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((Y/N)'s POV)

Breakfast was the same since I got here, even the part that if a monster even made me feel scared from getting too close, Slenda would literally throw them out of the room. Jane was very gentle with everything since she was really tired this morning, but even if I still didn't like it here, I did like the feeling of the back of my head being scratched. Soon I was done eating then though about my parents and wandered if it was Benny's turn, but then I saw Judge Angel get up and starting to walk around the table and to me, so I think I know whose turn it was now. When Jane yawned and stretched her arms Judge Angel took this chance to take me and Jane didn't really care since it wasn't Jess doing it. Those two really hate each other.

Angel-Hey there. Hope you're ready for your day with an angel.~

She gave me a few kisses before she just put me on her side to hold me with one arm then grabbed her sword she sat next by, but she made sure to hold it away from me.

Slenda-Later I will be seeing him. He'll need his mark soon. Those Rakes are starting to get ideas... What little they have.

Nurse Ann-I thought we were waiting for my turn tomorrow?

Slenda-He'll be very sore tomorrow, so that's when you come in, but some pain killers should help him.

Angel-*Sigh* Yes ma'am, just let me have until at least lunch before you do it.

Slenda-Granted, now go.

(Angel's POV)

I just took off with my little brother to my room to keep those Rakes away from him since I do not ever allow such creatures in my room for anything. Benny usually has them in her room to clean and the same goes for Jess, Nurse Ann, and our very own Bloody Painter. When we got to my room I think he was expecting something creepy and looked like the room of a serial killer, but I keep my room well lit with lanterns and have a nice shade of white in here, along with some nice furniture to make this look like the holiest room in the house. I had to go over a few rules, so I sat him on my reading chair and took a seat in front of him.

Angel-There's a few simple rules that apply to you. No letting those nasty monsters in here, no letting the others in here except Slenda, no misbehaving, no making messes without cleaning them, and "no" touching my sword, that's worse than you grabbing a knife in front of your new mother. Can you do this?


Angel-Good. Now before we have some fun, we need to get you cleansed. Everyone else is not keen on it, but I will not stand my baby brother not being baptized. Just wait, right here.

I left him in my chair to get everything ready in my bathroom and got the holy water I made for him and poured it into the tub I deep cleaned last night without using chemicals to taint this holy ritual. This took days to make before he came here and I have waited for what felt like longer while restraining myself from him until he was ready for more than small touches from an angel, but to snuggle and get all kinds of sisterly affection.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was thinking about sneaking over to Benny's since Angel didn't look too scary besides her eyes, but then I looked at her desk and walked over to it. There was a bloody washcloth on the desk next to a bunch of drawings of angels and they looked pretty good too. Soon though, Judge Angel came back in and smiled at me as she walked over.


Angel-Beautiful, aren't they... This took years of practice, but right now, i'm focusing on my own little Angel right here. Now come on, this is a special bath.~

She took my hand and lead me into the bathroom where I saw a bath was already full of water and had candle stands let in the bathroom with a yellow and puffy rug leading to it . She got my clothes off, but left hers one before she put me in the water and poured more water on my head then started to say things you would hear in a church like songs on those things they would say a lot. When she was done talking she just kept on pouring water on me before...




Angel-Just ignore that honey bunch. You need to focus on soaking.~













Angel-*Grunt* Wait here.

She just left me in the bathroom while the knocking kept on going until she opened the door.

Angel-What?!... *grunt* Whoever did this, you better hope to god I don't find out!

She slammed her door before she came back in with a book and sat next to the bath I was still soaking it. The knocking happened again, but this time Judge played classic music played by piano or an organ to block the noise and even closed the bathroom door to help block out the noise and we could barely hear it until not at all when Angel drained the bath then ran the water again since I felt kinda gross and then smelled a bit of salt or something.

