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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all at breakfast after I already had a bath this morning and I don't know who's turn it was next and nobody would tell me, so I tried to figure it out myself. I saw everyone looking at me, so it was really hard to tell that way then I tried to think if they were going in ABC order, but that would mean Benny would've had me last night. I thought it might be Lulu because she was the only one not really looking at me. I got distracted when Clockwork fed me another bite of pancakes then I saw they were all gone, but I was still kinda hungry. I guess Slenda read my mind... again, because she gave us more eggs, bacon, and pancakes from one of the monsters since I don't like it when they get close and she hurts them if they do.

Jess-Slenda, when do I get my turn?

Slenda-Patience Jessica. We let him eat first.

I looked to Jess with her creepy smile as she waved her fingers at me and her eyes were almost unblinking.


Clockwork kept on feeding me until she know I was full and I just drank my 3 cup of orange juice before Slenda took me from Clockwork then put me on Jess's lap.


Slenda-He was full and done eating. You had your turn, so we move on down the list.


Jess just got up with me and carried me down the hall, but it was a different one from the rooms and when she opened a door that had a few nails in it, I saw all kinds of knives and stuff in here.

(Y/N)-What is this room?

Jess-Just where we keep most of our weapons or toys... same thing.

(Y/N)-Are you giving me one?

Jess-*Giggles* As fun as that sounds, Slenda would beat me worse than what I saw Tami. I just thought I would remind you who we are. Don't want my new baby brother to think his big sister Jess is soft if you cross her.

She grabbed a knife that was in a wall before she left with me then put me on her back for a piggyback ride. We were about to head outside and out the front door, but we were stopped by...


She froze and we turned back to see Slenda was just standing at the end of the hall as she was still walking closer to us.


Slenda-Where is it that you are taking him? I thought I made it clear that if you want to take him outside, you need to tell me first.

Jess-Um... It's a surprise for him, like a show. You can tell what i'm thinking.

Slenda-... Jess, you know the risks for this and if so much as a scrape is found on him when you return, not only will you lose your turn, but you will get far worse done to you.

Jess-He'll be in a safe distance the whole time. They know not to mess with him too.

When she said that I only thought about those scary monsters they have here then she took me outside. When I looked back to the house I thought it would be big and fancy like the inside, but instead it was something else that was the complete opposite.


I had no idea it would look like that and even I know the inside is a lot bigger than the outside, so I was very confused on how that worked. We could still see the house when she put me down on a rock and I saw weird marks of an circle with an X over it... It was almost on all the trees. Soon I saw one of the monsters walking by a trees and I think that meant that the monsters that serve us food are out here as guards. Jess just poked my nose with one finger and I would be annoyed if my heart was not racing.

Jess-Rakes are supposed to be fast, strong, and have a very good sense of smell. They are just people who were taken by Slenda or are stupid enough to offer themselves to her thinking they actually have something to offer. When they got their marks, this is what they turn into.

(Y/N)-Am... Am I getting a mark?

Jess-Yeah, but Slenda won't turn you into these mindless freaks. You're way too cute for that and you're not gonna be marked a proxy like us per say, but more like... ummm, a companion. You get our minds into a better place to calm us down in a way if you went home and had a puppy or toy or new game you loved playing.


She took off her hoodie and shirt to only have a bra on, but what stole my attention was the same mark as the ones on the tree was on her shoulder. She got dressed again before she had a real smile then kissed me before she started to walk up to the monster. She whistled a little to make it look at her before it tried to howl or something, but she stabbed it. It screamed and tried to attack her, but she dodged the attack and stabbed it in the neck this time to kill it. I was scared if it's screams were gonna make its friends angry and come and soon more did come, but... they stayed away.

(Jess's POV)

These Rakes know not to fuck with us while we can fuck with them all we like and normally they would go after ones without marks, like (Y/N) since he didn't get his yet, but it looks like they know we love (Y/N) enough for them to stay away from him. I killed a few more Rakes to give (Y/N) a picture of who I am and what I can do then when we go into my room, he'll do everything I saw.

Jess's mind-Instant alpha dog respect.~

After I killed 4 I guess one Rake felt pretty ballsy since it lunged at me, but I acted fast to duck under it and gut it as it was flying over me. It fell to ground bleeding out as scrambling to get up as I walked back over to my little brother and that look of fear in his eyes was not too much to make him run, but just sit still as I picked him up. The blood on me got on him a little which I did on purpose since Slenda hates us leaving blood on us since sometimes it drips all over the house, so that meant...

Jess-Awww, sorry I got blood on you. Guess it's bath time.

(Y/N)-Can I take one alone this time?

Jess-And let one of us drip more blood in the house. Your mom would be very mad.

(Y/N)-Do you have a house outside at least?

Jess-Sure, it's just right next to our car that we keep in our 12 car garage.

(Y/N)-You have that?



I was still not trying to laugh about how dull he was to sarcasm, but honestly it was more cute than funny. Right now we were in my bathroom and just soaking in my bath together and he was just feeling the skin on my arm. I remember when my skin was silky smooth until I was set on fire with bleach no thanks to those arrogant and smug gangster wanna be bitches, but he seems really interesting in my skin that felt a little like harden sand paper. A real smile curved on my face as I rubbed his head and even his wet her felt nice and even better that I didn't just have to graze him to keep him asleep. When we got out of the bath he still wouldn't turn to me, but it wouldn't make a difference at this point, even if he was just being decent, but Nurse Ann told us about times the kids at his school would have porno mags in their bags then they tried to plant some pictures in gaming mags that (Y/N) got a hold of in the office, but he didn't react to them at all. Probably thought they were just game characters or something.

