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((Y/N)'s POV)

After my swimming lessons with Mero Ms. Smith came over and I think she and my mommies were hiding something from me. They told me it was just some adult thing, but it happened after they saw that note, so I tried to find it, but Ms. Smith might have it locked up if it was something bad. Right now, I was in my room playing with my toys while they were talking downstairs and they won't let me come down right now. I wanted to know what was going on too and if it's about me then i'm old enough to understand and deserve to know. I tried to listen in any way I could, but Rachnera had webs on my door and will know if I even turn the knob, no sound was coming through the vents, and opening the window will change nothing.

(Y/N)'s mind-I wanna know what's going on!

Soon my door opened, and I saw it was Ms. Smith that came into my room the bent down to me while I was playing on the floor.


Ms. Smith-Sweetie, how would you like to do something fun today?

(Y/N)-What is it?

Ms. Smith-Miia is getting ready to take you somewhere for a treat, just you and her. Just get some socks and shoes on.

(Y/N)-Ok... What were you talking about down there?

Ms. Smith-Just rules and boring adult stuff. You know what's not boring... A bakery to get some cake and share it with your new mommy.

That did sound good, but I was not going to forget about whatever it was that was happening. She left my room, and I got ready before Miia came in and scooped me to swing me around.


Miia-Hi sweetie, are you ready to go out for some cake?!~

I just nodded my head at her before she took me down the stairs and we went out the front door while the others just did their own thing in the house.

(Zombina's POV)

We were killed up because there's a reason to believe a monster might be threatening this kid and humans are prepared too in case this is a human doing this. We had our assignments and locations to go to and Tio was in the van with me with our gear while Manako was in a sniping position somewhere and Doppel was undercover near the scene. We had to keep a distance and use something that didn't draw attention, so we looked like a van for laundry. Right now, we just watched Miia take (Y/N) to a bakery and got a small cake for the two of them to share while we were parked just down the street. I was used to long stakeouts, but Tio was not respecting my personal bubble!

Zombina-Can you just sit in the back, please?! I'll tell you when something happens!

Tio-But I wanna see him. It's no fun just sitting in a van watching others eat cake with a cute little boy.

Zombina-We just pancakes for breakfast, and you will be up close with (Y/N) later if we can make the arrest! Would you give me some space?!

Tio-*Hmph* I wanna be out there.

She went back to her spot and clearly didn't look so happy about it.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Miia-Say ah for me. ~

I did what she said, and she gave me a piece of (Favorite Cake) it tasted so good then I wanted to feed her a bite and she looked really happy when I did that. It felt nice to sit on her lap and enjoy some cake, but I didn't think we were allowed to be this far from home without an escort. I guess Ms. Smith allowed this and Miia had papers in her purse, so we won't get in trouble. When we full we got a box for the rest of the cake and just got some milkshakes while she bounced me on her lap. This was actually really nice, but I almost forgot about that secret they were hiding from me. I thought about asking her, but I know she won't tell and besides... I couldn't stop drinking this (F/F) milkshake right now.

Miia-After we're here, let's go pick out a toy for you. ~

(Manako's POV)

So far there was no sign of anyone following them to the toy store and when I reported this to Ms. Smith she said there might be a change in plans, but for now, don't let them out of my sights. I did as I was told then saw someone, I knew go into the toy store after them.


Manako's mind-What kind of plan is this?!

(Tio's POV)

I was so happy when I got the order to join Miia and (Y/N) and was even instructed to dote on him. Right now, I was searching the store for them, and other kids looked at me as I walked by as well as other adults until I found Miia and (Y/N) by a toy car care section then they saw me and looked surprised.


Tio-Oh (Y/N). ~


I picked him up and held him up close then he wrapped his cute little arms around the back of my neck to hold on to me. Miia looked annoyed and angry before she pulled me in a little closer.

Miia-What are you doing?! Ms. Smith said-! *whisper yell*

Tio-That I have a 'day off' and I should spend it with you two since you were out.

She picked up on that I was bait to help lure this creep out that was trying to threaten this little guy. I got to help them pick out a toy then we passed by a furniture part of the store then Miia found something. She made us follow her until we saw something that I think would be great for this little guy and be fun to watch him play on it sometimes.


He looked mesmerized by it and probably thought this would be fun to have in his room with this indoor swing. She took it off the shelf then noticed a price and usually kids don't even think about that, but...

(Y/N)-Um... Are you sure you want to buy that for me?

Miia-Why wouldn't I?

(Y/N)-I... I just don't want you to spend too much on me... I'm happy enough right now.

Tio-Awwww, aren't you just the sweetest thing ever? ~

Miia said it was no bother, but it would be up to him and when he said Rachnera could make web swing... That pushed her into buying it for his room and while we waited in line I tossed him up a little to catch him and he was blushing while looking at me then around.

Tio-Are you getting shy? ~

(Y/N)-He only hid his face from me to hide his blush as it got worse, but it just made him even more adorable. I couldn't help but plant kisses all over his face.

(Doppel's POV)

Tio was no doubt getting attention, but nobody was acting on it besides a few racial slurs that annoyed me. Soon I followed them out of the toy store, and they were making their way back him and we got orders to go in a little bit after them as guests. Guess we're adding more bait to this trap and when they got in the house Manako and Zombina showed up with Ms. Smith.


Doppel-So what now?

Ms. Smith-They might not fall for this, but that just means we will have to try again later and keep an eye on this house. If word gets out that our first family in this house is being threatened... Let's not think about that.

Zombina-Let's just head inside and if we stay for dinner, I vote we BBQ something.

(Timeskip 1 hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was playing with Suu, Papi, Tio, and Zombina in the backyard while the swing was being put up in my room. We were playing kickball and on one of my turns I accidently kicked the ball over the fence, so I ran to go get it. I just opened the gate then saw the ball rolled a bit down the alley, and when I got it... I saw someone else looking at me before they walked up to me.


(Y/N)-Um... H-Hi.

I tried to back up from her, but she bent down to me and I know I shouldn't talk to strangers, but then I noticed something.

(Y/N)'s mind-Isn't she supposed to have an escort?

???-Hello young one. I have some questions for you.


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