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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was morning again and Peach and I were having breakfast and she even fed me some bacon, eggs, and toast from time to time. I tried to tell her I could feed myself and she did let me do that most of the time and when we were done she put me on her lap and my head on her shoulder before she started to pat my back. I know some moms do this with their baby to make them burp after they eat. This was embarrassing, but also annoying that she was treating me like a baby. She was nice and I know her character is supposed to be as sweet as a peach, so I don't wanna be too mean and make her sad.

(Y/N)-Peach, can you stop patting my back?

Peach-But what if you need this? Children can stop being burped at around 6 months, but that doesn't mean you have to stop.

(Y/N)-I'm not a baby and I don't need to burp.

Peach-Better safe than sorry.

She kept on going for 10 minutes and nothing came up before she stopped and took me to go get changed into my clothes and out of these pajamas she gave me last night. When we were both ready to start the day she took me to the castle's garden to show me around and in every Mario game the garden was different if there was a garden to even see. She took my hand to show me to where there was a pool next to a dining area next to a bunch of tall rose bushes to make a wall out of them. When I looked up to her I saw her smiling down at me.

Peach-Isn't this nice. Just a nice walk to start the day. I'll be busy later, but i'll be sure to leave you in your own room next to mine with all sorts of toys in it to keep you busy. It won't be ready for another few hours, so i'll give you a tour around the castle and kingdom until then.

(Y/N)-What about finding my home?

Peach-I still have guards out looking for it and see if anyone is missing you, but i'll have a little talk with them myself as well. Now come along, maybe we can get some more fresh juice from this small shop I know. They make the best apple cider.

I did love apple cider, so I let her hold me hand and show me around, but there were a few places she didn't let me go to. Soon we made it into town and there were a lot of Toads and only a few Toadettes.

(Peach's POV)

I was showing him nothing, but the best and safe places around the kingdom, but I didn't take him to bad places like the dungeon or armory. Soon we got the apple cider I promised and I really should get to work soon and I just wanted to have him on my lap while I was in my throne room, but I can't do that with important work and he'll get bored anyway. On the way back to the castle we heard a commotion then a weird noise and when we looked up I saw a flying ship.

I thought it was Bowser, but I saw another figure on the ship before they jumped down and landed in the middle of Town Square then when the dust cloud went away I saw who it really was and I knew who it had to be and she was just maybe a foot taller than me,... but her husband was not here.

(Bowsette's POV)

I looked around the kingdom my pathetic husband invaded multiple times and because of one plumber he always failed. By luck I even saw the princess he wanted so badly over me and she was holding the hand of a little boy before she pushed him behind her.

I walked up to her and she tried to run from me, but I picked up a cart of apples and threw it over them both that just barely missed them and made them stop before I caught up to them and the princess held this now scared and crying child close to her in a weak attempt to protect him.

Bowsette-So you're the princess my so-called husband wanted to leave me for? How ironic you look almost like me.

It was no surprise my husband didn't like my dom attitude since he knew i could get him in line, so he wanted someone he thought would submit to him. She looked at me trying to look my and scary, but I saw the fear in her eyes.

Peach-I know you... Y-You're Bowser's wife.

Bowsette-Ex-wife... My name is Bowsette.

Peach-What do you want?

Bowsette-Just wanted to see the kingdom and princess my husband tried to get for years. Where's that plumber boyfriend of yours?

Peach-L-L-... Leave!

Bowsette-Oh... Not giving him up, huh?... Alright then.

Just then I grabbed her and threw her aside before I grabbed the little boy which made him scream and she looked horrified too.

Peach-No! Put him down!

Bowsette-Why don't you have your hero in overalls make me? You want him back, tell Mario i'll be waiting.~

The little boy was so scared and whining like a baby as I whistled for my anchor to be dropped down for us to get on and he was screaming for help. This was so easy it actually made me laugh until I saw Peach look at something.

Peach-*Gasp* MARIO!!!


I turned to see an small angry plumber in red my ex spoke of many times running for me because of the sight of me holding a screaming child. I took one look and once again, I have no idea why Bowser had such a hard time doing this.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was crying so hard from being so scared even as Mario jumped high onto rooftops before he launched to us to try and save me. This was not a game anymore and I never saw Bowsette in any game and had no idea what she could do. Just as Mario was getting close to us and about to punch her as hard as he could.

Bowsette-*Chuckles* Too slow!

