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(Ilia's POV)

I was out looking for this boy with Adam still and this was getting tiring, and we were running out of places to look. Adam was getting annoyed as well and just wanted to call this off, but if we go back empty handed, we might end up like the guy that chased our leader's "pet" off and I didn't want to take that chance. Time was running out for us since it was nighttime now and our leader would like him back before she goes to sleep tonight. We only had a few places to check, but I stopped when I saw someone in the distance that I recognized, and they were with someone else.


Ilia's mind-Blake?

Right now, Adam was trying to shake down a few people and he was still mad at Blake for leaving when I just wanted to see her again... I decided to follow her, but I was going to do it alone.

(Blake's POV)

Ruby and Weiss were watching (Y/N) to get him ready for bed and we thought we would get something to help him sleep better after we heard what he went through. There's a tea shop that has great tea for sleeping then Yang got picky for her brother since he didn't like tea very much. I didn't want him to have something he didn't like either, but it might have to come down to that. After we got what we came for we headed back to my house, but now I had this feeling.

Yang-Are you ok?

Blake-I... I'm fine. Let's just get back to my house.

(Kali's POV)

I snuck out of my house while my husband was unknowingly keeping the two girls distracted for me and I went to the docks. The ship won't be here until morning, but it will be hard for them to dock if the docks are filled with broken boats. There weren't many people out this time at night and the crews were unpacking all the cargo from the ship and I snuck on and into the engine room. A smile curved on my face as I pulled out a tool to help me take a piece crucial for starting the boat out then sabotage the other pieces.

Kali's mind-You'll love it here (Y/N)... I'll make sure you do.~

As I snuck on to boat after boat, I made sure the engines would be out for a while and this would buy me time to get him to stay. When I was done, I managed to slip away by wearing a spare uniform then slip into the small just pouring in.

(Ruby's POV)

(Y/N) was leaning back into me while Weiss was playing with his hands and tickling him to make him laugh for us then we heard the door open which meant Yang and Blake were back. They came in and had the tea since (Y/N) hates medicine even more unless it's the kind that tastes like bubblegum and will not take it unless we trick him, which is gonna be really hard and nothing, we want to put him through right now.


He knew this was coming and even when we offered to add sugar, we would still need to get him to take it. He tried to give me his puppy eyes and I can't cave in this time because it's already past his bedtime and he can't sleep.

Ruby-(Y/N), it's not gonna work this time. You need sleep.

Weiss-It's going to have some sugar in it. It's good.

He only shook his head no and Blake was already boiling the water and just then a plant got knocked off a window seal and shattered on the ground. Blake's dad went to go check and it looked like it was just an accident.

(Ilia's POV)

I blended in with the ground until Ghira stopped looking for me and I can't believe I made a mistake like that. I went to another entrance in the house and one balcony door was left open for some reason, so I snuck in. I snuck down the stairs while blending in with the walls and jumped up to the plants near the ceiling then I soon spotted the boy.


Red hooded girl-How's that tea coming?

Blake-It's almost down.

(Y/N)-Can we just do something else?

Schnee girl-We tried soothing you asleep, but you were restless. This should help a lot more.

Blondie-And we're getting up early to head home. You need to sleep.

I went to a place where I could get an angel on Blake until the boy said he had to go to the bathroom, so this was my chance to get him back to Seinna. Blake can wait another time. I'm getting this mission done before I end up on the chopping block. I carefully made my way to the bathroom and hid in the shower until he came in. The only thing I waited for was for him to finish then when I heard a flush, I crept out to see his back was still turned while looking down, but just as I was about to grab him... he looked into the mirror. He spun around to see me and just when he was about to scream, I managed to cover his mouth in time.

Ilia-*Shhh*... I'm not here to hurt anyone. Sianna just wants you back... I saw how she treats you and some would oddly throw themselves in your position. No worrying about growing up, money, food, jobs, or responsibilities... Sounds amazing. *whisper*

He didn't want to listen, but regardless it was him going back or me being at risk and I am not risking my neck just so he can stay out of a glorified pet life. Just then he started to cry into my hand and tried to get away until he tripped and fell back, but only whimpered instead of screamed.

(Y/N)- *Whimper* L-Leave me alone. *sniffle*

He looked at me with pleading and sad eyes and for some reason after i've seen many humans give me this look, his was different. It felt like it pierced through my heart and made me stop in my tracks. He tried pleading with me softly and the odd thing was... I think it was working and I just wanted to hold him a little. His crying was still faint then I heard something that made my heart sink and that was the door opening.

Blake-(Y/N), are you-?

I just turned and saw my old friend and looked back and forth between the 2 for a moment and just felt so confused, even if my objective should be as clear as day. Blake on the other hand looked furious at me.


Blake-Ilia?... What are you doing?

She got into a fighting stance, but I felt something in my heart for both her and the boy. I knew I had feelings for her for some time now, but I thought I got rid of those or stuffed them down. I kept looking back and forth trying to figure out something, "anything" to do right now then my body suddenly acted on its own due to my instincts and tuned body. I attacked Blake and my weapon pierced her aura since it was unfocused due to her being emotional and I accidently hit her head which knocked her out.

Ilia's mind-Wh-What?... I-I didn't-.

I couldn't even finish my thoughts as I worried about (Y/N) and saw he was frozen in fear, but working his way up to scream


I quickly covered his mouth again then did a pressure point I know only children have due to their muscles still developing and he tried to scream threw my hand, but he slowly fell asleep.

