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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 5

Some has just now started as soon as the bell rang and I got on the bus to go home and my friends and I were playing Mario Party Superstars on the bus since we took our Switches to school. When I got home I put my switch on the T.V. to continue the game and used stickers to talk to each other. We still had 12 more turns left to go and I got 2 stars, but Fred was close to a Boo and had enough to still a star from any of us. Someone else had 4 stars, so he had to get him. While I was playing my dad came in from work then saw me playing Mario again.

Dad-Hey champ, how was your last day?

(Y/N)-Good, all the brownies I brought to the potluck got eaten.

Dad-Got any plans besides games this summer?

(Y/N)-Well Oliver is going out of town for a few days, but after I was gonna stay at his house for the night with the others. Mostly gonna be swimming over there.

Dad-Alright, games off at 8 now and bed is at 10 for the summer.

He just left and I kept on playing the game and I was playing that annoying game where you have to sneak over to the chain chomp, press a button then go back to the door without getting caught. I suck at this one and when I made it to the button I got caught and just laid back to be mad. I got 4th, but nobody ended up getting to the door to really win, it was just surviving the longest.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

We were playing Mariokart 8 Deluxe now and using discord to talk on our tablets and stuff. We were doing 150cc on shells only with just the 4 of us on the track and it was really hard to stay in first place because even if my kart is good for speed without drifting red shells and (F/N) being a good aim with green shells is a real problem. I ended up finishing in 3rd no thanks to a blue shell then a green shell close to the finish line.

(Y/N)-That has to be cheating!

Oliver-Green shells are not cheating.

(Y/N)-Blue shells are!

Henrey-Are not!

(Y/N)-Are too!

We soon started another race and I had triple red shells which took me to first at the beginning of the race, but whoever was in third or fourth already threw a blue shell.

(Y/N)-Who threw that?!

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

We were playing a game that we had to use teamwork and that was Super Mario Bros. 3D Land with Bowsers Fury. We were stuck on this level for a bit and had to go back to easier levels to get more lives and I don't wanna point fingers, but someone who was Toadette with the power crown item always goes after the big coins and gets himself killed or wastes too much time. We were so close to the pole to finish the level when I found an item and tried to get it for the next level.


(Y/N)-Alright, let's go.

Fred-Wait, what about the big coin? We're missing one.

Henrey-So help me if we lose again because of you I swear next time we are gonna everything we can to kill you the whole level and you won't have any big coins!

Fred-... You wouldn't.

Henrey-Try us!

Oliver-We will.

(Y/N)-We died too many times on this level. We don't care about the 100% complete game.

Fred-Fine... We're coming back to this level later.

Yeah, that was not happening because we wasted so much time here and this coin was just so hard and risky to get. We finally beat the level to move on the next castle before we can get to the next world.

(Timeskip To 8PM)

I wanted to play some more Mario, but my dad said the game goes off now, but I can watch T.V. still. I wanted to keep on playing, even on the Nintendo 64 App I could play Mariokart 64 with my dad since he likes that one. I just watched a show until 9 when I had to have some dinner get ready for bed by getting in the shower, brushing my teeth, and getting dressed. I had a plan, so I can stay up late since I know dad is going back to the pool party next door after he's done here. When he made sure I got into bed I waited to hear the front door open and close which made me wait until 10:13pm. After he was gone I snuck downstairs to grab my switch and play in handheld mode to make sure nobody could see the T.V. on through a window next door or something.

(Y/N)'s mind-Better safe than sorry.

I decided to play Super Mario 64 on 3D all stars.

(No POV)

Meanwhile next door (D/N) was letting loose to get drink on his week off of work and planned to spend the night partying with the adults there. There was a cannon ball contest and some fat man jumped off the roof to make a huge splash and that made things a little wild for a few others that turned on a hose to spray people or in the air. The power box next door at (Y/N)'s house had a hole in it after (Y/N) and his friends accidently hit it during street hockey in the driveway a few months ago, so a good amount of water got into it.


((Y/N)'s POV)

The only light I had was the game I was playing, but I hate playing on the small screen and the stand on this switch is horrible to stand up. I wish I had the better one, but i'll wait for my birthday for that and I thought the party was getting a little louder, so maybe nobody would care if they saw the T.V. light, so I just closed the blinds to help a little more. I put the switch on it's dock, but when I tried to turn on the T.V., it wasn't working?

(Y/N)-Did dad unplug it?

I checked and it was still plugged in, so I had no idea what the problem was, so I tried to turn on the lights, but they didn't work either. Soon I started to hear a little noise in the walls coming from everywhere.


Just then the T.V. and lights turned on and I could see my game glitching out, so I tried to run and save my switch from getting ruined, but it soon stopped and just had the game start screen on, but... it kinda looked like the other Mario games I have which I have them all that are on Switch were on here.

(Y/N)'s mind-What's going on?

