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((Y/N)'s POV)

Papi and I were playing a game together in the living room while Centorea was in the kitchen trying to help Miia cook dinner and not burn it or anything. I tried to get them to order out again, but Centorea said it won't look good to others if they don't cook at home and keep ordering out, and Miia wanted to cook something amazing for me. I guess I can get what they mean, but earlier this morning Miia wouldn't even take a cookbook to help her because she "wanted to cook from her heart... Then Centorea made her read it. Dinner was smelling really good right now then Miia came in and picked me up as soon as Papi and I finished our race.


Miia-Stop it. It's dinner time and after we need to go over some things while (Y/N) takes his bath.


Centorea-Just sit at the table for dinner. We made some porkchops, potatoes, and salad.

(No POV)

While everyone sat at the table to enjoy a decent dinner, even if the porkchops Miia made were a little dry, but some BBQ sauce fixed it, something else was going on in the house... Someone or something was watching them and managed to slip upstairs while the others were distracted by the food.

((Y/N)'s POV)

After dinner I was sent upstairs to take a bath by myself while my moms talk and Papi wanted to come and splash in the water with me, but the others didn't let her come. When I made it upstairs, I just put my clothes in a hamper before I turned the water on in the bath then went for the shower part of this bathroom to spray water all over me. I washed my own hair, but I missed the feeling of one of my moms doing it for me already.

(Y/N)'s mind-... Wonder what else moms are supposed to do?... I don't think a lot of kids had three moms.

When I finished washing my hair and body, I just got in the bath to soak and swim around in it a little, but this water felt different that last time. The bottom of the bath was even a little more slippery, so I got out to spray myself down again, but when I did that... the bath was over flowing somehow, but only in one spot. I was confused and scared that I might get in trouble, but when I saw it was something slimy, it moved and was doing something until... It turned into a girl?


I didn't know what to do and I was about to scream, but then I slipped and fell on my butt, but it was on a matt, so it didn't really hurt. That's when this girl grabbed a scrub brush then came over to scrub my arms like I was doing to myself earlier.

(Y/N)-H-Hey, who are you?!


(Y/N)-Y-You better go before I get my moms in here! How did you get in here?!

She only looked confused before she just smiled at me and kept on scrubbing me, but I just tried to get up then she did too. She was as tall as Ms. Smith and was see through, except for her hair, eyes, and tentacles. I was about to run out of the bathroom for help, but that's when she grabbed me and I went inside her body. I couldn't breathe and panicked until I slipped and fell back into the bath then felt her get off me. This was my chance to run, so I took it and made it out of the bathroom with a towel.

(Y/N)-Miia, Papi, Centorea!

(Short Timeskip)

(Centorea's POV)

What our son just told us made me feel sick, furious, and worried, and we had every right to be. Some sick and perverted creep snuck into our house and it wasn't even to steal anything or spy on us to try and sneak a peek, it was to do that to a child. It takes only one of the worst kinds of people or in this case, slime monster to do this if (Y/N) was telling the truth and he had slime on him to prove it. I had Miia and Papi watch him while I grabbed my blade to go check out the bathroom then when I got in... it looked empty.

Centorea-Who's there?!... Come out!

There was no response, so I decided to check the rest of upstairs.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Miia was holding me close while I was wrapped in a towel and her super long tail and arms and Papi was playing a game while we waited for Centorea to come back. I had my eyes closed while I listened to her heartbeat, and it did make me feel better. She even gave me kisses and I knew if the others kids saw this now that would make fun of me, but this just felt so nice and since we were alone... kind of, I could just enjoy this. Soon Centorea came back down with her sword, but looked like she didn't find the slime girl that was in the bathroom.


Miia got up with me and went up to Centorea to have a talk with her while still holding me.

Centorea-I didn't see them, but we should call Ms. Smith and hope she can keep this under wraps.

Miia-Just think for a second. If you saw nothing then they might've left.

Centorea-That doesn't matter. Even if they really did leave they might come back or cause trouble somewhere else and sabotage everything humans and monsters co-existence has worked for. Child endangerment will be the headline of the news if this makes it to the public.

While they were talking i heard Papi playing louder and I  tried to slowly peek behind Miia, but she only rubbed my head and put me back where I was on her chest to hear her heart again.

Miia-But would the same thing happen if we tell Ms. Smith and her supervisors find out?

