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(Kali's POV)

I was doing my best to pick this lock for the poor boy to get this collar off him, but with this angle and how small the lock was, it was kinda tricky. My husband was watching this and even got some snacks for the child and soon I finally picked the lock and got the collar off him. He was nervous, quiet, and shy, but it was kinda obvious that he couldn't wait for his sisters to get here because he kept on stealing glances at my scroll when I got simple notifications from other things and got disappointed that it wasn't from Blake. As he ate my husband and I tried to get him to open up a little, but after what he's been through, it wasn't surprised that we could only get a few whispers out of him. Just then an alarm went off on my Ghira's scroll and he just got up.

Ghira-I have a meeting with the White Fang soon and I will discuss this matter with them.

Kali-You aren't going to tell them that he's here, are you?

Ghira-Of course not, but I want to see about this "new change". Just watch him and when his family gets here, see that they are on the next ship back to Vale.

He left and it was just (Y/N) and I now then after he was done eating, I think he needed a better place to rest than a couch, so I took him to Blake's room, and he looked around to see a few pictures of her as a little girl.

(Y/N)-Is this... Blake's room?

Kali-Why yes, it is. Come on, let's get you comfy while you wait for your sisters.

I led him to the bed then he crawled in, and it looked so adorable and when I tucked him in the blankets, he gave me a look where I saw the light reflect off his eyes a little. It was a little hard to look away from him before he took my hand as I was just about to leave. He had pleading eyes that made my heart melt and I think I knew what was going on.

Kali-Are you afraid to be alone right now?

(Y/N)-*Whimper* Yes.

Most boys his age try to act tough which is what makes them cute in their own way, but I guess he was raised to be more open. I laid next to him and went on my scroll when I felt him nuzzle into me and I think my heart stopped for a moment. When my eyes meet with his once again, my body sort of acted on its own for a bit when it tried to hug him, but I finished that action and he just felt so nice in my arms.


This felt like I was a mother to a young child all over again, but this time it was a human boy that just wanted to cuddle instead of a girl that was eager to follow in her parent's footsteps in being a part of the White Fang. He nuzzled into me harder, and I held him tighter.

Kali-Awwww, you're just a sweetheart. Do you cuddle with your sisters too?~

(Y/N)-I... do it with my family and nice people.

Kali-I see... Would you mind if I join you under the blankets?

I helped myself to my offer and he didn't do a thing to stop me. In fact, he even helped me by trying to throw the blanket of me then pulled it up some more to make sure I was covered as much as possible.

Kali's mind-He is just the sweetest thing ever! I'm jealous!~

The girls should be here in another couple hours before dinner and it was about lunch time, so we had a while. I just got comfy with him and even played with him a little by tickling his neck a bit and I was meet with an adorable noise.


Kali-Hmmmm.~... You know, Blake did like stories before bed. How about a story before a nap to make time go by faster for your sisters to get here?

He seemed to like that idea and got a little cozier in bed and I just smiled and cleared my throat a little before I started off with one of Blake's favorites.

(Ilia's POV)

We were searching around the island and told residents to tell us anything they know, and Seinna even offered a 500,000-lien reward for anyone that turns over her lost pet unarmed, and the poster even said, "or else". This got many others to join the search around the island and I was with Adam, and he seemed annoyed by this until he spoke up.

Adam-Do you find this weird? That how our high leader was treating that human?

Ilia-Well... I am against what happened to our kind in history but putting a child on a leash was a bit odd to look at.

Adam-I was talking about how she was too soft. She even showed kindness unlike our kind was shown when that no doubt happened before.

Ilia-I don't know, but I just wanna get this job done, so we don't end up like "him" back there.

We continued searching and I could tell that the topic was still on Adam's mind, but I just shrugged off and went over to a group of people to question them.

(Weiss's POV)

I was so frustrated that this boat wasn't moving faster, and we are going to be there near nighttime. My team was just as impatient as me and we wanted Blake to call her parents, but there was no service out here where we were. Blake was just telling us a bit about her home and from what she said, i'm not going to be very popular there due to my father's legacy.

Weiss-I don't see why they couldn't bring him to us.

Yang-When's the next ship back to Vale when we get there?

Blake-I think it should be around tomorrow morning, so we'll be sleeping at my house... He'll sleep in my room with me.

Ruby-Excuse me? He's my little brother and he was taken from us, so i'm sure he'll want his big sisters.

They were missing the point because I think it'll just take a nice smile and some treats to make him wanna snuggle with me tonight. I'm sure they have decent stores on the island to get stuff like cookies or something.

Weiss's mind-If he's anything like Ruby which I know he is, cookies will put him at my beck and call.

(Roman's POV)

I tried telling Cinder that I found out Neo took the brat to Menagerie, but I can't bring him back on time that she liked and if she wants to blame anyone, she can blame the backstabber that caused it all and extend my time. All she did was come out of her closet after getting dressed from a shower and looked at me like she was calm, but she tends to hide her emotions.


Cinder-Roman, let me ask you something... When I gave you your deadline, did I or did I not make it clear of who you were supposed to get.

Roman-Do you know how long of a flight it will be there, not counting the time it would take to search the damn island and come back?!

Cinder-You seem to have time to come here and waste mine.

Roman-I need longer if you wanna be happy with the brat!

Cinder-... So, what you're telling me is... You can't bring him back on time?

Roman-I'm telling you I need more time.

Cinder-*Chuckles* Oh Roman.

She just waved her hand a little and a huge fire blocked the door as well as the only why out of here and the only other thing I heard besides my sudden heavy breath and crackling fire was her heels clicking with each step across the concrete. The literal fire in her eyes while she was gently smiling told me a lot that she did not like what I said.

