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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all in a very long limo to fit all of us while our stuff was in another car on our way to the hotel. People were already at our house taking pictures of us before we could even leave and some were there trying to support us while others were being mean and even tried to grab me, so they got tazed by the police. That was scary and Centorea kept me close in front of her to keep me safe until we got to the car. Ms. Smith called after and tried to tell us that in our reserved spots, these people won't get close without getting arrested. That didn't make me feel better about this.

Rachnera-You doing, ok?

(Y/N)-Yeah... Are we just gonna go to the beach when we get there?

Miia-I think we should settle in first. We can play some games as a family when we get to our room where there will be no cameras, no press, and no media.

Papi-Yeah!... Wait, where are we going again?

Some of my moms just shook their head a little then we soon saw the beach and hotel when we were on top of a hill to look down at a city. It did look pretty while we were driving through the town, but the good feeling I had left when we made it to the hotel and people were out in front of it.

Centorea-(Y/N). stay in the middle of us and don't look at them.


When we got out of the limo, I was the last to get out and there were so many voices that it was hard to tell what they were saying then we got inside and heading up the stairs instead of taking the elevator to stay together. It was a long walk up the stairs and after 6 floors I was already tired but kept on going until we made it to the 20th floor, the top floor. Other agents were already here and even Manako was waiting for us to take us to our room.


Mero-Where's Ms. Smith?

Manako-She's in a meeting and asked me to take you to your room and today will be spent getting settled in. Tomorrow, we have plans for breakfast on the beach and such. The press should calm down a little by then.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

I was sitting on the couch here since this room was a bit more like a house. There were only 2 beds short for all of us, but Suu doesn't sleep in a bed and i'm fine with sleeping with one of my mommies. We were setting up a game of twister and I was going to spin the spinner first with Suu and Lala, but during the whole game, Rachnera was kind of cheating because she had so many legs.

Rachnera-So what do I get if I win?

Miia-We're not playing for prizes!

Rachnera-That sounds boring... Oh, (Y/N), you don't mind being my prize when I win, right? ~

Centorea-You can turn our child into a prize! What are you even gonna do with him?!

Papi-If I win, do I get him?!

Mero-Are your extra legs like cheating?

Rachnera-Sounds to me like sore loser.

After 4 more turns Centorea fell and took the others with her, except for Rachnera that just won so easily. The first thing she did was come over to me while spinning a web and looking at me with a smile.

(Y/N)-Wh-What are you doing?

Rachnera-I won, didn't I? I think you'll look adorable as a purse on my side. ~

Miia-Don't! You!

(Ms. Smith's POV)

I finally got some of the press to leave for now at least when I got permission to answer some questions from the board, but some people are dead set on camping outside until we come out for the beach day tomorrow. I opened the door to the family's room to tell them what was going on, but when I did, my sights were locked onto Rachnera and her son being a human purse.


His head and chin were supported while he was curled up, a strap was over her shoulder, but he wasn't gagged and looked like he was fine. She was out of line right now, but causing a scene would be a nightmare, so I quickly closed the door.

Ms. Smith-What are you doing?! Untie him! *whisper yell*

Rachnera-Relax, he just has to say the words and i'll let him go.

Ms. Smith-Do you think press is above using drones to spy through windows?! Because they're not!

Centorea-We tried telling her this!

Mero-Didn't you say your agency made it punishable to fly drones up here while we were here?

Rachnera-She did and it's just enjoying my prize. He's not complaining. ~

(Y/N) just blushed very hard at that and it took time before I finally got her to untie him, but she refused to put him down. I told them what the situation was like as best I could, and it was harder to explain it to Papi since she had to understand that we cannot afford her being reckless with (Y/N) at all. They so much as accidently leave a scratch on him or if he gets himself hurt or in trouble then this program and the other one can both be destroyed. Media will view monsters as unfit parents to humans and (Y/N) will be ripped away from them follow by them being deported.

Ms. Smith's mind-At this rate, they'll need a vacation after this 'vacation'.

(Timeskip Tomorrow Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Papi and Suu were running with me to the beach area we have to ourselves right after breakfast to play and Papi wanted to build a sandcastle. We also had volleyball, tents for shade, and even a place to BBQ food. I never made a sandcastle before, but we had buckets and other toys to make one and by the time we made it to the red rope press caught up to us, but it was too late. Now the others have to fight through the crowd, and I could hear a lot of questions they just ignored until they got through the crowd and away from them. When they came over, I saw all my moms in their bathing suits while I was in mine.


They had blankets and towels to lay out in the sun while the 3 of us built our sandcastle and Papi taught me a lot about it since she did this a lot back home. When we were done, Miia took a picture of it and it looked pretty nice. We even added a few flags and windows then Mero came over by dragging herself across the sand.

Mero-(Y/N), would you like to come swim with me? It would also be great for swimming lessons.

Papi-Hey, Suu and I had him first!

Mero-It'll just be for a little bit.

(Y/N)-... I guess and maybe we can get shells for the sandcastle.

Miia-Just don't take him too far and no staying underwater for too long.

Just then, Mero looked happy as she closed her eyes and based on the kind of stuff, she liked and what Miia just said... She wouldn't drown me; I know she won't.

Mero-Hmmmmm. ~

Centorea-We can tell what kind of stuff you're thinking!

Papi-What is she thinking about?

(Rachnera's POV)

I noticed the net for the volleyball court was torn, so I took it down to weave a brand-new net that held up much better. Lala was on my team, and we were up against Miia and Centorea. We did check out into the ocean once in a while to see what Mero and (Y/N) were up to and she was going out to a fair distance and stayed above water, so the press could chill out or at least have nothing on us. While we were in the middle of our game, we saw someone be let into our area and we had a problem until we saw who they were.


Ms. Smith-Hey, don't mind us if we have fun on the job!

Tio-Where's the little cutie?! I wanna play with him!

Monoka-Don't mind us. We'll hardly be a bother.

Zombina-Hope you like water fights, because I came locked and loaded!

Doppel-I'm just gonna relax in the water.

Zombina-The press is over there and watching us! Our jobs are on the line and that kid is here! Put some clothes on!

Doppel-Not on your life.

(???'s POV)

I arrived at the hotel myself to shut down these programs the moment something goes wrong, but I can't just point out Doppel being a nudist since it's a lifestyle both species have in common. Not to worry because the day has just begun, and I came prepared to ensure something happens and I even had a few men to help with that.

???'s mind-Now... Let's ruin this beach day.


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