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(Timeskip 2 Weeks)

((Y/N)’s POV)

I woke up in Bea, Penelope, and Courtney’s bed after they let me sleep on their bed, so Courtney could feed me her milk a little and while Courtney and Bea were still asleep, I saw Penelope was up. I had to go to the bathroom, but Penelope tried to pull me on her lap before I just quietly pointed to the bathroom, so she let me go then did a finger command she taught me to come right back after I was done. When I was done, I guess flushing the toilet was enough to wake up Courtney and Bea since I saw them get up in the reflection in a mirror. I went back out to go to Penelope and just got on her lap like she wanted to and laid down on her chest.

Bea-Penelope, i’m gonna go get breakfast started. Can you make sure he gets a bath, please?

Penelope-In a bit. You two got to hog him last night, so I want some cuddle time.

Courtney-I’ll just go when you guys head to the bath.

Bea just left the room and Penelope would not share me with Courtney right now, but after around 10 minutes they both took me to go give me a bath and I like only having to play with bath toys and I don’t have to try hard to scrub my back anymore. When we made it to the bathroom we saw that Gerta was already in here and I think she was almost done.

She saw us getting out clothes off then got out of the water to turn on the tub in her for me and it still had my bath toys in it to play with. She came over and took me from Courtney to put me in the water.

Courtney-Hey, I was going to give him a bath!

Gerta-I already finished, so let me do this. Where’s Bea?

Penelope-Make breakfast for us then I guess after she’ll come in here alone.

Gerta just got started on my bath and Bea got me special shampoo that didn’t hurt my eyes, even if I did already close them when the soap was being washed out of my hair. While she was scrubbing my body I wanted to play with one of her strong arms and she let me swing it around and use it to splash, but then she splashed me a little, so I did the same to her. She smiled at me for playing with her and we still do play fight and sometimes if I when she let's me sleep in her bed with her. The others we're watching us play a little, but Gerta stopped when she heard something from me.

*Stomach growl*

Gerta-Awwww, hold on.~ Courtney, he’s hungry and needs something right now.

Courtney-Be won’t be happy if he’s too full before breakfast.

Gerta-Then give him enough to hold him over until bath time is done and the food is ready.

Courtney-*Sigh* Give me a second.

Courtney just rinsed herself off before she came over and leaned in to feed me her milk, but she only let me get in a few sips before she stopped, so I have room for breakfast. After we we're all done Penelope dried me off and wrapped me in a big towel in a way she calls a swaddle. While they got dressed I stayed in the towel even when I tried to tell her that I know I can’t feed myself at meal times anymore.

Penelope-Honey, I know that you know, but I will dress you after breakfast. I know Bea’s making waffles and you remember how much syrup you dripped on your chin and clothes when you didn’t listen?


Penelope-Yeah, you’re staying like this at breakfast.

(Penelope’s POV)

It was my turn to feed him, so I can do whatever I please with him while I do it and if he’s good, i’ll let him lay on our bed again tonight. When Bea I saw Bea bring out the waffles like I called and she leaned down to give (Y/N) a few kisses before I started to feed him his breakfast.

When he was full he only wanted milk know and we all he won’t be having that milk full of hormones in the fridge. He could only have almond milk or Courtney’s and he like her milk better unless it was chocolate milk. He also never had a problem with being nursed by her, so he will try to ask politely which is not only funny to us, but adorable. I just had my breakfast while Courtney fed him enough and was cooing him like a baby that still makes his cheeks blush for us.

(Y/N)-Can I get out of this towel now?

Penelope-Wait tell i’m done eating. I know an outfit I wanna put you in.

Courtney-I don’t see why he can’t go without clothes for a little bit. I mean it’s not like we all haven’t cleaned him before.

Bea-I’m not risking him getting a cold.

Courtney-It’s 80 outside.

Gerta-You wanna risk making our kitten sick? If he does then I can make sure our “talk” takes extra long.

I saw the fear on Courtney’s face and she dismissed the idea and waited for me to be done before I took (Y/N) from her to go get him dressed.


((Y/N)’s POV)

Bea had me on he lap and bouncing me to play with me while using her tail to tickle my nose a little then she looked at the T.V. to watch her show while she cuddled me and gave me a toy to play with. Gerta was sitting next to us and she used her tail to rub under my chin before she took me away from Bea and put me on the floor with her to get ready for a play fight.

Gerta-Tackle me down and i’ll give you a reward. How does chocolate sound?~


I tried to get a jump start at her, but she grabbed me while I was in the air then pinned me on my bed. She pulled my shirt and arms over my head with one arm then used her other arm and tail to tickle me. I couldn’t stop laughing really loud and I can stop this by saying I give up, but then I won’t get my chocolate and she gets to do one thing she wants to me.

(Y/N)-Hahahaha, i-i’ll n-n-never give up! Hahahahaha!

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Gerta’s POV)

Stubborn thing would not give up and used up all of his energy laughing, so now he was very tired and ready for a nap already. I wanted to take him on a walk, but I guess I can carry him while I walk on the trail. He knows he’s not allowed to talk to anyone because last time he did on one of our groups walk he tried to have a talk with a stranger which earned him 30 minutes in his cage then another 30 minutes when he threw a fit about it.

Bea-Awwww, you worn him out, Here, let me tuck him in his bed somewhere quiet.~ *whisper*

Gerta-I’m going on a walk with him first then he’s napping on his bed outside. I’m making dinner tonight.

I left with him and she was pouty about it, but she knows what i’ll give her if she tries to fight me and wakes him up. I would also be sure to make her ass extra red for ruining my walk with him. I just left with him and adored him while I walked down the trail then remembered something from that T.V. we have and that’s when I picked a flower and put it behind his ear. He soon yawned in his sleep and I took this chance to slip my finger in his mouth then he treated this like Courtney was feeding him. I used my tail to gently rub his cheek and head as the walk went on and he was about to wake up, but the sun hurt his eyes, so he closed them again.


Gerta-Go back to sleep (Y/N), we’ll be home and you’ll be in your outdoor bed while I cook.~

(No POV)

She managed to lure (Y/N) back to sleep and get home from her nice peaceful walk to see Bea already made his bed outside with a sleep mask to put on him, so the sun doesn’t bug his eyes. When Gerta got him in bed she started to make dinner for everyone. When (Y/N) woke up the others were outside, planning to eat out there and when they saw he was awake they played with him to try and tire him out a little before bed tonight. (Y/N) looked around to remember when he was alone here after his grandpa died and his sister left him, but now he has loving and caring “owners” that love him and he thought it was better than being alone, so he was happy. The girls looked at him playing without a care in the world knowing he was fully trained to obey them. It made they're love for him only grow and they all had one though while adoring him.

Gerta/Bea/Penelope/Courtney-Such a cute little kitten.~



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