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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was almost night again outside and I could tell from the faint sunlight coming through the leaves and all day this demon was playing with my nose with one finger while laying down on her belly, kicking in the air. All day she has been feeding me, playing with me, and doing all sorts of stuff while keeping me tied up in her webs. Some even made me do little dances sometimes against my will until I was tired enough to rest in her arms without fighting while I was free. She actually thinks her name is mother since she can't remember her old name. When night finally came, she just tied me up and gagged me again before she looked sad the kissed my head then put some mud on me.

Mother-Wait here and don't make any noise. I'll be back and if anything... Try to take a nap.

She, so I was all alone, but I was not staying here, wrapped in spider webs until she comes back. These webs were so strong, it was like they were ropes or chains. These things can't be that string if they are so thin and came from a spider's butt.

(Rui's POV)

The family game night last night was ruined, and it was all their fault. Mother ran off in tears, my older brother and sister could not follow the rules while playing the game to the full extent that I wanted, and Father was being annoying. What do I have to do in order to make them function as my family properly... After countless lessons I taught them, they should know what happens when i'm defied or disappointed.

Rui's mind-Why won't they learn?

Soon I heard the door to the house open then I saw mother walk in, but she had an odd scent to her... Human, but not even a drop of blood was found on her when the smell was clearly all over her.


Rui-Mother, where did you run off to the other day? You left family game night.

Mother-I apologize Rui, I went to calm down elsewhere on the mountain. I managed to find and kill a human that thought I was just wearing make-up and attractive.

Rui-I see... Mother.


I swung a thread of mine at her and cut her into 4 pieces and watched her struggle to let herself regenerate as I slowly walked up to her, so when she was whole again, she was forced to bow and look up to me.

Rui-You can run off and cry on your own time. I don't want excuses or disobedience. Don't forget your role to this family. Am I clear?


Rui-Good. Now go.

I sent her on her way, but something was still off, I had a feeling... Perhaps my older sister could be of help.

(Mother's POV)

That was painful, but at least he won't send anyone to look for me and he wishes to be alone at the moment. I was making sure I was not followed on the way back to cave and I had to take the long way to avoid my 'eldest son' and his territory, but then I had a feeling I was being watched, so I sent out my spiders to search. From what they found; it was my son's spider heads, so I used my spiders to tie his down, so I could proceed. When I made it back to the cave, I was greeted by the adorable sight of this adorable human child struggling to get free, but since most Demon Slayer members cannot break free after they can cut boulders, he has no chance.


Mother-*Chuckles* Trying to escape still, are we? ~

He only looked away from me, so I attached the threads to my fingers to take full control over him and forced him to come over and hug me. Next, I sat against a wall in the cave then had him sit on my lap and cuddle me. The threads felt a little annoying, but this will teach him to do it himself soon enough, even if I have to use more extreme measures. He gave me pleading eyes as he nuzzled his face into me if I pretend that he's just asking for more affection, it just warmed me inside. That feeling ended when someone came into the cave and my heart sank when I saw who it was, and I held (Y/N) tighter.


Daughter-Hello, Mother... What are you doing with that human?

Mother-If you must know, I just caught them and was about to eat them.

Daughter-I followed you here and you went to Rui first thing at night. You had no time to recently catch anything.

She came closer and I instinctively curled up to protect (Y/N). He was the only source of happiness I had in many years. When she got too close I had my spiders wrap around her and I know in a fight between us, I would win, but she can always tell Rui.

Mother-Don't come any closer to him!

(Daughter's POV)

This human completely resents her and is even trying to struggle this very moment. I was once told we all joined this family seeking compassion amongst other demons, but this child was human and shows the same resentment we have to each other more clearly... What is it the is driving her to do this? I never saw a demon act like this before. While I was tied up and could not break free from her threads, I released my own webs around hers then used my acid to dissolve them and this made her send more spiders. I think with her focus on me she lost her grip on the human and her threads got loose while got his gag off and an arm free which made her panic and quickly tied him back up.

Daughter-What is with this human?! What makes him different than the others you eat?!

Mother-Leaves us alone!

She turned him away and while I was thinking about Rui, I thought about what he keeps going on about family and our roles. This was the first time I saw her perform this rule, actually perform this role... I was curious and decided to humor this idea.

Daughter-... Alright, fine.

Just then she looked confused before she suspected me of lying and after the sudden change I just showed, she has every reason to be skeptical. I'll make it more clear to her though.

Daughter-I'll give you 1 hour to show me what this human means to you and if I can understand... I'll keep this from Rui but will have no part when you get caught.

When I pulled back my webs, she soon turned her attention to the crying human trying to escape still. I just sat in a corner to observe her trying to calm the child down with gentle touches, pretty words then went as far as to go to the pond in here to put him in after taking his clothes off. In the moonlight, I saw bags under his eyes showing a lack of sleep and while he was being soaked and soothed by the water and her touches, he lost most of his fight due to exhaustion. When it was clear he couldn't fight anymore, he was taking out and was shivering from the cold as Mother wrapped herself around him.

Mother-That's it. You must be so tired. ~

(Timeskip 45 Minutes)

The child was sound asleep in her arms now and the whole time I was watching, something was bugging me. When he nuzzled into Mother by himself in his sleep, is when I remembered when Rui tried to do the same with me to try and enjoy the rule as a little brother being care for by his big sister. When I couldn't meet his expectations, he didn't punish me, but he talked down to me before he simply walked away after I did try... I wonder...

Daughter-Let me see him.


Daughter-Let me see him or I will tell Rui. I won't hurt him.

She was afraid of me telling and slowly moved (Y/N) to my lap to use me as a pillow. He did look at peace when he shifted his head a little. I stroked it like she did and how Rui wanted me to that last time, and this soon made him nuzzle into me some more.

Mother-Pl-Please don't tell Rui or the others. You know what they will do to him... I... I just want something that makes me happy.

Tears were coming out of her eyes, and I suddenly started to remember something... Crying... A baby was crying in my arms next to a fireplace on a mat in a warm house.

Daughter's mind-Was I a big sister before too? A real and loving big sister?

Rui will kill me if I lie to him and get caught, but... No, I have to tell Rui. Just then the child took a deep breath and his warm breath on my lap made that memory come to mind again.

Daughter-I... I-I...


Daughter-I found that she had a few humans' captive to torture and when it was just down to her last won after she forced friends to fight to the death. One manipulated by her and one free but forced to kill to live.

Rui-I see... Very well then. If that's it, I don't care.

Rui just looked at the moon on the porch and I just got out of his room and walked outside the other side of the house with a bag of stuff like blankets and some dishes to put food in for my human sibling and headed back for the cave. What I made it back to the cave, I saw my 'true' sweet little brother laying on top of mother as she leaned back and stroked his head in his sleep. He wasn't willing yet, but if a bond of fear and torture is what made us hate Rui, we were going to get the compassion we wanted and expected when he saved us.

Daughter-Here's a blanket for him and... It's only a matter of time before the others find out. We have to leave soon.

Mother-In time we must, but not tonight. We need a distraction to come to us instead of making one to risk being caught... For now, we wait... Your brother will need food when he wakes us. See if you can hunt a rabbit or too for him as well as some berries and herbs.

(No POV)

When Daughter left the cave, a crow flew high above her and spotted her to recognize her as a demon. The crow took off to go report it and by the time morning came, it delivered the message, and a group of Demon Slayers were being formed and 3 low ranked Demon Slayers were near the mountain too and will be given the order to head to the mountain.


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