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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was feeling dizzy as I was waking up now and the room had a little bit of light in it and I felt someone rubbing my back. They felt so cozy and warm then I realized the soft light was a warm fire. I heard a bit of noises before a spoon poked my mouth and I just opened my mouth and I knew from the feeling and taste... It was Jell-O, so I opened my eyes a little and before I could see who it was they pulled me back into their chest, but I remember this voice when they spoke.

Cinder-*Shhhhh* Just relax. I like you right were you are.~

She started to scratch my head and she was doing it just right to where it felt so good and I got another bite of Jell-O. Everything was so nice, but then I remembered what happened and pushed away to see it was Cinder holding me and Emerald feeding me the Jell-O.


I looked around to see we were in a completely different place and this was more like an office with a fire place in it. I was scared then Cinder held me a little different this time and the warmth was making me calm down a little bit, but I was still very worried.

(Y/N)-Wh-Where are we?! Where's my home, my sisters, everyone?! They have to be so worried! How long was I-!

Emerald-Woah, calm down. Everything is ok.

Cinder-We told you we're taking you some place safe and here we are.

(Y/N)-B-But Yang and Ruby-!

Cinder-Already know, we told them everything on text. See for yourself.

(Cinder's POV)

I pulled out my scroll and Emerald used her symbols and made it look like were texting back and forth in front of him and whatever she was doing, it was convincing him... At least it was before he started to doubt what he was seeing.

(Y/N)-I-I don't know. Ruby and Yang almost don't like our dad in charge of me most of the time. She would never let a new person she doesn't know well do it... Can I talk to them by calling them?

Cinder-Why of course.

Emerald worked her magic again and I scratched his head the way he seemed to like it and he even leaned back into it a little which made my heart flutter like I never thought it could.

(Y/N)-Y-Yang, are Cinder and Emerald really in charged... But you never like new people in charge... N-No, i'll be good.

Emerald-We'll all if he acts up.

(Y/N)-... Ok, but you promise you'll come get me when everything is safe... I love you too.

I pretended like I hung up and what he just said, even if it was an illusion of his sisters made me feel like I usually feel when someone lower than me annoys me. He just played with my boobs bit, but then it looked like he was fluffing them before he laid against me again. Normally I would incinerate anyone who did that, but since he just wanted to get comfy i'll allow him. Emerald went back to feeding him his treat until it was completely gone and I laid back with him which made him adjust my boobs again. We stayed like this for around an hour before an alarm went off on my scroll which meant it was time to do a check up I promised I would do, so I called for our help to watch him.

Cinder's mind-If I find a hair harmed on his head, I will make a public example of them to all of The White Fang.

We just got up and I put (Y/N) on the couch in here and put a blanket over him while making my fire in the fireplace a little bigger and warmer for him. We waited outside of the door when a White Fang soldier walked by us and was giving us a look with his mask, but I gave him a glare back to show him that crossing me was a bad idea.

Emerald-You sure you don't want me to stay behind?

Cinder-I need you and Mercury to help install as much intimidation as possible and your semblance will have a big part to play. This second hand of Roman knows full well what will happen if she fails this task.

I didn't like this either, but we still have a job to do and soon a girl walked up to us without saying a word and she was holding an umbrella then stopped in front of me.


Cinder-Are you the one that Roman sent?

She only nodded and when she saw I was still waiting for a proper response she opened her mouth and pointed at it. I guess she just couldn't' talk, but I didn't care that much and had to get going since Mercury should already be there waiting for us.

Cinder-My number is on a desk in there and if anything happens, contact me. Understood?

She only nodded her head again and I walked off with Neo, but it was painful to leave (Y/N) after just having him.

Cinder's mind-I better not find a scratch on him.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still wondering why Yang and Ruby would let this happen because one time something happened last minute and because dad didn't remember some of the rules they just took me with them and didn't leave me alone with dad for a week. Then again Yang did say that has to know scrubbing my hair with shampoo for a minute sharp then let it sit for another minute is very important before doing the same with conditioner... I like my hair soft and fluffy. Just then the door opened and I saw someone else in here that Cinder told me about and she just gave me a little surprised look.


She walked up to me and she flipped her umbrella a few times before she looked down to me, but she wasn't saying anything at all.

(Y/N)-H-Hi... Are you the one Cinder has watching me until she gets back.

