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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was the next day and my dad was at work right now, so Winter was here, she even spent the night and even let me sleep with her to protect me from robots.  I would ask dad, but her chest was more comfy and she even let me tell her how to scratch and rub my back just right... Actually she made me tell and in return, she would cut homework in half tomorrow by giving me some answers. Later in the day she made good on her promise for the homework, but not the exercises and made me go until I was tired and just wanted to lay down, but since I got my homework done early, she just got in the bath with me again then relaxed on the couch with me. We were watching cartoons for a bit before she thought it would be a good time to make me some lunch and went to the kitchen.

Winter-Stay  put and after lunch, we'll play something outside.

(Y/N)-Can we have curry from that restaurant a few blocks away. This way you don't have to cook.

Winter-Oh... Do you want to go back to cuddling already?~


She only smiled before she came back and let me get comfy on top of here before she called a robot over with her scroll then went on an app.

Winter-What do you want exactly? Don't hold back now.

I told her exactly what I wanted and I even got something for dessert before she got something for herself then sent it to the robot to go get it for us and even took some money. I was comfortable back on Winter after I got her chest the way I liked it again she even rubbed my back to make me more cozy, so I gave her cheeks a few kisses. She laughed, but when that robot left I wanted to ask something.



(Y/N)-Since you're really strong and all... Do we need these robots here? They scare me and my family doesn't like them either.

Winter-Well... I'm flattered you believe I could single handily protect you, your house, and educate you, but i'm afraid they are here for extra security... You can sleep with me again tonight if that will help you feel better. I even noticed you are quite the cuddlier.

I just nodded my head to here and laid my head down to relax while we wait for the food.

(Emerald's POV)

One of those fancy wind up toys was leaving the base and I think this can lead to a way in as long as we can figure out what it was sent to do, so Neo can swap places with it. We followed it into town and saw it go into a restaurant, so maybe it was sent to get some food and that's when I looked to Neo.


Emerald-Make sure the food isn't spiled when you take it down. This could be our only chance to get in and take him from under her nose.

She just smiled and nodded before she headed to the restaurant and I just hung around in case someone might see and I can make sure they don't without having to kill them and leave a body for someone to find.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Winter's POV)

It was blissful to have (Y/N) snuggle on top of me while I scratched or rubbed his head or back and he loved it. Soon the door opened during one of his shows and we saw it was one of the droid I sent out to get us food and it sat it down on the dining room table and went back to it's charging station.

Winter's mind-I set it to hand me the food directly... Must be a bug in the system.

I just got up with him to make bowls for us and I only had a salad with some grilled chicken on it, so it was easy to tell whose was whose, but I will eat later because I made it clear that I was feeding him. He had no problem with it which was nice seeing as he didn't have a choice, yet he preferred it this way. He even helped himself to sit on my lap and opened his mouth to wait for his bite.

Winter's mind-Honestly, how can one be this adorable?!~

(Timeskip 45 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was finally full after I was almost done with my food and Winter said I can finish later then have my ice cream cake for dessert. Just then she got a call from work so she took me off her lap and put me on the couch.

(Y/N)-Where are you going?

Winter-Just need to step out for a moment. I'll just be out the front door.

(Y/N)-Is it going to take long?

Winter-I don't know, but it's just a little talk. How about when I come back in, i'll give you a shoulder ride for a little bit.~

I did like that and she kissed my head before she went outside and I couldn't wait to get a shoulder ride from someone as tall as her. While I was waiting the robot reactivated itself and walked right in front of me to just look at me and even put a hand on its sit while leaning to do a pose.

(Y/N)-Um... Power off... G-Go back to your charging station... I-I said-.

Just then it pulled something out really fast and poked me with something then covered my mouth before I could scream. I was quickly getting tired and I couldn't keep my eyes open then the robot picked me up and held me like a baby until i saw it turn into someone I knew was bad now.



She just kisses my nose and that was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

(Winter's POV)

I was on the scroll with one of the commanders of a fleet and they were ticking me off with there useless questions. They know to stand by and wait for further orders by the general and stay in the outskirts of Vale to be ready to act fast. When they tried to waste my time even further I then assigned to give a field report status on "every" squad and send it to the general, so they can know what it's like to have your time wasted. When I hung up I was so happy to go inside and see (y/N), but he wasn't on the couch, so I checked upstairs and in the bathrooms... No sign of him.

