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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up and I saw I was in a bed now with everyone and on top of the pile and I remember falling asleep in the car, but I never woke up when we got out. I was on top of Penelope and when I got off the pile to go to the bathroom my am was grabbed, so I turned to see she was awake and tried to pull me back to her. I only pointed at the bathroom in here before she just sighed and let me go then when I was done I went back to the bed. She picked me up and put me back on top of her, but Courtney grabbed me and pulled me between them and I saw she was under one of Gerta's boobs a little. Penelope turned over to hold me too since she was too tired to fight and we stayed like this until Gerta got up and stretched which woke up Bea. Now that everyone was awake Penelope just took me out of bed with her.

Penelope-Alright, let's get ready for our bath then get some breakfast.

(Y/N)-But i'm hungry now... Can I have something to snack on a little before the bath.

Courtney-Here, give me him.

I went to Courtney after she took off her shirt to put it in a hamper then her bra before I got enough milk for her to not make me full, but just not hungry anymore. By the time I let go I saw we were outside, but in a new hall with glass walls with curtains on top to come down and the floor looked so pretty. There was even those little robots to mop and dry the floor hooked up to tubes. When we made it across the hall there was towels on a stand ready for us, so we all got our clothes off then got a towel before we opened the door and I was so amazed because I never saw a bath this bed... It was like a pool sized hot tub with a normal bath and a shower outside!


The water was steaming and there a dome that was a little hard to see unless you look at the leaves on top of the class. We hug up our towels and went to the bigger bath together and the water felt great then Bea got my hair wet. Penelope got the soap, shampoo, and conditioner to get us all started, but Bea was getting my hair.

Penelope-They did a nice job on this place.

Gerta-Better than us trying to fit in a tiny bath.

Coutney-After this, we need to go shopping. Some of the food went bad while we were gone.

Bea-I guess the food would take too long to get here. I know a good grocery store, but... I really don't want him to sit in those carts. Sometimes even when they clean them, I smell all kinds of people and weird chemical smelling stuff.

I rarely ever got to a grocery store before and it was when Grandpa wanted to get some things last second. I mostly just go to candy stores or food places and when Gerta took me from Bea to bring me to the shower part and scrubbed my body all over then got herself before she rinsed us off. I was all clean, so I jumped in the water to swim a little, but soon the girls were all done and took me out with them to dry off.

(Y/N)-Hey, can I stay and swim a little longer?

Bea-No sweetie, we're all going to the store now and we are not leaving you home alone.

Courtney-Actually, I wanted to go with him alone. We do need some things cleaned here and unpacked still. Makes since that one of us should go and i'll take (Y/N) with me to get him a few treats.

Penelope-Why do you get to go and take him?

Courtney-You really want someone else to sort your clothes and make up?


(Timeskip 45 Minutes)

(Courtney's POV)

I fed (Y/N) a little more before we made it into town and headed for the grocery store and I saw what they meant about the smell on the carts, but lucky for me, I brought a blanket to put on the seat part of the cart and he just had to curl up a bit to lay down sideways in it. With that problem solved I just started with getting the things we needed like milk, eggs, tuna, salmon, some trash bags, butter, some more seasonings and condiments, and a few other things before I looked at my little kitten in the cart.


Courtney-What do you wanna get now? We got the important stuff, but maybe you would like things like ice cream.~

He perked up and we got all kinds of treats and other things for actual meals, snacks, and drinks. I even got him special soap and shampoo think I know we would both like then we got to a pet isle to stop at the toys. I took a look at some of them, but the stuff we had was better, so we skipped it. We made it to the check stands to wait in line and I noticed people staring at my kitten, so I just took him out and held him while I loaded stuff on the belt then got the card out to pay for it. Someone bagged it for us and I managed to get the bags stacked to where (Y/N) can still lay down on the seat for the walk home, but when I made it outside...


I turned at that familiar and dreadful voice and when I did it was my old perverted owner, so I tried to ignore him, but he got in front of us, so I pulled (Y/N) closer to me to keep that creep away from him.


Courtney-Go. Away.

Matt-Listen. You were away from home from over a month and I got worried. You usually take a week or two to cool off after something like that at most.

Courtney-I said i'm done with you! I have a new place to stay!

I felt (Y/N) cling to me and it made me feel a little better and Matt saw this and gave (Y/N) a curious look.

Matt-Kid, this is my neko and she just ran away from home.

(Y/N)-N-No... I saw her run away from you crying. Sh-She wants to be my pet now.

Matt-That's not how it works kid. Where is your mom or dad or whoever.

Courtney-Matt, I swear I will get the police involved if you don't leave us alone "now"!

I pushed ahead and Matt got out of my way as we walked and I took the cart with us to get home since there was not much we could do, but then the cart suddenly stopped. I couldn't push it anymore and saw there was an anti theft lock that I guess got too far away from the store. Just then I turned to see Matt holding a pair of car keys.

Matt-I can take you to where this kid lives.

Courtney-... You try anything, I know someone you do "not" want to mess with.

(Matt's POV)

I just need to get her to calm down and she'll come back home with me and it does get lonely there and porn only does so much now. We got the stuff loaded in my car and I followed her directions and after she said just go straight ahead out of town until I see a house she got quiet.

*Stomach growl*

I saw her look at the kid and she started to coo him before she covered herself with a blanket to hide the kid and did what I was sure was taking her tits out before I heard sucking noises.


