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(Zoe's POV)

It felt so nice to have (Y/N) in my lap during a relaxing drive, but before we can go home and introduce him to my daughters, we had to get some new clothes for and a lot more. He was getting a whole new wardrobe and nothing cheap like those old rags I saw in the filthy house he used to live in. He still needed those 3 baths, and he was going to have 3 when we got home and make him presentable to his new older sisters. When we made it to the store and my bodyguards came in with me to push the cart and even helped me find clothes for my new son and it was going fairly well. (Y/N) was being very well behaved while I picked out clothes for him and it took an hour, but I think that should be good enough for clothes for now. The rest, i'll have designed by someone. The next thing was going to be soap and shower stuff then after we got done with that, I wanted to do was take him to another part of the store where I can get him toys and such.

Zoe's mind-I am just going to spoil him! ~

When we walked over, he looked in awe from the toys and games on the shelves as I held him. He used to believe that Santa skipped him for other children no thanks to his dad constantly coming to my casino, but now I can make up for all those holidays and birthdays worth of presents. I can spare another 2 or 3 million today, so i'm not worried about pieces at all.

Zoe-Don't all these look fun and cool? ~

He only nodded his head weakly to me and when I thought we would start with some video game consoles to let him pick for his room he suddenly looked nervous.

Zoe-What's wrong?

(Y/N)-U-Um... Th-These c-cost a lot.

Zoe-Non-sense. Go ahead and pick one... or all of them.

This made him look like he was going to choke on himself, and I guess since the best toys he had before were cheap toys in fast food places, he was not used to this. I may know a way around this.

Zoe-I know you just don't want me spending too much and you're so thoughtful for that. How about this? You pick now, I make a list, and we get it bit by later. That sound good? ~

He slowly nodded his head, so I put down and he started pointing at things he liked, but refused to pick a game console, so i'm just gonna get him all 3 and a computer. As for toys, he was looking at the stuffed animals a lot while trying to hide it from me.

Zoe's mind-I might have a cuddlier on my hands. ~

I'll just put a few on the list and after a couple more choices in toys he saw a candy isle. He still looked timid to reach for a bag of candy and as heart breaking as that looked, I almost let out an awe.

Zoe-Honey, i'm not worried about the price, but maybe just pick 5 big bags at best and you can have some now then some more later.

(Y/N)-B-But some of th-these costs $9 for a big bag.

I had to try not to laugh and could not wait until he sees my home. After he got 3 bags of (F/C) and 2 bags of (S/F/C) we headed up front to pay for his clothes and candy which cost me $1,394.00 then he looked like I was about to put him in a corner. After I paid, I tried to convince him that money was not an issue for me like it was for his father, but he was still getting used to this... He's seen nothing yet when he sees how big his new room is. We made it to the limo, and I sent the list to one of my bodyguards to have them go back in and buy everything my son thought he was going to wait for.

Zoe's mind-I'll put $10,000 in the staff bank account. That should be more than enough.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I can't believe I made he spend over a thousand dollars on me! I just know she has to be a little worried about money right now because my dad freaks out when we go over $150 at the grocery store. She pulled me on her lap while we drove off and left one of the bear guys while he went back in the store. I was confused on what he was doing. Suddenly, Ms. Caine pulled me onto her lap to cuddle me while kissing my head and rubbing my back.

(Y/N)-I-I'm sorry Ms. Caine.

Ms. Caine-Sweetie, I told you not to worry. You do need new clothes and money is not a problem.

I still didn't feel good about this and when she handed me a bag of (F/C) I thought I should at least share it with her. I took a piece and held it to her for her to take and she smiled at me.

(Y/N)-Um... W-Want some?

Ms. Caine-Aren't you just a little sweetheart. Yes, you are. Yes, you are. ~

(Zoe's POV)

The look on his face when I cooed him was priceless. His whole face was a new shade of pink as I took the piece of candy he offered then ate before I got another piece and pressed it against his lips. He jumped a little and cracked his mouth a little, enough for me to slip the candy in his mouth. His cheeks looked so squishy while he chewed, but I waited to play with them after he was done chewing and he went into a darker pink color.

