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((M/N)'s POV)

I was getting ready for bed and just got the last of the markings from ink off on me, but the hickeys are going to have to go away on their own. My son didn't see them all day thanks to a few extra clothes I have been wearing, but now he was in bed, and I could be in something more comfortable. I just curled up in bed with a good book to try and get my mind off things then stopped after reading a while chapter. I checked the time and saw it was 11:48 and Springtrap or Venita or whatever her name is should be at that damn building, but I called in for stress leave and will not go back. When I just laid in bed trying to relax with my eyes closed, my mind went to what happened last night and I held myself a little for comfort. The things that snapped me out of it was some water, checking my son's room from down the hall, and enjoying the silence in the house.

(M/N)'s mind-Nobody can take my position in a day, so I should be able to stay away from that place until I got a better game plan. It's not like she knows where I live anymore since I moved.

That did offer me some level of comfort. The grandfather clock soon struck midnight and just as I thought I was going to fall asleep.


I opened my eyes to look at me door and it was kind of dark, but I could still see that nothing was there... It was just the wind and last night still getting to me, so I tried to close my eyes and shrug it off as well as any other feelings I was having.

(M/N)'s mind-Get a hold of yourself! There is nothing there and the doors and windows are locked tight with the alarm on to alert when something opens. You're letting that supernatural bitch get to you!

Just then I heard footsteps, and I thought it was just my son, so I just sat up then rubbed my eyes before I looked at me to see my son probably wanting to sleep with me again.

(M/N)-Hey sweetie, did you have a nightmare?

When I saw in the darkness a little more, I noticed a dark figure was way too tall to be my son. They were even taller than me, so I grabbed my phone to turn on my flashlight to see who it really was.


???-No, but you're about to. ~

I had to be dreaming... Yeah, it's just a nightmare. I'm in bed just resting and none of this was real. She came closer and I saw how much she towered over me to where she could reach my ceiling fan with her head. She yanked my blanket off me to let the cold air hit me and my body was frozen in fear, so it was easy for her to pick me up by my shirt with one hand.

???-Don't you just look appetizing? ~

I thought she was going to eat me, but she pulled me into her to quickly hold me by my ass and still looked down to me. I noticed this girl was a lot like the Chica's a saw before, but she was different. I was going to scream, even if this was a nightmare, I was still aware that his was because of Springtrap. She forced my face into her boobs to muffle my screams then made them louder by pinching my ass.

Chica-My, my, my, someone's thick. ~

She dropped me to the ground then tried to grab my legs to get my pajamas off, but I managed to get up and run out of my room only for someone to tackle me and cover my mouth. My eyes adjusted to the darkness, and I saw who it was pinning me down. In an instant, I knew who it was.


Bonnie-*Shhhh* We don't need the kid up for this part, do we? ~ *whisper*

She opened her mouth a little to show a row of razor-sharp teeth that were dripping with her saliva as she licked my lips, and cheeks. She tried to rip my shirt open, and she did manage to tear it a little before a hand grabbed her to stop her. I thought it was going to be someone to help me, but then I saw the look on her face and knew this was another version of Fredda. Her eyes were glowing red and... she had no panties on.


Fredda-Don't break her before we can all get here.

Bonnie-Fuck off and tell that to Chica. I heard her playing with her already.

Fredda-Just fucking for F-.

Just then I managed to break free from them and scramble down the hall, but something was off... They didn't try to stop me, and I tried to make a break for it to my son's room, but just then, someone came out of his room, and it was Foxy.


Foxy-Well hello there lassie. ~ *growls*

((Y/N)'s POV)


I slowly woke up from a sound coming from outside my room and was a little scared. I had my nightlight, so I was able to go check it out, but the hallway was empty. It was probably nothing like my mommy said because we were safe now, but then I noticed my closet was opened, and when I checked inside...


(Y/N)'s mind-She got me toys? Why these?

((M/N)'s POV)

I was pinned down to my bed and all for girls were on top of me to keep me pinned down, gagged me with my own panties, then kept on going until I was completely naked. In my head, I head to keep telling myself that this was a dream, and nothing could hurt me then Bonnie made me look at Foxy in a pouncing position while looking at my pussy. Bonnie came over to spread my lips open for her and my blush only got worse as Foxy got closer as they all chuckled. Foxy stuck her tongue out and it was super long to what I think was 12 inches, and it was just a metal tube. When she slowly stuck her tongue in me while looking me dead in the eye and ginning... IT FELT SO REAL!!!