Centorea-If they find out without us telling them then it will be worse.

I think I was hearing another voice besides Papi's voice then tried to look past Miia again then when I did they wondered what I was looking at. They turned with me to see who was there with Papi and it was the slime girl again,... but she looked shorter and had the same kind of body as Papi this time.


We were all confused until suddenly...


Just then they both turned to us and looked confused before they hugged each other a little then smiled.

Papi-If you wanna play a game now, you'll have to wait after Suu's turn.


Miia-Sweetie, go to your room for a moment.

I started to not feel so good and wondered if they were going to yell at Papi some more, so I just looked at both of them before she put me down.

(Y/N)-P-Please... d-d-don't fight.

Centorea-Come on, you never got to finish your bath and you're kinda sticky still. After, i'll dry you up and you can play in your room.

(Papi's POV)

They both looked kinda mad at us while Centorea was taking (Y/N) upstairs to his room then Miia gave me a weird look before taking a deep breathe. I was confused on why they were mad about...

Papi's mind-What are they mad about?

Miia-Papi... "Why" are you playing games with the home invader?

Papi-Home... trader?... This is Suu. I just gave her that name because slime starts with the letter-.

Miia-That's not the point! *deep breath* She can't stay here or we all get in trouble and lose our son.

Papi-Why? Suu's friendly.

(Miia's POV)

I had no time for Papi's bird brain right now because I wanted to solve this as quietly as possible as to not worry my new son or have Ms. Smith report this and have this look bad for everyone. When Centorea came back down I knew she would have my side, but it's how she wants to do it that i'm unsure of.


Centorea-Papi, just keep an eye on "Suu" while I call Ms. Smith.

Papi-*Gasp* Is she gonna be a mama here now too?!

Centorea-Papi, you're an adult, so you know what happens if she rans away from her host family. That's if she even has one.

Papi-But... she'll be deposited.

We went over this with her and thanks to me being irritated and on edge, I made a bit of a bad call.

Miia-It's. Deported!

Just then she looked shocked before she pulled Suu closer to her while she looked mad and Suu looked surprised.

Papi-Hey! Suu didn't do anything to hurt us and you're both being meanies!

Centorea-She broke into our house and for all we know she can be here in a way that is illegal.

Papi-I don't care about... whatever bagels! Suu isn't bad!

Miia-Papi, we could lose (Y/N) and be sent back home as well.

Papi-... Fine, if you wanna be like that, I'll protect Suu!

Just then she wrapped wing around Suu and flew over us while Suu stuck to her for a second at least and that dropped her on us and covered us in slime. This felt gross, then then Papi ran to the coat rack and grabbed a raincoat and used it to scoop Suu up before she flew upstairs then we heard a door open then close.

Miia-Papi! Get back here!

Centorea-That does it! I'm calling!

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Papi brought the new girl up and she looked around my room in one spot before she looked the raincoat, and boots before Papi thought we should play dress up. She changed me from one pair of pajamas to another one and Suu copied us a little and put the rain coat on.


Papi-Hey, it fits!

(Y/N)-Actually, I think it's a little too big for her.

She just looked happy before she came over and tried to change me, but I was done playing dress up and wanted to go back to playing with my toys before we heard a knock on the door.

Centorea-Papi, we know you locked the door. Let us in.

Papi only turned away after she stuck her tongue at me door.

Papi-I'm not talking to you!

Miia-We left a message for Ms. Smith and she is coming when she hears it.

Papi just blew a raspberry at the door before she pulled me and Suu closer to her and they tried to talk to her, but she wouldn't listen. She said Suu was nice and didn't deserve to be in trouble and Suu also wasn't bad... She was kinda weird and liked to copy, but not bad, so I walked up to the door a little.

(Y/N)-Um, Miia, Centorea... Well, um, Suu isn't doing anything bad... She, um... Just likes to copy things.

Miia-Sweetie, we can all get in trouble. Just open the door and-.


I was grabbed by Papi and pulled into a hug while being held then I heard the others sigh at the other side of the door before Papi went back to playing with us with my toys.

(Centorea's POV)

This was going to be such a mess when Ms. Smith hears the message we left and gets here, but just as we were going downstairs we heard a knock at the door, but it was kinda slow and weak. When I opened the door we saw it was Ms. Smith holding a case, but she looked like she was without sleep and ready to pass out before she tiredly helped herself in.