Cinder-If I thought you deserved more time, do you think I would've given it to you?

I took steps to the side before I backed up to avoid the fire, but now I was heading to a wall. This is the part where she backs her prey into a corner and kills them while they look pathetic. I just turned to blast a hole in the wall to make a run for it, but just then my cane was red hot which made me drop it and hold my hand in pain while turned to see even the fake smile Cinder wore was gone now and she was furious.

Roman-Wait! I collect all the dust! You need me!

Cinder-I said we have enough, and I can always put Mercury in charge or carrying my orders for me and Emerald can go get him... You better choose your next words very carefully.

Roman-... H-H-Hey, i'm sure we can work something out. What if-?

Before I knew it, I was blasted with fire, and I didn't have any time to scream before the pain was gone and it was pitch black.

(Kali's POV)

(Y/N) was sleeping next to me and it just felt so good to watch him sleep then I noticed it was getting close to dinner time and Ghira might be out late talking with the White Fang, so I carefully got out of bed without waking him up. When I got to the kitchen, I took out some meat to get ready to feed extra mouths for the night and I want to make it special... I think a nice pork chop dinner would be nice and some side dishes would go very well. The meat was frozen, so I need to wait for it to thaw in cold water while I started to wash potatoes and vegetables. As I progressed with dinner, I took the meat out of its package to put seasonings and marinade on it then threw it on a hot stove and heard a satisfying sound.


Kali's mind-I wonder... Would he mind being fed a snack when he wakes up?

(Short Timeskip)

((Y/N)'s POV)


I was slowly opening my eyes when I smelled food and it smelled really good over the smell of this room. It was kinda cold to leave the bed, but I wanna see if my sisters are here yet. That and I was kinda hungry now than when I made it out there, I saw food was cooking in the kitchen then Kali saw me and came up to while I walked to her. She picked me up and gave me a kiss on my head.


Kali-Well someone had a good nap. You hungry?~

(Y/N)-Um... a little.

Just then my stomach growled, and she giggled before she walked to the kitchen with me to open the fridge then got something out for a little snack. I wanted to be good for Blake's mom, so I opened my mouth before she could even ask and she looked surprised, but I was waiting for her to put the food in my mouth.


(Y/N)-... Ahhhh.~

Kali-Oh, sorry.

She fed it to me and I was careful not to bite her fingers, but then I saw her cheeks get really red... Is she getting sick?

(Y/N)-Um... Are you ok?

Kali-I'm... I'm fine. Do you want some more?

(Y/N)-Should we wait for dinner?

Kali-One more couldn't hurt.

(Kali's POV)

My heart was going crazy from the fact that I didn't even have to ask him to open his mouth and he even said "ahhh" for me to ask for it. I got another piece of salmi for him and this time I only gave him small bites and he just looked so cute! He was in my arms, letting me feed him, his little cheeks looked chubby when he chews, and the look in his eyes made me lost in them.

(Y/N)-Is there any games around here we can play or something?

Blake was a bookworm when she was little and would devote her time to training and protesting with the White Fang from when her father was in charge. We didn't have games like that, but we did have T.V. and I just laid on the couch with him while a cartoon was on for him.

(Y/N)-I'll be right back!

He got up and ran like he was excited to get something while I was caught off guard. I even instinctively tried to grab him and even felt a little hurt by this for some reason until he came back with a blanket and climbed back on me and covered us in a blanket, but he was having a bit of trouble.


Kali-Here, let me help.~

I used my legs to cover the spots he couldn't and even wrapped an arm around me to get comfy while he laid his head on my chest to watch his show... He shifted a few times like his head wasn't a way he liked, and I was gonna scoot him down to my belly, but his just sat up a bit then... he was pushing my boobs around. I was about to tell him that this was not ok to treat a lady like this, but then I noticed the way he was doing it...

Kali's mind-Is he treating this like fluffing a pillow?

This was nice, but he looked sad when I heard the timer go off in the kitchen which meant I had to go take out the food to let it cool down before my daughter and her team get here... then leave the next morning... with (Y/N). I just turned to see him looking at me like he was waiting for me to come back to him, and I was about to until...

*KNOCK* *echo*

*KNOCK* *echo*

*KNOCK* *echo*

The sound scared him a little which did look cute and forced a smile to my face that calmed him down. I noticed it was night, so time must've slipped away from me and that's when my heart sunk before I even opened the door to see my daughter and her team just waiting for me to answer.

Kali's mind-I... He's their family... He misses them and you promised.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Kali was taking forever to come back and lay down with me and the pillows on this aren't comfy like the others. I hate it. Soon though I heard very footsteps coming closer than I just felt so happy to see everyone.




We ran to each other, but Ruby got to me first thanks to her speed then the others tackled us, and I was even crying a little while I hugged both of sisters and told them everything that happened to me. They all listened to me and soon Yang stopped me by putting a finger to my mouth.

Yang-Calm down... Would some cuddling make you feel better?~

I just nodded my head and held my arms out to her to be picked up and she went to an empty couch to lay with me and even helped me get her chest right then Ruby got on top of us.

(Kali's POV)

My heart should be touched and filled with joy to see those siblings cuddling together for a reunion... but instead I was furious on the inside and hid it by hiding my hands behind my back to squeeze my wrist. Thoughts flooded my mind about how they lost him and that lead him to me rescuing him from being a pet!

Kali's mind-He was cuddling with me and was even waiting... FOR ME!!!

My breathing got a little out of control for a second, but then I calmed down when I came to a decision then had a plan, but I needed help from Ghira.

Kali's mind-They can't take him without that boat tomorrow... He's staying with me.


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