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((Y/N)’s POV)

Hekapoo was here and she looked really mad while Eclipsa just held me a little tighter by my shoulders and it didn’t hurt, but at the same time I couldn’t just break free of her. Hekapoo saw this and pulled out pairs of dimensional scissors for each hand. Next she made clones the surrounded us or more likely just her and Eclipsa held me a little more tighter. The real Hekapoo just took a few steps closer to us while Eclipsa didn’t step back and I was scared that I was gonna be in the middle of a fight and I hate those, even if i’m not the one getting hurt.

Hekapoo-I don’t know how you got out or why Queen Moon is hiding you by locking you up in her, but i’ll get answers from her later. Just give me the boy and i’ll leave you alone… for now. You probably even stole him!

Eclipsa-actually, i’ll have you know that I didn’t take him. He came through a portal that Moon left open.

Hekapoo-I’ll add it to the things i’ll talk to Queen Moon about… Now give him to me… Now!

(Eclipsa’s POV)

I didn’t want to give him up to one of the people that caused most of my suffering, if not had a hand in all of it, or even give him up at all. I had to consider that without the wand, I had no magic I was able to access, so if I fight her right now, I will most certainly lose. I had no choice, but to give him up… for now. I just let him go and that smile of hers made me sick as she had a clone take him from me then give him to her before she walked out to close the door while holding him. I heard the door lock with multiple locks before all of the clones disappeared. My chest felt so heavy, just wanting him back so badly, but now was not the time and I was indeed a patient woman.

Eclipsa’s mind-You took everything from me,... but you won’t take him!

(Hekapoo’s POV)

I was happy to finally have (Y/N) again and this time I had the room I had here at the castle that I barely use ready. I just have to do a few tests on him to make sure Eclipsa didn’t do anything funny to him since she is the queen of darkness that can do who knows what since we are not allowed to look in her dark chapter. I took him to the medical bay and gently strapped him to the table to start performing some harmless tests on him and I don’t care how long this takes.

Hekapoo’s mind-Dark queen or not, if she did anything to so much as corrupt a cell in his body, I will go back to that room and we will not have a prisoner anymore.

((D/N)’s POV)

My head was dunked into a pot of ice cold water while I was being held upside down by Star’s magic. My arms were also tied behind my back and she didn’t even use magic that much to tie me up. She just knew how to fight. I was pulled out of the water then thrown into a wall and knocked over a bunch of pots and pans on the way down. I looked up to Star while I heard my wife screaming in the other room.

Star-Say it. Who does (Y/N) belong to?

(D/N)-*Cough* *cough* Fuck you.

She just kicked me in the stomach then I saw Moon come in with my wife and tossed her next to me. She didn’t have any cuts, but she did have a few bruises and scraped while looking soaked and exhausted. I tried to comfort her, but Star grabbed me with her magic then tossed me in the freezer then came in with me before she closed the door.

Star- I said… Say it.

(Moon’s POV)

While Star was doing tactics by her father’s standards I know others ways of interrogation and torture from years of experience as queen and saw others do it for me. Some prisoners were physically unbreakable, so you go for their mind and emotions for the most part. Before I could go any further in this operation a portal opened up and I saw Hekapoo’s foot come through, but there was no way she would come herself if it was an emergency for arriving suddenly unless it was personal, so I have a strong reason to believe this was not really her. Either way I casted a cloaking and muting spell on (M/N) to keep her quiet then transformed into my old self to avoid suspicion before she finally came all the way through.

Hekapoo-Hey, i’m just a clone sent by Hekapoo. I have a message for you you're highness, but first… A few questions.

((Y/N)’s POV)

This felt like a doctor’s appointment since Hekapoo was checking my heart, mouth, ears, eyes, and even made me take off my clothes to check my body. I tried to tell her that I felt fine, but she would not believe me or “take any chances”. None of these tests hurt me so far, but then she came at me with a needle and a tube connected to it. I was scared because I really hated needles. She put it next to me before she tied a rubber strap to my arm then rubbed my check.

