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((Y/N)'s POV)

Last night was so relaxing with Rosalina that I only felt a little homesick and she even hummed a song that just sounded so nice and helped me sleep. Right now, we just got down with breakfast and she was putting me in some new clothes that looked like my old ones, but they were made in silk now and they felt good.


We even talked about helping me go home today and she was gonna take me back down to earth, but she wanted to go over some rules. She bent down to me while we were looking at earth and I didn't feel nervous, but I could feel she was serious right now.

Rosalina-Now young one, you need to stay close to me and do what I say. I wish to help you get home, but if you can't follow these rules, we will come back here. Ok?


Rosalina-Now come here.

I did what she said, and she picked me up and a bright light started to glow around us, so that meant she was getting ready to teleport down to earth. After a few seconds of pure light, I saw we were in a forest, and she started to walk down the trail while holding me until she put me down to hold her hand.

(Rosalina's POV)

I do feel guilty for misleading this child, but it is for his own good. No harm in a nice walk in a fair temperature environment for him. The path was safe from what I saw and when we make it to the spot where he came here then I tried to feel for anything unnatural, but there wasn't a trace.

Rosalina's mind-How particular. Usually there would be a faint magic left behind from something so strong. It couldn't have gone away already... Does this magic work differently?

Just then I was pulled a little while (Y/N) searched for something, but it seems the only things he brought here with him was the clothes on his back. He looked like he was thinking of something to get back him, but I need to think of a way to make him drop it and come back with me without being too sad which was going to be very difficult. I could let this run its course, but who knows how long that can take and my little stars like to travel.



(Y/N)-Since this is where I came from, do you think you can open the portal again?

Rosalina-I'm sorry, but I don't see or feel anything to go off of. Maybe the way back home is else where.

I took him around the Mushroom Kingdom, and I saw the towns folk looking at us and I do wear clothing that stands out, but I don't think it's that captivating. When I heard his tummy growl we just went to a nice cafe to rest, even if he was eager to get back to searching. When our drinks came here, I just had to tea, and he had hot chocolate since it was decent weather for it, but when he took his first sip, he burned his mouth and flinched away from his drink to put it down.

Rosalina-*Gasp* Oh my, don't drink it too fast while it's that hot!

I went up to him and carefully opened his mouth then shined a light in to examine him and it looks like he got his tongue and the roof of his mouth. He should be fine, but now I was thinking how careless that waiter was, giving such a hot drink to a child. He could've cooled it down just a little... No, it was my fault for not advising him to wait, so I just took him and put him on my lap to stroke his head.

Rosalina-Oh you poor thing. Is your mouth ok?~

(Y/N)-I'm ok... Can I have my hot chocolate?

Rosalina-We'll wait for it to cool down. Let's get you some pudding or milk to help that mouth of yours. It's gonna make it all better.~


We just left the cafe and I felt better to just hold (Y/N) in my arms while we "searched" for his way home. Sometime past and (Y/N) wanted to go back into town because he knows someone that can help us. I'll humor this, but after we are going back to my observatory since it's clear we won't find anything here and I can convince him his way back home might be on another planet... Even if it is, I can hide it from him.

Rosalina-Sweetie, I hope you are getting your hopes up too high to find what we are looking on the first day.

(Y/N)-Well... it should be here. It has to be.

He looked at me a little hurt with that bit of news then I noticed a runaway cart rolling down the hill towards us.

Toad-Look out!

I didn't wanna tug on my poor son's arm to hurt him even a little, so I just made a force field around us, and I was furious as the cart was reduced to small pieces. The thought of (Y/N) being alone and getting hit by that or being scared of being hit, so when I brought the force field down and marched right up to that Toad who owned the cart.

Rosalina-Excuse me! Whose cart was that?!

Toad-Um... Mine.

Rosalina-What happened?

Toad-I was just trying to bring it down the hill since my help was out sick today... It was just too heavy.

Rosalina-And your first thought was to move it on your own?! Someone could get hurt! Your cart almost hit this child!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Rosalina was being kinda scary when she was mad and yelling in a way that wasn't too loud, but even I feel like i'm in trouble a little here. She made him shrink back and I even saw others around us took a few steps back as the air felt a little thicker or something that made my chest a little heavy. Suddenly she held me a little tighter with my ear on her chest as she finally started to calm down, but I think she was still a little mad.