Zoe-You like that?

(Y/N)-... I... Um... I-I-... W-Would you l-l-like another piece?

Zoe-I would love that, but only if I get to feed you again. ~

(Y/N)-I can feed myself.

Zoe-Awww, just a few pieces? ~

I gave him a sad look to guilt trip him and it worked because when I made a fake tear come out, he opened his mouth completely while blushing harder and closing his eyes. The feeling I had from feeding him his favorite candy felt so good that I might get addicted to doing this.

(Timeskip 25 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

She said she only wanted to feed me a few pieces, but I lost count on how many she fed me, but we were way past a few. When she finally stopped slowly feeding me and put the candy away then she brought me up to the window.

Ms. Caine-Welcome to your new home. ~


(Y/N)'s mind-New home?!

I didn't know what to think or say about this and wondered if my dad was going to be here with us and all she said was...

Ms. Caine-I know this is a lot to take in, but your daddy let me adopt you from him. He simply couldn't take care of you and knew it was for the best. ~

(Y/N)-What?... H-He gave me up?

Ms. Caine-Oh, but don't be sad, he just didn't know how special you were and how he was mistreating you.

(Y/N)-B-But... he loved me.

Ms. Caine-Honey... If he truly loved you, why would he always leave you in the Kid Zone while he went out and lost money and not even giving you some to play games? He never spent any real time with you, and I know that because he's at my casino for hours almost every single day.

This made me think and I was in the Kid Zone a lot and I saw other kids only there once.

Ms. Caine-Just give your new a chance and I know you'll love it. Your sisters already can't wait to see you. ~

She was rubbing my back while holding me tighter with her chin on top of my head until the car stopped, and she carried me out with my new shampoo. She had other animal people help bring in my new clothes while she brought me inside and put a finger to her lips to tell me to be quiet. We went up the stairs and to a room where I saw a huge bed, a dresser, a very big T.V., and it looked so clean in here that even with the curtains closed, the wooden floor still looked shiny.

Ms. Caine-Now then, let's get you all cleaned up for your big sisters.

She took me to the bathroom, and I was surprised that I had a bathroom in my room now and it was huge!


She got my shampoo out of the bag and turned on the water before she left the bathroom. I found out how to turn the hot water and cold water on then took off my before I got my hair wet over the faucet then got some shampoo. I rubbed my hair a little before I washed it off and I didn't see a bar of soap, so I guess I have to skip that, so I just soaked in the water.

Ms. Caine-*Ahem*.

I quickly panicked and sunk deeper into the bath to hide since I had no clothes on and she looked like I did something wrong.


Ms. Caine-Is that how you bathe yourself all the time?

(Y/N)-U-Um... no. *whisper*

Ms. Caine-Don't lie to me. *sigh* I guess he didn't take the time to teach you how to clean yourself.

She came up to the bath and my face was burning when she sat next to me then filled up a cup she got then poured water onto my head. Next, she got some shampoo and started to scrub my head herself and I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even talk. I was of how fast she was going since she had sharp nails, but she didn't scratch me once before she poured water on my head then got something else to put in my hair and it made my hair kind of stick together a little before she washed it out.

Ms. Caine-Oh my god. The water is almost turning brown.

(Y/N)-I-I'm sorry.

That just slipped out of my mouth, but all she did was finish washing the soap out of my hair before she kissed my head.

Ms. Caine-Don't be sorry sweetie. It's not your fault. It's your old father's fault... You earned these 3 baths.

She finally moved to my body, and I saw her use the 3rd bottle that I thought was shampoo before she grabbed something puffy, like a weird sponge to put the soap on then scrubbed my body and when I tried to take it from her to do it myself, she just tapped my wrists down to stop me.

Ms. Caine-No. You clearly don't know how to wash yourself... Let's take this time to go over a few new house rules.


