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((M/N)'s POV)

I was keeping an eye on the cameras and even found a guide that this woman left under the desk on how to deal with who and so far, they worked. It was only 1:01AM, but I was still alive, and these robots were super angry. Few even said that when they find me, they'll make me "choke on their used panties while they squeeze my head with their thighs. I shivered at the thought and went back to the box to wind it up until I heard a noise down the hall, so I shined a light and saw it was one of the Chica's, so I put the soiled panties back on my head to hide and I was never going to get used to this smell.


She came in and looked around like I wasn't there then sat on the desk while eating a pizza slice. Her tail feathers on her ass fluffed when she groaned in anger before she left, so I took the panties off my head. This was all still just so insane to me still then I heard more footsteps, so I just shined the flashlight down the hall and it was Foxy.


She running to me, so I flicked my light really fast which made her hold her eyes until she ran off, but I heard her say something.

Foxy-Ye will return what ye stole from us! Mark me words ye slut!

Before I could even rest I heard noises in both the vents and when I turned on the lights in the vents then saw it was the new versions on Bonnie and Chica.


I put the panties back on before they got into the room and acted like they were sneaking to the desk before they jumped behind it hoping to find me, but I was already right in front of them.

Toy Bonnie-I keep telling you that she's not here!

Toy Chica-Someone is looking into the cameras! It has to be her!

Toy Bonnie-Sure.

She just walked off and Chica kept on yelling at her then I took the panties off again. Time was going so slow for me even if they were coming at me one after the other.

(Venita's POV)

Watching her hide behind my panties was amusing as I hoped, but the real show is how close she is to death and these girls are only getting more and irritated. This made them search harder and Mangle did something unexpected when she smashed a chair in rage. They really care for this boy and soon I looked back to him on my bed.


Venita-What do you think? Is she gonna make it and save the day... or night?

He was silent and curled up some more and I was bored of this reaction, so I opened the hatch and pulled old this old and rusted Golden Bonnie suit and he remembered my words earlier. I went up to him and leaned over my bed.

Venita-Why are you scared?... This is something beautiful and I don't just choose anyone to stuff in a suit. The girls do. You should feel honored.

My words slithered into his ears, and he didn't want to talk, but that shiver down his spine looked so adorable. I caressed his cheek and he let me due to his nature I just love so much. Soon I went back to check on his mother and I noticed that Marionette was almost free, but she caught it just in time.

Venita's mind-This is fun, but would you just die already? I want to try and get (Y/N) in a suit tomorrow... Also, I do sometimes like the girl on girl action.

Just then I had to use the bathroom and I do have a small bathroom in here for nights like this.

((Y/N)'s POV)

The lady just got up and went to the tiny bathroom in here and I saw this as my chance. I slowly went to the biggest button I could find, but only found a switch, so I flipped it... I saw the back of the chair was moving like it was supposed to massage, so I searched around the computer some more. Opening the doors had to be easy and when I found them... I found the next best thing too.

(Y/N)'s mind-Please let this work!

(Fredda's POV)

I was with my Chica and we were searching the bathrooms to see if the bitch was hiding in here when all the sudden an alarm started to go off. It was loud and that's when we heard someone running quickly towards us, so we went out to see it was the other version of me.


Fredda-What's going on?

Chica-Who set off the alarm?

Toy Fredda-I'm heading to the alarm that got pulled now... Follow me. We might be able to cut her off if it's here and the others should be there too!

(Venita's POV)

I quickly finished up in the bathroom and came out furious at what I was seeing. The doors were opening and (Y/N) tried to unlock the few locks left for the door. I ran to him and snatched him up just as he opened the door then kicked it as I was bringing him back in, so the door was open, and he was too wild to put him down.


(Y/N)-Put me down!

I managed to shut of the alarm, but then the brat bit me and made a run for it out of the room, but that's when we heard many footsteps coming. He froze in place, and I took this chance to slam the door shut without looking at the girls that no doubt saw my secret door now. It was soundproof, but those girls hit hard, and their voices were too faint to make out, but I have a good guess of what they are saying. I looked down to the boy and he was in big trouble. I don't have to worry about the girls getting in, so I looked around the room for a punishment worse than spanking for him then I noticed the old suit.

Venita-You think you're so clever?... You know what, changing body parts in parts and services hurts, but for that to happen... You need a new body first.

He started screaming and trying to get away, but he was no better than those girls when I got them. I got some rope to tie him up and he was doing his best to fight, so it will take time, but he will not get away.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was panicking from not knowing what was going on with that alarm that just stopped, and those girls were up to something. I checked the cameras to see where they were and even the Marionette was out, and all this lady put next to her name was...

