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((Y/N)'s POV)

Lunch earlier was nice, but I did wish that they didn't try to feed me the burger and fries we had because after Ms. Caine did it, my new sisters wanted to feed me too. I just couldn't stop eating after the first bite because it was the best burger and fries, I ever had in my life. Right now, I was in my new room with all of them playing a game called Injustice 2 on the Xbox Series X and they all took turns playing with me even when I lost the lost. The only part I don't really know what to feel about is they only let me sit on their laps and sometimes Kinsely licked the back of my neck to mess me up in the game and laugh a little when I try to tell her to stop. Today was just so weird and I still want to go home to dad and my room to sleep in my bed, but it was getting dark soon and I don't know what Ms. Caine will say, but I think it won't be a yes.

Ms. Caine-Let's wrap up the game in a bit girl. We'll watch a movie or show while we wait for dinner and desert to be made. Tonight, is going to be something special.

Kinsely-What are we having?

Ms. Caine-I left the decision up to the chef, but I told him to make it something special tonight. It'll be my son's first good dinner after all.

I thought places like McDonalds, Taco Bell, In and Out, and Carl's Jr. were good places for dinner.

Alesha-You wanna sit with your biggest sister for dinner?

Kinsely-You're funny, he's sitting with me.

Ms. Caine-Now girls, don't put him on the spot. We'll let him pick his spot. After we should find out what he wants to do tonight. It's clear his first night is going to be the hardest, so he shouldn't be left alone.

I think she just said she wanted me to pick who to sleep with, but dad said that I should sleep alone like a big boy.

(Y/N)-U-Um... I can sl-sleep by myself.

Ms. Caine-Huh?... Are you sure?

(Zoe's POV)

He nodded his head yes, but none of us really believed him that much since he looked so unsure of himself. He might not pick now, but if he doesn't i'll just bring him to my room or sleep in his room with him. After the last round of the game, we put it up then went to the living room to watch a show he might like and soon we could smell the food for dinner. (Y/N)'s reaction was almost like a puppy smelling something good and wanting to go see, but I kept him on my lap.

Zoe-Don't worry sweetie, the chef will come get us when the food is done.

I rubbed my tail on his little nose to play with him a little and he let out something that made us look at him like he just got a whole lot cuter.

Kinsely/Alesha-Awwww. ~

Coral-How adorable! ~

He tried to hide the blush on his face from us, but I decided to gently pull his hands away from his face, so he couldn't hide it. Just when the chef came out to get us for dinner, he led us to the dinning room and we even had a little calm music playing in the dining room since Coral loves it the most. We all took our seats and while I sat at the end of the table, (Y/N) sat between Coral, and Kinsely while Alesha sat across from them. When the food came out with the chef in tow, I saw my son's mouth water when he laid eyes on the food.


Chef-Good evening, madam. I hope you enjoyed your first day with your new son so far.

Zoe-Thank you.

Chef-Now for dinner. We have fresh squeezed strawberry lemonade, smoked tri-tip and marinated in steak sauce, twice baked potatoes, and freshly made Sweet Hawaiian rolls glazed with garlic butter. Dessert with be ready shortly.

He left us to make our plates and I made a plate for my son, and he just looked kind of funny staring at his food like that, but then again, he only had fast food and cheap home meals before. Coral took his plate and cut up his tri-tip before she held up a piece to (y/N) and he slowly took the bite without her even asking and his eyes opened a little wider and he even cried a little. I tasted the tri-tip myself and I could see why. This was my chef's finest work and much better than whatever he had ever. Kinsely just put (Y/N) on her lap before she started to feed him more of his tri-tip then moved on to his potatoes and used more of his tri-tip to with his rolls to make sliders.

Coral-Can't you see how flustered his is from constantly feeding him?

Kinsely-Hey, if you wanna stop, i'll gladly feed him the rest of his dinner.

Coral-... Let me see his fork.

After a nice dinner I hope my baby saved room for dessert or at least, Alesha did because she took him from both her sisters to feed him his dessert. He even asked if he could just have some of his candy, but we assured him that this dessert was going to better than just having candy he can have for a treat later. Alesha was playing with (Y/N)'s hands to make him do cute little dances with his arms before dessert came out and it caught my son's eye and made his mouth water again even though he already ate.


