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((Y/N)'s POV)

The girls fought for over an hour before they finally stopped, but I think even the smallest thing was gonna make them fight again and it doesn't help that Fredda was holding me and Toy Fredda looked really mad at her. Nobody was saying a word and I wanted to leave, but I feel like if I run, then that will make them fight again with me in the middle of it. Just when Toy Fredda got off the table she was sitting on she looked at me before she looked to Fredda. I have no idea what she was going to do or say, but I just hope it's nothing bad.

Toy Fredda-Excuse me, but I would "love" to have my baby boy back.

Fredda-Your baby boy? We saw him and caught him first.

Toy Fredda-"I" adopted him, so that makes me his mommy. I out rank you.

Chica-*Tch* Rank?

Toy Bonnie-Yeah, so go get each other off back in parts and service.

Bonnie-Looks like to me you could use a part or two to cover up those tits.

Toy Bonnie-At least I can say i'm comfortable with my body. Don't know what I can say about a group of old rusty dumpsters.

Bonnie-Rusty?! At least we don't sell out for cheap plastic and silicone implants!

This made them angry, and they all stood up then Foxy got in front of me to take me from Fredda.

She had her hook ready to attack any of the toy girls, but just then the started flashing before Foxy was shoved to the ground while it was dark and I was taken. When the lights stopped and stayed on I saw who was holding me and it made the original girls very made.


Foxy-Ye fiend! Give him back!

She ran over and tried to take me back while attacking Marionette, but Foxy's attack was stopped by one hand then she was kicked back to the others. She didn't fall, but she slid back until her claws and hook scratching the floor made her stop.

Marionette-It's very rude to take something that isn't yours Foxy.

Bonnie-We had him first!

Balloon Girl-Tough titties! We have him now!

(???'s POV)

This simply would not do. All the girls would not get along over the prize that's not even theirs to begin with. I need them to work together to keep all the pieces in play so they can clear the way for the boy to be in my grasp and what I have planned for him will be beautiful.

???'s mind-Perhaps they just need a little nudge to friendship or at the very least. Tolerating each other.

I still have control over the building to an extent, so maybe an alarm will get them moving when the firemen and police come knocking.

(Fredda's POV)

I don't give a fuck who these wind up toys think they are. I was about to go over there and rip that mommy wanna be to pieces and my girls will be on my side, but before that could happen an alarm went off and it sounded very familiar for an active shooter. That means authorities will be here any minute and we didn't know this place well enough for any good hiding spots for him. The new girls seemed just as worried about this or angry and just then we saw someone else walk in and she looked familiar, but I thought she was dead and dissembled for years now. I can't even remember her name.


???-This way!

I was about to do what she said, but the Toys wouldn't let me at first until they heard sirens and knew kids weren't allowed here, so they quickly broke. Golden Fredda lead to what looked like a wall until she opened it to reveal a secret room that even the Toys were surprised to see and it was like a security room. There was monitors, a chair, and even a bed, but (Y/N) caught me off guards and managed to wiggle out of my grasp and started running.

Fredda-(Y/N) get back here!

He didn't listen as we all started to chase after him with Foxy being the fastest out of all of us, but he managed to crawl in a vent that she couldn't fit into.

Toy Chica-Move!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Help was coming soon, so I just have to wait until they get inside and find me where they can see me. I heard other sounds behind me while I was crawling in this vent to who knows where, so I tried to go as fast as I could and I did make it. I was in the security office, but someone was right behind me, so I tried to hide behind the desk, but my hand slipped when I tried to hook around it with my head and that pair of underwear fell on my head when I quickly sat where they couldn't see me hopefully. I heard them come in and I didn't dare move.

Toy Chica-(Y/N)?... Come out now!

I soon saw her walk over, but even if she was right in front of me... She was still looking for me.


(Y/N)'s mind-She can't... see me?

She looked mad before she left the office down the hall and I took the underwear off my head and looked at them and thought that as long as I wear these then the girls won't find me. It'll be very weird to put underwear on my head and maybe a little funny, but better than staying here.

(Y/N)'s mind-I bet I can just walk to the front door with these!

(Toy Bonnie's POV)

Our Chica just told us that she lost (Y/N) and had no idea where he went. The older versions of us with a fucking pirate went off to search for him by themselves, but we know this place better, so we had a better chance at finding him. We didn't have much time before police arrive and we could still hear sirens until they stopped and there was just lights outside. I said we should go to the office from all entrances, so we can enclose on him while the others search aimlessly. They liked that idea, so we did it.

Toy Fredda-Alright, Bonnie, Mangle, you're with me. Chica, you take the right vent and balloon girl, you take the left. Marionette-.

We all turned to see that she was gone and we had no time for this as we did my plan.

(???'s POV)

I told the police that the alarm was set off on accident by some intern, but they were persistent on keeping officers just out the front doors until they can confirm from others close by and even the street cameras that no shots were fired since I refused to let them in. They were also out there right now to look for any bullet holes, broken glass, or even damaged, but they won't find a damn thing. I went back to check inside on the girls and I hate being in this small room with nothing, but an old Golden Bonnie suit that hasn't been clean in... I don't even know how long. When I spotted (Y/N) on the cameras I saw he found out about the panties being able to hide from their face scanners, but what he doesn't know, that it doesn't work on everyone.

???-Guess you're just gonna have to find out the hard way. Be lucky they aren't trying to kill you... That's my job... In a way.

