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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 5

I was playing Paper Mario on my Nintendo Switch on the Nintendo64 app and it was really fun and hard to get off of it. My mommy was making lunch tonight and my big brother was off somewhere doing things with his friends or something. I'm in online home school because my mom thought it would be easier for me and I like it too, so we will see where it goes. Suddenly I had to go to the bathroom, so I paused my game to go to the bathroom and when I was done I went to the sink to wash my hands and looked at myself in the mirror.


I fixed my hair a little before i smelled the food in the air and it smelled like brownies, so I went to the kitchen to see my mom on her phone playing a game until she looked at me.


(Y/N)-Are you making brownies?

Mommy-Cookie Brownies and they still got a bit to cool off after they come out of the over... Have yo9u seen your brother? I sent him out to get a few things.

(Y/N)-I thought he was out with his friends.

Just then we heard the front door open and close and I went out to the living room were I saw my big brother holding a few bags and I think one had clothes in it with a hat on top.


He put up the clothes bag up before he went to the kitchen with the bag of stuff mommy wanted him to get, but while they were talking, I was curious on what was in that bag. I went to where he hung it up and looked inside to see a badge and nametag with what looked like a security costume for...

(Y/N)-Free-Da's an-I-me... con-... con- vent-.

Just then the bag was ripped away from me by my big brother and he hid it behind us back away from mom.

Mommy-(B/N), what is that?

(B/N)-Just a swim suit. I was gonna try for the swim team when school starts in 2 months.


(B/N)-Yeah, I even got a membership at the 24 hour fitness gym, gonna head there tonight for an all nighter with the guys.

Mommy-Well good for you, but I need you to watch your brother, so can you bring him with you and put him in the daycare of something there.

I think he was lying, but before I could say anything about it he took me to his room and closed his door. He looked serious while he tossed his bag of clothes to his bed next to his weird comic books I read behind his back sometimes, but there are never any super heroes in any new ones he gets.

(Y/N)-Did you get a job?

(B/N)-Zip it! You don't tell mom!


(B/N)-Because if she finds out what the job is, she'll make me quit and this job is a gold mine for me! My first shift is tonight!

I think he meant a lot of money, but still...

(Y/N)-B-But mom is going out to help at her work tonight with her boss. I can't be here alone.

(B/N)-Oh come on, order some food and stay up late with movies and video games. It's a kids dream!

(Y/N)-But if mom comes home and sees you're not here, we might get in trouble.

(B/N)-Which is way I text her to say I drop you off and I go on a late night run or something. You gotta cover me!

(Y/N)-... No. I'm staying home alone to get in trouble later! I'm telling mommy!

(B/N)-Wait!... What if I took you with me, my boss just can't know about you. It'll be just us there.

(Y/N)-I don't wanna sit somewhere and watch you work. That's boring.

(B/N)-Does my superhero movies on VUDU on my tablet and 10 king sized candy bars of your choice sound good enough to keep quiet?


(Timeskip To 11AM)

((B/N)'s POV)

I got my little brother to keep quiet and it only cost me $12.98 and we were on the way to my new work now and it's pricey to get inside, but now I get paid to be in a place I love to be in all alone, aside from my brother, but it's just a one time thing. I even made him take a nap earlier today since I didn't want to deal with carrying him out later. We made it to the anime Convention and the manager was already gone, so we went inside I got on my tablet to get things set up while I looked at the stage to see my own private hands on show.


I was getting a little hard just thinking of what I could do since I saw someone share pictures online where the girls have "all" parts that make them female, even if it's just for show. We went to my office when I clocked in on a scanner with my new badge.

(B/N)-Alright, sit in the chair, i'll get VUDU going, and if you're good we'll go stop by McDonalds for breakfast on the way back home.

(Y/N)-I wanna watch Iron Man.

(B/N)-Fine, but if mom asks you what happened tonight...

(Y/N)-We were at the gym and you go in the showers before we went home.

(B/N)-That's right.

I went ahead and put on the movie and decided to go use the bathroom first before I go see the girls. It shouldn't be that hard to turn them back on for at least an hour and they will still have time to charge or something.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was eating my last candy bar when Iron Man was starting and I think Iron Man is the coolest avenger, just not the most powerful. I think Doctor Strange or Captain Marvel or Thor are the strongest, but I just wasn't sure who would win. While the movie was just getting started it stopped to load, so I guess internet was bad here.

(Y/N)-What?! Come on!

I tried to get it to work by connecting to the free wifi here, but it was still pretty bad and soon the phone started ringing then a message played.

Phone-Um hello,... hello, hello... Hey there and welcome to Fredda's Anime Convention, the getaway from real life for grown adults to enjoy themselves, play, and have entertainment. I was working in that office before you and i'm just fining up my last week as a matter of fact.

I had no idea what to do since my brother should be hearing this, but i'll try to remember and tell him later as best as I can.

Phone-I'm gonna make this quick to help you settled in on your first night. Now trust me, I think we both know why you took this job and it was for the same reason I did, but it's not a very good idea to leave this room. The idea of the girls having their way with you sounds amazing, but they do tend to play "rough" with us night guards to blow off some steam.



((B/N)'s POV)

I just got done with my bathroom break and checked this place out and the V.I.P. room had windows that look into showers tailored to each girl or a group shower for all four. Thank god I have an employees discount and I still get an allowance from my mom, so I should be able to get a V.I.P. pass later next week if I save.