Hekapoo-Hey, it’s ok. It’s just gonna feel like a little pinch and it’s over.~

It didn’t make me feel better and I looked away before I felt the needle poke me and it did hurt, but she just tried to coo me. When she put the needle away she was about to move on to the next test which was a shower while she checked my hair, but before we could even get me off the table the door opened and a scary monster with snake arms and a diamond head came in and looked surprised to see me.

???-What the? Hekapoo, who is this?

Hekapoo-Don’t worry about it. I have this all under control, but we do have something else to talk about and I want you to tell the other Magical High Commision members too.

???-Tell them what?

(Hekapoo’s POV)

I went into a bit of details about Eclipsa being unfrozen and Queen Moon and I even sent a clone to go give her a message after asking her a few questions. When I was finished explaining and about to finish up the last round of testing he suddenly freaked out and shoved me out of the way before he got right in front of (Y/N) while pointing his snake arms at him which made him scream and tried to scoot back.

Rhombulus-Listen to me! Are you evil?!


Rhombulus-Are you evil, are you evil, are you evil, are you evil, are you evil?!

(Y/N) was starting to cry, so I got in the middle of them and pushed Rhombulus away from him and pulled out 2 pairs of dimensional scissors to keep him at a distance.

Hekapoo-What the hell is wrong with you?!

Rhombulus-The evil queen got a hold of him! You have to put pressure on them or they will never talk!

Hekapoo-That’s interrogation, not examination! I have everything under control here, so will you shut up and stop being a paranoid idiot?!

Rhombulus-*Gasp*... You must be evil now too!

His snake hands started glowing, so I waited for him to try and blast me then opened two portals. One to catch his attack and one behind him to make him hit himself in the back to have him snap out of it, but I had enough.

Hekapoo-That’s it! Go tell the others about what I just told you then after, you earned a good 3 hours in the timeout corner!

Rhombulus-What?! You can’t treat me like some child and tell me what to-!


Rhombulus-... This is “stupid”. *mumbling*

He left the room and I looked back to (Y/N) to see some tears had built up in his eyes, so I ran over to comfort him and I think we had enough tests and he just needs some loving.

Hekapoo-Hey, don’t listen to him. I think you’re just a sweet little guy. I can prove it right now by doing this.~

I traced my finger under his chin and held him a little closer which made him blush. After that I put him down and took his hand as we started to walk out of the room.

Hekapoo-We’re done with the tests now, so now we just need to keep you here for at least a week to keep you under watch.

(Y/N)-Wh-What?! B-But I have to get back to my world! My parents are most likely worried already! I can’t stay here for a week!

Hekapoo-Don’t worry. My clone should explain everything and if your parents are with Queen Moon they should know where you are right now. If you leave now and something happens, that can put not only your parents, but your world in danger… I promise that everything will work out and your parents know that you’re safe.

I’ll come up with something to keep him longer since I just can’t stand the thought of leaving him again after I got everything set up after putting all that effort in. Besides, I know humans are capable of moving on better with comfort that whoever they whine about is ok or something then have time take care of the rest.

((Y/N)’s POV)

I felt kinda sick to my stomach that I wasn’t going to be home for a whole week then soon we got to a room that looked like hers and just when the door closed, she had small balls of fire come out of the fire on her head to lit the small candles then a big fire in the fireplace. There was a chest full of toys and a wardrobe of her clothes as well as some in my size.

(Y/N)-Hey, why are they're clothes in my size in here?

Hekapoo-Oh, um… Oh yeah, had another kid in here a few weeks ago that was in quarantine like you. Looks like you 're the same size. Lucky for you too because since you skipped out on the shower when we were interrupted earlier, we have something to do before bed.


Hekapoo-Bath time. Let’s go.