I quickly turned off the lights before I picked up my pro controller and pressed the plus button to press start then the T.V. screen suddenly flashed white and that's all I could see while I was screaming a little then heard a noise while I could see nothing but white before it got really dark.

(Timeskip ???)

I woke up to see blue sky and I was in a grass field, but my vision was still kinda blurry while my head hurt a little. I soon looked around to see I was in some kind of forest then I saw a castle and got confused. I thought I was dreaming, but I never have any memories from when I was awake before... I tried to pinch myself and it did hurt, but I still didn't know what to think. I was kinda scared because of what happened in the living room and I tried to wake up some others ways by more pinching, forcing my eyes open some more, and slapping myself a little... I could feel everything.

(Y/N)'s mind-No way this is real. I'm in my living room... Did the T.V. explode?... AM I DEAD?!?!?!

I was starting to really panic and I didn't know what to do because if my dad thinks i'm dead then I don't know what he'll do. Nothing else hurt in that flash and I would think dying would be painful. I saw a pond and ran to it to look in my reflection for anything that might show I died, but I looked completely ok.


No burn marks or anything or maybe if you day your body goes back to normal, I don't know. I was starting to cry thinking I did die and my legs acted on their own to run until I was so tired I fell to the ground and curled up.

(Y/N)-*Hic* *hic* D-Daddy... *Sniffle* I'm so scared. *sobbing*

((D/N)'s POV)

I went home real fast to grab something, but the power was out to my luck and I almost stepped on my son's controller, so I put it up. I just went out to the power box to check the circuits and found they were soaked, so I got a towel to dry it off and i'll have to call someone tomorrow.

(D/N)'s mind-Guess no games at home for (Y/N) tomorrow.


(Peach's POV)

I was taking a nice walk around the kingdom with Daisy about some matters about the kingdom. I love my people and my kingdom is very important to me and so many others, so I want another princess's input on this and it was about the security of my kingdom. We have no crime amongst citizens besides a few bandits my guards can handle, but recently I heard Bowser and his ex-wife got into a big fight and I never met her, but a few saw she won't be sitting back anymore. I don't know what to expect of her.

Daisy- I never saw her neither. I didn't even know Bowser had a wife.

Peach-He has children and these are just rumors i'm hearing, but I would rather be safe about this. Bowser kidnaps me, but if they did get into a fight, I have a feeling its not just words they used.

Daisy-I think you might be over reacting. You have guards and Mario and Luigi are always happy to help. Best not to do anything rash and make others worry for something that might not even be there. Even so, what does she have against you?

Peach-Well... maybe you're right.

We moved on to smaller and fun topics to talk about until we made it to one of the gardens near the outskirts of town where most of our farmers work, but I guess they were taking a break or something. We heard crying though and they didn't sound like any of the other Toads

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just could not stop crying, even when I ran out of tears. I just wanted to go home to actually go to sleep in bed and promised I would never do this again, but now I was just crying next to a bush that had fruit. All I could think about was my home now since I know I was not sleeping then I heard something.

???-Hello, is someone there?

???-Are you hurt?

I heard them getting closer and I wanted to hide, but I was just so tired from running and crying that all I could do was just curl up a little more. Soon I saw to girls walk from around the bush and when I saw them I was still crying, but I couldn't believe what I was seeing.


It was Princess Peach and Daisy from the Mario games I play a lot. I was even more confused now while looked a little worried at me before Peach knelt down to me.

Peach-Are you alright? You seem lost and scared.

She held out a hand to me, but then Daisy saw something and knelt down a little closer to me and looked at my feet.

Daisy-You poor thing, look at his feet.

I looked down at my feet and I didn't feel anything, but they looked very dirty, bruised, and even had a few cuts on the bottom. Peach gasped a little before she slowly picked me up and carried me with her.

Peach-Goodness, he's a wreck right now. Come on, let's get you cleaned up and take care of those feet of yours. I'll even have someone get you a pair.

I still couldn't talk through my crying and confusion, it was like my mouth was frozen shut.

(Peach's POV)

His hair was a little greasy, he had dirt on the back of him, his poor feet must be sore, he lost his home, and scared to the point he cried, so now his cheeks had tear stains on them. I had to bring him back to the castle and wait until he was ready to talk and by the looks of it, he looked at best, 6-years-old. He tried to wiggle out of my arms a bit, but the last thing he needs is to get more dirt in those cuts of his.

Peach's mind-Poor baby... I wonder what happened to him. I bet he just wants his family and to go home.

I'll ask for his name later to ask small questions before I ask what happened.

(No POV)

As Peach and Daisy took (Y/N) to the Mushroom Castle, (Y/N) took a look around at everything and while they thought he was just being curious and cautious about everything, he knew what everything was and where he was. When he came to a conclusion that he just could not deny, he though of only one thing now, but still wanted to question it.

(Y/N)'s mind-Am I in Mario?


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