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((Y/N)'s POV)

Nezuko and I left the house at night and even if she wasn't an adult, she still carried me without any trouble at all. I don't know where we were or where we were going, but anywhere is better than that house that was falling apart. We were in a small town and just passed by many food places that looked so good, but we didn't have any money on us. Some of these adults were drunk too, so Nezuko and I stayed away from them, and some were even looking at us with eyes that some men that come give my mom and it's nothing good. I was still hungry since berries are not very filling unless you have a bunch of them. I could tell Nezuko felt sorry for me, but I didn't see her eat anything at all since I met her then wondered if demons even need to eat food. Those last ones wanted to eat me.

(Y/N)'s mind-Is that why she has that piece of bamboo in her mouth?

I didn't want to ask that in case I would not like the answer, but there was one thing I did want to know.

(Y/N)-Um Nezuko, how much longer until we get to my house?


The slightly confused look in eyes said everything that she has no idea, but it looks very faint... She is going to take me home, right? At least to see her brother again?

(Nezuko's POV)

I felt bad that I couldn't get him some good food like noodles or some kabobs or even something sweet to help comfort him. I'll never win his affection like this to make him see me as a big sister, as if I deserve that title if I let him starve. Just as we passed a dumpling stand, they were offering free dumplings and even waved us down to come try some and (Y/N) took four and the man let him before we left. I readjusted my little brother to my other side as we walked through a crowd and I wished Tanjiro was here to help, but I need to do this on my own, so (Y/N) knows he can fully depend on me. Just then I had a feeling that we were being watched.

(???'s POV)

I noticed that Nezuko was traveling with a human child and they even made sure to feed them. They had no ill will towards the child at all, so this interested me, but this soon might attract unwanted attention from other demons that will want to cause problems just by seeing this, so I should help. If only I had Yushiro here with me, but he died defending me from other demons and I couldn't find him until it was too late, and I was forced to watch him get burned by sunlight while I was trapped in a dark shack to cry as I have failed him. I managed to keep his blood and recreate his blood demon art as addition to my own, but it only reminded me what happened.

???'s mind-It's only a matter of time and they look lost... I should help.

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were still walking through town and just as we made it to center of the town or at least getting close to a part just at the end of this trail, someone tapped on Nezuko's shoulder, and we turned to see a woman.


Her eyes reminded me of Nezuko's they were strange, but gentle... Was she a demon too? I looked at her hands and they were covered by her sleeves, but then she brought her hand to her chest to introduce herself, and that showed me her nails were sharp too... She was a demon like Nezuko.

???-Hello, may we talk...My name is Tamayo.

Nezuko-Hm? *muffled*

Tamayo-Let's go somewhere a bit more private... I also have a place for you to rest at and even some food if you are hungry.

It was a little tricky, but I could tell that she meant it just by her eyes not even batting at all or giving any signs that she made anything up. Nezuko looked like she knew this person, so I think that was a good reason, but I still couldn't read a demon very well, so i'll keep an eye out.

Tamayo-You trust me already? I thought you would need more convincing on her part at least.

(Y/N)-Um, i-it's this talent I h-h-have... I-I can tell when someone is lying most of the time b-by their eyes.

Tamayo-My eyes?

She looked confused before I saw we were heading for a dead in then we stopped as she went on then... walked through the wall. We were surprised by this then did it ourselves then saw a nice-looking house here and she was standing there looking back at us with a gentle smile.

Tamayo-Come on in. I have something that can help you as well Nezuko.

(Nezuko's POV)

I felt annoyed that my little brother trusted a stranger because of "her eyes", but he did the same to me when we met. It doesn't matter that I already know her when it comes to my little brother's affection, and she was making him real food soon enough to add on too it. When she came back in, she put some food on the table and it made his mouth water a little before he looked to her.


(Y/N)-Thank you... M-My name is (Y/N)

Tamayo-You're welcome and nice to meet you. Please enjoy... Nezuko, could you come over here for a moment.

I did what she asked, and she pulled out a box and injected me with something and I felt a little stronger than I realized it was some of the demon blood my brother collected from her from former lower moon 6. She must've modified it to help me then she looked back over to (Y/N) and I felt a need to hold him close on my lap while he ate, and I didn't dare fight it.

(No POV)

Nezuko puffed up her cheeks as she picked up (Y/N) to slammed him down on her lap while she was fuming a little. Like she was throwing a little fit from not being the favorite.

(Tamayo's POV)

The child loved the meal I made for him and Nezuko looked pouting for some reason. I did wonder what happened to Tanjiro and why the two aren't together, but I don't want to touch that subject. When I took a look at the child, I noticed they were clean, but clearly very hungry and these 2 did not look related at all.

Tamayo-Nezuko, I don't know what's going on or what happened, but if you would, would you stay with me. I believe I made a breakthrough and... wouldn't mind some company. We can also catch up later. As for you (Y/N), there's a guest bedroom just upstairs and down the hall if you want to get settled in.

He only nodded his head as he was still eating then when he was done, he headed upstairs to the bedroom while Nezuko looked at him leave. I went into a few details on my developments and setbacks in order to turn her back into a human, but soon I accidently brought up her older brother Tanjiro. It turns out that they just got separated after a demon attacked and she was just looking after this boy. After a while she went upstairs to join (Y/N) as he was probably asleep right now, but I felt alone again... First it was my husband and child, then Yushiro.

Tamayo's mind-Am I... just not allowed to have loved ones.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

I went to check on Nezuko and (Y/N) then when I opened the door, I saw that both of them were sleeping, so I went up to (Y/N) to get a better look at him.


He reminded me so much of my son. He was the sweetest thing, always wanted to see the good, was full of love... But then Muzan happened. I vowed to kill Muzan and undo as much damage that he caused as I could and thanks to Tanjiro, I was on my way to making that real. That aside, I just want to be a mother again, but what other child would want to be around a demon?

Tamayo's mind-... He seems fond of Nezuko at least.

(No POV)

Ms. Tamayo stood over to watch (Y/N) sleep while thinking about everything in her that led to this moment then remembered that his home was attacked by demons before they left... Maybe (Y/N)'s mother was killed or turned into a demon is what she thought and didn't want to believe it at first... Until it sparked a feeling inside her.

Tamayo's mind-A child should not be traveling to where conflict would find and try to kill them... He needs to set roots or at least travel where it will be safe... Like with me.

She knew Nezuko wanted to fight with her older brother, so letting a child go off with them will be completely irresponsible. She got her cat to deliver a message to Tanjiro to tell them where they are and that Nezuko was with her, but she left out (Y/N) since she didn't see a point in telling him that part. After she thought that (Y/N) might want to go or Nezuko or Tanjiro might try to reason with her into taking him from her, so she went to her medical table and get something to inject (Y/N) with in his sleep... He soon started to have a plugged-up nose, cold sweats, and a sore throat... Common symptoms of the flu she can easily treat, but in this case, she would prefer to care for him the old fashion and longer way.

Tamayo's mind-I... I deserve to have someone in my life I can care for... I... I NEED (Y/N) MORE THAN ANYONE!!!


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