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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were in Sienna's room and she did get the candy she promised and even let me watch a show while she laid on her bed. She was on her scroll and kept on talking about a "surprise" that was coming for me and I think it might've been toys or maybe a ride back home. She also took some pictures of me eating candy or checking out parts of her room and there was swords on the walls, other weapons she said she "won" and she even wanted me to see her bathroom, so I know to go in there before the surprise gets here. She was nice so far, so I kinda trust her and soon Sienna finally got up from her bed.

Sienna-Alright, go in the bathroom and don't come out until I say so.

(Y/N)-Is the surprise here?

Sienna-It is.

I just went to the bathroom and it was very big for a bathroom. It even had a fireplace in here with a big bathtub that looked like a hot tub with jets and everything, and rugs in here were very puffy. I soon heard noises coming from Sienna's room, but I know better than to spoil a surprise, like when my sisters do it for my birthday. After a while of waiting Sienna came in smiling at me and held something behind her back and I wanted to see, but she kept it hidden.

Sienna-Ah, ah, ah, close your eyes and no peeking.~

(Y/N)-*Whine* Can I at least get a hint?

She only motioned for me to turn around towards the mirror and I did what she wanted and closed my eyes. I heard her walk over to me then something went around my neck before I heard something that kinda sounded like metal.



Sienna-Alright, open your eyes.~

I did what she said and when I did I saw the think on my neck and there was even a lock on it, so I couldn't get it off even when I tried and she smiled down at me through the mirror then leaned down to scratch my chin.

Sienna-Don't you just look adorable. I'll get someone to make a custom collar when you're used to this one.~


She acted like I didn't say anything and pulled something else from behind her back and attached it to the collar she put on me and even giggled when I tried to take the collar off again.

Sienna-Come on, I have a few other things, just for you.

She gave the leash a few tugs to make me follow her back to her room and she showed me a few new things in her room.

It was all in a corner with a cage surrounded in and those purple dust crystals were holding it to the wall, so I think it was gravity dust that I learned online. The fence was a little taller then me and there was a gate with a lock on it, so she brought me inside with her.

(Y/N)-Um S-Sienna... When am I going home?

Sienna-You are home now.~

(Y/N)-N-No i'm not.

Sienna-Yes you are. I plan on getting you more things and just spoil you to death. I didn't want the others to hurt you, so I had to do this.~

She took the leash off me before she pet my head and I tried to run away, but she quickly caught me on my first step then put me on the fluffy beanbag chair that was more like a bed to me. She just flicked my nose a little.

Sienna-No. Bad.

She pulls out her weapon and uses it to close the gate without leaving her spot then put it away before she turned back to me.

Sienna-There are so many faunas out there that do not care if you are just a little boy. They will hurt you the second you are not by my side. Do you understand me?

She wasn't yelling and I never had anyone talk to me like this, but it didn't make me feel good. I just nodded my head while being kinda scared.

Sienna-Now, I do want to spoil my new pet, but running away or even trying to do anything to misbehave will only get you in trouble and I can't reward that... I'm going to get things ready for a shower with your new soap and shampoo and walk. You are going to stay in here until I come get you, so play with your toys until then.

She just kissed my head before she left my cage and even locked the gate behind her and I don't know what the others will act like if some of them want to hurt me.

(Cinder's POV)

Cinder-She. WHAT?!?!?!

Everyone in the room could see the fire coming out of my eyes and hands in fury after what Emerald just told me. She was coming back with (Y/N) to give him to me, but Neo helped her only to betray her and run off with him, so I have no idea where she is. I turned to the only person that could get through to her and my fire got bigger and bigger with each step towards him.

Roman-W-Woah, woah, woah, I didn't have anything to do with what she did!

Cinder-You still kept her by your side and know a lot about her. Including how to find her.

Roman-She hasn't answered to me in days after she went off with your street rat!

Cinder-You have until tomorrow night.

Roman-Are you kidding me?!

Cinder-Get to work!

I blasted a fireball at his feet which made him fall backwards and I left while staring at the floor and everyone knowing to not even speak to me. I was in a very, "very" bad mood. When I got to my room I looked at the plan and the attack was going to happen soon, and Emerald better not think she was completely off the hook either.

Cinder's mind-I don't care what I have to do to get him back and if that means I need to make an example out of Roman and Neo, I will!

When I snapped out of my thoughts, I noticed the metal table I was leaning over was red hot from my hands and melting. I then thought about what I could do to Roman then Neo when I see her again, but she better hope it doesn't come to that.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Sienna had everything ready for the bath, so I just took my clothes off and got in to not make her made and talk to me like she did before. When she saw this she kissed my head before she got her clothes off and got in with me.

She washed me like my sisters did and I tried to think of a way to get her to let me go home then I thought if I was really nice to her then she would feel bad and let me go home. "Kill her with kindness". I just gave her a hug while she was still scrubbing my hair then she knelt down to pet me, so I snuggled into her.

Sienna-Awwww... You know, I was thinking of giving you a new name. How does "Munchkin" sound?~

I didn't want a new name because I like my name, but I had to be really nice and when I was about to say "yes", even if it was a lie, she turned me to rinse my hair off then continued with the shower. When she was done with me, she did herself, but when we were done, she kept the water on.