(B/N)'s mind-Now the moment I waited for... To the stage and I think i'll start with Bonnie first.~


((Y/N)'s POV)

Phone-The reason why is because these girls can get a bit "quirky" at night and do I blame them? No. If I was forced to dance for adult men and women with my top off then lap dances only for some customers to shoot their loads on me then the only shower I can take is where V.I.P. guests can watch me through a window into the shower, I would be pretty irritable too.

I had no idea what some of the things he said meant, but I do know that this was getting weird and kinda scary.

Phone-So these animatronics do tend to wonder a bit at night, but keep calm because you have your work tablet to access the cameras and there are 2 doors that have lights and can close, so they can't get in the office... As long as there is power which you are gonna wanna conserve until it reaches 6AM.

I picked up the work tablet my brother should have and there was 97% of power left and it was 12:19AM. I looked through some of the cameras to see this place while this man was still talking.

Phone-Just remember that these are cute characters that hold places in the hearts of many with "special needs and wants", so it's important to treat them with respect as much as possible. Anyway, don't let your power run out before 6AM, check those cameras, be cautions of that special lady over in Pirate Cove too, and have a goodnight.

((B/N)'s POV)

I made it to the main stage where I saw the girls just standing there as I climbed on the stage and I went for Chica first since I just need to reach her bib to lift it up. Just as I was about to grab her hand suddenly grabbed my arm and it felt so soft yet firm before she started moving seductively.



Needless to say I was confused, surprised, and aroused all at the same time then I turned to see Fredda and Bonnie were walking to me and had me surrounded. Chica pressed her huge tits against my chest, Bonnie slip my left arm in her huge rack, and I felt Fredda pressed against my back and in a hug.


Bonnie-Who do we have here?~

Chica-I think our new security guard is getting handsy.~

Fredda-...Well then-.

I felt Fredda reach into my pants and grabbed my hard dick now to stroke it a little which made i harder.

Fredda-Fair is fair, right?~

(Fredda's POV)

Looks like we got another horny and stupid night guard that came here the moment we opened our eyes from faking being powered down. He felt kinda gross, so I tripped him backwards to make him fall on the stage for me to get on top of him in a way he still liked.


Fredda-I bet you came working here for some fun, right?~

He had a stupid smile and blush on his face that said it all and I just covered his mouth and nose with my tits and he responded by groping my ass. Guards like this are the most easy, but also the most annoying and after 2 minutes he started to try and breath, but I wasn't going to let him.

Fredda-Where are you going baby? You love my tits so much, right?... It's a nice way to go.~

He thought I was still playing until he really started getting desperate for air and struggled to try and get me off him, but I took down men with a six pack and muscles all by myself a few times, so he was not getting away from me. His muffle screams made the 3 of us giggle before he stopped moving, so I got off of him after I saw his eyes were lifeless now. We had all night to cleanup up ourselves and relax until...

Chica-Hey, that camera's on.

We both looked at the camera in the party area by the stage was on with a blinking red light.

Bonnie-So? He must've left the tablet on it.

Chica-No, it wasn't a second ago.

Fredda-They only hire one damn guard at a time... Just go check it out if you're so curious. I got this problem to take care off.

I started dragging him while the girls played rock, paper, scissors to see who goes check while I stuff this guy in the parts a services room to rot in a secret chamber where they still didn't find the last guy. The trip there was annoying as I saw Bonnie lose and head to the office.

Fredda's mind-How typical. The horny perverted man wanted to work a night shift in a place like this is a tub of lard!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I saw my brother was attacked and the bunny lady was coming this way and I looked down the hall she was coming to and saw nothing, yet. I had to save my brother, but if I go out there, they'll get me too. I tried to call the police or my mommy, but the phone won't work for that, so I was panicking until I heard footsteps down the hall and...


I just pressed the door button to close it then checked the other hall to see nothing then when I looked back I saw the bunny lady looking through the window.


We looked at each other for a bit before she shook her head then smiled at me a little.

???-Hey there little boy, you wanna come play with me?~

I couldn't talk to her, so I just shook my head no then she pulled her shirt down to hold her chest like I just hurt her feeling.

???-Are you scared of me? I'm not ugly and scary, am I?!

I just looked at the tablet to see the chicken lady was gone and I checked a few cameras to see I couldn't find her, but I did here something on a camera that didn't work.

???-Don't ignore me. Now that's just rude.~

I looked back to her and backed away a bit again.

(Y/N)-... M-My mommy said to not talk to strangers.

???-Well that's very wise of your mommy. My name is Bonnie the Bunny. What's yours?


Bonnie-There, now we aren't strangers, are we?

(Y/N)-... I... I guess not.

Bonnie-So can you open this door for me, please?~

I still shook my head no because she might look pretty and nice, but she still let my brother get hurt. She pressed her chest on the glass and smiled at me a little bigger.

Bonnie-I guess we have a while. I'll leave for now, but i'll be back with some friends. It's not even 1AM yet and that means we have all night to "get to know each other".~

She pulled her shirt back up and waved at me goodbye before she left and I soon opened the door and checked the power to see it was 88% and the time was 12:40AM. I checked down both halls to see they were empty and I was crying a little because I was so scared and wished I never came here and just told my mommy to make (B/N) quit this job since she would hate him working here.

(Y/N)'s mind-What am I gonna do?!



Ok so she had 2 kids one clearly took after her and the other I don’t know if her husband was ugly or this guy just doesn’t know how to take care of himself