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(Moon's POV)

This process was going by slow because for me, it was a trial by fire and Star was getting frustrated from not progressing the way she liked. I took this outside with her, so (Y/N) could watch his show in peace and told our new servants that they are not to go in my room unless told so. I even saw (Y/N) peeking out the window from time to time to see my daughter getting frustrated to the point she just collapsed and laid on the ground. It was hard for me to get the hang of it as well, but I knew how to take my time and didn't feel rushed, so she can't focus.

Moon-Stat, if you force this too hard without the proper focus-.

Star-I know, I know, I knnnoooowww! It won't work!

Moon-Sometimes it helps to step away for a bit and think of something later.

I hoped she took this to heart... She didn't and took it as a challenge instead to try again and I just held the bridge of my nose.

Moon-Think. What did you feel last time you transformed? It was strong enough to skip mewberty and that shouldn't be possible. Surely, you remember something.

Star-Well... I wanted (Y/N), so I think I was clear on that then after I felt my head spinning, my chest wanted to burst for a bit then... I don't know.

Maybe her body couldn't handle it the first time and suppressed the memory to an existent and if that's the case... She might need to experience something like that again, but if I tell her, she'll try to force it and do something stupid.

Moon-Why don't we... just rest for a while and check on your little brother.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in this room alone since my parents even told me to stay in here or it would be bad. Later moon and Star came back in, and Star looked bummed out then just took me into a hug.


I didn't know what to or ask because while she was outside training with her mom, she went from sad and mad very fast a lot. Just then Moon picked up a bell then ringed it for my dad to come in while she took her shoes off and put her feet up on a stool.

Moon-You know what I like.

Dad-Yes ma'am.

This was all just so weird, and I just wanted to things to go back to the way they were before all of this. Star just held me tighter and groaned before she said...

Star-Hold me... Now.

The way she said it too made me scared to not do it and she rubbed my head before she rolled over with me on top of her now. I couldn't watch T.V. anymore, but Star did give me lots of kisses and played with my face and hair, so I did the same back to her.

Moon-*Chuckles* Don't you 2 just look adorable.

(Hekapoo's POV)

I was just getting some work at the castle done to keep the commission off my back while I go take (Y/N) to his new home. Even if time moves really fast in my world compared to here then it won't matter that much, but I think years alone with my little man sounds very nice. I know where Queen Moon is and I just need to get him alone and while searching for minutes for him, that will be 5 years or so for me and him to be together and he would've long since grown attached to me even if I have to teach it to him. I opened a portal to the house and was greeted with a woman... licking the bottom of shoes.


Woman-Who are you?!

Hekapoo-Someone who wants to unsee that habit of yours... I'm just gonna go see the queen and... you do you.

I walked away from whatever that was then went up to the queen's bedroom to see a man waiting in the room, holding towels and (y/N) was just lying-in bed until he sat up when he saw me.


I felt so happy and was about to take him, but the man got in my way.

Man-Hey, who are you?!

Hekapoo-Nobody you should be concerned about. I have orders to bring the child with me to the castle for examination. It's very urgent. Get in my way and I will have to arrest you.

Man-Well, I have the queen in the bathroom with the princess doing a mud bath and she told me to make sure he stays here.

Hekapoo-Well this is not under orders of the queen. It's under the commission, for the safety of everyone, including you. Now stand aside.

He was wavering and I was fed up with this and made clones to push him aside and he was about to tattle to the queen, so they covered his mouth and (Y/N) looked scared, so I went up to him gently.

Hekapoo-Hey there.~

(Y/N)-I-I thought we did all the tests.

Hekapoo-Well we gotta see if anything changed. Now come on, it'll be really quick. In and out. All that jazz. Let's go.

I picked him up and had another clone open a portal to my world just as I was hearing the queen and princess coming out... Time to go. I quickly unsummoned my clones and jumped through my portal to close it and that's when (Y/N) saw our home as I took him to his room. I don't want him scared on the first few hours, so i'll make up a couple of tests.

(Y/N)-Um... This isn't the hospital.

Hekapoo-I can do the tests at my home. I know how to do them without machines... We can do them in my son's room.

(Y/N)-You're a mom?

Hekapoo-That's right.

When we got to his room, I made it comfy for earth standards and sat him a little chair his size. He just looked so adorable, and we started the tests by taking his temperature and I did it by putting my hand on his forehead and he was being so good about it.

Hekapoo's mind-So cute!~

(Eclipsa's POV)

I was having a pair of dimensional scissors being brought to me and I was excited because I have a good idea where moon would be hiding. She wouldn't bring him back to his dimension to put innocent people in danger and even I wouldn't do that, so I would go somewhere that hardly anyone goes that is also guarded by many guards or rather... a Magical High Commission member that can control portals. They were coming down the hall as we speak and I've seen Hekapoo's world, but I think I forgot a catch to it... I'm sure it won't matter as long as he is there. My daughter was ready for her job to care for her little brother when we come back and if he wants to fight coming back, I have a plan for that too that I hope we won't be needing. Just then the servant kneeled down and had the scissors on a pillow.

Servant-My queen.

I took the pair of scissors and smiled at the thought of having my son back in my arms and playing with his big sister. Even as we speak, she is throwing one of many temper tantrums and the last babysitter is still being patched up in the hospital, so I better wrap this up.

Eclipsa's mind-Don't worry darling... Mother is coming.~

I opened the portal and stepped through to see her world and it did look rather fun to have an adventure here, but I need to find where Hekapoo lives. Good thing I have a spell that takes care of just that, but that barrier of magic just kept me from looking in the kingdom, but it should work here. When I focused my mind on who it was that I wanted to see...

Eclipsa-... I summon the all-seeing eye to tear a hole into the sky. Reveal to me that which is hidden. Unveil to me which is forbidden.

The spell worked and when I saw my son, I saw him with Hekapoo and she was putting her hands on my soon while claiming that these are medical tests and to see if he is evil.


Hekapoo-Now remember, don't turn away and hold still. Hating kissing on your cheeks and hiding your blush is how you fail this test.

(Y/N)-H-How is this gonna see if i'm healthy and good?

Hekapoo-Well bad people hate kisses and hide their feelings... If you fail, I might have to keep you here for a while.

(Y/N)-H-How long?

Hekapoo-Don't think about that. Just keep those eyes open and on me. Hold still.

(No POV)

Hekapoo started to plant kisses on (Y/N) while Eclipsa watched in furry then her blood boiled as the spell went away and she knew where they were. Her body floated into the air and began to transform until it ended in a flash of light again.


Eclipsa-You will regret... taking my family away from again. *echo*

She started to fly off in the direction of her son and Hekapoo with the intent to eliminate anyone that gets in the way of her prize.



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