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(Bowsette's POV)

I had my pet in my arms as we were approaching the castle and I can give my daughters the good news and he just got done being punished from running away. The next thing I did was give him a blue mushroom to make him tiny again. Of course, he was crying after his spanking the whole ride here, but now hopefully this will put the fear of God into him if the thought of escape crosses his mind, and I will punish him if he so much as even thinks about it and I find out. As my pet laid across my lap on his belly since he no doubt could handle laying on his backside right now, I just rubbed his head to let him cry into my lap. When he tried to protest by taking his head out of the place where I was petting him, I was going to show him that this behavior was unacceptable. I held my hand up a little and when he saw this out of the corner of his eye, he flinched.

Bowsette-(Y/N)... Put your head back to where it was and if you try to resist me again, i'm be using something other than my hand. Do you understand me?

He quickly went back to his place for me to pet him and next time he doesn't get a warning. He was even lucky he got one this time after everything he did and put my girls through. When we landed and got inside, I made him lay on my arm with his legs and arms dangling down and his head turned into me. As I scratched his back now his soft crying went down to mere whimpers, so he was still calming down then we made it to my throne room where his cage was. I made sure his cage does not swing this time and is reinforced to the ground, so there will be no tipping it over. When he looked up to me as I closed the cage door he still had his face halfway buried into the fluff of the pet bed in there and it was adorable, but he needs to stay in there.

Bowsette-Now, you owe an apology to my girls as well when they get in here and they each get to give you their own punishment that I see fit.

(Y/N)-*Whimper* Pl-Please.

Bowsette-Don't beg to me. You already had my punishment.

I left the room being as cold hearted as I could to him to not let him too comfy, yet. My daughters are still upset with him.

((Y/N)'s POV)

My butt still burned from when she spanked me a lot for running away, and now I was scared what the others would do to me. I just tried to hide under the blanket as best as I could, but then I heard footsteps before someone banged on the cage bars.


I was scared, but I slowly peeked my head out then I saw Wendy and Pompom who were both really mad at me.


Pompom-What were you thinking when you ran away like that?!

Wendy-And after we were so nice to you!

I couldn't speak to them. I was still so scared of them and hoped someone would help me. I would rather be with Booette. When Wendy opened the cage, she reached in to grab me then held me in front of her face.

(Y/N)-Pl-Please don't hurt me!

Wendy-Oh, my mommy took care of that. We got something else in mind and you're going to do it 'and' take the blame or we're gonna do something worse. Got it?

I just nodded my head at them, and they both took me with them out of the room and down the hall, and I had no idea where we were going.

(Rosalina's POV)

I started to feel much better after that food poisoning, but during when I was dropped off, I was told I was banned from the kingdom. I didn't care as long as I get or take back (Y/N) then I will have no business with that kingdom, but when I heard a little boy was kidnapped after an attack, I was beyond furious. When I came to a conclusion that the poisoning was no accident, I decided that (Y/N) will not be allowed nowhere near her or the Mushroom Kingdom, and she will be met with hostile force if she comes nears us. I left the hospital by returning to the observatory to search every inch of this planet for my son then leave with him, and 'never' come back.

Rosalina's mind-None of you will ever put him in danger again!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was tossed onto the top shelf gently after Pompom boosted Wendy up and I saw 2 item blocks that I think they wanted me to push down and there was a flying box next to them. When I tried my hardest to push the blocks down they caught one at a time then hid them before the chair in here. I looked down to them and wondered on thing...


(Y/N)-Um... How am I gonna get down?

Wendy-*Chuckles* *deep breath* MOMMY!!!




I was scared and confused on why they would do this as punishment for me, but there's no way I could get up here on my own, so I should just tell Bowsette. Just then she came in and she was furious when she looked at me on the top shelf.


Bowsette-What? Happened?


Wendy-We decided to not do our punishment after all then wanted to play a game of dress-up, but he ran in here the second I put him down!

Pompom-Yeah! He even took the helicopter box up to the top shelf, so we couldn't reach him and after we even gave him another chance, he wouldn't come down!

Because the box was up here with me, it looked like they were telling the truth when I knew they were lying, but their mom believed them. She came over then took me off the top shelf, so I had to explain myself quick.

(Y/N)-N-No, they brou-!

Bowsette-Did you think just because you were tiny again that you could slip away from punishment?!... Looks like you need another punishment from me!

She started to pull my pants down, so I knew she was going to spank me again and while she was walking away Wendy had a sign ready that said "Don't ever run from us again".

(Wendy's POV)

In mere seconds after our mommy left the room were our pet getting spanked and screaming. He must feel so betrayed, but that's how he made us feel, so this was a punishment fit for him and we even got our prize. I knew mom had to have something important since it was at a place we couldn't reach and thanks to her rage, she didn't realize they were missing.

Pompom-Come on, before mom comes back and takes them. You sure it's them?

Wendy-What else would she hide up there and keep us from?

We went behind the couch and got the boxes before I hit mean for something I longed to have to come out.


(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Bowsette's POV)

I was in the middle of spanking my disobedient pet until a servant came in with his food and water, so I put him in his cage. To think he would've learned after the first time, but now he's not leaving that cage for a while, and I might even put him on display somewhere just to humiliate him into submission and get rid of what little confidence he has left. Soon though...

Wendy-Oh mommy! ~ *echo*

I was dumbstruck on how my daughter just called out to me before she got into the room, and I was shocked by her appearance.


Wendy-How do I look?! I'm beautiful, right?! ~

I was angry that they got into those crowns I have been saving until they were ready for them, but to make things worse, Pompom came in and she proved to be no better.


Pompom-This form rocks! I can even throw my boomerangs farther and faster!

Bowsette-You two... Explain yourselves.

Wendy-Can we just talk about how great we look first?


(No POV)

Servants envied the girls that they were only being scolded by their mother because if they did anything like that at all, they would need to call a cleaning crew and a medical team. While they were getting ear fulls from their mom and got grounded from their pet for a month someone was approaching the Koopa Kingdom and they were angry.


Chain Chompette's mind-When I find the koopa that took (Y/N), i'll chew them up and spit them out!


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