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(Seinna's POV)

We just made it back from our public walk and to almost no surprise, my pet's face was so red from blushing so hard and sometimes he even cried a little when others mocked him. That lead to me making a few public examples that even that this human should no longer be treated like a person, they are my pet and if they insult my property, they insult me, and I "hate" being insulted. I took him to my room to lay him on his bed then had a servant bring him a bowl of food and water and I just let him eat with his hands. He was so adorable to watch eat while I kept tabs on my people's activity through my scroll for a bit then turned on the T.V. to watch a show, but my eyes kept going back to my pet whenever he makes a sudden move.


Soon I couldn't help it and wanted to play with my pet, so I grabbed one of his small stuffed toys and squeaked it a few times to get his attention and it worked very well to my surprise. I thought this would take a few attempts.

Seinna-*Giggles* Oh Munchkin... Fetch!~

I tossed the toy across the room and he looked flustered while I gave him a look, so he got up to go get it then he brought it back to me. I rewarded him by scratching the back of his head while I took the toy and for a second he leaned back into it, so that told me that he likes it.

Seinna-Good boy, but in public, I want you to crawl to get your toy and pick it up with your mouth. Let's do it now for practice. Fetch.~

His face got even more red as he crawled to fetch his toy and picked it up with his mouth before he crawled back to me. I took the toy from him again and did this a few more times before I picked him up to coo him for doing a good job.

Seinna-Good boy, Munchkin. Maybe later, we'll do this at the park here.~

(Y/N)-Um... M-Maybe we can do something else.

Seinna-Like what?

(Y/N)-Um... We could play a game here... L-Like a video game, or a board game... or watch a movie.

Seinna-And what if I wanna play with my pet outside?

(Y/N)-I'm... I'm not a pet. *mumble*

Seinna-Excuse me?

I gave him a stern look and he just backed down without another word and I don't like that tiny bit of rebellion, so maybe instead of playing... He needs to be trained some more and with harder things other than just tricks.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Seinna was just looking at me and I was scared she might get mad, but I just wanted to go home and be with my dad, dog, and sisters. I don't think I wanna be a pet since she doesn't think it's a game. I just snapped out of my thoughts when she stood up and walked up to me to put the leash on my collar again then tied it to a table in the corner of the room. This was kinda confusing since she said she wanted to go out and play then she forced me to lay down on my pet bed.

Seinna-I think you need some time alone and think about what you said and did just now. I'm going to go out and do some work and I tied this leash a certain way, so if you mess with it, i'll know and you'll be in big trouble.

She just gave me a kiss on my head before she stood up.

Seinna-Now stay.

When she left, she even turned off the T.V., but I could still reach my toys that weren't very fun to play with alone.

(Timeskip 35 Minutes)

It felt like forever since she left, and I think it could almost be dark outside. I don't know how I wasn't hungry right now from how long it's been, but then a door suddenly opened. When I thought Seinna was gonna come in someone else came in... It was a soldier of this place and they walked over to me then I noticed they had something behind them, so I was kinda scared.

Fanus-So you're this little prized pet of the high leader?

(Y/N)-... I guess. *mumbles*

Fanus-You think that makes you special? This isn't what our kind had to deal with! You're like a glorified pet rather than a caged animal!

I backed up against the wall to try and get away from him and wish my sisters or anyone to come and stop him. That's when he pulled out a bat with spikes on it then pointed it at me. I think he was going to say something before hurting me, so I ran and the knot came undone with just a little tug. He tried to grab me, but I jumped on the bed and jumped off to land in front of the door then ran screaming. I remember the way out, but this guy was chasing after me and catching up, but I saw door down the hall with a lock on it, so I ran inside to slam the door and locked it. Tears were running down my eyes then got worse when he started to pound on the door or at least I thought his was... His weapon came through the door and I didn't know what to do until I saw a window and did my best to crawl out of it. I landed in the dirt then ran for the town and took the leash off then tried to get the collar off, but just gave up and focused on finding somewhere in town I can hide and call my family for help.

(Y/N)'s mind-Ruby, Yang, Dad!... Someone, help me!

(Kali's POV)

This was insane that most of the police refuse to go near the White Fang Headquarters after what many just saw which is clearly illegal! The that I got were heading over there, but needed back up from other forces before they take on a group much larger than them. I wasn't allowed near the scene of course, but I did watch for a while before I got fed up and headed home to watch this on the news. I don't want to worry my daughter by calling her and have her teammates worry about their younger sibling, and since they are students, they are not able to offer assistance. They will be stuck on the sidelines with the rest of us.

