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(Bonnie's POV)

I told the girls about the little boy I found in the security office that the night guard must've snuck in and told him he was scared of me. He also didn't look flustered when I flashed him my tits and rubbed them on the glass, but at first they thought I was joking. Fredda was stubborn on the fact that usually there is only one guard and any perverted man would want this to himself at first, but as for Chica she was just chowing down on a pizza she made while giving me a look.

Chica-Say there is a little boy back there, you couldn't convince him to come out?

Bonnie-I guess he is just more innocent or scared than perverted after what he saw on the cameras.

Chica-Right, so if I go back there right now and find this "little boy" he wouldn't even fall for a few sweet words... Guess that'll mean I have more charm than you.

Bonnie-Oh, then if it's so simple, you go take care of it.

Chica-I will... right after this slice.

She enjoyed that slice of pizza while I just sat on the stage and watched that camera turn on a few times before it finally turned 1AM and Chica headed for the security office. As for Fredda she decided to just relax on one of the couch in our lap dance area while I just kicked back on the stage and opened my legs a little when the camera was flashing again.

Bonnie's mind-You can try to hide it kid, but you gotta have a perverted bone in that tiny body somewhere.

(Chica's POV)

Even if there is a kid in this place thanks to that fat perverted tub of lard it shouldn't be hard as long as you have charms and maybe a bit of candy, so I grabbed some chocolate from the breakroom where our human strippers relax and get breaks unlike us. When I made it near the door I heard a little screaming before the door closed and when I looked through the window, I saw who must be (Y/N) curled up in a corner where a body pillow of me was.


He did look cute, but I know that all humans only care about one thing when you put it in front of them.

Chica's mind-I'll give you 5 to 10 minutes with before I have that door open.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

The chicken lady was here like Bonnie said that her friends will come for me next and she took her baby bib off and put a bar of Hershey's chocolate in the middle of her big chest while looking at me.

???-Hey there little man, i'm Chica the chicken... Wanna bit of chocolate... and a sip of milk?~

I didn't see her with any milk, but it didn't matter because I was too scared to open the door for her. She soon stopped to just look at me.

Chica-Hey, why won't you open the door? Don't you wanna be friends?~


Chica-Why not.~

(Y/N)-B-Because you hurt my brother. You're a big meanie!

Chica-Well you brother was gonna do something to me first.~

I did not care and just stuck my tongue out at her before she left and I checked my power to see it was at 80% and it was 1:10Am then I opened the door to save power. I checked the cameras to see her just standing in the hallway and she was putting her bib back on before she waved to me.

(Chica's POV)

That kid was actually kinda cute when he was getting all mad and pouty at me for helping kill his big brother. I'll stay close to the room to keep him on edge, but then I saw Fredda walking by until she stopped next to me.


Fredda-So is there really a kid here?

Chica-Yeah. Little guy got pouty over his big brother, but I doubt he understands he's dead.

Fredda-Well i'm not putting up with more drama than we have too. Just head back to the stage before he checks the cameras again. I have some help with Bonnie and we're just gonna drain most of his power out.

Chica-I don't wanna be in the dark all night with nothing to do! I won't be able to make another pizza.

Fredda-Cry me a river. Go.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was holding this big billow of Chica and I just couldn't stop shaking as I checked the cameras to see Chica was in the party room, but I didn't see anyone else. I checked the other cameras and heard a bit of singing coming down the hall where I saw Bonnie, but it was not her voice. I peaked down the hall anyway to see a shadow walking over here and it had bunny ears, so I just closed the door before she could even make it.

???-Oh little cutie.~

I turned to look at the other door to only see nobody was in the dark hallway, but they had to be close, so I peaked down the hallway and I barely saw someone, but they just waved a me.

???-You wanna come here for a sec? I got a surprise for you.~

I just ran in when she was walking closer to the door and I closed it to keep her out before I heard a tapping noise on the other door.

Bonnie-Oh (Y/N), did you miss me?~

(Y/N)-G-Go away!

Bonnie-Is that anyway to talk to an adult, mister?

I had both doors closed now and my power was dropping fast and they stayed here until it turned to 3AM and my power was at 21%. I was half way there, but if I remember how a dollar works then half would mean 50% and I don't even had 25%... I'm doomed.

(Y/N)'s mind-They cheated!... I... I wanna go home, I just want my mommy!

I was so scared that I was crying now and I knew if I stayed in here then I was gonna get caught and those mean girls were gonna hurt me too. I tried to take deep breaths to calm down, but I couldn't completely stop no matter how hard I tried. I didn't know what to do and I can't call for help then I thought hiding is my only chance, so I checked to cameras to see Bonnie's hallway was empty and that's all I needed to know before I just made a run for it. I ran down the hall until I turned into a room full of what looked like body parts with metal and wires in them and it was scary, but before I left, I saw Bonnie walk past the door.


She didn't see me, but I took this as my chance to run away further and maybe get to the front door to get out of here. I made it to the stage room of this place and it was empty, so I went for the door, but it was locked...


I was crying a little harder since I was stuck until someone unlocks it from the outside, so I tried hiding under a table until I thought it was a bad idea. Everything just looked so bad until I saw a smaller stage her with a closed curtain, so I ran to it, climbed up and hid inside. It was dark in here, but this was the first time I was happy for it to be dark... Until I was grabbed and pulled from behind then felt something very soft on the back of my head, but I couldn't bring myself to turn around and my crying got harder again.

