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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was trying to break free from this new Bonnie's grip, but she would not let go and brought me in the main big room, but I did not see Kyle in here. There was nobody else in here and she just sat me down on the stage and pushed me to make me lay on the stage. She took my shoes off and throw them past the curtain then took my socks off and put them next to me. I had no idea what she was doing, but she took one of my feet and traced a finger on it, but I pulled it away from her and laughed a little and she smiled at that.

???-Ohhhh, did that tickle your cute little foot?~

I tried to get up and run, but she grabbed my legs to lock them under one of her arms and she tickled both of my feet now. My laughing bursted out and echoed in the room while I tried to get away and this version of Bonnie if that was her name was kinda soft, but also hard when she holds you tight. Almost like her outside is almost rubber and her inside was plastic and stuff and she was also kinda fuzzy, but not as much as the last bonnie I saw... Almost like she was a toy version of her.

Toy Bonnie-You just make the cutest noises. I didn't know people could be so small and adorable.~

She still didn't stop to let me talk and I hated being called cute still, so when she saw me blush she finally stopped and crawled over me to look at me in the eyes.

Toy Bonnie-Never saw a customer like you... Wait a second... You're one of those children things we some customers in our bases really love are you?

I tried to crawl away with what little strength I had left, but she kept me still.

Toy Bonnie-Look at those tiny ticklish feet, those tiny hands, and tiny everything. Wait until the others see you.~

???-See what?

We both looked and I saw the other two version of Chica and Fredda and when they saw me, they looked confused.


Toy Fredda-Bonnie, who is this?

Toy Bonnie-You're just in time! Just look at this little guy, He's one of those children some adults on our records find sexually attractive.

Toy Chica-You mean the ones we have sent to police?

Toy Bonnie-That's right. Look how cute they are!~

I don't think they ever saw a kid before they were looking at me like I was something new while the girls were mean... Maybe they were nicer. I didn't see Kyle, so maybe he was somewhere else looking for the other girls he said were here.

(Y/N)-Um... C-Can you put me down, please?

Toy Bonnie tried to hold back her laughter and Toy Fredda came a little closer like she was inspecting me then tried to take me from Bonnie.

Toy Bonnie-Hey, get your own!

Toy Fredda-Just let me see him.

Toy Bonnie-Finders keepers.

Toy Chica-You are so annoying! Just give him to us or put him on the stage!

Toy Bonnie just stuck her tongue out and put me on the stage, but sat next to me like she was guarding me a little. Toy Fredda got closer to me again and after checking me almost like Toy Bonnie did she looked at her.

Toy Fredda-Where did you find a child here?

Toy Bonnie-Under the desk in the security office trying to hide.

Toy Chica-Why did you go there?

Toy Bonnie-I needed a reason?

(Toy Fredda's POV)

I pulled up a few child predators and molesters in my data base, but I never saw what a child was, but to only call the police. I decided to start a new file for children and I put down his small height and very cute features, but I wonder what he would react to since kids are not allowed in here. So far as human adults that come here go, they are really disgusting and I had to take 3 showers today in that bathroom where V.I.P. guests are allowed to see me and I don't see how anyone can live like this. I just took his hand and put it on my breast and made him massage it to see if his genital area would react like other men do, but all that happened was that he looked confused. I paid attention to his eyes for "customer satisfactory" only for nothing to show up other than natural pheromones constantly given off the body. This would normally mean I was doing a horrible job by turning the customer off, but in this case, it shows he wasn't like adults, but just to be sure, I flashed him... Nothing except a surprised look of extra confusion.

Toy Bonnie-Mine, I call dibs!

Toy Chica-You can't call dibs!

Toy Bonnie-I just did you stupid bitch.

Toy Fredda-Both of you stop.

Just then he tried to get off the stage and Bonnie was about to grab him, but Chica beat her to it and snatched him up.

Toy Chica-You're not hogging the only good thing we've seen in weeks! And where do you think you were going?

He just took chances at looking at us while he was stuttering to even find words to say, but couldn't function. I'll put down that children do not function well under pressure, or at least, he does.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was waiting for any word for anything to happen, but so far there was no activity from anyone seeing anything suspicious and Kyle didn't sound any alarms, yet. The officers close to me were constantly reminded that even if the smallest scratch is found on my son, i'm suing the station for not only neglecting the case about my now dead eldest son, but injuring my youngest. Speaking of which...

(M/N)-Should we have heard something by now?

Officer-We will here something when Kyle finds something.