She spun around and her tail was heading for Mario and I didn't think it would be so strong until I remember she threw a cart over Peach and I then I saw the tail whip a little harder before.


Mario was sent flying back screaming until I saw a star flash where he was going before Bowsette flew off with me as I tried to get out of her grip, but she was too strong. I heard Peach screaming for me getting farther and farther away while I was screaming for anyone else to help. Bowsette just took me inside the ship then just put me in a cell gently before she closed the door and I just ran to the other side of the wall to get away from her while she chuckled at me.

Bowsette-Wow, this was much easier than I expected. I even have a little trophy... You are really cute.~

I just blushed really hard, but I was still scared while she just went up the stairs and I felt this ship steer a little.

(Peach's POV)

The ship was getting farther and farther and there was no way to keep up with it on foot. I felt more scared than whenever Bowser takes me and right now, I wish he did instead, but all I could do now was sob. My guards tried to comfort me, but soon when I felt a little more under control... I felt my blood boil as I came up with a plan.

Peach-Find Mario and head find that ship of hers! I want (Y/N) brought back here as soon as possible!

I never had that much authority in my voice before and even I was kinda surprised, but I didn't care that much right now.

Peach-*Grunt* GO!!!

They scrambled for a bit and i'll make it up to them later, but right now my baby's safety needs to come first and I will send a message to Daisy to tell her what happened, so her kingdom will help too.

Peach's mind-My poor baby!... That heartless skimpy slut!

Just before the ship was out of view I felt nothing, but fury and if she ever gives me the chance, I will lock her up for the rest of her life!

Peach's mind-If you're anything like your husband, I can already see you falling in lava already.

(Bowsette's POV)

My daughters don't expect me to be home for another few hours just to make sure I shake off anyone that might be tailing me. I kept the ship on a safe path to let it carry itself off, so I could go see my little trophy prisoner. When I walked down the stairs into the prison area I already heard whimpering that was music to my ears before I turned to look at the boy's cute and scared face.

I walked closer to him and the look on his face was priceless as I opened the door. That's the face I like to see, not fear and agony, but submission and control. I bent down and was still taller than his tiny body then I curled one finger against his cheek gently over and over again, nice and slow.


Bowsette-*Chuckles* Just look at you... Stand up for me.

He slowly did what I said, so we need to work on his speed to obey and he only made it to my chest still while I was trying to be on his level.

???-Pl-Please let me go. *Sniffle* I didn't do anything to you.

Bowsette-Awwww, I know you didn't little boy... Why don't you tell me your name? Lean into my touch while you're at it.~

I did love the feeling of his soft cheek against my finger and he did what he was told.


Bowsette-What a cute name?~

(Y/N)-You're... Bowser's-?

Bowsette-Ex... And don't bring that buffoon up again. Do you understand me?

He nodded his head and I smile then decided to poke him again and he was very wobbly and fun to play with. I kept it up while he just stood there like a good and smart boy since he can tell I can really hurt him if I want to, In cases where you do what I say to keep me happy, you can expect some soft doming tactics with doting, but it you're bad and piss me the fuck off, i'll show you how cruel a queen of the Koopa Kingdom can be.

Bowsette-You know what, i'm tired of squatting. Come here.

I picked him up to get up since my feet were getting tired of squatting then I went to a big chair of mine to sit down and gave him the privilege of being on my lap. My husband never wanted to do it before until I make him scream "uncle" and by then I wasn't in the mood for it and he took all of our kids for his stupid plans that always failed. I took my daughters and let him keep our sons since they really want to be with their father. Pompom and Wendy wanted to be with me since they thought their brothers got on their nerves a lot. Just then he tried to scoot down my crossed legs and from how skittish he was, I don't need to grab him to make him stop.

Bowsette-Hey! What do you think you're doing?!

(Y/N)-I-I-I just, ummm-. I-.

Bowsette-You better go back to where I left you, "now"!

He rushed back to lean against me this time and even if I did have to raise my voice I traced my finger down his spine gently to make him shiver and it was just adorable to me. I just relaxed with him for a while longer before I went to check on where we we're while holding him and I saw the fiery plains known as the Koopa Kingdom.

((Y/N)’s POV)

It was like the final world in almost every Mario game and while she just held me in one arm and rubbed her finger on my leg I saw we we're heading to a castle, but Bowser’s face was not on it at all… it was her face and other than that, it looked a lot like what you would expect from Bowser’s castle.

Bowsette-Welcome to your new home, little one.~




Well shit