Angel-I'm thinking a nice vanilla scent will suit you well.~

She just scrubbed me down in less than 5 minutes before she got me out and dried me off to dress me in a white robe with little golden wings. She then held me very tight in a hug and gave me lots of kisses before she spun me a bit with her.

Angel-Oh, just look at you my little angel! Your innocence and baby face just makes it impossible to look away! I can teach you how to draw angels, and I even have some good news for you!~

I don't know if her "good news" was actually good news, so I asked her if we could start with drawing and she helped me step by step.

(Y/N)-Like this?

Angel-Perfect, just add a bit of shading and texture like I showed you.

(Y/N)-... Um, Angel... Do you think we can go see Benny later?

Angel-That gamer? Why do you want to go see her?... Wait, is this about your old parents?!


Angel-You better not be lying to me or I will take you back to the bath and baptize you again and do "every" "single" cleansing-!

(Y/N)-I just wanted to play a game!... L-Like Spider Man since I barely got to play before I got here... You know? Jess told me I was getting my own room after I sleep in everyone else's room, so it'll be in there, but I just wanna play right now.

I hope she couldn't tell I was lying, but she just stood up while looking down, so I don't think she believes me and she was getting mad, so I was getting scared.

Angel-(Y/N)... Lay on my bed.

(Y/N)-I-I'm not lying. I really do-.


She punched a hole in her desk as she looked at me with her black eyes, so I just did what she said and got on her bed and she just got to work on tying my arms and legs down, so i could not move.

Angel-Sweetie... My daddy was a very cruel man that locked me in my room when I was little... Forcing me to draw and do all sorts of things he hoped would make me normal... Do you not want to be with me or us because we aren't "normal"?

I wanted to say no, but she will know I was lying and get angry, but the same thing will happen if I tell the truth, but... which would be worse.

(Y/N)-... I-I just want to go back home... Home, home.

Angel-... I understand, but I don't think you do... I won't so much and harm a hair on your head, but I will succeed where my father failed with me... You will be a good boy for us.

(Y/N)-Wh-What are y-you gonna d-d-do to me?

She just grabbed a weird cup with a point on in then a towel to fold it under my head to be a pillow before she poured it on me... one drop at a time.

(Timeskip To Lunch)

(Slenda's POV)

Angel better have a very good reason for making (y/N) miss lunch and if it falls even a tiny bit I will do every punishment I can think of without killing her. When I walked in I saw my baby crying into Angel as she was just looking down on him, so I searched her memories to find out what happened and this was to get him back in line.


She only looked at me and this was important to do, even as he was about to receive his mark. With him still even acting out like this, it's better to mark him now.

Slenda-Angel... Come with me and bring him.

She did what I said and followed me to my room where I think it would be best to place his mark on while I hold him. Soon we made it to my room and I took him from her and he was still whimpering.

Slenda-(Y/N), I know what happened... You were wrong to say that out loud, even if we knew it was in the back of your mind.


Slenda-Maybe we were moving too slow... Tomorrow, you'll recover with Nurse Ann and Angel then the rest that did not get a turn yet, will get it all at once in your new room. Remember that you're big sisters are in charge.

Angel-You do know that includes Benny, right?...

Slenda-There will be exceptions for Benny. Now hold still and just remember... Mommy's got you.~

I poked his shoulder with my tentacle and injected him with the tiniest bit of blood I possibly could and even that was going to make him sore. He won't even get a bit stronger with this, but now I can track him. It wasn't gonna be hurting him now, but I saw maybe in an hour or two, he'll get sore and dizzy.

Slenda-Go get him food "now". You can feed him at dinner, but he's staying with me until after lunch.

Angel-Yes ma'am.

She left and while she was gone I already saw my baby was in discomfort already, but it was just showing signs that his mark was starting to form.

Slenda-Awwww, it's ok sweetie. I know it hurts, but think of it as tough love... I am doing this because I love you.~



My bad for the late update on here guys. Accidently set it to a scheduled post for next week.


I’d be really surprised if y/n and his parents escaped at this point.