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((Y/N)’s POV)

I woke up in my mommy’s bed and she was still sleeping but holding me close and I remembered how she used to only let me sleep in my bed to be a “big boy”, but after what happened to me, she let me sleep with her. I asked her last night where (B/N) was and she just said that he found a new and way better job somewhere else, so he had to move. When I asked if he was still going to be home for holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, but she just said he might be very busy, so I guess he has a very big and important job. Soon she woke up when I got up to go to the bathroom then when I came back to her she was getting out of bed. She kissed my head before she went to the kitchen to make breakfast for us since I don’t have to go to school for a while and can just do online things for a bit. She said it’s just until I feel like I’m ready and I guess I like this because I don’t have to worry about the school bullies for now. I followed her and went to the living room to watch some cartoons. Soon the smell of pancakes filled the air and it smelled so good then after an episode I sat at the table with my mommy, but she was looking at me like she was still worried. I guess what I told her and the cops might have sounded too crazy, but it was all true.

((M/N)’s POV)

Right now, I was understandably worried for my son’s mental health from what he told me and the police officers last night and I thought he was just trying to make things up, but then a few cops told me it could be some mental state he was in to help cope with something horrible. The kidnappers were never found and are still on the loose and could’ve done god knows what to him that his brain had to suppress it for his own safety. It’s breaking my heart to see (Y/N) like this and (B/N) is dead now while I can’t even tell him. There’s someone coming over today to help try to get my son to ID the culprits that we're probably just as those stupid robots. I had to try and talk to him too, but it was just so hard since I don’t know even half of what happened.

(M/N)-(Y/N), sweetie.


(M/N)-If someone hurt you, those people that tried to take you away from me and you're brother… You would tell me, right? We can help each other.

(Y/N)-I did tell you all everything last night. It was Fredda, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, and Golden Fredda.

(M/N)-A-And I believe you, but is it possible that… Um… Why don’t you just take a shower after breakfast then we’ll play a game before a nice man comes over to talk to us.

(Y/N)-... I guess.

We ate and I could barely eat from all this stress that I was having, but I kept myself from crying until he left to go take his shower clearly bothered now.

(M/N)-... *Sniffle* *hic* *hic* *sobbing*.

((Y/N)’s POV)

I don’t think the cops or even my mom believes me. Only my brother will believe me, so I don’t know why they just don’t ask him because he has a phone to call. I just got in the bathroom to close the door and turn on the water before I started to get my clothes off to get in the shower alone. I felt much better about this without four girls trying to wash me themselves, but when I finally got out of the shower to dry off the lights started to ask weird by turning off and on very fast and I was getting nervous before they just stopped. I though it was just the lights, but when I turned to the mirror, I saw “her”.

I rubbed my eyes a little to see if this was real and when I took them off my eyes, she was gone and I was just looking at my own reflection in the mirror now. I ran out of the bathroom with only a towel on to get to my room and when I made it, I accidentally slammed my door shut.

(M/N)-(Y/N)?... Are you alright?

(Y/N)-I’m… I’m fine mom! Just slipped a little from my wet feet! I’m getting dressed now!

I could hear her footsteps, so I started to really get dressed then she opened my door just as I was getting some shorts on and looked at me.

(M/N)-What’s going on?

I knew she wouldn’t believe me because she didn’t the first time, nobody did… I’ll wait until I can talk to (B/N) again. He’ll believe me and know what to say.

(Y/N)-I told, I slipped. Look, there’s water on the floor.

(M/N)-I heard you running.

(Y/N)-I… It was cold and I wanted clothes on.

(M/N)-*Sigh*... Just get ready to talk with someone when they get here. I’ll be right there next to you and if you need anything… Please, just tell me.

She just left my room kinda sad then I just got the rest of my clothes on.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

I was sitting on my mommy’s lap as someone was waiting in the other room that wants to talk to me and help. My mom just wanted some time alone to cuddle before she sent a text to someone and stroked my head when I head a door open then a man came out into the living room and he was smiling at me before he sat on the couch across from us.

???-Hey there buddy. My name is Kyle. I heard your name was (Y/N) and… you just came out of a bad time, so I’m here to help you get through this. Is that ok?

(Y/N)-A-Are you helping (B/N) too?

Kyle-Oh, that’s someone else. You're big bro is busy with his help and job, but you got me and you're mommy. Now, how about we get started, huh?

(Y/N)-I told my mommy and cops everything.

He made sure he knew by telling the story I told the others that didn’t believe me and he was right. When he was done he pulled out a tablet to get ready to type something before he looked at me.

Kyle-Ok, 5 questions and we are done. First off… Can you tell us  anyone besides those 5 girls that were there?

(Y/N)-It was just them.

Kyle-Alright… Now in the morning, they would keep you backstage in the Pirate Cove that belonged to Foxy. Did you see anything weird, like symbols, or big books, or other costumes?

I just shook my head no at him and he typed some stuff down and the other questions were easy to answer, but when he got to the final question.

Kyle-Alright, last one then you can go play while I have an adult talk with your mommy. Now… Fredda, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, and Golden Fredda… Do you still see them, even if they are not really there?

For a second I froze and remembered about what happened in the shower and he gave me a look with one of his eyebrows raised.

Kyle-Did you see something?

Mommy-Sweetie, just tell the nice man.

(Y/N)-I… I, um… No.

Kyle-Are you sure?

I just nodded my head and my mommy pet my head and back again while hugging me tighter. He just typed it down and put his tablet next to him.

Mommy-Sweetie, why don’t you go play a game in your room?

((M/N)’s POV)

I sent my son to his room and it was clear that he lied to us about that last question and I just leaned forward to put my face in my hands. I didn’t want to think about what he saw and I just could not cry because he might hear it, so I looked back up to Kyle.

Kyle-I’m sorry to say, but all signs point to him suffering mental trauma. We’re gonna have to do multiple checkups and I will also do therapy for him. Until then, I think it will be safe for him to stay here for now and limit his contact with the outside world. Just give him time to settle at home and at best I think the backyard and front yard will be fine.

(M/N)-*Sigh* I’m gonna need a number in case of an emergency.

Kyle-The number should be on the paper you we're given then we need to plan for advanced steps, even if it seems bad for now, just remember we will get there only when we believe he is ready. This can be a long process that I can’t give you time on.

(Kyle’s POV)

I could tell she was still scared for her child and she has every right to be as long as this crazy kidnappers are on the loss and the only survivor is too shocked to tell us what they look like. That’s if they only showed themselves in costume to him and what made this harder is that all security footage was wiped from the system, so we have nothing, but dead bodies and a scared child to go off of. The crazy part is what we might need to do for our final and hardest step…

Kyle’s mind-Exposure therapy.