What he doesn't know that Fredda has been talking to his mommy and while that wasn't part of the plan, I could use it and I know his mom was stalking this place out as we speak.

((Y/N)'s POV)

This was working to perfection, and I was almost to the front door where I can even see police lights, so I just need to bang on it for them to hear me. I walked into the party room, and I had to try not to laugh from when I saw Fredda, Chica, and Bonnie looking for me while I was right in front of them.


(Y/N)'s mind-Now this is too easy. I'll be home tonight, the girls will be turned off, and adults will have to believe me now.

I walked backwards and soon wondered where Foxy was, but I didn't care that much as long as I have these on. I look stupid, but nobody can see me.


I turned to see Foxy and Golden Fredda and they were tapping their feet on the ground and... looking at me.


I still have the underwear on, so she shouldn't see me then the others came over and acted like I wasn't here by looking at her.

Chica-Um, what are you two doing?

Foxy-Huh, ye don't see him?

Bonnie-Uhhh, what?

Just then Foxy came up to me and I tried to run again and I did slip away, but she got the underwear off my head and now the girls looked surprised to see me as Foxy ripped the underwear to shreds.

Golden Fredda-Get him!

They started chasing after me and I started screaming to get the cops to hear me from the outside since they have to hear me from this close, right?

(???'s POV)

Who knew those noise complaints from loud music in the morning and demand to get soundproof glass was a blessing in disguise.


((M/N)'s POV)

Police were all over the outside of this place and I was getting this all on video as I was getting closer to the site. I got texts from my son all day and there was no way that those were from him, but I need evidence and to get him back... then leave this god forsaken town. Right now, the police were near the front entrance and I hid behind one of the cars and managed to listen on a report of an alarm of a shooter in that place. No sign of a shooting or even hearings of a gunshot and are not allowed to go inside without a permit. I snuck out of the crime scene and back to my car before I checked on my phone to see if this sicko pretending to be my son is still up, but so far, no answer. Until... I was getting a call from my son's phone, so I answered it.



I couldn't believe I was hearing my son's phone instead of some stranger, but I kept myself composed incase this might be a trick.

(M/N)-... (Y/N)?

(Y/N)-M-Mommy, please come get me. I'm scared.

(M/N)-Where are you?

(Y/N)-Where Kyle took me. There are mean people here that are locking me in a room. *sniffle* Th-They want you to come alone when the police leave.

(M/N)-Are you hurt?

(Y/N)-N-No... Please, save me... I miss you.

The call ended. I want to believe that this is my son calling for help, but there is just no way... Anyway, I can't just risk that, so I have to play by their rules for now, but I need a plan.

(M/N)'s mind-I'm coming baby.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was hiding in the kitchen under the sink, and it was really quiet, so I came out and saw that nobody was here, but I had to get to the front door to get out of here. Now I didn't have underwear to hide me anymore, so this was going to be a whole lot harder. I got out into the hallway then looked both ways before I walked down it. I heard footsteps, so I went into what I thought was a doorless bathroom, but there were just chairs in here with small tables next to them then I peeked out to see someone walking by and it was Mangle.


She was kinda crying before she just stopped in the middle of the hallway, so I stopped peeking around the corner to hide then heard her doing something.

Mangle-*Sniff* *sniff*... (Y/N)?

I heard her walking in and there was nowhere to hide since those chairs were just like normal dining room chairs, so I just went into a conner and hoped she wouldn't see me... It was the first place she looked to search the room then her sad look went away, and she looked happy.


She ran over to pick me up, but I tried to run around her then she suddenly stretched her arm to where I saw the metal and what looked like padding inside of her before she got me. She was pulling me over to her while I was fighting it then pushed one of the chairs to her to knock her down and let go of me. I took this chance to run out of the room and make a break for it to the door. I made it and was about to start pounding and scream, but just as my hand was just about to hit it, I was grabbed and lifted up with my mouth covered. I saw a mirror and who the one doing this to me was Marionette.


Marionette-*Chuckles* Took you long enough to get here.~

I couldn't break free or scream loud enough before the lights flashed a little then it quickly became dark, but I could still struggle and knew I was awake.

Marionette-*Shhhhh* Be a good boy now.~

(Timeskip 5AM)

((M/N)'s POV)

The police finally left and I went back home earlier to get a knife, pepper spray, and a taser while I had the S.O.S. beacon ready on my phone. The police will have to barge in and as long as I have my phone in the building or even near it, it's not something they can ignore. I texted my son's kidnapper and soon they replied with "Go around the back. The door is unlocked and cracked open". I made it around the building and had the taser in my hand then gently pushed the door more open then backed up to just see it was dark in there still.  I did my best to check both sides of the doorway before I went inside as slow as possible. Suddenly I heard something...


In the heat of the moment I dashed down the hall and it sounded so real that it had to be him, but suddenly I was grabbed from behind and something was held up to my nose and mouth that made me dizzy. I tried to tase whoever was behind me, but all I got was...

???-*Giggles* That tickles.~

???-Let's see him leave without his mommy.

???-Excuse me. I'm his mommy now. Whose side are you on?

I was starting to black out, so I dropped the taser and went for my phone, but they stopped me by dropping me to the ground and before I closed my eyes, I saw who it was that ambushed me.


(???'s POV)

The girls not only have the boy without working together which didn't work out as I hoped, but now I have the mother, so this can help tie up loose ends. I can only make the best out of what I got, but tomorrow, I think i'm gonna have to do something a little daring...

???'s mind-I think I need to introduce myself.