Jess-Let's get you dressed then we can play something in my room.

(Y/N)-Like what?

Jess-It's something I used to play with... someone I held close.

I was talking about my first little brother that I killed the night I became a serial killer and killed my family that let this happen to me. I took him to put him on my bed and got dressed right in front of him before I got some of his clothes I had in here for now. Next I got a game of jax out and I was really good at this game before I became a killer, but what comes next is what will make this game interesting.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I never saw this game before so she explained the rules and it was that I can only let the ball bounce once before I have to catch it while picking up as many metal pieces as I could. Before we started playing though...

Jess-Hey... How would you like to make this game more interesting by raising the stakes?... I know a little secret you're gonna wanna know.~

(Y/N)-What is it?

Jess-That's only if you win, but if you lose, I get a prize... You'll be spending the rest of the day with your hands cuffed behind your back. I love seeing my prey helpless.~

(Y/N)-How do I know you aren't making this secret up?

Jess-You don't have to trust me, but it might be something like knowing who's turn is when and what else could happen. But hey, it's not like I know everyone here.

She just gave me a smile that made fun of me, but she would know who I would go to next, so I took her up on her bet. It was just tossing a ball up to let it bounce while picking up metal things.

(Y/N)'s mind-How hard can it be?


Jess-Ok, would you like to call it quits or go best 9 out of 10?

I have no idea how she was so good at this game because she got all the pieces every single time even when I spread them a little wider. Each time I wanted another game she would add stuff to her "reward". If I give up now my hands and ankles will be tied together, blindfolded at lunch and dinner, and have to hop around a bit for her. I just really wanted to know that secret.

Jess-Now what can I add this time if you lose again?... I know, we'll go out in the living where "everyone" will see you like this.~

I really didn't want the others to see me like that too because they will torture me or do weird things while I can do a thing to stop them... I just put my head down.

(Y/N)-Fine... You win.

Jess-Awwww, don't be sad. You look cuter when you try to look serious and smile... How about I tell you a tiny secret to make you feel better. After we all get a turn with you to sleep in our room, you'll get your mark and your own room for us to take turns sleeping in there with you.


Jess-That's right.~

(Y/N)-Wait, were you gonna tell me this the whole time?


(Y/N)-Does this mean you were lying about the rewards you made up?

(Timeskip To Lunch)

(Jess's POV)

I had (Y/N) on my lap right now with everything I promised and the others were looking and even his blindfold didn't stop him from blushing very hard. I saw Jane glaring at me and I just gave her the finger as I fed (Y/N) another bite of steak. To add more fuel to piss her off before it was her turn tomorrow I played with his hair, ears, anything she could clearly see me play with while looking right at her.

Jane-Never knew you were a bondage freak.

Jess-Oh it's the best. You tie them down and watch them beg when you have time to kill.

Jane-Of course you would think about killing. Not like you think about other things.

Jess-Oh, I do. I can also take a guess what you're thinking about. Just remember that the mark is what drags it out in our fights.

Jane-Wouldn't want the fun to end with one hit.

Slenda-Girls, knock it off. Also I expect him to be out of those at bed time. He will not sleep like that.


I went back to feeding him before I ate myself while holding him a little tighter through the meal.

(Jane's POV)

Jess was a smug bitch to the point I lost my appetite, but it will be worth it tomorrow when it's my fucking turn with my little brother. At least I don't kill my brother while he was sleeping in bed then whine about it later.

Jane's mind-Just wait, i'll make you more pissed than you ever were in your life and all you can do is watch. I'll even get a few slashes in while i'm at it.

Slenda-If you want to fight her again, just don't do it in front of him.

Jane-Of course.

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was finally untied after she played with and teased me all day long while cuddling, even in the bath we took together again, but she at least took off the blindfold in there. She had me on her bed and I wondered how she slept if she had almost no eye lids. When she laid in bed with me and pulled me close to her then she did close her eyes, but her eyelids were kinda like on just the inside of her eyes that looked pink and mushy. After a while she was asleep, but was still having a bit of trouble... then I heard something.


I looked at the door to see it was still closed then looked around the room and saw nothing, so maybe it was just the wind or the kind of noises when you're alone in a house. Soon I closed my eyes and went to sleep myself.

(No POV)

While Jess and (Y/N) were both asleep Jane stood up from the end of the bed and looked at the pair. She would love to take this chance to stab Jess in the neck, but she knew it wouldn't kill her and just scare he little brother she will have tomorrow before it was Lulu's turn. She just caressed (Y/N)'s cheek while he was sleeping then left a little surprise for Jess that was harmless for (Y/N)'s sake, but it will really piss Jess in the morning. She silently went back to her room just a few doors down.

Jane's mind-Hope you enjoy your little surprise Jess. It would be a shame if you blew up in front of Slenda over it.~

She thought about the last time Jess got punished by Slenda and how she ended up with 3 broken bones and had to get treatment from Nurse Ann without any pain killers. She laughed at the thought a little before she got into bed for the night then was out cold.


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