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((Y/N)'s POV)

I've only been here for not even an hour I don't think, and Star and Pony already gave me a bath, feed me pizza and cupcakes, changed me into some pajamas Star got for me, and right now they were even brushing my hair. They wouldn't even let me lift a little finger to take care of myself and even got worried if I moved to get comfy. When they were done, for now at least, they just cuddled me in bed for a while until there was a knock on the door that made Star a little annoyed for a second, but Pony...

Pony-Omg! Who is it?!

???-It's Azniss. Daddy wants to know what you're doing in there. You acted rash lately for this boy you made us help you look for.

Pony-Don't get all up in my business! Tell daddy we'll talk about this again later!

Azniss-You see, that's the weird part... He didn't wanna say this to you face to face.

Pony-Then tell him to leave us be! Like what is the issue?! I just got home!

Azniss-Don't yell at me! Who do you think you are?!

Pony-Ohhh, do not make me come out there! I am "not" in the mood or got the time to come out there!

Azniss-*Tch* Whatever.

Just then I think they left and Pony went back to snuggling into me and I wonder what that girl looked like.

(Moon's POV)

I was waking up to a bright light in my face and when I could finally see I looked around to see I was in a hospital room and River was sleeping in a chair. It was no surprise he would wait right next to me because that's just how loyal and noble he is... even when he can be a little overly preachy and stubborn about it. I remembered everything and quickly got up to go see if Star has (Y/N) or if that monster or Eclipsa got him, but I just hope it does not come to that. When I went out into the halls a few of the guards came up to me like they were worried.

Guard#1-Your majesty, you shouldn't be up yet.

Moon-Where is my daughter and the boy?

Guard#2-The princess said she was going out with a friend to have fun at the bounce lounge.

Moon-Was the boy with her?

Guard#1-We... I didn't see a boy with her.

She was obviously out looking for (Y/N), so I just went to my room to go for the mirror to make a call. Before I could make it to my room I felt a little light headed and almost fell, but caught myself then managed to call my daughter on the mirror. It rang a little with my heart going faster at each ring until she picked up and I saw she was inside a ride looking happy.


Star-Hey mom.

Moon-Star! Is (Y/N) with you?!

Star-Yeah. We're laying low at Pony's for a few days. Eclipsa won't find him here.

I felt so relieved to hear that he was with her then I already started to plan our next move on what to do to keep (Y/N) safe from the dark queen that now has our family wand.

Moon-Keep him safe and hidden. I need time to find a place Eclipsa won't know where to find us at... Can I see him?

Star-Sure thing. One sec.

She turned her phone and I saw (Y/N) laying in a bed with Star's friend listening to music with her eyes closed next to him. I could tell he looked bothered too and only one could guess what the Eclipsa did to him.


Moon-Oh sweetie, are you alright?

Star-He hasn't spoken much since we found him and brought him here. I think it was that fight before he was taken.

Moon-Keep him there. I... I might have an idea where we can go, but I will need time to make sure it's safe.

Star-Ok. Bye mom.

I just waved (Y/N) goodbye with a soft smile before Star hung up. A sigh left my mouth as I knew our best bet wasn't my favorite at the moment, but none the less, I grabbed a pair of dimensional scissors.

Moon's mind-We made our point last time. I wonder if they learned.

((Y/N)'s POV)

When Star hung up and got on the bed with me and Pony head she pulled ma a little closer to her then soon the door opened and we saw Pony's dad come in and Pony didn't notice until I poked her and she opened her eyes to look at him.


She took her headphones off and got closer to me while not looking happy to see her dad in her room.

Pony-Hey daddy... What are you doing in here?

Pony's dad-I noticed that you... brought that boy over.

Pony-We "talked" about this daddy.

He shivered a little and I never saw a dad scared of his daughter before then her cleared his throat.

Pony's dad-H-How long is he staying?... If you know.

Pony-About 3 days and he is not leaving my room, so i'm bringing dinner up here for him... Oh yeah, and Star's staying too I guess.

Pony's dad-Your sisters want to see him.

Pony-Tough for them.

He was about to say something else, but that's when we heard something break downstairs.

Pony-Oh no, you better go check that... Like now!

I think she was trying to tell her to "get out of her room" and he slowly backed up and did that before Pony Head's horn glowed and closed the door. She got up from bed and did something that I guess could be stretching for her.

Pony-Alright, let's have a little fun, so (Y/N) I hope you like makeovers. If you don't just say something now.

Star-Pony, he still can't bring himself to talk.

Pony-Awesome. Let's start with his nails.

I tried to say something to talk and when I finally managed to do it a little...

(Y/N)-... I... I d-don't... w-wanna d-... do it. *whisper*

I don't think they heard me when Pony turned the music on and Star just held me on her lap to rub my back. I tried to speak louder, but all my body would let me do was whisper before I started to cry and they both looked worried. Instead of stopping they only turned the music down and by then I couldn't speak anymore then Pony came to me.

Pony-Aww, honey. Was the music too loud for you right now? Come on, this should help you relax. Just ask Star.~

I didn't ask before I was sat in a chair and they got started and wouldn't let me get up again, but even if this was creepy since I know what Star did before and might do again... It felt kinda nice. When I could talk again after an hour I made sure Star was close to me to be able to hear me whisper.

Star-What is it?

(Y/N)-I... wanna go home. *whisper*

Star-... L-Let's just get back to your make-over.

(Star's POV)

I felt annoyed that he was still talking about his earth home and his old earth parents, but I know my mom must be thinking of something to keep him safe. I wouldn't doubt if we go back to earth for at least until we get the wand back from Eclipsa, but I want those "parents" of his to know who is in charge this time.

(Hekapoo's POV)

It was clear the castle was not safe for (y/N) anymore, so I had clones move his stuff into my world and it would be nice to use my short 15 minute breaks for days alone with him and thanks to my spell on him, he won't age and stay adorable for me. I should be done in no time at all and I have a pretty good idea on where Eclipsa is.

Hekapoo's mind-Maybe I should also keep this a secret from Queen Moon... and everyone... Just until the time is right.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(Moon's POV)

I got my point across again to make these two work faster in prepping their old room for me, my daughter, and my son. They knew what would happen if I am not satisfied and just as a friendly reminder, i stayed in my butterfly form.

Moon's mind-Everything should be ready even before my children get here... What else should I have them do.

I nice spa day done by them should be enough, so I snapped my fingers at the mother before I sat down and turned back into my normal form. She came up to me and bowed while her husband was still hard at work.

(M/N)-Y-Yes your highness.

Moon-I want a foot massage for both my feet. Chop chop.

She quickly knelt down and even took my shoes and socks off for me. I consider this training before Star and (Y/N) get here and that leaves me a few days.

Moon's mind-What else can I have them do?~


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