(M/N)'s mind-Try to enjoy your last sexual intercourse. It'll be your last. Bye, bye and thanks for the boy.

She put a heart next to it then I checked to cameras to only see the static on the screen. I didn't give up and did my best to check the other cameras then I noticed something in one of the hallways. It was very glitchy and unfocused, but I could make out that at least most of the girls were there. I had no idea what was going on. Maybe this was some kind of meeting to jump me and if hiding behind panties won't work... I could only run and hide.

(Toy Fredda's POV)

The signal of the alarm came from behind this hidden door, and we saw someone drag our baby in kicking and screaming. We were trying to get in, but this damn thing won't open even with all of us pulling at once. There was no handle and only a slim opening hidden behind pictures to grab on to. She has to be in here with our boy and he wants to be with us, I just know it!

Foxy-This isn't working!

Bonnie-What's keeping this closed so tight?!

Balloon Girl-Maybe it's an electronic lock!

Toy Fredda-That's-!... Wait.

I backed up and looked around the door that was just... DRY WALL!!! I punched a hole into the wall to try and look for the wiring that must be connected to the door then it'll be easier to open! The others caught on to what I was doing and joined in. So far we only took out what little lights were left in this hall before I accidently hit the frame of the door then went along side it. I found a thick metal wire, but it won't snap when I pull it.

Toy Fredda-I think I found the power to the door! It's won't come out though!

Foxy-Move it ye scallywag!

She pulled me away from the door and used her hook to pierce the wire which made sparks come out and she pulled out. I saw lighting come off her hook a little, but she wasn't fazed at all. The door finally popped open a little bit and all it took was Mangle opening it alone to even overdo it and slam door open and we saw our baby tied up on a bed and some woman that looked familiar opening up a suit that looked beat up before she saw us.


We were about to rush in, but that lady panicked and went to her desk for a remote. Foxy and Mangle acted fast to tackle her while older Chica and I went to get our baby untied then I held him close to comfort him. He only struggled, but I know he was just scared then Foxy and Mangle held the woman up.

Bonnie-Wait?... You?

Toy Bonnie-You know her?

Bonnie-I... I remember her talking to me then... ended up like this!

This lady only looked at us with fear for a bit before she looked to the ground with her eyes closed with a look that said she was annoyed. I walked up to her after I gave my Chica our baby then made this bitch look at me.

Toy Fredda-Who are you?

???-... You tell me.

I was confused, but something was rattling around in my brain about her. I couldn't remember much, but I remember seeing her in a toy store, but i've never been in a toy store... Have I?

Marionette-Hello. Long time no see.~

We all turned and saw Marionette and Golden Fredda come in and they looked at her with smug looks on their faces, but I could also read anger.


Golden Fredda-Hiding this close to us. You've got guts... I'll reach so far up your ass i'll fuck them too.

Toy Chica-You 2 know her? What's her name?

Balloon Girl-Found a badge. It's Venita.

Marionette-Huh?... *chuckles* Is that some fake name you found online or something?~

???-Shut. Up... Don't forget-!

Marionette-Oh, I didn't forget.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was so confused on what was going on, but I didn't care and just wanted to leave and never come back. Just then Golden Fredda went up to whatever her name was now and lifted her in the air which made Foxy and Mangle let go of her. The lady pulled out a taser and tried to shock her into letting her go, but it didn't work. She grabbed and squeezed the taser so hard that it broke then pushed in on the wall. She kissed his in a way that her tongue went in her mouth, and she even bit her lip to make her scream.

Marionette-*Chuckles* Revenge is a dish best served cold, right Wi-?~

Just then the lady reached into Golden Fredda's neck and pulled out a wire.

Golden Fredda-AAAAHHHHHH!!!

She dropped her and that's when I finally broke free, but the door was completely blacked, so I was snatched up by the first Fredda and held tighter. I was forced to look back when I heard the lady grab something off the desk, but Foxy grabbed her to throw her to the ground. I saw what she had was a remote with a switch on it then I thought of something...


If I can get it, I can turn them off. The lady crawled over to try and the remote, but Fredda tried to grab her which made her stop, and everyone piled on her until Marionette reached in to pull her out from under them all then looked at the suit... She looked angry.

Marionette-You were going to put our baby in there, weren't you?!

???-N-No, I was-.

Marionette-You can't lie to me anymore... And you won't lie to us. Ever. Again.