Winter-(Y/N)?!... Where are you?!... Come out, this is not funny!

I checked every room and when I came up with nothing I checked the status of the security system and something was not alerted while I was on that call... The back door was opened and closed, so I checked outside and when I saw he was not out here neither... I pressed on my com to alert everyone.

Winter-This is operative Schnee! Code red, they snuck past our defenses and have the child!

I was freaking out and quickly ran out to search with my weapon in hand.

Winter's mind-They couldn't have gone far! They must be on the island somewhere!

(Emerald's POV)

Neo was holding (Y/N) while I was rowing a boat and she made us look like some old couple having a picnic on a boat to avoid attention we don't want. I was going to keep my end of the day, but that can only be a few days since Cinder won't talk to me until she has (Y/N) back and I need to be informed on any changes in the plan.

Emerald-When we get to the city, just hide him in the room for a few days and Cinder should not know about him until then.

She didn't even give me a look and silently cooed him while he was still out cold and when we made it to the docks we got off the boat and headed into the city. We were almost in the clear until a needle pricked me in my neck and when it was pulled out I felt dizzy from the drug and Neo walked in front of me showing her finger crossed as she walked away with (Y/N).


Emerald-No... Cin-... der will... find... you.

I blacked out slowly as she got further and further away from me until the last thing on my mind was (Y/N) and what Cinder would do to her when I tell her about this.

(Neo's POV)

I never swore any allegiance to her or Cinder or to anyone, but Roman and i'll be sure to tell him where i'm going. Right now, I need to get out of Vale and the quickest way was to hitch a ride with The White Fang and I managed to sneak into the crowd disguised as a soldier carrying some cargo, but I was getting tired, so I had to hide in the cargo. I was getting tired, but I couldn't sleep without making sure (Y/N) could not run out in the open and get caught by a few soldiers. I just got some rope to tie him up and gagged him then I hid him in a safe spot for me to hide in a different spot close by to nap. I even set an alarm for 3 and a half hours since the flight is 4 hours.

(No POV)

While Neo slept and the flight took off the drugs on (Y/N) were wearing off since it was a smaller dosage for him. He started to panic slowly and when he knocked over a crate on accident someone saw this and checked it out, but when they looked between 2 crates they saw a child tied up.

White Fang-Um guys, you might want to come see this.

A few others came and saw and this caught the eyes a commander on the ship through the cameras of a crowd forming in the bay. Soon he came and the mere sight of him made everyone stand up straight for him.


Adam-What's going on?

The crowd tried to answer him at once, so it was hard to understand, so he just saw for himself and was surprised, yet furious at what he saw then turned to the others.


Adam-Who brought a human on board?

White Fang-S-Sir, he's tied up, so-.

Adam-So what? Someone brought him on here and when I find out who, they can face judgement from our high leader as well... Come here.

He grabbed the child by the rope and dragged him to the main bay of the ship for others to see while leaving the child gagged on the floor.

Adam-Listen up!... Someone brought a human on the ship and I don't care for what reason, but this is grounds for execution!... Our leader will know about this and we will find the one who did this... Unless you want to save us all some time and step up!... Anyone?!

They were afraid of him and what he was going to do, but soon he just left (Y/N) in the middle of the room to be held prisoner for the rest of the flight and told the pilot to speed up.

Adam-Sienna will want to see this for herself and decide what to do. How much longer until we reach there?

Pilot-About around 3 hours still.

Adam-Make it half that. If a traitor thinks they can hide, maybe some pressure will help flush them out.

The flight sped up and everyone sort of felt this, but neo was still exhausted and out cold, given she stirred a little.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was being dragged off the ship by this very mean guy and into this castle like place where other bad people were. I was crying from being so scared and I just wanted my big sisters or Winter or someone nice to just hold me. We soon made it to a big room and that's when I was thrown a bit ahead of the mean guy and saw a Fanus lady sitting on a fancy chair,... but she looked mad.


She stood up of from her chair and looked at the mean guy that brought me here.

???-What?! Is! THE MEANING OF THIS?!?!?!


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