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((M/N)'s POV)

It was 6AM and my son would only text me too and ignore my calls and that's when I had enough of this bullshit and walked up to the building while police tried to stop me, but that was not happening. When a manager here saw me coming up with a few police officers behind me they spoke with him and got the keys to the place, and he complied to let us in. I rushed to look around and ignored the skimpy robots here to go to the security room and I found my son's bag, but his phone and everything else was missing. I started to panic and call for my son while more officers were called in and the manager offered to look at the security footage, but it required another guard's password and that guard was on vacation, but her name was...

Officer-Vinita. How long is she on vacation?

Employee-I don't know. I don't get told anything. I just open and work until noon.

(M/N)-My son is here somewhere! There's no way he could've left without us knowing! Who else was here at night!

Employee-Th-The night guard should be the only one here! Th-They sometimes quit during the first week or even mid shift.

Officer-How many times has this happened?

Employee-Um... E-Every night guard so far.

I wanted the police to lock this place down as a crime scene, but they said it wouldn't hold for long with physical evidence of something happening and that's when I yelled...


They all saw that I was crying, but not breaking down because I kept on searching this damn place, but police just stopped me to try and make me calm down while they searched. I was just sat at a table and other employees that came were automatically questioned about the building, but they all said "Vinita" would know more than them.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up and heard noises coming from outside then when I opened my eyes, I soon noticed it was pitch black and when I was about to scream for help my face was shoved into something big, soft, and squishy.

???-*Shhhhh* Everything is alright. How about a little game.~

Just then a light from my Nintendo Switch came on and I saw who I was with, and she was smiling down at me while I screamed into her boobs since she would not let me pull my face out from in the middle of them.


Puppet-Stop screaming and calm down or i'll stuff your face somewhere lower.

I did what she said in case she meant she was going to choke me or something then she started to rub my head and back before the light turned off from the screen.

Puppet-I can see why the others like you. Small... Soft... Oblivious... Stupid... Innocent... You're just a cute little toy to play with.~

(Y/N)-L-Let me go. M-M-My mom is here. *muffled*

Puppet-Mommy?... That word... Call me mom... Now.

I just shook my head no because she was just a big meanie and not my mom, but that's when I felt her hold me tighter and tighter.

Puppet-We don't have to tell your new mommy... Actually, I believe there's more words for mom. You can call me mommy, mama, or mother.

I said no again, and she didn't do anything for a while, but soon I heard her make a noise that made me kinda scared.


(Timeskip 3 Hours)

((M/N)'s POV)

I posted videos online, told my friends and other family members i'm in touch with, and made sure they all knew every detail about what the police did and let happen. My youngest was missing again and it was all their fault, so right now, I had a crowd of people around me near the police station and it was slowly getting bigger. It was a peaceful protest, but if they do anything crazy, like any other protest, it can turn into a riot. My demands were to have that building seized and searched more thoroughly, and have that bitch come and tell us everything she knows. I even have more plans to do more than protest... I took a temporarily leave from work after I explained everything to them too.

(M/N)'s mind-Now I just have to wait for that application for night guard to go through.

(Timeskip To Night)

(Toy Fredda's POV)

It was closing time and we could move freely without any night guard tonight, so I ran straight to Puppet's room and knocked on her box. She didn't answer, so I opened her box by force because I want my son back right now, but it was empty.


Toy Fredda-Ah!

I quickly turned and I saw Puppet holding my son and he was just yawning from waking up and it put me from a bad mood to having my heart skip a beat before I took him back from her.


Toy Fredda-How was he?! Was he good?! Oh, who am I kidding, he was just a little angel!~

Puppet-We had a few lessons today. Little guy is stubborn though.

Toy Fredda-Oh, he's just nervous i'm sure.

I was just so happy as he was still waking up a little and tried to push away from me, but I was much stronger than him, so holding him closer was no problem, but from what I could smell, he needed a shower. I was about to ask Puppet if she wanted to join and talk with me before I bring him to the others, but when I turned back, she was gone.

Toy Fredda-Fine... I want my son to myself right now anyway.

(No POV)

While Toy Fredda was taking her "new adopted son" to the showers to clean him with her, something happened in the parts and service room that you couldn't see in the pitch-black dark, but when something sparked, the brief light showed someone.


