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((Y/N)'s POV)

Mom never let me leave her side after I found her on the ground yesterday and this morning, she said someone was coming over to help with the house, so I need to be on my best behavior. My mom kept on getting hurt this morning and I think I heard something on her rip, like her underwear or something. I had to take a bath still and so did she and I got in first in the hallway bathroom, but for some reason my mommy took very long in her shower and came out tired. I think she needs a doctor's help instead of someone coming over for the house... Unless that person is a doctor. Right now, we were just relaxing in the living room, she had me on top of her and under a blanket while we were watching a show I like. Soon there was a knock at the door and she carried me with her to the door, but just before she grabbed the knob.



(Y/N)-Are you ok?!

Mommy-I'm... I'm fine.

My mommy just opened the door then we saw a weird looking man and he did some kind of acting thing like angels were singing in silence as he raised up his arms.


This guy took a deep breath as he looked around our house from what he could see at the front door. Mommy invited him in, and he put a suitcase by the door.

Mommy-Thank you for coming father.

(Y/N)-Father? He's not grandpa.

Father-We are all one big family my son. I am also the one to help a family in crisis and from what I can feel... There's something powerful at work here. Dark even.

((M/N)'s POV)

The girls were just laughing at him, and Bonnie was even on the ground from laughing so hard. It was clear they did not take him seriously and I don't know how to feel about this, but he is my best chance at the moment.

Chica-You hired this fake fuck?!

Fredda-Hahahaha! What's he gonna do? Wave around and hang up crosses?

Father-The first we need to do is mark this house in the name of the lord. We'll start by putting these up in every room.

He reached into his suitcase full of stuff and what he pulled out made the rest of the girls go to the ground.


(M/N)'s mind-Please tell me he has something these girls are at least afraid of.

I put my son down and told him to go to his room since the girls were too busy laughing at him to mess with me. With him out of the way of harm, I followed the priest and exorcist around the house as he hung up crosses for the first step of his services.

Father-Now that we marked the house to let the demon know that it is not welcome here, we have to find the source.

(M/N)-I think it might be me, so is there something you can do, like holding hands for a prayer or something?

Father-While a demon can attach itself to you, it may also have others it can leech onto. How long would you say this has been happening?

I went into detail from what he would believe since I left my old hometown after my eldest son died. Then something else happened at my new workplace before all of this happened. The girls kept on giving me smug looks and gestures about raping me again to try and mess me up with distractions, but I focused on the priest.

Father-I see... Do you keep tabs on your child? Has he seen anything weird that he has told you about? Maybe even picked up a new imaginary friend?

(M/N)-No, none of that?

Father-Are. You. Sure?


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was playing on my Nintendo Switch and in the middle of a boss fight in the game when all the sudden my door opened and it was my mommy and that man.


They were both looking at me and I wondered if I was in trouble. My mommy got on her knees in front of me, so I paused the game.

Mommy-Sweetie, did you see or get anything new when we moved here? Maybe something related to the 'incident'?

(Y/N)-Umm... Did you get me these?

I just went over to my closet where I had those plushies, but when I opened the door... They were gone.

(Y/N)'s mind-Huh? Where'd they go? I didn't touch them!

Father-What is it, my son?

(Y/N)-I... I had toys in here. 4 stuffed animals of more animal like Fredda and her friends.

Father-Fredda?... Your mom's workplace?

(Y/N)-... Kind of.

Father-Are you sure you didn't misplace the toys or lying? This is not the time for lying.

Mommy-Why don't you find the toys and when you do, being them to us.

They both left my room, and I looked around in my closet some more to see they were really gone. I never played with them then I heard something.



I turned to my bed and walked over to check around it then under it then found the toys I was looking for.


I was a little creeped out since I know I did not put them here, but something made me jump and rub my eyes to make sure it was real...

(Y/N)'s mind-Did the foxy plushie just turn its head to me?!

I looked back to know see it walking over to me and it made me fall back on my butt. I was about to call for help, but it ran on top of me then covered my mouth with its soft paw. It only squeaked a few times before it rubbed my cheek. I picked up the toy and it looked like it struggled and was quite weak, but it kept on squeaking like... It wanted help.

(Y/N)-You're haunted... That guy and my mommy are going to want to see you!

I got up, but that's when the other 3 came out and started to look like they were begging me on their knees for me. I didn't know what to do, but I know I shouldn't trust anything from Fredda or ghost stuff.

