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((Y/N)’s POV)

I was playing some video games with Ruby and Yang while Blake was reading next to Weiss and I was on Weiss’s lap. This was nice, but I wish Weiss and Blake would play with us by taking a turn and speaking of which, I just lost, so Ruby took her controller back. Since I wasn’t playing Weiss turned me a little to cradle me and Blake put a bookmark in her book before she closed it and put it down to start petting me and she even cooed at me a little. That reminded me of Yang, but then it reminded me of Glynda a little bit.

(Y/N)’s mind-I wonder what Glynda’s doing right now?

(Glynda’s POV)

James arrived a bit ago and we were in the middle of the meeting on what to do with (Y/N) and how to address this situation of his kidnappers potentially being much bigger threats. I offered to care for (Y/N), but so did Special Operative Schnee, so now it was the matter of who could make better points and I think putting a child in the care of an army sounds safe, but that can be incredibly stressful. Ozpin was in the middle of thinking of what to do and that’s when I had to make my move first.

Glynda-Ozpin, it’s important that we do all we can to protect this child, but we also can’t do anything to cause him stress, say moving him overseas where he has no family and only has armed soldiers around him.

Winter-It’s also worth noting that we know his kidnappers are here and if he’s a target for simply knowing too much even if he may not know what he saw, he’s in danger here. He needs protection and can even bring them to us to ambush and interrogate.

James-We do need to know everything we possibly can. He will be safe Ozpin.

Ozpin-*Sigh* We can’t move a child without his sisters then father knowing then that may spread and cause doubt and worry. People will want to know why we had to transport a child then there will be his worry and stress to be concerned about.

Glynda-Ozpin, I am a highly skilled, fully trained huntress and what this child needs is a guardian, not an army.

Winter-I also volunteer and I trust you all know my ranking and I got here because I earned this rank. I am just as capable as a single guard as Professor Goodwitch.

James-Even if the child is taken care of, there’s still the other threat on the table that might be related to a… classified matter.

I couldn’t believe he would even think about bringing “her” up in any way with someone not in our inner circle. Winter’s curiosity was peaked, but she had no clue on what she meant, but Ozpin thought even harder on this matter even when the answer should be obvious to let me care for him.

Ozpin-... The way I see things is that we can not cause too much of a ruckus for anyone. We bring home the only clear person to care for the young be and go from there since Tai himself is not only a fully licensed huntsman, but a part of one of the best teams we had here. James, if I we're to get the current location of Tai, would you be able to pick him up and bring him home.

James-Of course.

Ozpin-I will send you coordinates shorty after this.

I couldn’t believe what I was hear and after all the effort I took to try and keep Tai out of the picture for as long as possible, he gets others to pull him right back in.

(Winter’s POV)

I was not going to take this laying down, so I started to think of some valid points and that was hard to do since turning the child back to their home is in most cases the right choice. Suddenly I thought of something that could help my case.

Winter-With all due respect and understanding Professor Ozpin, I think we can all agree a parent will want what’s best, but emotions and wanting their child to have a normal life will put them back into exposure then also in danger to the child and others around him. We don’t know how these people operate or how many are involved, but it would make sense they would want all loose ends tied and all witnesses silenced.

They knew I was right and they knew even Tai had his limits, so it would be foolish to put (Y/N) out in the open. Ozpin then stood up with his cane as he walked around to the front of his desk.

Ozpin-This is not a situation where everything is for certain, so we must plan and play our cards carefully for the short time and see how things play out. His son is homeschooled already, so we need someone that is capable of teaching with an open schedule and skilled at fighting.

Glynda-That would be me.

Ozpin-No, this could be very long and time consuming, so you leaving, might rise questions.

Winter-... Then I will. If anything happens, the general will know right away and we can even make improvements.

Ozpin-We will examine our options.

James-Schnee, you’re one of my best and most trusted allies, but consider I might need you on the field if the worse comes.

Winter-But sir-.

James-We will talk about this later. We need to discuss a private matter, so you are dismissed.