(M/N)-*Muffled screaming*!

Fredda-Oh, you wanna use that mouth of yours? I got an idea for it. ~

(Fredda's POV)

Chica had her arms pinned down, Bonnie had this bitch's pussy lips spread open, and Foxy was going to town on her while keeping her legs open, so I did my part to take her panties out her mouth then sat, and grinded on her face. She screamed into me which only made this funnier, but I wanted her to pleasure me, so I grabbed her nipples to twist them and made her scream louder.

Fredda-If you want me to stop then you know what I want! Better get to work!

She refused and only tried to turn away to get in so gasps for air before I tucked her face back in. She still wouldn't do it, but I don't mind playing rough, so I leaned down to meet where Foxy was and bite my teeth down a little on her clitoris which made her scream into my box. I took this chance to nuzzle my lips into her mouth before I bit down just a little harder.

(Bonnie's POV)

I let go of my position to hold her open, so I went to her toes, and I was going to make sure with Fredda on her, she was going to breath a lot of her in. I went to her right foot and started to tickle her, so now she had laughter mixed in with her screams as she struggled even more now. It was nice to watch, but I wanted something better to play with then I figured something out. I reached under her ass to spread it open and started to put one finger in her to play around a bit before I move one to 2. I noticed how tight it was in there and smiled.

Bonnie-Damn girl, I wonder how many fingers you can fir in her... Let's go for my whole hand. ~

(Chica's POV)

This bitch was only getting gasps for air to stay alive since we can't kill her. The whole time she looked at me in the eyes and the fear in her gaze was delicious, but I want to break this bitch into submission. I noticed she wasn't licking Fredda, so I pinched her nose close while using two fingers to open up Fredda.

Chica-If you wanna live, eat that pussy like you mean it. ~

It was a bluff, but after 3 seconds, so bought my bluff and started eating her out, then Fredda smothered her. We were all laughing our asses off at her, and I could already tell this mental strain was taking a toll of the bitch.

(Foxy's POV)

We had every hole of hers being toyed with by toys and she knew that we had her where we wanted her. She tasted as sweet as a strawberry. I kept going until she came for the 2nd time already, and I was figuring out what made her tick. There was not one square inch inside up to her womb that I could not reach with ease. As we kept wearing her down with both pain and pleasure, I think it was time to finish her off by overwhelming her, so I took everything I learned so far and just went crazy while darting my tongue in and out of her as fast as I could, and judging by her second wind, this was no doubt the fastest she ever gotten plowed since she got pregnant before.

Chica-Holy crap girls, you should see her face! She's twitching!

Fredda-I can feel her under me. Her tongue is frozen stiff inside me.

Bonnie-I think she's trying to curl up!

I gave Fredda a look and she held her teeth right over her clit to nibble on her and when she finally came so hard, she squirted all over my face, Fredda bit down hard.

(M/N)-AAAAHHHHHHHH!!! *muffled*

((Y/N)'s POV)

I heard screaming, so I went to go check on my mommy to see if she was alright then I made it to her room where I saw her laying in.


I heard her snoring and I wondered why, because she never snored before when I slept with her. I looked closer to see that she was still breathing just fine, and the only thing weird about this was the smell in this room, so I opened a window for her before I just went back to my room... Until I heard something like footsteps... coming from my mom's bed.

(Y/N)-Mommy?... Are you awake?

She only snored more, so I just left her room.

(Fredda's POV)

Thankfully Foxy knew he was coming, so we covered the bitch in her blanket. We watched (Y/N) leave as he was practically looking at me getting off to cum in his mother's mouth to let it sit in there for the night and Chica holding her mouth open for me. When I finished myself off, I scooted down to wipe myself clean with her body then Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy spat in her mouth a few times for a finishing touch. She was definitely going to taste that for a while. We had other things to do, and we can always play with her some more while she's asleep if we get bored, but we have a few others to wait for and 3 of them are my pride and joy... It's just going to hurt bringing them out, and i'll need to rest for a while after.

(No POV)

The girls went to the living room to leave (M/N) alone for a while and prepare for tomorrow. Soon Fredda was feeling a terrible pain, but kept a smile on her face as something was forming in her stomach.

Fredda's mind-You 3 will have so much fun here.~


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