(Y/N)-Nice try, but you can't fool me!

They suddenly started to jump up and down before they went to get some paper and crayons that I had before they wrote something down... S... O... S. The foxy plushie started to hug my need while squeaking in a way that sounded like crying. They didn't look dangerous, but I couldn't be sure.

(Y/N)-You want my help?... P-Prove to me that you are not evil.

They were thinking for a little bit before they went to get more paper to draw a circle before they all got around it to hold hands then bounce around it. At first, nothing happened until my game resumed and my character moved on its own, so I looked and saw it was beating the boss that I was stuck on, and it didn't use any of my healing items. Next, my favorite song from my playlist on my computer played. The toys just nodded to me like they were happy to help before they went back to being just normal toys that fell to the ground.

(Y/N)'s mind-I mean... I can keep an eye on them for a bit before I can know they are not evil.

(No POV)

(Y/N) soon went back to his game after he put the toys back in his closet and when something came out of the closet and landed right in front of him, he didn't notice a thing.


Foxy/Freddas-*Chuckles*. ~

Foxy-Be sure to watch him girls. We need him for something, so keep him happy with small gifts and stuff. ~

(Chica's POV)

Just when Foxy came back, we were in the middle of enjoying our show and catching her up to what happened. This guy was no doubt some poser that she wasted money on. Foxy even whispered to us about using her son against her and it might even push her over the edge to submit to the command we were sent here for.

Father-Now that we even protected your body, I will do the final step to protect you and your son. Take this bottle of holy water and splash some on you and your son.

Fredda-Holy water?

Chica-Only from the holiest of sinks at a church.

We all laughed at this, and Bonnie was sneaking up behind (M/N) to give her a wedgie which gave me an idea to lift her shirt and bra to flash this guy, but that was until he splashed some water over (M/N) and hit Bonnie.


(M/N) jumped and we were all surprised by this while Bonnie just looked super fucking pissed off.

Bonnie-AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! *Growl*.

(Father's POV)

I never saw this before. Steam was coming from the air where I splashed some of the water, but I went along with it.

Father-Hear me foul demons! In the name of lord and all of which is holy! I condemn thee back to the depths of hell! Your presence is not welcome to this innocent family! What say you now?!

Just then a vase started to float and while I was in shock from it, it came hurdling to my face.


((M/N)'s POV)

Bonnie was on the ground in pain and I tried to run to the priest to see if he was alright, but just then, Chica grabbed me. She threw me down to the corner of the room then I looked at her to see how pissed she was.


Chica-You've done it now you fucking-!

Bonnie-Forget her! Get him! THIS FUCKING BURNS!!!

I was about to splash her with the holy water the priest gave me, but she snatched it from my hands then put it on the table before she pulled me out from the corner to pick me up by my bra and panties while Fredda and Foxy dragged the priest to the garage with us. The closed the door before Chica ripped my shirt off to hook my bra and panties together by force then got tape to wrap around them and I guess reinforce it enough to hang me on a hook. I felt my panties digging into my pussy then she stuffed my torn shirt in my mouth to gag me and tape to keep it there.

Foxy-Ye burned our sister laddie. Old Foxy will show ye what happens when ye cross the line. ~

Foxy held up her hook and I screamed from both pain and fear before I saw her gut the poor man alive. The gag made my cries for help unheard, but there was a knock on the door and it had to be my son and Foxy gave me look that might as well say "If he comes in here, he'll see too much not to gut him too".

(Y/N)-Mommy, something broke the vase. Is everything ok?

Just then Fredda came over to rip the gag out of my mouth and I grunted my teeth from when I swung a little and my underwear dug into my skin a little more.

(M/N)-E-Everything is ok... I-It's just a religion thing. I-I'll clean it, just stay away from the broken glass and stay in your *grunt* room.

(Y/N)-Ok... I'm still looking for those toys.

He left and I was gagged again then closed my eyes while they gutted the poor man even more while I heard Bonnie crying more out there. When they were done Fredda forced opened my eyes for me to see a bit of blood dripping from her mouth that she just licked clean. Meanwhile, there was not even a sign from the dead body...


Fredda-Let this be a lesson. We can't kill you or your son, but for everyone else... We'll leave that part up to you. Now, Let's get Bonnie in here, so we can have some more fun with you like this. ~



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