Sienna-Before our walk, we need to go over a few tricks. First, when I say "sit" I want you to sit with your legs crossed on the ground.

I just did what she wanted me to do since I had to be good and nice for my plan to work.

(Y/N)-L-Like this?

Sienna-Yep. Let's do a few more before we get ready to go.

(Sienna's POV)

I could tell when he was being obedient like when I confronted him in his new cage, to just trying to put on an act like he was doing now. I even saw in his eyes that he didn't like the idea of his new name, but that was going to be his name for now on and I even got a tag waiting for him to put on his collar when we get out of here. I made him do a few more tricks for me and held back my laughter a little on some of them. When I thought we were ready, we got out to get tried off and dressed then I grabbed his new name tag and attached it to his collar before I put it on him then got the leash. He even had the cutest little blush when I brought him out in the hall and 3 members already saw him.

Sienna-Come on Munchkin, let's go.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

She made me walk next to her and I tried to hide behind her, but she wouldn't let me and let the others see me. At least whenever they would laugh at me, she would talk to them in a mean kind of way to make them stop. Soon we made it to the throne room I was in before she made me sit next to her throne and even ordered some food for me. A few others came and saw me and if they laughed Sienna would make them stop and talk about why they came before she made them leave. When the food came, it was in bowls, even the water and I could tell what she wanted me to do. She gave me a look until I took a bite out of my food, but when it got too hard, I just tried to grab some with my hand, and she only giggled and used one finger to play with my hair.

Sienna-*Sigh* You look adorable down there.~

Just then the door opened and she slowly stopped to turn to who came in and I recognized this guy.

Sienna-Hello Adam. What brings you by?

Adam-I only came to speak about rumors... Only to see they aren't made up after all. *snicker*

Sienna only got just as mad as she did to everyone else as she looked down on him.

Sienna-Is something funny that you wish to share?

Adam-*Chuckles* I just find it poetic that you have a human on some leash and have them wear a collar.

Sienna-Poetic as you might find it, I don't see why you are laughing at me.

Just then he looked confused as he looked to her and away from me.

Adam-Huh? I'm not laughing at you.

Sienna-But you are laughing at Munchkin and therefore laughing at me indirectly.

I thought he would've laughed at the name she gave me, but I think he looked serious at her.

Sienna-If you want to know a laughing matter I find humorous, is that my second in command can't find a traitor on his own ship still while he preaches his old lines. If I didn't know any better, I say you're getting a little too comfortable and sloppy in your rank.

I don't think he liked her saying that because he looked at me now and I was scared and that's when Sienna stepped in front of me.

Sienna-Now that you know of my pet, you're dismissed... Let others know I will be taking him on a walk around the island and will be unavailable for the rest of the day.

Adam-Yes,... high leader.

He left and we waited for a bit before Sienna bent down to me while holding the leash then smiled.

Sienna-Let's go.~


(???'s POV)

I got a notice from Beacon that my daughter was getting distracted in class through worry and when I tried to find out what was wrong by contacting Blake, I was met with no answering calls and small replies from texting. She said her and her team were busy looking for 2 of her teammates little brother who had been kidnapped. She was always a caring girl even if she doesn't show it all the time, but I asked her if we could help too and she sent me a picture of the boy they were looking for.

He did look rather cute, but that was only more worrying because there are sick people that like that in a victim. This was all yesterday, and I talked to Ghira about going down to help, but the ships were booked for the next two days due to the tournament in Vale coming soon. For now, our hands were tied, and Blake is barely responding since she's probably out searching. Right now, I was doing some shopping and was quite friendly with a few shop owners from when I was in the White Fang before I left with my husband. Just as I dropped a load off at the house I was going on my last run, but I made sure to check and fix myself up a little by wiping sweat off from the heat outside in the mirror.

that's when I saw a crowd forming and while some were in glee and laughter, others looked in worry or disgust.

Kali's mind-What's going on?

When I made it to the front of the crowd I saw the new leader of the White Fang leading a human child on a leash and this was disturbing on how proud she looked while the poor boy was blushing and being humiliated, but that wasn't all.

Kali's mind-That's my daughter's teammate's little brother!

I had no idea how he got here or why they kidnapped him in the first place, but police won't touch White Fang here, so I need help from my husband.

Kali's mind-Hang in there little one. We'll get you home.

(Neo's POV)

Roman was angry with me because he got in trouble with Cinder after I ran off with (Y/N) and know Sienna Khan has him on lockdown. I don't even have my prize, so I was pretty mad too.

Roman (text)-Bring the rugrat to the spoiled fire bitch before we are both BBQ!

Neo (text)-Just leave her! Who needs them anyway?!

Roman (text)-You don't know what you're implying Neo! Get back here with the boy! NOW!!!

I had a choice to make and even after what Roman and I have been through, the choice was easier to make than I thought it ever would be.

Neo (text)-No.

Roman (text)-Excuse me?!

Neo (text)-You have your new favorite girl, so I have my new favorite boy.

Roman (text)-NEO!!!

Neo (text)-Don't try to contact me again.

I quickly blocked his number before he could reply to me and just watched the crowd follow who should be with me right now. I needed a new place to hide that nobody would find us, but I don't know where yet.

Neo's mind-I don't care what I have to do. It will just be me and you (Y/N) and if I have to get rid of her, I will!


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