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(Bowsette's POV)

I just woke up and flipped on my back to lean on my shells and pop my back a little bit then I felt (Y/N) fall into my cleavage a little, but when I looked at him, he was still out cold. My little pet just looked so adorable and peaceful while sleeping. I just nudged him with a few fingers to wake him up, but he just nuzzled into me while groaning until he realized what he was nuzzling into and shot his eyes open. This made me chuckle a little as I started to pet him to also pin him down and push him deeper into my breasts before I got up and held him in my palms. He fit nicely in them and he squirmed to sit up, but I liked him better laying down and curled up, so I put him back in the position.

Bowsette-Stop squirming. We're going to breakfast soon and if you act like this I'm gonna let my daughters play with you this size in the bath instead of a quick wash... Do you understand me?

He only nodded his head before I got out of bed with him and I'll grow him back to his normal size later. After I got dressed I headed for the dining room where my daughters should be heading to as well, but when I got in, I saw that they already beat me here.


I took my seat at the end of the table and the sight of (Y/N) being so small was amazing to them. Wendy never seemed so tranced by something other than fashion and it seems Pompom has her eye on a different target.

Bowsette-Well you 2 seem to be up early. Any special occasions?

Wendy-Mom, can I hold him like that?!

Pompom-No, I wanna hold him!

Bowsette-Now both of you, mind your manners. You both will bathe him after breakfast and let's not forget I'm the one who captured him.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Pompom and Wendy got kinda mad when they're mom told them that and when the food came, Bowsette fed me pancakes bit by bit while she got big bites... or at least that's what it looks like when you're so small. The girls just ate while looking mad and sad at the same time until we we're all done eating and that meant only one thing...

Pompom-Bath time! Let me see him!

Wendy-Too slow!

Wendy already ran up and grabbed me to run with me down the hall and Pompom chased after her. We made it to the bathroom and Wendy locked the door to hold me like a baby in her arm until her mom knocked on the door, so she let them in. Pompom took me from Wendy and stuck her tongue at her while Bowsette was getting a bath ready and I felt sick to my stomach because I was about to be bathed like a pet by all of them.


Pompom just sat on the edge of the tub and put me on her lap before she started to take my clothes off which was easy from how tiny and weak I was to her now and she was already stronger than me before.

Bowsette-Be gentle Pompom, he's even more fragile like that.

Pompom-I will.

Wendy-I got a cup to pour water on him.

Bowsette-When you're ready, put him in the water. It should be warm enough now.

She listened and put me in the water, and they all looked bigger now and Wendy filled the cup she had with water before she poured it on me. Next came the soap that she scrubbed my hair with and Pompom got another cup ready now. She wasn't using her claws, but the softer parts of her fingers. Water was poured on me when she was done and Bowsette let Pompom scrub my body and I tried to curl up, but she forced me to lay flat in the water. Soon the bath was finished and that's when Bowsette took me to dry me off.

Bowsette-Alright you two, he'll go in his cage and back to normal size while we take our showers and baths. After that, we'll have all day to play with them.

I couldn't take much more of this and I can't stay here another day, so I need to sneak away. While Bowsette was walking to her throne room and the cage I looked around to see if I can find another way out of here, but the only way I know and maybe the only way is the front door. When she put me in the cage she went get an item on the shelf and smashed the block to make it slide into my cage and hit me which made me grow bigger.


She closed the cage and stuck a few fingers in the cage to wave them at me.

Bowsette-Wait right here, I think the kingdom should see who the better ruler is when they see you on a leash by me.~

She left the room and I tried to think of something by looking around and soon I looked up and saw this chain was on a rusty old hook. I remembered a few shows before I tried running and leaning back and forth to swing the cage and so far it was working as I was swinging higher, but it was not coming off the hook, so I tried stomping and bouncing to see if the cage will fall, but it didn't.

(Y/N)'s mind-Come on! It's a rusty chain!

I kept on trying until I noticed a key on a table with the other items, but not just any key...


(Y/N)'s mind-A SKELETON KEY!!!

That can unlock any door and maybe this cage too, so I tried to swing towards that by leaning to the side, but it made me spin around the room a few times before I was heading for the shelf and...


most of the items fell to the ground with the cubes still together, but cracked, but the key was not in a cube. It fell through the bars in my cage and I grabbed it before it could fall out then used it to unlock the cage.


I opened the door and got out while the cage was still swinging since I didn't have time to waste for it to stop. I ran for the door, but that's when I saw a bunch of koopas at the door and chased after me to capture me. They were slower in the games, but I guess it's different when you're in it for real. I made it to the front doors, but they were so heavy that they opened so slowly and I was so closed to being grabbed, but I slipped out the cracks and heard lots of koopa noises before the door close then they tried to open it.

(Y/N)-What do I do?! What do I do?!

There was no way I was getting out of here on foot in time before Bowsette gets on her ship to find me. I started to think about what I could do in a Mario game and there was flutes in the classic games that were hidden, but I didn't have time to look around and get lucky then I remembered something...

(Y/N)'s mind-A world tube!

There's one in every world to get around faster and they are easy to spot, so I just headed down the trail. I ran as fast as I could before anything could happen and soon I did find a tube and it took some effort to climb on top, but when I looked down into it, it was just a deep dark hole all the way down and it was scary. If I go in, I feel like I might fall forever, so I tried to get off the pipe and find another way, but then I heard something that made me jump even if it was far away...

Bowsette-(YYYYYYYYY/NNNNNNNNNN)!!! *in the distance*

I fell down the pip and screamed the whole way until I heard something when I ran out of breath.

The fall was starting to get slower or at least I think so, but I had no idea where I was going since I couldn't pick like in the game.

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

I was still falling and it was completely dark. I felt so scared while thinking that this was it, was I going to be in here forever? Soon I saw a light under my feet and heard the pipe noise again then flew out of the pip a little to land on the ground. I was happy that I wasn't stuck in there and since there was no fire, I was away from Koopa Kingdom and Bowsette and her daughters, but I had one question.

(Y/N)-Where am I?

I got up and looked around to see what I could find and I saw a mansion and I do need a place to hide from Bowsette and think about how to get out of here. I played Luigi's Mansion before, but I think if I stay close to the front door then nothing will happen and everything will be fine. When I got inside this place looked like the game kinda, but I already heard Boos, but I think I was fine still. I just need to look at the Boo and they will stay still and unlike in the game, I can walk backwards while looking at them.

(Y/N)'s mind-Alright, I got in here with a bright light, so maybe there's a portal or something somewhere to send me back... Right?

(???'s POV)

I was reading a nice book that I read... 824 times already as well as most of the books in my library. Others might say that sounds very boring, but I kinda like it and I do new things as well. I read in different parts of the house, I order my little friends around since I got this princess crown power up a few years ago, and nobody had been here in a long time. It was nice and peaceful and I can firmly say that when I went outside and saw a Toad walking near by a year ago, I managed to scare him off and only blushed for 8 minutes after.

???'s mind-Ahhh, what should I read again after this book?

Just then my reading was stopped by 3 Boos coming through the wall and I instinctively got behind the chair.

???-AAAAHHHH!!! You know to not come in like that! I had reading and alone time scheduled!

They made their Boo noises while playing out why they came and I do miss understanding them completely. Soon I think I was able to tell what they were saying.

???-S-S-Someone is here?

They all just nodded at me and I started to panic a little that someone was in the mansion and I hate uninvited guests. My shyness always had to be pushed aside to get them out since other Boos can't do it, so I looked in the mirror and tried to put on a scary face, but I just couldn't right now.


Booette-H-H-Here I c-c-c-c-... *whimper* come.


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