Kali's mind-Honestly, what's wrong with the world?

The usual crowded streets were almost empty from people either crowding at the White Fang headquarters, or most others are inside watching the news. Soon I heard the sound of crying thanks to my better hearing, so I followed it wanting to help, but I wasn't ready for what I saw or rather, who.


It was the child, and he still had that lock around his neck, so I slowly approached him since he was too busy crying into his knees to notice me. Any child will be this scared if they were ripped away from him and stuffed into this situation.


He turned to me still whimpering and backed away from me a little, but I kept my pace to him until I touched his arm. He filched, but I just gave him a gentle look and rubbed his shoulder a little to comfort him.

Kali-Hey, it's alright. I'm here to help... You know my daughter Blake. She sent me this picture of you with her.

I pulled out my scroll to show him the photo my daughter sent me to prove I was telling the truth then showed him a few with Blake and I together and he had some hope in his eyes now.


He jumped leaned into me and cried, so I just did what I could to comfort him until he gets himself under control. We had to go soon because I think it would be best if nobody knows that I have the child with me, and his family gets here. I helped him up and took his hand to lead him to my house in a few we can keep as many eyes off of us as possible.

Kali-My name is Kali. May I have your name?

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* (Y-Y/N).

Kali-My daughter told me so much about you and your sisters are worried sick.

(Y/N)-C-C-*hic* C-Can y-you get me home?

Kali-Well of course. I'll tell my daughter you're here after we get to my house. It isn't fair.

(Neo's POV)

I snuck into the crowd outside after hearing "the pet" was gone after someone chased him off. It was clear I was not going to find him in there, so I had to resort into looking around the island and thought since he was scared enough to run and it looked like he was attacked, he might go where it looked like no people will be there. My first places to check will be old docks, buildings, and places in the woods... It was going to be a long search, worse case.

Neo's mind-Alright, where did you go.

(Seinna's POV)

Not only was there a crowd outside that demanded to know more about my pet and why I had him, I was told that there was an incident at my room. I ran to it to see Munchkin was gone and when I quickly thought of his punishment a few guards came to me with a soldier in custody. Now I was having second guesses as to whose fault it was my pet was now missing.


Guard#1-We saw him hitting a door with a baseball bat infused with spikes.

Seinna-What about my new pet?

Guard#2-No sign of him.

Seinna-... Soldier... What were you doing trying to bust the door down?

He looked scared to answer me and my blood boiled since his misdeed was written all over his face.

Seinna-Answer me.

Soldier-... Wh-What were you doing with a human anyway?! You were treating him like a pet, but one like it was royalty!... You... You've gone soft against humanity now and-!

(No POV)




Three blades were thrown into the soldier. One was infused with pierce dust to destroy his aura, the next was ice to freeze his left leg, and the last was fire lodged into his stomach to burn him from the inside. Many that saw the scene from the end of the hall or peeking from behind a corner and were horrified. Thanks to the frozen leg the soldier couldn't kneel down in pain after the guards let him go until Seinna went up to him and brought her foot down on his frozen leg being crystalized in ice.


He finally fell to the ground while coughing up blood, so he couldn't scream in pain while Seinna left him to die without saying a word but noticed 2 of whom may be her best fighters standing in the hall.


While Adam looked away a little, but other than that unphased by what happened, Ilia's eyes shrunk a little at how furious her leader was. Seinna looked at both of them with a serious and still made look on their face.

Seinna-I have a job for the both of you.

(Ruby's POV)

We were still out looking for our little brother around the city, but we came up with nothing. Blake's scroll was ringing and just the sound irritated all of us before she answered it.

Blake-Hey dad... What is it?

We just continued walked to search some more, but something made us jump.



We looked at Blake and she just looked so happy now and I was hoping it was for the reason I think it was. She suddenly took off and headed for the docks, so we followed her.

Blake-My parents have him! He's in Menagerie!

That news struck my heart and it was like all the grief just left my body and I activated my semblance to reach the docks before my team then pulled out all the lien I had and slammed it on the counter. This made the owner of these docks jump from me popping out of nowhere for him.

Ruby-Four tickets to Menagerie!


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