Golden Fredda's mind-*Giggles* It's time.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

When we finally got out of the shower and I was wide awake, Toy Fredda would not listen to me when I said I didn't want to call her mother. She said I was just being nervous, but I told her I want my phone to call my real mom, but when I said that... she spanked me a little.

Toy Fredda-That is not ok to say to your new mom... *sigh* Let's go see the others. Mangle is actually excited to see you again.

She got me dressed back in my clothes before she carried me down the hall and kissed my cheeks a few times and she was too strong for me to stop her while she was only playing with me. Just then we heard something that made us both turn around and it sounded... familiar.


When I saw who it was, my heart felt like it just sank a little.


Chica-What are you doing with "my" baby boy?

Toy Fredda-... Your baby boy?!

She just held me tighter and got "super angry" at Chica and I tried to run, but Toy Fredda would not put me down. Chica tried to reach for me by force, but Toy Fredda grabbed her wrist and that's when Chica used her free hand and foot to push then kick Toy Fredda down while ripping me away from her then held me in her arms just as tight. They were both angry, but when Toy Fredda got back up, she charged and tackled Chica which made her let go of me, so I ran while they fought each other.

(Y/N)'s mind-I thought they said they turned her off! Who turned her back on?!

As I was running down the hall I wanted to go for the front door and see if I could make it out of here, but when I turned around the corner in the hall, I bumped into someone and fell on my butt. When I looked up, I saw who I bumped into and while I was scared, she looked happy.


Fredda-*Gasp* (Y/N)! Oh, I missed you so much!~

She just quickly picked me up into a hug and swung me around a bit before she propped me up in her arms and looked a little mad before she flicked my nose three times.

Fredda-You have been a very bad boy! Running away with that man like that was not ok! Do you understand me?!

She went back to being happy before she gave me lots of kisses then walked away with me while I was trying to break out of her arms, but all she did in return was rub my back. It was like she had no problems holding me until I started sliding up, so she let go of me a little to make me slide back down then held me tight again.

Fredda-Stop that... Let's go see the others. They should be around here?

Just then she heard a huge slam from down the hall where Chica and Toy Fredda were fighting at then she turned me away before she peeked down the hall herself before she speed walked away from them.

Fredda-Bonnie?!... Where are you?!

She looked around then soon we saw someone and she was giving Fredda a look like she was confused then got a little mad when she saw her holding me.


Balloon Girl-Um, what are you doing with him?

Fredda-Who are you?

Balloon-None of your damn business. What are you doing with "him"?

She was about to come over to get me and I tried to get down still, but Fredda turned me away from her while still holding on to me. That didn't stop Balloon Girl from still reaching for me then get her wrist grabbed by Fredda, but that's when someone came in kinda fast and took me from Fredda then I saw who it was.


She kinda looked like she was ready to cry, but fighting it then tried to look angry, but Fredda looked even more angry which made Mangle a little scared.

Mangle-D-D-Don't touch him!

Fredda-Give my baby back to me right now!

Balloon Girl got on top of Fredda while she was crawling for me then Mangle tried to run off with me, but that's when we saw Foxy step in the doorway and when she saw Mangle holding me, she tried to stop her.


She swung her hooked and Mangle stopped just in time but fell on her butt and she tried to scoot back, but Foxy was walking up to her. It was clear that someone turned all the girls back on, but who?

Foxy-That be me property lassie. Be a good girl and cough him up.

She was about to reach down to me, but that's when she was tackled by someone, and it was Toy Chica.


I fell of Mangle's hands then was scooped up off the ground by someone and ran away with until we made it to the office where I saw it was Toy Bonnie that took me.


She sat me on the desk and checked me a little before she started to give me kisses then held me again.

Toy Bonnie-Awwww, did those mean girls scare you? We'll take-.~

???-Your lips and hands off of him "now".

We turned to the dark hall until we saw someone walk in and I knew who it was a little before I saw her come in. She was very mad too like the other girls and when I tried to run to get into one of the vents, Toy Bonnie wouldn't let me and held me tighter.


Bonnie-Put. Him. Down.


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