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(Ghira's POV)

I knew Ilia once and I know she's just confused, angry, sad, and has every right to be, but that should not stop her from doing what is right. I was talking to her to try and convince her that instead of searching with Adam for the boy to bring them to Seinna, bring the boy to me and his sisters, so he may go home. She knows what it is like to lose a family and she shouldn't force that on to someone who is innocent in all of this. I even think I was getting through to her and then she said something that eased my concerns about her.

Ilia-Alright, but Adam left the island in case the kid got off the island somehow, so we have until he comes back.

Ghira-He left to go search?

Ilia-We couldn't find him here and since Blake went missing, he assumed she took him with her.

Ghira-Without telling us or her team? She disappeared from the bathroom. Someone has to have them both.

Ilia-I'll let you know if I find anything, but right now, I can't do that since Seinna is breathing down my neck and will be suspicious if I go out searching on days I requested off.

Ghira-I see... Thank you for helping me find the boy and my daughter.

Ilia-No problem.

With that I took my leave and plan to tell Kali that Ilia will be helping us search for the boy and our daughter soon.

(Ilia's POV)

It was about time that he left and just when I was worried, he was gonna notice something over the music still playing in the room because I think I heard Blake's loud moans in the room at times. They might've just been in my head, but it still worried me that he might try to take my family away and I was going to have to kill my father-in-law. Soon I went back into the room to see Blake was completely worn out, so I took one remote on the desk at a time to turn the vibrators in her off to let her rest then noticed our baby looked really sleepy while nuzzled into her.


I just went up to them and took my baby away from that dirty bed to put him back in his before I covered it, so he doesn't see me take the toys out of his mother, clean her, then change the sheets.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I heard what was going on from outside the blankets, but I couldn't see anything for a while until the blanket was finally taken off then Ilia took me out. She got something for us to eat and she even fed Blake since she was still tied to the bed, and I got to lay next to her. When we were done eating, she got on my other side to cuddle with us, and while I was in the middle she smiled at Blake.

Ilia-Isn't it nice just to have (Y/N) between the 2 of us, honey? ~

Blake still looked tired, but just snuggled into me as best as she could then I noticed a shadow on the wall coming from the window curtain that was cracked open, but there was nothing there then the shadow went away.

(Neo's POV)

I had a feeling the leader was going somewhere interesting, but I didn't know he would be inches away from finding (Y/N) and I guess his daughter. It would be such a pain to take him by force or wait for a time to strike that may not come for days, so I needed a plan. Turning myself into that man would be too suspicious if he came back and suddenly stopped talking, same would happen if the wife or whatever showed up and did the same thing out of the blue... What if she did find her way here and caught her red handed.

Neo's mind-They fight while I take my prize... It always works from what i've seen.

(Ghira's POV)

I was getting some help to get the boy off the island immediately when we find him, and a boat will take too long and be too risky... But an Atlas airship is supposed to be very fast and well equipped for combat should Seinna act fast. I expected to get a hold of a basic officer to help with this, but when I gave them a name of the boy...

Man-Could you repeat that name, please?

Ghira-(Y/N) Rose.

Man-I see... One moment while a transfer you.

That was a little weird, but the next thing that happened was completely unpredictable.

???-This is Special Operative Schnee. What is the purpose of this call?

Ghira-Um... I found a lost boy in my area, named (Y/N) (L/N).

They transfer me to their Special Operative for a missing child that has no ties to the military or high-class family?! There was a moment of silence between us, and I was afraid she was going to sound like I was wasting her time.

???-What is your location and is the boy alright?!

She sounded generally concerned, so I wonder if this is just a personal connection. I gave her details on what the situation was like, and her help would be appreciated, but to try and keep things under wraps.

???-And will be there personally! My name is Winter Schnee, so if you have the boy, do not give him to anyone else!

(Kali's POV)

I was sighing on the porch completely heartbroken that I lost 2 people dear to me and some guards tried to cheer me up with some tropical drinks I liked while my husband was out searching, nothing helped. When I was alone a rock was tossed up here and it was not meant to break anything since it was tossed too lightly, so it might be to get my attention. When I looked down my heart skipped a beat from who I just saw smiling and waving at me.



Just then he turned and ran, so I ran and jumped to the tree here to slide down and quickly followed him. I tried to get him to stop running, but he kept on going like he wasn't listening to me. Soon we made it to a house that I recognized to be Ilia's where we met her parents, and he ran around the corner. I followed him, but he suddenly disappeared, and that's when I heard something that I recognize...


(Blake's POV)

Ilia let one of my arms free, so I could play with (Y/N) like he wanted, and this was pretty nice to only share with one person, so it meant more time for me... I think as long as he's safe then Ruby and Yang can rest easy in a way. When I just pulled (Y/N) in closer to me Ilia looked happy, and even if I was still torn on her kidnapping, raping, and spanking me... I did like the thought of not sharing (Y/N) as much. We didn't have our gags in, so we got to hear his laughter, but then we heard something.


Soon after that the door to Ilia's room was busted open and we saw someone come in and she was not happy.



She suddenly attacked Ilia and I half expected to see my team come in, but they didn't, so she might've come here all alone. She didn't even bother with words and I was too weak from my last dose still to stop them, but when the fighting moved into the bathroom and (Y/N) was scared someone came in.


I had no idea who she was, but (Y/N) looked at her in shock as I was about to scream for help, but this girl acted quickly and stuffed part of the blanket in my mouth to keep me quiet until she got a hold of my gag to put it on me then put a hand to her mouth, but she was too slow to stop (Y/N) from screaming.


She panicked and acted fast to grab him, so I grabbed her arm, but my grip was still too weak. She spotted the box full of needles then injected one of the small doses into his neck as she ran off and threw the needle to the ground. Ilia and my mom were still fighting, so she was going to get away.


(Winter's POV)

I just left for Menagerie, and I was alone on this aside from a few mini drones to help find my baby. The facial recognition will alert me and mark its location when it finds (Y/N) and when I secure him, I had a place far more secure for him... My room at the Atlas Military Base.


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