attack and us saving the child was a bust. I had an earful waiting for the incompetent man when he comes back, but when he came back, he was crying and had a hole in the back of his suit.

Haley-What happened out there?! You had a very simple job!

Man-I-It wasn't a shark call. *sobbing* IT WASN'T A SHARK CALL!!!

He continued to cry and curl up in the sand and the others helped him up to get him inside before we were seen. The first plan failed, but this is why you always have more. Food poisoning and the child getting sick then pinning it on the moms feeding him such food will get people riled up and I know where they are keeping the food in the freeze for their lunch later. We just need to switch it with the warm and temperature abused meat in our truck. We just have to freeze it to make it look good again.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were making kabobs for lunch and have chips and drinks with them. Some are all meat, some are all vegetables, and some are mixed. Zombina was grilling them while I was playing volleyball with Centorea, Rachnera, Miia, and Lala. It was a 3 on 2 match against Miia and Lala and Centorea would hold me above the net sometimes to let me spike the ball. When lunch was done, we stopped the game and Centorea gave me a shoulder ride over to the table and I saw how good the food looked.


She put me down to sit at the table and gave me one to start out with while Zombina was making a lot more. I took a bit and it tasted so good. It was nice and juicy and the sauce on top made it better and while I was eating, Tio sat next to me and put me on her lap and this was softer than a wooden bench. Everything was fine until Ms. Smith said something.

Ms. Smith-Hey, what kind of meat it this?


Ms. Smith-What happened to the steak we ordered?

Zombina-I marinated it in a few bags this morning to use them tonight for dinner for more flavor. It's in the minifridge in my hotel room.

Doppel-I didn't know you were a chef?

Zombina-Dad taught me everything I know. We always loved to do stuff like BBQ.

Tio-This little guy seems to like it. Don't you? ~

(Haley's POV)

I was having a fresh cooked steak made by one of my assistants for lunch on the balcony while I was using bachelors to spy on them and wait for them to look sick. As I ate, I had no idea what they did to this steak, rather if it was the marinade or seasoning, but it tasted funny. When I was finished I tried to keep watch since it should be any moment now, but I started to feel nauseous.

Haley-Did you put anything garlic on this steak?! You know i'm allergic!

Man-I-I didn't! I just used the marinade you always request!

Haley-*Grunt* Then what else did you use?!

Man-Nothing! I just get the steak we brought from the freezer in the hotel since I thought you preferred it!

Haley-You... WHAT?!?!?!

Man-The others put it in there for safe keeping! I thought-!

Haley-That was meant for them, and I told them to switch it out! What happened?!

I looked at the others and they gave each other confused looks.

Man#2-He got their meat out of the freezer, and I put ours in its place!

Man#3-What? I thought you did everything before I could help!

I just ran to the bathroom since I was going to puke my guts out no thanks to these idiots and even had to switch sides because I had diarrhea now.

(Timeskip To Night)

I was drinking water and it helped me out a lot with some other medicine. They will be seeing a deduction in salary for that 'incident' that they will never speak of again. As for the family, they were all sitting by a fire pit and the boy was being playful with everyone around it while they made sure he did not get burned. They looked like they were getting ready to make smores before I think they call it a night and I have someone waiting for whoever he is with tonight to help 'persuade' them to dark desires and take pictures of them molesting a child or even letting the child have their way with them.

Haley's mind-This has to work!

(Zombina's POV)

This child was laying across my lap while having a smore one of his moms made for him and i've never been much of the motherly type and my team and boss should know this. We were about to call it a night and just power our way through the press, but when Tio took the boy out from my lap and tossed him in the air a little a few times to play with him and make him giggly she said something that was going to change our night.

Tio-Awwww, can he spend the night in our room for the night? ~

Ms. Smith-This is supposed to be a trip for him and his mothers.

Tio-What about babysitters? It's normal for parents to hire babysitters at times.

Miia-My son is sleeping with me tonight.

Rachnera-Correction, he's sleeping with me.

Papi-Suu and I wanna make a fort with him tonight to sleep in!


Centorea-Surely, he would like to feel safe with his strongest mother.