She dropped the lady to the ground and Fredda left the room with me just as the lady's shirt was ripped off then her pants. We were going down the hall, but I need that remote.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was looking for places to hide, but I noticed the girls were not even searching or at least one of them would be here. Something else might be going one then I started to hear lots of moaning and curiosity got the better of me. I got closer to room and to my better judgment I turned off my flashlight.

(No POV)

(M/N) peeked into the room to see the lady that took her son being gangbang by a bunch of animatronics and was horrified with the memory of last night. She did notice a switch on the ground, and it looked important. Everyone was distracted with their "prey", so she tried to sneak it, but when she grabbed the remote... she was caught by Foxy and pinned to the ground to make the others notice.


Foxy-Lookie what I caught.~

She tried to break free, but Foxy turned to get in a sixty-nine position with her and squeezed her head in her legs to make her look up. Foxy sat of her face then started grinding on her face and fur got in her mouth when she gasped for air. She had the remote and flipped the switch and that's when Foxy slowed down until she fell. Everything went silent as she got up and got Foxy off her, but she did hear another gasp for air as the purple lady got up.


((M/N)'s POV)

This has to be the woman that took my son and I don't see him here, but good news... No blood, so he had to be fine. That didn't make me feel too happy as she got to her feet and she was completely naked.


???-You stupid bitch... HE'S GOING TO BE MY STAR ATTRACTION!!! MY TOY!!! MINE!!!

I charged at her then she grabbed me as we tried to swung each other around and she swept my leg to make me fall. She got on top of me and pinned me down then started to choke me, but I managed to kick her off me and into some kind of open suit then it closed with her trapped inside.

???-No! No, no, no! No! No!

Just then the suit started acting up and I heard rusty sounds as well as snapping and cracking.


Her screaming was so loud it heard my ears before it became silent then more blood was coming out of the suit.

(Y/N)-Mommy?! *echo*

I got up and rushed into the hall where I saw my baby boy running to me from the end of the hall and he was crying.


Tears fell from my eyes as I ran to him and he jumped into my arms, so I could hold him. I finally had my boy back safe and sound and with those girls turned off, the night should be calm now. I went back to the security room with him after I got our stuff from that woman's room, but I didn't let him come in to see the bloody mess. I called the police and my son held on to me while still whimpering into my side, so I stroked his head.

(M/N)-It's ok sweetie... It's over now.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(No POV)

Police were raiding the building and found parts of footage since the rest was wiped from the system, but it was enough to close the place down for good and take the animatronics for DNA testing and evidence. (M/N) and (Y/N) were put under watch as they went home and for the next few days they were packing to get ready to move out of town.

((Y/N)'s POV)

It's been 3 days and my room was all packed up now to get ready to be put in a truck when my mommy came in to check on me.


Mommy-You look all packed up. I'm gonna put some stuff in the car then we'll let the movers take care of the rest. It's gonna be a long drive, so we'll stop for food.

(Y/N)-Um... Can we do some Mexican food?

Mommy-Sounds good. Bring your game with you. Ok?


((M/N)'s POV)

This was all still so much to take in even when it's over and done with, but at least I know my son isn't crazy or anything like that... It's just going to be a long time before we can move past this and I plan to take that company that owned that place to court. Just as I made it outside with the last of the stuff for the drive a mail man came up to me and had a letter.


(M/N)-That's me.

He gave me the one letter and it had the logo of "that place", so I opened it and I swear if they try to blame me for anything, I will tear them a new asshole.

(M/N)'s mind-Hello our dearest former employee. We were told all of that happened to you and deeply apologize on our neglect and failure to provide a safe time for your employment. While we understand mere words cannot make up for what your son was put through and the confirmed tragedy of your oldest, we hope we can offer some assistance to help your recovery. We offer to pay for your moving expenses, transfer 620k to your bank account, and provide our special company therapist to help you and your son. Your employment has not been terminated, so we want to show how caring and helpful we can be.

The rest was contact info as well as a new job to where we were going and that will help since I quit my old job to move. I can put the money I just got to pay for the house in full and put some aside for my son's college fund and have plenty to live off for a while. This doesn't change how furious I was at them, but I still had so many questions and who knows how many others are getting hurt.

(M/N)'s mind-This could be my chance to take them down and make sure nobody else gets hurt.

I'll do that later, but right now, I have a son to think about.

(No POV)

Soon (M/N) left with (y/N) while at the labs, the girls were being tested on until lawyers from Fredda's Anime Convention came in to try and take the girls back as that is their property. It was no argument that the police and staff would not let them since they are considered evidence and while they were arguing... One of the suits twitched.



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