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(Eclipsa's POV)

We made it to my monster castle a while ago and I spent a while getting settled in and so my poor husband frozen in his crystal, as for my children, my daughter Meteora was napping in her old crib I cleaned up with her little brother. Most would think he's older, but I believe even my daughter has a few hundred years on him. I was still cleaning a bit right now and making it safer for my children and even tried to introduce myself to a few monsters nearby or even try to recruit to build a new kingdom that strives for better lives for all. Even a few monsters recognized me from history after I convinced them who I was and got them to spread the word about me also. When the sun was coming up I decided it was time to check on my children.

Eclipsa's mind-I wonder how (Y/N) will act after going through so much in such a short time... Maybe a little toy a monster is willing to part with will help ease him, even just a little.

(No POV)

Meanwhile in Meteora's nursey she was in her crib next to her little brother (Y/N) and she woke up from her nap while (Y/N) was still out cold from the shock his body had. She was sucking on her pacifier while rubbing her eyes to help herself wake up then scooted closer to (Y/N) to wrap him in a hug. She nuzzled and played with (Y/N) while he was still unconscious then she just adored his sleeping face and saw his mouth was slightly open now. Due to her nature now she already forgot everything and went off her feelings and since she wanted to care for him before, she wanted to act like the big sister she was now. Even if she's a baby again. She took her pacifier out of her mouth and put it in his mouth before she pulled his face into her chest and rubbed her tail on him.

Meteora-*Happy baby sounds*.

She felt so happy to care for her little brother, but then a cat suddenly came through the open window and crawled to the crib and on top of the bars. It jumped in the crib and Meteora saw the cat "touching" her little brother... She didn't like that and grabbed the cat to throw it out of the crib then climbed up the wall like a spider before she looked at the now scared cat and gave it a look that sent it running back outside.



(Eclipsa's POV)

I have a few old toys a monster was happy to give to me for my children to cuddle and when I opened the door to the nursery I saw my daughter was awake and happy in her crib, but when I got a closer look I saw the silly thing had put her pacifier in her brother's mouth.


Eclipsa-Awwww, who's being a darling big sister? Now, come dear, let's get an early start on the day then while we wait for your brother to wake up.~

I picked her up and saw she didn't need a change yet, so I took her to the bathroom and got a bath going in the sink for her, but she was reaching back into her room while making a few noises. It was clear she wanted her brother, but I have to get her cleaned up again.

Eclipsa-He'll be right there waiting darling. Once he sees his sister nice and clean when he wakes up, he'll need more help. You did give him quiet the scare, but i'm sure you're sorry for that.~

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up and had something in my mouth, so I took it out and saw it was something that would belong to a baby. Last night was so fuzzy on what happened and when I tried to remember I felt a little dizzy, so I tried to remember things slowly, but when I remembered I went out to dinner and walked into a portal to meet Eclipsa all my memories came flooding back and I couldn't help, but breath faster and faster. I looked around to see I was in a baby crib, so I tried to get out, but I felt so dizzy I fell back on the bed and now my body felt so heavy that I could not move.

???-*Gasp* Dear, are you alright?!

Just then I saw Eclipsa holding a baby with a tail and she put her in a pen before she came to me and leaned in to pick me up, but stopped when my body flinched on its own.


She froze for a second before she only pet my head and my body still flinched and to make everything worse, I have no idea where I was.

Eclipsa-Oh my, you must be so frightened after last night, but you're safe now. That big bad monster turned into this little sweet monster... Awwww, speaking of whom, I think she wants you.~

I saw the baby putting her arms through the bars and making noises at me then Eclipsa put her in the crib with me to let the baby hug me, but my body still flinched and I wasn't even trying to do it. What she said next really confused me since she was just a baby.

Eclipsa-Say hello to your big sister. She's really sorry she scared you when she was mad.~

Not only did she call a baby my "big sister", but this means that this was that monster Meteora that wanted me. I tried to speak, but my chest felt so heavy and I can't handle saying anything right now. I was even trying to speak, but it was like trying to jump off the high dive with almost no water in the pool.

(Eclipsa's POV)

I could tell my poor son was not convinced he was safe now and I can't possibly blame him after what happened. I just picked him up even if he did flinch and was shaking like a leaf, so I put him back down to wrap him in a blanket to pick him up again to see if this helps him feel more secure. My daughter climbed on my head to rest up there and dropped down on her brother to cuddle them. The two of them were a little heavy, but I could hold until we make it to the dining room where I have a few chefs volunteering until I can get funds which should be soon since I think I already saw a few new maids I don't remember hiring cleaning. I tried to start some small talk with him, but the poor thing can't bring himself to talk right now, but that should blow over soon enough.

Eclipsa-Let's see what we have for breakfast for us (Y/N). As for you little one, I made a bottle a while ago for you.

