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((Y/N)'s POV)

We just made it to our new house after a very long drive and we stopped to eat 3 times to let the movers beat us to the house and start unpacking our stuff. I saw the truck was empty and stuff was all over our new yard as people were bringing them in. My mommy brought me inside with her and talked to the men while I explored the house and saw some stuff that was not ours... Why was it here?

(Y/N)-Did somebody live here before us or something?

There was an old grandfather clock, a few plants, and in our new fridge there was a basket full of... butter sticks? I guess we could use those to cook or put on some popcorn for movies. Soon I saw my bed being taken upstairs, so I followed them to my new room. There were two doors to get in, a closet, but no window. I just stayed in here to check my new room out and I do kinda miss my old room, but mommy said that moving was for the best.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was telling the men where I wanted stuff until I noticed that stuff that wasn't ours was here, so I wanted them to take them out and I don't care what they do with them, but that's when a man in a suit came in my new house. I saw a pin on his fancy jack with that damn strip club logo and knew he worked for the company I plan to take down.

Man-Hello, you must be (M/N), correct?

(M/N)-I am.

Man-Before I do what I was sent here to do, I just want to say on behalf of everyone in the company that we are sorry for everything that has happened. We trust you got the money in your bank and hope we can settle this out of court.

(M/N)'s mind-For now.

He went on about official stuff and they gave me the new furniture and a basket of butter for my new house that I didn't care about. The man gave me a form that looked like a job application for a place called "Fredda's Anime Fright" and it had stuff like pay and benefits for taking the job, but the only thing this did was piss me off inside.

(M/N)-What is this?

Man-This is an easy night job that will would great appreciate for you to fill. This might sound insensitive, but you are kind of a celebrity in our company now. We plan to open this attraction in 3 weeks, and it is a guard position for a haunted house. You just mainly need to make sure guests don't try to walk off with stuff and you're also kind of a part of the attraction too.

I had half a mind to not only slap this man, but to beat the crap out of him for telling me that all my suffering is now being made for a fucking profit and to top it off, they want me to be in it. In a lap of judgement, I thought that this could help me build a case because if I can get a hold of some documents or maybe if the girls are there, I can check them and maybe find something. They were turned off anyway, so I had nothing to worry about.

(M/N)-If I were to take this job?

Man-You would start in 2 weeks and the first week, it'll just be you getting used to place and knowing what is there. We only have one suit there and it's broken beyond repair, but it looks creepy, so we decided to add it.

(M/N)-If I take the job, will you leave my house?

Man-Um... Y-Yes. We'll just need to sign a paper.

I did what he wanted and so much for the only girls, so I only have a broken suit to check for evidence. Better than nothing and it can lead to no more deaths by this god forsaken company. After the man left my house, I focused on the movers again until my son come from down the hall.


(Y/N)-Mommy, when this is all done, can we watch a movie together?

(M/N)-Yes. Mommy also got a new job here already, but in 2 weeks i'll be working at night for the first week. Do you think you can get on a sleeping schedule again by then?

He nodded his head, and I gave him a kiss on his head, and he stayed by my side for hours until the movers were done and gone, and the company did pay for the move and house, so I had tons of money left over after everything is taken care of.

(Timeskip To Night)

I was in the living room with my son, and he was very clingy to me, and I welcome it because I was so worried about him and relieved, he's safe now. If any cops even ask a therapist to talk to my son, there will be hell to pay. After our movie with some buttered popcorn, he fell asleep next to me, so I carried him to my room to put him in bed with me. I stayed up a bit longer to do some research on this company that almost got me killed, got my oldest killed, and kidnapped my youngest. All they tell you is about safety, benefits, and stuff. They have other attractions and their biggest one was opening soon, so I guess they were trying to open more places to get more money in. I didn't care about that because those places won't be open long. These people can count on that.

(M/N)'s mind-Just one broken animatronic is all i'm gonna need because I have a feeling the reason it broke was more than just some malfunction.

(No POV)

(M/N) fell asleep with (Y/N) in her arms thinking about her mission to make sure nobody else gets hurt. Later in the morning she kept (Y/N) by her side since she couldn't bear to be apart from her son after everything that happened and from the looks of it, neither could (Y/N). They did a lot of things together and she even helped him get his grades up a little more in his online school. Day after day they were both getting a little better on the road to recovery to where (Y/N) could sleep alone again, given he needs a night light, and both doors need to be cracked open.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up early by myself and got what little schoolwork I have left to relax and play games for the rest of the day. When I was done with my addition and subtraction problems for math, I just went out to the living room to watch cartoons until my mommy came out and sat next to me.


(M/N)-Morning sweetie.

(Y/N)-Hi mommy.

(M/N)-I'm gonna make some French toast. Would you like that?

(Y/N)-Yes please.

(M/N)-Oh and tonight one of the neighbors is going to sleep over here to watch you.

My mommy told me she was going back to her real job but needs to do nightshifts for a week to do a project. I thought her job was far away and, on the computer, now like before, but she said there was a place here. I still didn't want her to go back since we had so much money and I don't want a neighbor to sleep here, I want her. I can only sleep in my room at night knowing she's just down the hall and around the corner.

((M/N)'s POV)

My baby was already nervous about me not being here at night but imagine what he would be like if he knew I was going back to that. I wanted him to go to a therapist to help him through this some more, but I don't trust the ones that company has and if I go to the police again, I don't want a repeat of last time. He just needs a normal therapist, no detectives or any other special government officials but that's gonna take time to find the right one. Time i'm, going to give him unless I feel he's not progressing, or it'll be a little easier on him. I don't know if that's the right call but it's the best I got.

(M/N)'s mind-At least he's out of danger.

(Timeskip To Night)

The whole day was spent spoiling my son with love and affection to make him feel better about this. I had the uniform and key to the building that was sent to me in the mail in my car ready to go, so I just tucked my son in at 8PM to get a 2-hour nap in myself before I took a shower and heard a knock on my door after I was dressed. I opened it to see it was my new neighbor and I motioned her to be quiet to not risk waking my son in case he was having a hard time sleeping still.


(M/N)-Thanks again for keeping an eye on my son.

Fia-It's no problem. Is there anything I should now?

(M/N)-No, just make sure to call me if anything happens and I should be home before he wakes up to his alarm. In case I run a little late just tell him my job took a little longer this time and i'll be home soon. You can even call me, so I can talk to him. Feel free to sleep in my bed.

Fia-Alright. Night.

I left my house to start driving to 'work' and put my new shirt, hat, and badge on at red lights. Soon I made it the place and it was going to be open soon but if all goes according to plan, this place will be shut down before it has a chance to open.

(M/N)'s mind-Alright, let's see what I can find here.

(No POV)

As she was walking to the building, it was almost silent aside from the humming of the ventilation system. It was completely empty of life until something twitched a finger and a broken ear when the door opened.

???'s mind-... Is someone... here?



Let the mayhem begin


I`m excited for this one i hope it goes well