Courtney-There you go sweetie. Just get nice and full this time.~

She saw me looking at her and her look went from happy to giving me a blank stare while holding the kid tighter.

Courtney-Can I help you?

Matt-Um... You know, it's nothing I haven't saw or done before, right?


Matt-... I see you still like it... Maybe later for old times-.

Courtney-No. If you take a drop of his milk now, I still know things about you that can feel like heaven or hurt like hell.

She turned away and I tried to slowly put a hand on her lap, but she just smacked my wrist away before we made it to a house and she wasted no time in getting ready to get out then got her bags out to put them in the front yard. This place looked amazing and I looked to see her give a bag to the kid.

Courtney-Go inside and go get Gerta out to look out the window then stay with Bea and Penelope, ok?


The kid ran inside the house and I walked up to Courtney, but when she turned around...


Matt-Owww! What was that for?!

Courtney-I told you to stay away and you try to seduce me into going back to be your fucking toy to walk around your apartment and show off to your friends!

Matt-I just wanted you to come home! I thought you said you didn't mind showing off skin!

Courtney-Not give away my body!... You better get out of here and stay away for good. Me, my kitten, my new home, my whole life is off limits! If I catch you back here then there will be hell to pay!

Matt-... Oh yeah? What are you gonna do? You or whoever is in there lays a finger on me I can call the cops.

She just gave me a stern look before I decided to let her have this round, but this was not over yet because I just need to talk to the owners of this place and show them some new flyers I can print out and papers to show I own Courtney then she will come back home.

(Courtney's POV)

I watched Matt drive away and I swear I will sick Gerta on him if I can't get my hands on something sharp. I took what I could and we might need a few trips, but just then Gerta came outside and right up to me.


Gerta-Little Kitten just said that was your old bad owner. Why did you bring him here?

Courtney-It's not like I wanted him here. I just needed a ride home with the food, but next time when he comes here... Go ahead and eat him or whatever you want.

Gerta-Just get inside and you're going to make up for what you did to put our kitten in possible danger.

She looked angry and serious and unlike others before, I know not to get on her bad side, so i'll just get it done quick and over with.

(Penelope's POV)

I had (Y/N) stay in my room with me and played with him with the cat toys we had and he wanted to play catch, but I basically turned it into a little game of fetch. I would just toss the ball into places like the bathroom, in the closet, or in the hall a little while Bea was helping the others put the food away and start cooking.

(Y/N)-Are you even trying to throw it to me?

Penelope-I guess i'm just not as good as you when it comes to aiming a ball.

(Y/N)-No, you're doing this on purpose. I'm not stupid!

Penelope-... Ok, you're right. I'm sorry I was teasing you.

(Y/N)-Thank you.

Penelope-I was just so worried and scared for you.

(Y/N)-What? Why?

Penelope-You said a mean man with bothering Courtney even after he mad her cry... I'm just scared he hurt you and you weren't telling us.

I just put on a fake tear and made it look like I was going to cry right in front of him and he came running to me and crawled on my lap to hug me.

(Y/N)-H-He really didn't hurt me. I can prove it. If you check me for boo boos and find none-.

Penelope-*Sniffle* *whimper*.

(Y/N)-Pl-Please don't cry. I'll do anything.

Penelope-... Well... There is one thing.

(Timeskip 10 Seconds)


Penelope-Good kitty. Open up and catch.~

I tossed a cat toy into his mouth and he actually caught it in his teeth and it gave off a little squeak that was just adorable before I got out the laser pointer and since he was pretending, he tried to get the red dot.

Penelope-Awwww, you just make the cutest kitty ever!~

Next I had him crawl onto the bed and do his best to curl up on my lap and I flipped him a little, so I could rub his belly. I smiled big for him and it wasn't even fake and he looked relieved I wasn't "sad" anymore.

Penelope's mind-Oh sweetheart, you're just too sweet for your own good.~

(No POV)

While Penelope was enjoying her alone time with (Y/N) Bea was the only one cooking while Gerta was dealing with Courtney in the bath house where nobody would hear them. Gerta was furious with Courtney, but she was still a member of her house, so she treated this like punishing a young cub back home...


Courtney yelled out while she was bent over on Gerta's slap and she was not holding back at all because after the 2nd hit her ass were already bright red on both cheeks. They were the 6th hit and Gerta thought she deserved 65. 30 for not properly looking after their kitten, 25 for knowingly leading a stranger home, and 10 for letting another scent on their kitten. At 10 Courtney was crying and begging to stop, but Gerta just said...

Gerta-You made me lose count... We'll just start over now and add another 10.






























(Timeskip To Breakfast)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Bea did a great job on the breakfast she was feeding me while holding me on her lap and everyone liked it too, but for some reason Courtney was standing up while eating and it looks like she got another bath just now.

(Y/N)-Courtney, you know you can sit at the table, right?

Courtney-Sorry sweetie, but I just can't sit right now.

(Y/N)-Why not?

Bea-Now sweetie, just focus on eating and after, we'll do whatever you like.

(Y/N)-Well ok.

I know that man did not hurt her, but maybe she was just nervous, so maybe after breakfast we can watch a movie or show and cuddle on the couch together. She can be on the bottom, so she can be the most comfy, but it still made me think...

(Y/N)'s mind-Is that mean man gonna come back?


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