I was not against breastfeeding Meteora, but I don't know if other monsters would have a problem with it. I put Meteora in her high chair while we waited for the food, but a servant brought out a bottle and gave it to Metora while I sat down with (Y/N) swaddled on my lap. She was about to enjoy her bottle, but gave it a look before she looked at her brother and managed to crawl out of her high chair and over to us. I was about to put her back in her seat and consider getting a chair with a seatbelt for her, but just then she stuck her bottle in her brother's mouth much to our surprise.

Eclipsa-Young lady! That is your breakfast for one and it is rude to put things in other mouths!

I tried to get the bottle out of my son's mouth and get the nipple on the bottle cleaned for her, but she fought me on this. I had a good idea she just wants to feed her brother then I notice the milk was going down and he was swallowing it then I realized our soft fighting must've squeezed the bottle and milk into his mouth. Our fighting was frightening him and I was about to put my daughter in a time out for scaring her little brother, but then I noticed... he started to suck on the bottle himself while he was crying a little now. I would think he would be resorting to screaming and wailing unless he found comfort in something. The bottle of breastmilk was for Meteora though.

Eclipsa-... Do... Do you like it?

He didn't answer or even open his eyes, but he did keep on drinking while his big sister held the bottle still in his mouth. My heart fluttered that he loves my milk, but that doesn't change the fact about what my daughter did even if she was trying to help.

Eclipsa-Young lady, I know you were trying to help... Given it sort of worked, but still... Your punishment will be a time out during his bath after breakfast.

She got a little mad and fussy, but my decision was final and I had no more bottle for her, so after she was done feeding her brother even if he's gonna need more food, I am going to have to breast feed her.

(Star's POV)

I was next to my mom waiting for her to wake up while I looked at a map of Mewni to see if there are any places Eclipsa might be and that can be a lot of places assuming she's not hiding in a cave somewhere. I'm gonna need some help, so I called the one friend I could trust. Just then there was a knock on the door before they let themselves in and were already freaking out after what I told them.


Pony-Girl, you better be joking and he better be jumping from the closet or under the bed or something because I know you would "not" just lose him like that!

Star-Pony, I meant what I said. A queen we thought was dead named Eclipsa took her after we were attacked by a monster or maybe the monster has him or both of them do and I have no idea where they are.

Pony-Why didn't you call me?! I have an army of sisters to help us out!

Star-I thought you had problems with them?!

Pony-What siblings don't fight?!... Alright, we getting too off topic, ok. What we are going to do is I am going to get a favor for my sisters to help then we move on to others around the kingdom. Now if I get my sisters to help, i'll need a favor from you... (Y/N) stays at my house for a week.


Pony-It's payment and you kinda messed up and we are BFF's and all that, but i'm gonna be putting up with my sisters, so I need something bigger out of this.

Star-... A week, but in the mornings.

Pony-5 whole day and nights.

Star-How about 2 day and nights, I stay there with him, and I throw in some make-up from Quest-Buy?

Pony-Make it 3 and you got a deal. Final offer.


Pony-Alright, no do you any areas you think we should check first before I call my sisters up?

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Eclipsa's POV)

I was giving my son a bath and he tried curling up very tight, but I got him to relax with a little help of a plant to sort of paralyze his nerves a little. He was still scared, so I had to be a gentle with him as possible while still being firm enough to get him clean. Right now my daughter was in time out from what she did at Breakfast, but I went easier on her when she bit a monster for criticizing my son for being "a weak prince", so I gave her a promise for more cuddle time while I tend to work after this.

Eclipsa-Now darling, I know your big sister is a baby and all, but she's a few hundred years older than you, so while i'm busy and you two stay in the nursery, I put her in charge. Are you going to be good for your big sister?~

In reality, a guard will be checking on them and I would love to put him in charge if he wasn't going to basically be like a cuddle toy for my daughter.


Eclipsa-*Gasp* Was that a noise I heard from you? I think we are making progress to getting better. Slow and steady wins the race.~

After his bath was done and I got him dried off and dressed I put him in the play pen in here before I got my daughter and put her next to him and she instantly cuddled with him.

Eclipsa-Take good care of your little brother now darling, but when I get back, it's mommy's turn.

I gave them both kisses before (Y/N) finally moved on his own, given it was to lay against a wall. I just left the room to let them be and worst case, if we have a monster that hates mewmans even if he isn't one, my daughter has proven to be protective.

Eclipsa's mind-Just wait until I return (Y/N). Meteora will be in her crib while we have some mother son bonding time.~



I like the idea of a yandere baby (which you executed excellently btw) implying that with every yandere it’s first nature to all of them. also I have no idea if you were referencing my comment from last time but just to clarify I know meteora is older than him I just find it funny that she is despite she’s a baby now.


I just had an idea for IF they do eclipsas trial you could magic high commission bring the evidence forward that she kidnaped y/n but she could say that they’d (the ladies) would do the same and they couldn’t deny that.