Glynda still looked determined to try and find a way to be with (Y/N) while I was forced to leave now, but I will have him even if I have to call in ever little favor I have to the general and other officers.. On the other hand Glynda is very close to Ozpin and can even appeal to him as a friend, but Ozpin could also stick to his word about finding someone else after Tai gets here.

Winter’s mind-You are not taking this away from me bitch!

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)’s POV)

I was back home with my sisters and her team to wait for dad to get home in the morning, but it felt weird that there were robots with guns outside along with a few cameras, and censors. On the inside the military men help building men put in thicker glass, stronger locks, and even had a robot that was turned off in the house with a gun on its back. Yang was just giving me a bubble bath while the others were watching her. They we're getting in this time in case a robot came in like I was scared that might happen then when we were done I wanted our bedroom locked, so it could not get in because if a robot can see us then maybe a bunch of people could see us through a camera and I hated big crowds. When I was dressed the girls left the room one at a time to take showers then come back in to play with me with games my sisters and I would play.

(Y/N)-When dad comes back home… Things will go back to normal, right?

Yang-Um… It might be different for a while, but we swear we’ll come by a lot to check on you.

I don’t know why they won’t tell me what their teachers told them, but when it was time for bed Weiss wanted to brush my hair a little even if it was just gonna get messy again, Blake rubbed the sides of my eyes, Ruby put me on top of Yang, and Yang let me get her chest area just right for me to sleep on before the others piled on top of us.

(Y/N)’s mind-Things should be normal again when my dad comes home because he’s really strong. I just know it.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Tai’s POV)

When I made it back home at sunrise with Zwei I expected to come home to my girls before this “caretaker” comes to introduce themselves to me and my son, but inside I came home to see it was like Atlas set up a mini base of operations. James told me there would only be a few small improvements for security. A camera system was an improvement, an extra sturdy door and locks we're an improvement, a better security alarm was an improvement, but Atlas droids, bullet proof glass, and censors covering a perimeter around my house makes it feel a bit like a prison or a glorified base camp.

Tai’s mind-Knowing that paranoid man… I honestly should’ve seen this coming.

I got inside and stayed up to unpack then get some breakfast going, but that’s when I noticed a droid was in our house given it was turned off.

Tai-You gotta be kidding me.

I will have a talk to the caretaker and James about boundaries, even if I do understand everything about this situation, but if my son sees his home is this now, he might as well lead the grimm here. A good breakfast should help take the edge off, even just a bit and I waited for a good time to do it. After a few hours I started cooking and Zwei barked at an Atlas droid walking by the house which I guess woke up the girls and my son because I heard a door open upstairs and if I remember correctly, they're team should be here too, so I made enough for 2 more. Soon I saw everyone come down and I finally got to see my girl’s team.


Tai-Hey, there’s my champ!

He came up and gave me a fist bump then I ruffled his hair then I stood back up to see the others and my daughters didn’t seem happy about these “improvements” too.

Tai-Hey, you must be Blake and Weiss. Call me Tai.



Yang-Hey dad, when is this caretaker getting here?

I knew they were gonna be very picky which was hard about finding babysitters with them. They shoot down almost every single choice if they fall even a tiny bit short, but unfortunately for all of us, we don’t have much of a choice.

Tai-*Sigh* Like all these changes, out of nowhere. How about some breakfast? Making pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

They all went to the dining room table with some extra chairs and one left for me because Ruby had (Y/N) on her lap. When the food was done I brought it out to everyone and they started eating, but Weiss Schnee was treating this like a fancy dinner still.

Tai’s mind-Wonder if she had survival training yet?... That is not gonna be fun if she’s uncomfortable with getting her hands dirty with more than just grimm.

After breakfast the girls helped me clean while they're teammates we're playing with (Y/N) in the living room and I was surprised because when they are around, they barely share with me. Later when there was a knock on the door my daughters went up to the door looking as serious as ever and I guess that will be this caretakers first challenge… Getting past his big sisters.

Tai’s mind-Almost feel bad for them… Almost.

When I walked behind them they opened the door while they're team came in and Blake was holding (Y/N), but I was very surprised by who I saw at the door and what the odds were.


Weiss-Greetings… I will be caring for (Y/N) when Tai goes out to work.


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