???-What's the matter young lad... Ye be lost?~

Her voice sounded kinda smooth, but a little scratchy then I felt a tail brush on my as well at what must be her chest.

???-Awwww, don't cry. Ye be here to see what good lookin' ladies look like up closer, right?~

While I was still crying I just shook my head no a little to her and she pulled away a little bit.

???-No? Then why are ye here?... Ah, did ye lose yer mama?~

(Y/N)-M-M-My *sniffle* br-brother brought m-me here. H-He was supposed t-to watch me t-t-tonight, but he had work. *Whimper* Th-Then he got hurt by B-Bonnie and her friends.

???-So yer brother be the night guard. I heard what happened outside me curtain.

(Y/N)-I... *whimper* I d-don't wanna be here. I never wanted to come this stupid place... I-I ju-ju-just want my mommy.

She wasn't hurting me, but then she let go to walk past me before she opened the curtain to let the light in, but now this was not a good hiding spot anymore. I could see her better now as she was smiling at me and she looked like a pirate.


???-Don't be so hasty laddie. Why don't ye have some fun with good ol' Foxy The Pirate? I'll be happy to share some of me booty with ye, if ye wish... (Y/N).~

(Foxy's POV)

I heard the story about this child from when Bonnie told me other matties and it got his attention when I mentioned his name. It was nice to not pretend to be broken to get away from pervert bags of meat, but I better not lose me touch. I cupped one of me ass cheeks to give this young laddie a private show to lure him in, but he only looked around me stage before he grabbed a fake gold necklace from a treasure chest then put it on.

Foxy-Hey, that be stealing!

(Y/N)-Wh-What? Y-You said I c-c-could have some.

He be on the verge of crying harder and it seems this one be a little dull and slow to what I was offering, so I need to be more... direct. I took of me bandages for me tits then lifted me skirt a little for him.

Foxy-I just thought this may tickle yer fancy a wee bit more.~

He only looked at me tits fer a moment before he went back to my eyes and this usually grabs multiple sex crazed adults in the room. I tried swaying them a bit and even massaged one, but he seemed to not react at all and I even saw some kids before try to sneak in fer a peek...

Foxy's mind-Alright, let's bring in the big guns.

I undid me belt a little to give me skirt a little more room around me waist, but it do nothing fer the lad. He be still whimper and tearing up until I saw his eyes get droopy.

Fredda-Where is he?!

We heard that down the hall and that seemed to scare the lad when I heard a gasp from him, but what be the real surprise was that he hugged one of me legs while burying his face in me thigh. I looked down to see he be shaking with his eyes closed before he looked up to me in the eye with puppy eyes then I felt a feeling I haven't felt in years since I be in this body.


(Y/N)-*Breathing faster* *hyperventilating*.

I guess the poor lad couldn't take this stress anymore and his grip got weak around me leg until he let go when to fall back. I reacted and caught him before he hit the ground then put him down gently. He then passed out while looking into me eyes showing no signs of anything lewd.

Foxy's mind-... This laddie.

(Fredda's POV)

The security room was empty, so this kid was hiding somewhere and we were working our way to the party room and I was the first to make it there only to see Foxy's curtain was open and she was just rewrapping her bandage bra back on while I saw the kid laying down on her stage, but he was still alive because when I got closer, I could hear soft snoring.


Fredda-You didn't do the job.

Foxy-The laddie didn't take the bait. Guess he be oblivious to me charms. I did everything except take off me skirt and panties fer teasing and luring, but nothing. Not even a boner in his pants.

Fredda-You think I believe that bullshit? I saw a teenage dad video chat with his son to show him a lap dance of me stripping and he couldn't look away.

Foxy-Ugh, join the club lassie. I remember him, but this boy be different.

Fredda-Oh really?


I took a look at the boy and I find it hard to believe after the shit I have seen time and time again. I could just pinch the kid's nose while covering his mouth and be done with him, but I don't see the fun in that. Instead I soon had another idea since I wanted to see this for myself.

(Timeskip To 5AM)

(Chica's POV)

Bonnie and I checked everywhere multiple times before we made it back to the party room to see Fredda was on stage and like she just got out of the shower. She even looked calm considering she was pissed that we lost the kid earlier, so we walked up to her to join her on the stage.


Bonnie-You find the kid?

Fredda-Foxy has him with her right now.

Chica-We isn't he with the other bodies right now then?

Fredda-Because he's still alive... We're gonna play a different game tomorrow night with him.

She went over the rules of this game and we basically had to really try and get him to cave in to anything perverted. She even said Foxy got a little attached to the kid, but will be joining us too and put him to the test. When the 6AM bell rang we all knew what we were gonna be doing tomorrow night and right now (Y/N) was gonna be tied up and gagged in Foxy's Cove for the day which gave me an idea on what I could do first since he's gonna be hungry.

Chica's mind-I hope you like pizza with extra chicken.~



Like you can try to put a link on his latest video and see what happens


Also if you can go see Little Kitten in my new post and tell me what you think I would appreciate it. I added something that gets a few fans going