She only nodded her head at me before she sat down next to me and went on her scroll, but she wasn't looking at me at all. This remind meow a time when dad hired a babysitter when I sick and when I told Ruby the babysitter didn't watch me all the time to go on her scroll and watch T.V. while I was alone she yelled at her to get out for doing a bad job.

(Y/N)'s mind-I don't want anyone getting yelled at.

I wondered what we could do for fun even if I did not feel like playing, but nothing sounded good right now, so I laid my head on her lap to think. She didn't say anything, so that meant she didn't mind and I just nuzzled into her lap some more to get comfy.

(Y/N)'s mind-We can't play hide and seek in a small room, same goes for tag, there's no video games in here, I don't wanna play the game I played with Weiss and my sisters... What can we do for fun?

I felt her flop my ear a little, so I flipped over to look up and her then I noticed her eyes were different colors because I was too nervous last time to notice. I sat up and got a closer look into her eyes and I her gave me another look of surprise.


(No POV)

That single word made Neo feel a jolt in her heart and when (Y/N) helped himself back down to her lap the feeling continued to grow. She soon put in the small effort to type her name on her scroll and show it to him and it took a few tries, but he got it right and instead of frustrating, she found it cute.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Neo was rubbing my back a little and it felt nice until she got up and stood in the middle of the room like she was about to do a show. She played with her hair a bit before she had sparkles and stuff coming out of her while she flipped back and when the sparkles and stuff were gone... She looked exactly like Cinder!


(Y/N)-Woooaaaahhhhh! That's so cool! Can you turn into anyone and have their voices too?!

She changed into someone else again, but she still didn't talk to me, so I guess she just could not talk.


She picked me up before she laid on the couch and held her scroll up to us to take a selfie like my sisters like to do with me. She turned back into herself before she was about to take the picture and I did a pose where I give to peace signs and a big smile since my sisters love it when I do this for pictures then I saw Neo's cheeks turn very red.


After she took the picture I flipped over she looked at me still, so I poked one of her pinks cheeks to try and make it more pink. It works sometimes and I only do it when i'm very bored, but suddenly Neo hugged me very tight and gave me lots of kisses.

(Y/N)-Neo, stop it!

I tried to push away, but she was too strong and would not let go until she finally did it on her own, but that's when she got up and gave me a smile that I know wasn't a good one. She went into a closet came out with a blanket and if it's anything like what Ruby and Yang do when they have that look... I just got up and tried to run around the room and since it's only her and she doesn't have super speed, I might stand a chance!

(Y/N)'s mind-Yeah, I can do this!

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(Cinder's POV)

Emerald and Mercury were heading to Beacon while I spend the night in my personal room at a hideout that I have, so I was on my way to get (Y/N). Roman can be too cocky and the soldiers he recruited will be useful, but at the same time they are like a bunch of straight forward fools that refuse to see the bigger picture. That's good in some ways, but sometimes it's hard to get them motivated. When I made it to the room I opened the door only to see (Y/N) wrapped in a blanket and Neo holding him like a teddy bear as they both slept.


Seeing this made me feel sick to my stomach, but I fixed it by walking up to them and carefully taking (Y/N) as he stayed asleep in my arms now. I weighed my options to hit Neo in her sleep, but he seemed to be alright and I have him now, so I just left her alone. On my way out I saw her trying to wrap her arm around nothing in her sleep and when I got into the hall I got a few soldiers giving my little guy looks I didn't like, so setting small flames on their clothes that they didn't notice, yet seemed like a fair punishment. I couldn't have their agonizing screams wake up (Y/N) or I would really burn them to ash.


He was stirring in his sleep and I didn't want him to wake up since he looked so cute like this, so I tried to think of ways to keep him asleep. I never had loving parents or family or friends until one betrayed me, but I did see families come to the hotel before and mothers did this to their babies...I gave him gentle strokes on his head and soft kisses while bouncing him a little with each step and I think it worked because his cute little snoring went back to normal by the time we reached my room and I got into bed to cuddle with him. I got comfy with him as I unwrapped him a little then closed my eyes.

(No POV)

After an hour into Cinder's nap (Y/N) woke up still very sleepy, so he got on top of Cinder and spent 4 minutes fluffing her boobs just right while being careful to not wake her up. The hard part of the knot really bothered him, so he just untied it before he laid down back on Cinder's chest.

(Y/N)-*Sigh* Much better. *whisper*

Meanwhile Yang, Ruby, and the others were panicking after (Y/N) disappeared, but while they were searching as well as the police... Glynda had her own plans in action and with her many years of experience, she had confidence in her plan as she searched herself.


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