Ms. Caine-First rule is, no more calling me Ms. Caine. I adopted you, so that makes me your mother, or you can call me mom or mommy or anything like that... Can you say it right now?

My face burned up when she said that and I tried to just say 'ma' to make her happy and it was also the easiest, plus I did see mob movies with dad at my grandparent's old person home that were kind of cool. It was really hard since she was still scrubbing my body before she washed it off then went back to my hair.

(Y/N)-M-M-... M-M-Ma-ma.

I didn't mean to say it twice, but now it was like I just acted like a baby to call her 'mama' and I heard how happy she was from her gasp.

Ms. Caine-*Giggles* Did you just say mama? That's so precious. ~

I wanted to take it back, but when I opened my eyes when all the soap was out of my hair, she just looked so happy, and I didn't want to ruin it after all the money she spent on me. That just sounds mean.

(Y/N)'s mind-It's not like I have to call her that all the time.

(Zoe's POV)

He was so flustered and embarrassed, and he has nobody to blame, but himself. I just planned to come in her and drop off a towel and watch to make sure he cleans himself to my liking, but I did not expect for him to do such a bad job.  When he was done with his third bath, I took him out to dry him off with a towel and hair dryer and when I was done with drying him off, I noticed his hair looked so fluffy. I ran my fingers through it, and it just felt so soft against my already soft fur.

Zoe's mind-He just keeps getting even cuter! I just wanna snuggle him! ~

I held myself back to get him dressed in some nice comfortable clothes that also made him look nice and as for the clothes. He looked adorable, well dressed, clean, and smelled like cinnamon for us, but with all of that out of the way, he was just missing one final thing. I licked his face a few times like I did with my girls when they were babies to mark him as mine then I dried his face off again.

(Y/N)-Wh-What was that for?

Zoe-It's to put my scent on you. People need to know you're my baby boy now.

(Y/N)-I-I'm no-not a baby.

Zoe-Oh really?... Did you already forget that you called me mama? ~

He blushed hard when I stated that simple fact then I picked him up to take him to the living room. I plan to get my girls to show them their new little brother.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Ms. Caine put me on the couch and gave me a few kisses before she said she would be right back with my new sisters. The living room was very big and the T.V. looked about twice the size of the one in my new room. I never knew a house could be so big because I think I already saw 3 hallways and there was more to this place, and I even saw a huge backyard with a pool outside a window in here.

(Y/N)-Woah. *whisper*

Just then I thought I heard something like footsteps or something from behind me, so I turned, but nobody was there.

???-*Growls* *giggles*. ~

I heard it from behind the couch, but I was too scared to look at first and when I finally did, I saw that nobody was there.


Just then I pushed down on the couch, and someone held me down by my wrists and when I finally turned to see who it was, she was smiling at me.


???-Well, well, well, lookie what I just caught. ~

I was trying to ask her not to eat me, but then she only kissed my cheek before she rubbed my head.

???-I was looking a new toy to play with and you're very soft to pounce on. I even have a spot on my bed for my favorite toys or I could get a nice toy box to put you in. ~

I just shook my head no since I was too scared and nervous to talk while my face was burning up.

???-No?... We'll see about-. ~

Ms. Caine-Kinsley!

Just then we both looked to Ms. Caine with two other lion girls behind her looking at me.


Ms. Caine-Your brother is still new here and I told you what he was like. He is not ready for how wild you play.

Kinsely-I was just teasing. He's fine.

Ms. Caine-Please, get off him.

She did what her mom said but sat next to me while the others came over to sit down and Ms. Caine just pulled me onto her lap while her daughter looked at me.

Ms. Caine-Girls, this is (Y/N), your new little brother. (Y/N), I see you meet my youngest daughter, Kinsely. She can be very playful and your typical party girl at times, but she's smart about it.

Kinsely-Also go on Tik Tok. I'm sure my fans would love to see you. ~

Ms. Caine-My oldest in the orange shirt, is Alesha.