Ms. Smith-*Yawn* Hey girls. You have coffee, right?

We did have coffee, but we had more urgent matters to discuss, so we led her to the leaving room and she looked like she enjoyed sitting on the couch a little.

Miia-Did you get our message?

Centorea-She's upstairs and Papi is being unreasonable about it right now.

Ms. Smith-That's nice. Now about that coffee-.

Centorea-Ms. Smith, we don't know if she's a runaway or just an illegal immigrant!

Ms. Smith-Actually *yawn* that's what the paperwork is for. I'm adding a room to the house for a new *yawn* resident.

Miia-What?! But she just broke in without us knowing!

She was half asleep right now and was slipping deeper into it, so I clapped my hands close to her and she looked annoyed but was waking up a little more.

Ms. Smith-She's not even here, yet! *groan*

Centorea-The slime girl is upstairs!

Ms. Smith-Huh? Your new resident is not a slime girl... Now before we pry into this some more. Can you get me that coff-?

Miia and I ignored her and looked at each other and this only made things worse and I was not going to stand for it. I just stomped a hoof down in authority.

Centorea-We have to take care of this now!

Ms. Smith-Girls, please. I had a long day and more paperwork just sounds-.

Miia-Do you have any special forces that can deal with demi-human?!

Just then her tired look on her face was hidden when she sat up straight and looked down.

Ms. Smith-You wanna know what I think?

We were about to answer her question after a brief moment of silence, but we were interrupted by her opening up her big brief case then slammed 2 big stacks of paperwork on the coffee table. She looked at us with her sunglasses no doubt hiding the fury and tiredness in her eyes.


She stood up tall almost like she was fully awake now, but I know it was just the adrenaline talking... Didn't change the fact on how irritated and angry she was.

Miia-Sh-She's still might be-.


We didn't want to get her going again, so we just pointed her to the kitchen and she walked by us with dread in each of her steps.

(No POV)

Ms. Smith's mind-... That felt so good to get out.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I heard a lot of yelling earlier and I didn't like yelling, but I guess it was kinda good for Suu since Papi looked kinda scared at first then was happy... Until I think she forgot. Soon there was a knock on the door and I think I knew who it was.

Centorea-Papi, (Y/N), we just want to talk.


I guess she didn't forget on what they planned on doing to Suu if we opened the door.

Centorea-... *Sigh* If you want Suu to live here... then fine.

Papi-*Gasp* Really?

Just then Papi looked really happy and bursted for the door, but I had bullies lie to me like this before and I think this was a trick to get in and get Suu. Before I could yell at her to stop, she opened the door and I was expecting them to burst in by force, but instead... they were holding stacks of papers.


Before she could say anything else they both gave her some of the papers and a stamp for her to hold while they looked kinda mad. I was worried this was going to be a really bad thing, but then...

Miia-On the condition you help us fill all these out for adding a room to the house for someone else!

Papi-Huh?!... Wait, Suu's living here and gets a room?!

Centorea-No... We're just getting someone else I guess... And she can stay in your room.

Papi-Yeah!... Wait, what's all this for again?

Miia just grabbed Papi and pulled her with them back downstairs after there was a knock on the door then suddenly Suu picked me up like how she saw Miia holding me earlier. She followed them back downstairs while men rushed in the house with wood, tools, and stuff to start building and it quickly got loud. When we got to the living room, Suu played with me in the backyard while I saw Papi in the living room helping the girls... kinda... Her head fell to the table while she looked like she wanted to come out here to join us. Soon Ms. Smith came out here with someone else which must be the other new girl they were talking about. They were in a wheel chair, so I thought they were hurt... until they lifted their dress a little and I saw a fish tail.


(Y/N)'s mind-Woah... a mermaid.

Ms. Smith-*Yawn* Hello sweeite. I got someone who wants to meet you.

The new girl just wheeled her way over to us and there was something about her that just made me calm... Her eyes and tail... they were just so... pretty. She slowly took me from Suu and had me on her lap.

???-How adorable. You must be (Y/N), the only child in this new program I heard about, correct?

(Y/N)-Y-Yes... Who are you?

???-Well i'm your new fourth... or in this case fifth mother... My name is Mero.

She just rubbed my head and her hands felt so soft and she gently pushed me to her chest. Her heartbeat was a little fast, but also made me relax... I could fall asleep here.


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