Lala-Why not let him pick?

We all looked to him and for some reason he was looking at me in a weird way before...

(Y/N)-I'll spend the night with Ms. Smith and the others.

Everyone saw him looking at me when he said that, and I just held my hands up because I have no idea why. We started to pack things up a little to head inside and he came up to me.

(Y/N)-Can I have a piggyback ride?

Zombina-Um... Tio is taller. You want her to do it?

He just shook his head no and Tio looked shocked and offended by this. I just got down to let him hope on my back and I thought back to the times we played today, like the water fight we had after lunch. We fought through the crowd and some of these guys tried to reach for him which led to them getting arrested. We made it to our room after his moms gave him a kiss goodnight then I put him down or at least I tried to, but he wanted to stay on.


Zombina-Can someone get him off me, please?

Doppel-I got him.

Zombina-Someone with clothes.

Doppel-Don't be dramatic. Come on little man.

She pulled him off me and even held him on her side for a bit before she put him down. I know we rinsed the sea water off of us earlier, but we still needed another shower, and he was getting one too. When he came back up to me, I wondered one thing...

Zombina-Hey (Y/N), why did you pick us or... me?

(Y/N)-I saw you on the news a few times. You took lots of bullets to the belly and got up like it was nothing and fought bad guys like a hero.

Ms. Smith-Awwww, looks like he's taken a shine to you.

I knew he was right about me being awesome, but I tried not to blush or at least hide it. Just then Tio picked him up before she sat down with him on her lap.

Tio-What about me? I fought bad guys too.

(Y/N)-I saw you bust through a wall and heard you could 20 cars with one arm!

Ok, that was overexaggerated by a lot, but she went along with it and even got up to let him swing on her arm and she poked his belly a few times to tickle him while he held on for as long as he could. When he dropped down, he fell on his butt to catch his breath before he looked at Manako which made her blush.

Manako-U-um, i'm no-not that great!

(Y/N)-Are you kidding?! You're the best sniper ever and you don't even need a scope! And Doppel's superpower to look like anyone it so cool!

Doppel-Who's your favorite out of the 4 of us?


He didn't even need a second to think about it then Ms. Smith sent him to get in the shower before bed and left to get clothes for him while most of us got our swimming suits off to get into towels to wait for out turn.




We all heard something out the window and when we looked, we saw someone waving at us with a camera in her hand.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in the middle of my bath and I do miss having my moms with me since I did feel lonely in here. I know some like to take them alone, but I never had one alone before, but then Zombina and the others came in with towels on before they hung them up, except for Doppel.


Tio-Hi there sweetie. Mind if we join? ~

They made room in this hot tub sized bath and Manako pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back.

Manako-You wanna have some fun since it's just going to be us tonight? ~

(Y/N)-What can we do?

Tio-Anything you want. Just say the word. ~

Doppel-And to make things even more fun. ~

Her hair was starting to swirl which meant I was going to see her power in action. She made herself look and sound like Miia.


Doppel-I can turn-. ~


Doppel-into anyone of your moms-. ~


Doppel-You like. ~

(Y/N)-Hmmm... I got an idea and you can be yourself.

Doppel-As you wish. ~

Zombina-What do you have in mind? ~

Tio-Don't forget, you don't need permission to touch us anywhere you like right now. We're yours. ~

I wanted to try this one game with them, and I think I saw extra blankets in the small closet.

(Darla's POV)

The pictures I was getting of them playing blanket burrito while they were naked were going to make the person paying me happy and I can get triple for these at the very least. I'll even have close up shots when I go in later just for laughs.

Darla-*Snickers* I wonder if I should have the big one sit on his face a little or bury him in her chest while he's helpless.

???-Interesting idea.


I looked to see who that was, and it was the spider on the side of the building and before I could react, she spun a web around me took my camera.


Rachnera-I was planning on taking my son back in secret tonight, but I guess we can have some fun while you explain these.

I was about to scream, but she webbed my mouth to keep my quiet as she pulled me to her then held my chin in her hand.

Rachnera-Before we can talk, i'll show you that nobody toys with my son, but me. ~



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