Alesha-Hey there little man. Why don't you come here for a sec. ~

She took me from her mom and stood up to hold me like a baby before sat back down and some of my face was buried in her chest and when I tried to get out, she pulled me deeper into her chest and lap. It was very soft as I sunk into her. I tried not to blush in front of all of them, but I couldn't help it. They even started to talk to me like I was a baby for a bit which just made it worse.

Ms. Caine-Alright, enough of that. My middle child is Coral.

Coral-It's very nice to meet you. Alesha, let me see him.

Kinsely-How come I didn't get to hold him, yet?

Alesha-You pounced him!

Kinsely-Sue me!

Coral came over and when she did her eyes looked... I don't know the word, but it was calming me down a little, she smelled like gentle flowers, her fur was maybe the softest out of all of them, and she rubbed wet nose against mine. I would normally be so embarrassed, and I was still a little embarrassed, but I also felt safe.

Coral-Awwww, you're a cuddlier, but just so shy and timid. If you want, you can sleep in my room with me tonight if you're scared. ~

Her voice sounded soft than her mom's then she kissed my head before she gave me back to her mom.

Ms. Caine-Coral is the gentlest of my girls and into spirit stuff... Now girls, i'm going to have a word with the chefs about a special lunch and dinner tonight. Don't crowd the poor boy and I need to put all of his new stuff in his room when it gets here.

(Y/N)-I-I thought w-we a-a-already got all the clothes I needed.

Ms. Caine-I'm talking about your toys and games, silly. ~

(Alesha's POV)

He looked bothered when our mom said that, but she did tell us he didn't like her spending over a thousand dollars on him, but he still didn't know that she bought him for almost $500k and that was nothing compared to how much she makes monthly from her 6 other casinos ran by her teams that all answer to her. Poor little guy came from a disgusting home where his so-called dad owed my mother's casino over $400k. When mom left, I took (Y/N) into my arms to cradle him again because I thought he looked adorable like this.

Alesha-You wanna watch a movie or show or play a game while we wait for lunch? ~

(Y/N)-U-Um... A m-m-movie, please.

Alesha-What kind do you like? How about your favorite movie?

He thought about it, but I think he came up with nothing because he just stared into my eyes trying to find words to say. He only cracked his mouth open a little and Kinsely leaned into me closer and so did Coral.

Kinsely-Do you have a favorite movie or show?

(Y/N)-I... watched a few mo-movies before... A-At my grandparents old p-person's h-h-home. I-it was about mob gangs, it w-was in black and white, and... I-I don't know what it was c-called.

It sounded like a very old movie to us, and it would not be too surprising if his dad didn't have a T.V. or at most have one, but with almost nothing on it. The thought of that along with cheap toys from cheap food to almost no food was really depressing.

Coral-How about we try some cartoons? Perhaps classic Disney movies would be a good start.

With that we just put on (C/D/M) and took turns holding him throughout the movie as people were coming in with our brother's stuff and when he looked at what he got, he looked in awe, but also guilty.

Alesha's mind-Poor baby... He just needs time with his big sis... Maybe he'll just spend the night with me. ~

(Kinsely's POV)

This was nice, but if it were up to me, I would be taking him to my room and have my new baby brother do cute little poses for me or just trying to run from me while I pounce him again to play with him. He was also just so small and only made it to my waist.

Kinsely's mind-He'll be a perfect cuddle toy. ~

I can just see the likes and comments for a lioness big sister and a human little brother and many things I can do for pictures and videos.

Kinsely's mind-I bet you look so adorable sleeping... You are so sleeping in my room tonight. ~

(Zoe's POV)

My son's room was coming together, but I highly doubt he'll be able to sleep alone on his first night here, despite him having a room for superior to his old room in every way and it's just one door down from mine. I can just picture him coming into my room at night sometimes and say "Mama, i'm scared. Can I sleep with you?". The thought made my heart flutter and that got me thinking. I can offer a choice for him tonight to sleep with one of us to feel a little better tonight

Zoe's mind-I'm sure you'll pick me... Or my girls can find you called me Mama while I was giving you a bath. ~


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