She picked me up and took me to the bathroom with her and it looked nice before she closed the door then put me down. She turned on the water to get the bath going before she took off her dress and shoes then turned over to me.

Hekapoo-Come on, you’re next. This is our last test to make sure Eclipsa didn’t get anything on you.

(Y/N)-Sh-She didn’t!

Hekapoo-And i’m gonna be sure about it. Now come on, you probably need a bath before bed anyway.

She started to take my clothes off and put me in the tub with her before she closed the curtain to turn this into a shower. Her flame went out from the water and I don’t think that hurt her as she got herself covered in water then moved on to me before she got some shampoo.

Hekapoo-Next time, i’ll make a nice bubble bath for you in the morning. How does that sound?

I did like bubble baths that didn’t have a strong current to pull and push me like how Star makes them from her wand. While Hekapoo was cleaning me I tried not to look at her since my mom said it’s very bad to do that. When she was done with me she moved on to cleaning herself, so I just sat in the back of the bath until she was done and took me out with her to get dried off and dressed.

(Y/N)-Can I see my parents before bed? Just to say goodnight.

Hekapoo-And risk exposing them to what Eclipsa might’ve done? At best I can send clones to be a messager.

I really just wanted to go home, but instead when we were dried and dressed she just gave me a few toys on the ground to play with and they were like all the toys I had at home,... but newer. Soon a portal opened up in Hekapoo’s room then she got in the middle of me and the portal before I saw Moon and Star come out of it.

They spent a moment just looking at each other before Moon started to walk up to me, but Hekapoo got in her way to stop her.

Moon-Hekapoo, I came to take the child with me. You’re relieved of caring for him.

Hekapoo-Sorry your highness, but that’s not happening. He’s under quarantine, so I can’t let royalty be at high risk. I also got the memories from my clone just before you came. I had Rhombulus tell the others members about out “prisoner”.

Moon-I had it under control.

Hekapoo-Keeping something like that secret from us, is dangerous! I found him in her cell after you left that portal open!

Moon-I had enough of this. I will be taking him and we will discuss the matter in a meeting in the morning.

Hekapoo-There is nothing to discuss other than what you tried to hide.

They kept on arguing while Star looked at me and motioned for me to come to her and I was about to do what she said until we all heard a noise from outside in the distance.



I looked out the window from here and saw smoke or dust in the air before Hekapoo ran to the balcony with Moon to look out in the city where we started to hear screaming.

Hekapoo-*Grunt* This isn’t over!

Just then Hekapoo opened a portal and ran inside it then Moon turned into her butterfly form like she did with those monsters then turned to me and Star.

Moon-Star, take (Y/N) to the bunker and keep him safe. Make sure Hekapoo does not have him until I get back.

She flew off and Star and I went to go see what was causing all of this and the wall on the outer part of the town was destroyed and we saw a huge monster in the middle of the town, but something about this monster gave me a weird feeling other than just being scared before they said something that made me feel worse.


Suddenly Star took me and ran off with me to go to the place we were in last time, but I just had one big question on my mind right now other than why I can’t just go home right now.

(Y/N)’s mind-Who is she?!

(Eclipsa’s POV)

I was looking out of my window to see what all this commotion was, but all I could see other than the garden was the smoke in the air. The guards on the other side of the door was clearly worried too, so this was my chance to slip away to take what is clearly owed to me and luckily I know every secret passage there is in this castle and 5 are in my room. I weighed my options on which one to take then though about where a high commission would responsibly take a child in a time of emergency…

Eclipsa’s mind-The bunker!



Ok I know your not gonna spoil the next chapter but I’m curious where your going with this because the trail was before meteora attacked so now I’m wondering since the trial is after and so far star and moon still think they’re related to eclipsa then they probably won’t give her back the throne like she deserves and because in the show eclipsa becoming queen causes Mina to try to kill eclipsa and eventually all monsters I’m wondering how is Mina gonna get in this book to become a yandere too and will eclipsa get the throne back?