That sounds stupid, so I was going to call my son on the phone I gave him to check up on him.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I really wanted to go back to the office and the girls let me when I finally told them, but they came with me. They seemed weird, but not mean, yet, but I don't want to take my chances for much longer and I even tried to call for Kyle to no answer.

Toy Bonnie-Who's this Kyle guy?

(Y/N)-Um... He came with me and-.

Toy Fredda-No, we saw him come in when you must've hid behind him. Like is he your father or something?

(Y/N)-No,... just a therapist and I think a cop.

Toy Chica-Oh... sounds nice. Think I saw him head to the parts and service room.

When we made it back to the office I heard my phone ringing and when it stopped I ran to my bag and pulled out the phone to see 3 missed calls from my mom. I tried to call her back, but the call dropped, so I sent her a text and said "The call went get to you, but i'm fine and Kyle might've found the girls". Just then I heard another noise from the tablet and it sounded like an alarm, so Chica did something to make it stop and looked at it.

Toy Chica-So who wants to tell her it's already done?

Toy Bonnie-*Gasp* We can go show him around this place and the others-!

Toy Fredda-Can wait... No harm in having him to the 3 of us for a while until morning, right?

I kinda felt better that she said "until morning" like they will let me go, but also nervous on what weird stuff they might do then Toy Bonnie tackled me and held me tight and covered my face in kisses.

Toy Bonnie-Maybe we can sneak him back stage where the manager keeps his bed and-!

(Y/N)-Um... maybe until Kyle comes back... I have a few video games.

Toy Chica-You mean those dating simulators?

(Y/N)-Um, no... I have these.

I tried to treat them like friends and hope they will let me go when Kyle comes back and I can just go home. It's just the 3 of them, so nothing can go wrong as long as we all stay calm, right?

(Golden Fredda's POV)

It made my heart flutter that (Y/N) had been returned to us, but it seems these new girls needed a nudge before I can turn my friends back on in time. I can't make them want to stay, but it was only 1AM, so there was still plenty of night left and I saw how Mangle became fearful after a few customers got really rough with her and she just got fixed yesterday and stayed in her cove pretending to be broken since...

Golden Fredda's mind-I think someone just needs a little nudge.~

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Toy Chica's POV)

It was kinda cute to watch him play and want us to play this non-lewd games with him, but also a shame that after this, we would let him go in the morning, but maybe he'll come back tomorrow night. Just then I felt someone else coming, but I didn't know who at first until we saw her peaking from down the hall and when I pointed this out to the others, they knew to be gentle.


Toy Chica-Hey Mangle... Nice to see you came out of your cove... Come to say hi?

Mangle-*Whimper* U-U-Um... Wh-Who is... that?

Just then Bonnie snatched up the boy and ran him over to Mangle which freaked her out and made her run back to her cove and she just realized what she did wrong.

Toy Fredda-Really?!

Toy Bonnie-Oops... Too strong?

(Mangle's POV)

I just made it back to my cove to cry and wonder why they had a small man and why I felt the need to go to that stupid office. Soon I heard footsteps and that's when Bonnie came in and she had the small man with her again.


She sat in front of me with him on her lap and she kissed his head, but I just curled up.

Toy Bonnie-Hey, sorry. Just got a little excited is all... I know what you're thinking, but this is a child and he's nothing like adults here... Isn't he cute?


Toy Bonnie-Here, why don't you hold him?

I just shook my head no really fast and she just smiled at me bigger.

Toy Bonnie-Oh come on, he's smaller, weaker, and not even looking at you that way. Children are also supposed to do what they are told. That makes you the boss of them. Try it.

She helped herself to put this child on me and I guess he had no lust in his eyes, so I could give this a try...

Mangle-Um... R-Raise your hands up as high as you can?

He slowly did it while looking at Bonnie and even stretched his back a little. I gave him a few easy commands before I tried to touch him, starting with his back. He did feel soft and smooth, even his hands, unlike those men and when he almost tried to leave or something I held him a little tighter and he stayed put.

Bonnie-Ohhh, he's so obedient. Maybe even more than you.~

Since I was powered on, I was this shy and submissive fox that I didn't like myself to be because people take advantage of it, but this control... I liked it, even if it was hard to do.

Mangle-... Wh-What's his name?

Bonnie-Well go on honey, answer her.

(Y/N)-It's... It's (Y/N)... Can you let me go now?


It felt kinda good to say that and get my way then my grip on him got a little stronger... I was loving this.

(No POV)

Golden Fredda's mind-Now for the others here.~


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