Rosalina-... *Sigh* This will not happen again because you are going to go clean your mess alone and apologize to everyone here after.

Toad-U-Um... Like, right now?


He ran down the hill to go do it and she started to walk away then she went back to being herself, but now she was acting a little weird. She still won't put me down and just says "What if something comes out of nowhere again and tried to hit you". Next a shop owner wanted to offer us something, but she turned me away from them while they spoke then freaked out when she saw me trying to swat away a bee. She pulled my arm down then trapped the bee in a bubble before she made it float far away from us.

Rosalina-Excuse me, but I think we should be taking our leave back home.

(Y/N)-What? But we're-.

Rosalina-Going to try again tomorrow. Maybe while it's not so crowded on the str-.


We both turned and we saw Princess Peach running to us while being so happy that she was crying.


She made it to us quickly and Rosalina was confused, but snapped out of it and reached out to me while looking worried when Peach took me from her to her hold me.

Peach-Oh thank you for saving him! The reward will be in the castle and-!

Rosalina-Excuse me!

Rosalina took me back from her by making a bubble around me and hid me behind her and this surprised Peach.

Rosalina-This child is under my care.

Peach-I beg your pardon, but I found this child when he was lost. He's in my care.

Rosalina-And then you had the Queen of Koopas herself kidnap him. He needs extra protection... We were just leaving.

(Y/N)-Um, maybe we can... talk. She might be able to help.

Rosalina turned to look at me before she popped the bubble and dropped me in her arms to hold me before she rubbed my head.

Rosalina-Honey, we should just back where we know it's safe for you. We can't have that mean Koopa Queen finding you. Can we?~

(Y/N)-Well... Um.

Peach-My castle is perfectly safe. I insist you stay, so I may offer my assistance.

(Peach's POV)

I was happy to give her the reward before, but now, she's lucky if she will leave with even a gold coin. Those are supposed to be my cuddles and she is holding my son! He did talk her into it and I lead them back to the castle and she was very skeptical because she put a force field around them as she walked and still turned away.

Peach-I'll have lunch prepared in a moment. We have guest bedrooms on the 4th floor.

Rosalina-Thank you.

She said it like it was a problem before she left with my son looking at me over her shoulder which was basically him calling out to me... "Mommy". I just went to tell the head guard to pull all scouts back to the kingdom then started to think of a way to take him back and the answer came to me almost instantly... I went to the room where we keep the most dangerous items and I grabbed just the item for the job... or should I call it an "ingredient"?


This is her fault really. I just want my son back and this won't kill her, but it will make it easy to separate them. I just need to make her plate "special".

(Rosalina's POV)

We were in the guest rooms, and I had (Y/N) take his shirt and pants off to check for any scratches or anything that shows he hurt. He seemed fine until I made it to the back of his leg and saw a small bite mark that looked like it belonged to a bug.

Rosalina-What happened here?!

(Y/N)-Um... I think I got bit by a mosquito or something a few days ago. My dad said I was fine and to walk it off.

This made me feel disgust that a father would let this go untreated and my distrust in him grew. I took him to the bathroom to properly take care of this to make sure all that fluid is out and cleaned. If his father ever shows himself to me one day, I will tell him why he won't be getting (Y/N) back, and I would leave him whoever else that put (Y/N) in a hint of danger on an empty planet to rot if he so much as utters a peep in protest to me. When it was cleaned, I have his kisses to make him feel better.

Rosalina-(Y/N)... You know that I just want to help you, right?

(Y/N)-Yeah. Why?

Rosalina-I'm just making sure you know.

I just held him close to me in bed and he nuzzled into me while we waited for lunch to be ready, we'll leave the plant after, then we shall travel space together and I just couldn't wait to care for him and show him so many things.

Rosalina's mind-Our time together is going to be magical. I promise... Mommy promises.~

(No POV)

Meanwhile someone was traveling in the mountains to look for (Y/N) and later they caught a faint smell in the air. This made them very excited, and they started running and easily smashed through almost anything in their way.

Chain Chompette's mind-It's him, it's him, it's him! I FOUND HIM!!!

While she was running a koopa flew off to go to a ship and report some strange activity to their queen and princesses. When they heard the noise she had a good feeling and said.

Bowsette-Keep track of her! Don't let her out of your sights and see where she's going!


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