We were each given a slice of cake, but Alesha wanted to feed her little brother first. The cute part was he somehow managed to get chocolate on his lips. When he was finished with his slice his big sister had him savor he just looked at the rest that was uncut.

Zoe-Would you like another slice sweetie?

(Y/N)-U-Um... Yes, please.

Zoe-Alesha, give him to me.

My daughter did what I said after I got another slice of cake for him. I got him comfy on my lap while I held a piece up to his mouth and I was going to make him earn this slice.

Zoe-Open up and say ahh for mama. Can you say mama again? ~

All he did was open his mouth and blushed hard that I told my daughters what he called me.

Zoe-I don't hear 'ahh'. ~

(Y/N)-... Ahhh.

I gave him the bite and kept this up while my daughters watched and I did not think this would be so enjoyable. After he was done with his second slice of cake, I wanted to milk out just one last thing.

Zoe-Can you say thank you for mama? ~

(Y/N)-Th-Thank you.

Zoe-Thank you, what?

My daughters all watched with anticipation much to his embarrassment and it only made his blushing worse, much to our enjoyment of adoring him.

(Y/N)-... *Whimper*.

Zoe-Come on... You said it in the bath and we're family now. We shouldn't have any secrets or be ashamed for loving each other. ~

(Y/N)-M-M-... Mama.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I tried to cover my face, but Ms. Caine stopped me to wipe my mouth with a napkin to get the chocolate off me. They all talked to me like I was a baby again before it was time to get ready for bed and Ms. Caine took me to my new room, but I had a sick feeling to my stomach. I just wanted to go home and sleep in my bed more than anything. She changed me into some pajamas, and I was just trying to stay calm since my daddy hated it when I woke him up from my crying and just tells me to go back to sleep. When Ms. Caine saw me almost ready to cry, she just put her hands on my shoulders.

Ms. Caine-Awww, I know your first few nights are going to be scary. How would you like to have a cuddle buddy and bring one of your new stuffed animals to my room? ~

Alesha-Or you can spend the night with your oldest sister. ~

We both turned and saw Alesha leaning on the doorway before she walked in got on her knees and cupped my cheeks in her hands then rubbed me with her thumbs... It actually felt kind of nice.


Alesha-I think you need some more time with your sisters... I can get the others and we can sleep in your new bed.

Ms. Caine-I'll join too.

(Y/N)-B-But... Wh-What if I wake you up?... I might c-c-cry tonight.

Coral-There's nothing wrong with that.

This time at the door it was Coral and Kinsely and they came in dressed for bed too. Coral came to me while Kinsely jumped onto my new bed to look at me while kicking her feet in the air.


Coral-Didn't your dad ever comfort you at night when you couldn't sleep? We're gonna do the same.

I tried to look better but they looked a little worried for me new before Ms. Caine picked me up and put me on my bed.

Ms. Caine-Well, at least we're going to do it.

Kinsely-I think I got something in mind to help you sleep a little better tonight.

(No POV)

Kinsely laid on the bed and put (Y/N) on top of her while Alesha and Coral got on both side of her then Zoe got on top of all her children and let (Y/N) get comfortable in the middle of the pile. His ear was against Kinsely's chest, so he could hear her heartbeat and they stroked him until he fell asleep. He still woke up from anxiety to cry and whimper in the middle of the night from the first time sleeping outside of his old home, but whoever woke up with him gladly comforted him and Alesha carefully took him out from the middle of the pile to hog him to herself and went back to sleep with her arms and legs wrapped around him like he was a body pillow for her told close.

((D/N)'s POV)

I plan to go back to the casino tomorrow since all my debts were paid off, I had better food, my house looked better, and I had 6k left and that was going to turn back into thousands more. I'll check in on my son tomorrow and maybe after another day or 2, i'll cancel the contract when I feel like i'm stable enough to support him again. Just then I checked my mail online and I got an interesting email saying i'm about to lose a lot of my income from state... because I no longer have my son in my custody.

(D/N)-Ok... Keep your cool... If you have a bad luck day tomorrow, you can also cancel the contract and get your son back and everything will be ok. Ms. Caine will be understanding. She was nice enough to forgive my debt and even give me $60,000... Yeah.

I think everything was going to work out and I bet my son is feeling homesick, so he'll want to come back to living with me again. I just went to bed to get some rest before i head to the casino in the morning.


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