Ghira-Blake?!... Is everything ok up there?! I thought I heard something!

I just closed the door and turned on the water in the shower to try and make it look like something else to Ghira. My mind was panicking because I only needed the boy, but now Blake saw me and knows where he'll be if her mom or dad tell her, which they will.

Ilia's mind-WHY DID I DO THAT?!?!?! WHY DID I HESITATE?!?!?!

I looked at the two knocked on the floor and there was something about (Y/N) that just made my heart melt and Blake... she just looked so... so... beautiful.

Ilia's mind-I should get going with my leader's pet, but... Since i'm here.

I knelt down and picked up (Y/N) and sat next to Blake and noticed Ghira was quiet, so I bought myself some time. (Y/N) felt so good in my arms that it was no wonder our leader loved having him around and Blake... I dreamed of something like this before and it was still one of the best dreams I ever had besides having my parents back. My heart ached for them, and I guess I have only been doing what I could for revenge when they just wanted me to be happy...

Ilia's mind-No! I have to put the mission first! The mission has to come first! I HAVE TO FOCUS!!!


(Yang's POV)

(Y/N)'s tea was getting cold, and I was about to go upstairs and have him drink it since I was tired of him stalling. Before I could make it, I saw Blake's mom come down the stairs and she looked kinda dirty and her husband pointed it out.


Ghira-Kali, what happened? Where were you?

Kali-Oh, just went through some things in the attic... Where's Blake and (Y/N)?

Ghira-I think I heard the shower running after I heard screaming for a brief moment. I just assumed they were fine and cleaning a wound of his.

Ruby-Shower? We already gave him a bath for the night.

Weiss-Is he hurt?!

Yang-That's it.

Ruby and Weiss followed me upstairs to the bathroom where we heard running water, but the door was locked.

Yang-Blake, (Y/N)!... Let me in!... Hello?!

There was no response then Weiss used her semblance to unlock the door from the other side and when I opened the door... there was a window open and Blake and (Y/N) were gone!


(Timeskip To Morning)

(Blake's POV)

I felt so dizzy as I was just waking up and quickly remembered what happened after I got too caught up in anger and I think bloodlust that Ilia managed to break through my weakened aura to the point it took one attack for her to take me down. This was humiliating to remember, but then I shot my eyes opened when I realized I couldn't move my arms or legs and I was tied to a bed in new pajamas that fit me but weren't mine. I tried to activate my semblance, but I couldn't bring forth enough aura for some reason. I looked around some more and saw I was in a room with a barred-up window covered in a curtain with weak sunlight making it through, some rocking chairs and some crib covered in some blankets. My mouth was also opened from a O ring gag plugged up by a cork.

Blake-*Grunt* *grunt*!

My body even felt weak then suddenly I heard a door open out there then the door to this room opened and that's when I saw "her" coming in with bags.



She looked happy to see me awake and was careful to be quiet while she put the bags down then crawled on the bed I was tied to.

Ilia-You're awake! Finally... I've been waiting for this moment for so long.~ *whisper*

I was confused, but then she pulled the cork out of my mouth while the ring kept my mouth open then she held my head still. My face was burning as she came in for a deep kiss and there was no part of my mouth her tongue didn't touch before she slipped her hand in my pants and panties, so she could rub me slowly. I couldn't do a thing to stop her until she broke the kiss then pulled her hand out of my pants.

Ilia-I wanted to do even before you and Adam became a thing... Be carful not to be too loud. Our baby is still sleeping. Hold on, i'll get him.~ *whisper*

She got off me and washed her hands in a bowl of water before she went to the crib and took out (Y/N). He was wrapped in a blanket and rope with a gag in his mouth too and it was like the one I had on.


She motioned for me to be quiet while she came back over then put the cork back in my mouth before she caressed my check. I wanted to take him back so bad and wanted to be angry enough for my adrenaline to kick in, but I couldn't... She must've drugged me.

Ilia-He's a cute as you are... We're going to have a good life here. The life I was cheated out of and deserved to have.~ *whisper*

She looked at me with lustful eyes until (Y/N) started to stir in his sleep a little, so she just bounced him a little as she stood up.

Ilia-Someone is waking up Honey. Mind if I go feed him and leave you here for a bit?~

She played with one of my boobs a little before she left the room with (Y/N) as I saw his eyes open slightly.

Blake's mind-... Don't give in... You gotta leave with (Y/N). The others will notice i'm gone and coming looking.

That's right, I just have to wait.

(Ilia's POV)

So far nobody knows that Blake and (Y/N) are here and I don't care about the leader's wants anymore. The Schnee family stole my family, Adam stole my girl, and she stole so much time I could've had my baby this whole time. I looked into (Y/N)'s cloudy eyes as he was taking his bottle of milk so well and wasn't fighting due to the drugs, I gave him and my girlfriend when we got here. I needed to make sure they were out for their bath, and I washed their clothes then got them prepped for the morning. My baby boy looked so cute and peaceful in the bath that I pinched his cheeks a few times. As for Blake, it was so hard not to take her right there, but I promised our first times was going to be something we both remember and even if I got toys for her, the first time I take her is going to be all me... That's going to be a treat for tonight.

Ilia-Hey baby boy. Mommy is sorry she almost made you go back to being a pet... You belong with me and your other mommy in our home.~


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